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Everything posted by Homer67

  1. They discontinued because the debt's unenforceable for some reason, that's also why they're offering you discount to 'pay up' on a debt they can't enforce. As DX said, ignore them.
  2. Stop worrying, there is very little the DCA can or will do, it's all empty threats. I expect the advice will be to send them a CCA request but wait for the experts to respond.
  3. Tell your supplier you'll be going elsewhere if they don't sort a more reliable delivery method?
  4. DO NOT engage with the DCA on this at all, they are powerless and can do nothing. Complete the info DX asked for and do nothing until advised!
  5. Hang on, hate to drop a spanner in the works but you said it's SORN? That means it will generate an automatic fine if it's seen on ANPR on a public road and you can't tax it without a valid MOT. Food for thought?
  6. Just send the SB letter, they're just hoping you'll cave in and give them some beer money.
  7. Don't forgot to never have any contact with DR+ as they are a no powers debt collector and you should ignore them and all the threatening tripe they send you. They are powerless.
  8. Neighbour reporting you is not enough evidence for them to prosecute you. The water co would have to catch you in breach of the rule.
  9. As this is a Council PCN it will escalate quickly unless you appeal or pay. Make sure you do one or the other.
  10. You seriously need to block their calls and it wasn't a solicitor that called you, it was one of their employees faking it. If they call back tell them to do one and block that number as well.
  11. No, block and bounce so they know their emails are not being received.
  12. Come back when you get the Notice To Keeper by post. In the meantime make sure you keep everything including proof of payment of the parking fee if you paid.
  13. In writing is best as email gives the fleecers another way of hassling you. Does your local library have a printer facility for few pence per copy?
  14. As DX said stop taking this so seriously, enjoy your holiday. Blue badge scheme does not operate on private land anyway so the 'disabled bay' argument is not applicable for Private Parking Companies.
  15. You'll know if it's a TV License sales rep at your door by their unkempt appearance and refusal to reveal who they are. They will instead keep repeating the name of who they believe to be the occupant and keep asking you to confirm that's you. Never reveal who you are and tell them to leave and close the door.
  16. Great, the next crisis this broken country is limping towards. How does one 'prepare for power outages'? Buy a diesel generator?
  17. Offering discount is a sure sign of an unenforceable debt.
  18. I'm pretty sure the principle of Estoppel would apply in this case so there is no recourse for either party if a financial mistake as been made once the deal was done and the purchaser left the premises. They certainly have no legal right to claim anything from you.
  19. It's entirely possible that someone removed your bag from the bin whilst 'bin diving' to find valuable waste. Keep up the denial, insist on the CCTV and look into if you have personal legal cover on any insurances or union, club memberships you may have.
  20. What DX has said fits your situation, write to them once, make the offer of one month's payment to give notice and leave it at that. Don't engage with their silly DCA letters or acknowledge them at all, they can't enforce anything nor can they add imaginary costs on to a non existent debt.
  21. @Manxman in exileas far as I am ware in the HC it states you can only drive a car without an MOT to an arranged MOT appointment, any other journey is an offence and knowingly driving illegally is a clause in your insurance that states it would be invalidated.
  22. Block Moorcroft's email address and phone numbers so they cannot email or call/text you. If you get a visit at home do not open the door and do not engage with them, if they catch you off guard just shut the door on them and say nothing.
  23. Surely supremacy of contract? OP was instructed by a manager to park there as a member of staff with permission to do so. @Ronnie29685 have you spoken to your manager(s) about this?
  24. @Ruby1410absolutely no contact with PPC or the Debt Collector at all unless you get a letter before claim. In the meantime get on to the Doctor Surgery Practice Manager and complain, do not take 'you have to deal with the PPC directly' as an answer, keep complaining, the GP Surgery Practice Manager has the ability to tell the PPC to do one. Ignore the silly DCA threats regarding bailiffs but do report them to Trading Standards as they not allowed to make threats they cannot carry out.
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