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  1. Sadly they are the best supplier in terms of quality and price. Very hard to find the product elsewhere but I do have a positive update!
  2. The photo is of their hand or no photo at all. I thought that the hand photo was curious! The problem is that we have to check every time that we order anything to find out if they use Evri and then have it delivered elsewhere. The situation with Preworn and my business is a tricky one as relations have deteriorated as they essentially are accusing me of lying.
  3. FInding us isn't the problem, they just don't bother to try. I would happily pick up from a drop off point but the sender doesn't have this option in their contract (apparently). It also doesn't get around the issue that we now have to check in advance whether a company uses Evri. So no mail order from John Lewis for example!
  4. This is a repeated problem for us (currently 6 parcels in one week have not been delivered) 1. We receive email to say parcel will be delivered between 1-2pm I(for eg) 2. We receive email, usually an hour or so before attempted delivery to day we were not in 3. We receive a third email usually within 12 hours to day that three delivery attempts have been made and item will now be returned to sender. 4. Items 1-3 are repeated a couple of times and finally the item is returned to sender, usually 2-3 weeks later 5. We get a refund but not the item we ordered Whilst this is irritating it is now threatening my business as my main supplier of blank clothing for printing only uses Evri and there is no reasonable alternative. I am currently chasing a larger order and the supplier would appear to be siding with Evri and is indirectly accusing me of lying about not being in or providing an inaccurate address. There is somebody on the property 24/7 and during this week there has been somebody working on the property by the gate so the delivery driver would have practically had to run him over had they actually tried to deliver. We also have a nominated safe place so there is no excuse for not using that. Our postcode refers only to our property and all sat navs can find us with ease the address is not the issue. However we are relatively rural (not hugely so, a mere mile or so off the nearest A road) and I guess that as the couriers are probably overworked etc they just don't bother to come to us as the diversion is too great. I raised a dispute with Resolver and did get a reply from a person but the most recent response has essentially shut the case. I am waiting to hear back from the sender but I don't think they really care. As I cannot use another supplier I am at risk of losing my business and am at my wits end. I have all the emails. Do we have to resort to taking time printed photographs every hour to prove that we are on site? Unlike most people here I'm not looking for financial compensation but proof that Evri are lying in order to try and recover my relationship with my supplier. Any advice?
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