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  1. I posted a parcel weighed at 6 kg and measured accurately on May 2 and it arrived 2 days later. Now 8 weeks later I have been charged just over £10 extra as parcel hero say that UPS " audited"" the parcel. It appears they are claiming I did not accurately measure or weigh the parcel, or that it was improperly packed. UPS and Parcel hero have given no evidence to back up the claim. It seems totally against natural justice . They even asked me for a photo of the parcel, which of course I do not have. I have in return asked them for photographic evidence. The sum is relatively trivial but the principle is not that they can suddenly take money from me without proper justification.. Any thoughts on how I should proceed?
  2. I simply went through the Packlink claims procedure, which was a bit time consuming ...eg evidence of value, evidence of tracking and evidence of my identity which I guess was more or less fair enough. However they only offered me the £60 because I had not taken their enhanced insurance. I then rejected this as it said "all future legal obligations against us are satisfied." I then replied amongst other things the fact that at one stage they said the driver had signed it off and that " I do not believe that I should be out of pocket due to the negligence or criminality of UPS employees. This seem to do the trick and they then replied that they would make a "goodwill" gesture by giving me the money I had claimed.. ie they did not admit responsibility themselves or for UPS. The actual email address was support@ebay-packlink.zendesk.com. but I guess if one goes through their procedure carefully you will get a name to respond to too. Hope this helps others
  3. Just to let everyone know that persistence paid off and Packlink gave me £1000 as promised
  4. I have just donated £50 I have only communicated by email. The particular individual had an Irish sounding name and the email address was support@ebay-packlink.zendesk.com. Incidentally their email did also include lots of stuff about how cheaply I could have taken out enhanced compensation. I will let you know once the money has safely arrived in my account Thanks again Chris
  5. Very good news. I emailed Packlink rejecting their £60 compensation and saying that I would be taking action if they did not compensate me in full and they have just replied.... Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologise on behalf of Packlink for the circumstances which caused you to submit this claim. We appreciate the financial loss in which you now find yourself and will gladly reimburse you in full for the value of the missing item. As with everything, there exists the possibility of an item becoming damaged or lost due to the much larger than normal volume of logistical traffic and movement of parcels worldwide at this time. We at Packlink, appreciate the situation and place a strong value on customer satisfaction and protection as one of our core values. That is why we will reimburse you 100% as a gesture of goodwill and appreciation of your business. So it appears Packlink do worry about their reputation even if they could have avoided any action by me due to their Spanish location. It is well worth knowing for others who may find themselves in a similar position. Thanks for your patience and advice. It will be interesting to see if anything happens with the SAR I sent to UPS and Packlink. In thanks I shall be making a suitable donation to your organisation. Chris
  6. I am intending to claim from UPS first because they lost the thing and second because as you said Packlink are based in Spain and I have been unable to find a physical address in the UK. Thank you for such a comprehensive answer. I have researched at least some of the Hermes examples of similar problems the smashed guitar the lost laptop etc so I think I have a fair idea of how to proceed but it is good to have you in the background with your experience... for instance in your suggestion of too much detail in my claim, I had twigged that UPS will try to say it is Packlink's problem but as I understand it they still have an obligation to take due care . I found this on one of your previous posts which I guess gets to the nub of the problem. The negligence argument will be on the basis that they took custody of your parcel. They undertook to carry out a certain service. They knew full well the value of the item. They understood full well that you and the intended recipient of the item were the beneficiaries of the arrangement and as such it would be recently foreseeable that both of you would be affected if they failed to carry out their duty of care to a proper standard. Hermes are a large company with systems in place in which hold out an expertise in parcel delivery and you are entitled to rely on their expertise. In breach of their duty of care towards you they lost the parcel and as a result he suffered the kind of direct damage which would be recently foreseeable: – the loss of the parcel and the loss of its value. My claim letter now just reads as follows Letter of Claim Parcel Number ........ I wish to make a claim against you for the loss of the above parcel sometime after 26/ 11/20. I wish to claim for the full amount of £1020 from you. If I do not hear from you within 14 days I intend to take court proceedings to retrieve my money. Yours Sincerely Thanks again Chris
