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Everything posted by Homer67

  1. Was this demand by email? Could it be a scam? If you haven't paid the extra I'd be ignoring them.
  2. PE never cancel charges through appealing and all you'll do is remove your rights under POFA as the registered keeper, they don't know who was the driver so don't admit it. Don't appeal to PE ever.
  3. Minimum 10 minute grace period, ignore everything except a letter before claim and respond with a snotty letter.
  4. I would just ignore them if it's a standard letter, I only suggested return to sender as you said you knew who the person was so in that case I would normally make it clear to Connex they are not known at your address. No further explanation to Connex is required, as DX said they are a powerless DCA and tracing agency.
  5. So basically £200 in your pocket and the rest of the alleged outstanding payments wiped out and you relationship with Talk Talk put to bed? I'd take it.
  6. This could be interesting if the OP is correct and the muppets try court action
  7. @brassnecked In my 60ish years on this planet that is the first time I have ever heard a Shakespearian reference made relevant to modern life, I salute you sir! Now when I think back to all those wasted hours struggling with 'the bard who never says what he means' in order to gain an English Lit O level, it was still not worth it all
  8. I would create a time line and send a letter to the company outlining all the issues and the times you complained along with any promises and actions taken/not taken by them. Give them a limited time to respond and insist on an action date and state that if it doesn't happen you will have no choice but to take the appropriate legal action. If they don't respond or fail to do what they promise to then you know if you need an independent report, consult with FENSA for the contacts to do that. Did they give you a FENSA certificate for the windows they installed?
  9. I don't believe RLP have any right to demand money from you and they certainly can't issue you a fine. I'm sure someone will be along to advise who has superior knowledge but don't waste time worrying about this, you made a mistake, that's all. Hover your mouse over RLP and click the link that comes up, read some of the examples, RLP have no right to claim this money.
  10. Are the issues really worthy of negative feedback on Booking.com? If it's a new business a bad review at this stage could really affect them, did you try and resolve the issues with the business while you were there? I know it's disappointing when you aren't happy with the service received but sometimes taking time out and thinking about how bad it was really puts it in perspective. I'm sure you have thought about it but just thought I'd mention that.
  11. No such 'offence' as 'stealing customers' that's just called competition.
  12. No such scheme as Parent & Child bays anyway, all road markings on private land are graffiti and unenforceable under any law.
  13. So for the moment you do nothing other than read as many threads as you can about these and maybe take some photos of the current signage as you enter and exit the car park. Be prepared for lots of threatening letters none of which mean anything and keep your eye out for a letter before action.
  14. @delectthe PDF you posted is not available, post it again suitably redacted but as BB says DSL are just a no powers DCA and should be ignored.
  15. Never heard of that so if it exists it's a first for me. I think there is a law preventing removing basic services from a tenant without good reason such as non payment of bill, which is not what you have said here.
  16. stop taking this so seriously, it is not a fine and the PPC cannot do anything to you and cannot demand more money, you never appeal as that could remove your rights under POFA. Just wait to see if you get a Letter Before Action, up to that point you'll get loads of threatening letters that are powerless bluster. If you get an LBA you respond with a snotty letter, in the mean time do some reading on here and find out what the planning permission stated was the maximum parking time for that car park (local council will tell you).
  17. None of this sounds legal! How are you supplying another metered user from your metered electricity supply? How are they paying for their usage and to whom?
  18. @delectthat figure sounds like a bailiff fee, who is the DCA? Scan up a redacted copy of what they have sent you
  19. Debt Collector is powerless and cannot increase any amounts the Vet alleges is owed. Any Letter Before Action would have to come from the Vet not the DCA and a DCA is not a Bailiff. Ignore the DCA completely, do not engage with them.
  20. Because it's easy to accidentally reveal who was driving and remove your rights under POFA, because the PPC's run POPLA so it encourages them to think you're a mug who's falling for their scam and because why would you give any credibility to an industry based on scamming people. Do not appeal to POPLA.
  21. Fill the forum sticky information in as I think that's out of time to create keeper liability. In the meantime do nothing, do not contact the PPC, all you have is a speculative invoice, it's not a fine and can only end up in court if the PPC decides to chance their arm and that's fairly rare these days. What is the alleged breach of their silly made up rules that you have supposed to have committed?
  22. @Langbank yep, quite sure. Appealing to POPLA is not recommended.
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