  7. It seems there is no way I can make a claim on line against UPS as in their eyes I am not the customer (ie that Packlink is) and they say that due to data restrictions they cannot deal with me directly . I assume that is probably rubbish but I think it might be easier just to issue a letter of claim straight away to their head office address. Could you cast your eye over the following below and see if I have got the right idea before I send it? Should |I for instance mention mediation? Additionally I have told Packlink by email that I reject their off of £60 and will be taking matters further. I asked for a physical UK address. I guess that is not going to happen and I suspect that the £60 will just appear in my account in a couple of days. I guess it is UPS that I shall have to concentrate on from now on. Cheers Chris Letter of Claim Parcel Number ..... I wish to make a claim against you for the loss of the above parcel sometime after 26/ 11/20. I sent this using Packlink as the agent on the 26/11/20 and the tracking showed that it was delivered and its release signed for by the driver on the 27/11/20. However the recipient never had the delivery and subsequent investigations by you showed that the parcel was lost although Packlink have continued to inform me that the parcel was signed for by the driver. I did not take out any enhanced insurance with Packlink and they are offering me only £60 compensation for the goods which were worth £1020. It is not my responsibility to pay for the negligence and or criminality of your employees therefore I wish to claim for the full amount of £1020 from you. If I do not hear from you within 14 days I intend to take court proceedings to retrieve my money. Yours Sincerely
  8. Thank you for your prompt reply. The SAR I sent to UPS and Packlink on the 15th Jan. Another question. Do you think I should be aiming at UPS themselves who were the courier or Packlink who are the company that I booked the parcel with? It is Packlink who are offering me the compensation so I assume they should be my target for getting re-imbursement of the £1000. Could you confirm that what I have written in an email to Packlink is appropriate? I wish to reject your offer of £60 compensation and unless you are prepared to re-imburse me for the full £1020 for the package I intend to take the matter further. I therefore reject your statement that “all future legal obligations are satisfied”. The UPS tracking showed that the parcel was delivered and I was told more than once that the driver signed it off for Covid reasons.( Please see your communication of Jan 4th). You or rather UPS then changed their story and said the parcel was lost. I do not believe that I should be out of pocket due to the negligence or criminality of UPS employees. If I do not have a satisfactory outcome I intend to issue legal proceedings on this matter and I am confident that I will win. Chris
  9. Some advice please. I have had an email from Packlink saying that they are giving me £60 compensation. However the email says With this settlement letter, all future legal obligations against us are satisfied. The customer shall be deemed to notify to PACKLINK SHIPPING, S.L. if proceeds, the fact that lost shipment has been located and to refund the compensation paid by PACKLINK SHIPPING, S.L. In the event of such a breach, PACKLINK reserves the right to take legal proceedings against you, in order to recover the above concepts. Thanks for the cooperation. Any thoughts on how I should respond . I have yet to hear anything from my SAR from them or UPS Cheers Chris
  10. If I tap on the words Subject Access Request it just takes me back to the post number 1 . I have also tried on my phone in case my browser was doing something odd with the same result. Also when I try to go to the library it says I need to register ....which I have done. As I say I may be being stupid but I do not see where to go....sorry to waste your time . Ignore me I have found the answer.... 2 questions 1 Should I send the SAR by email or is it better by post? 2 Should I send it to Packlink as well as UPS? Chris
  11. I have read it through more than once but only see a letter template for sending to ISO ....sorry!
  12. Thank you for the advice so far, but I am sorry to say I am being a bit slow. I cannot find the link to the SAR template which you refer to. When I go to the Librarian post there is no download for the SAR . Clicking just takes me back to the top of the post. I take your point at looking at the posts of others. It was the case of Hermes losing a parcel that made me think it moght be worth seeking your advice. Thanks Chris
  13. Thank you for the initial advice . I have managed to convert part of the email from Packlink to pdf and will attach it. . The reason the driver might have signed for it is to keep social distance apparently. It appears I cannot talk direct to UPS as they consider me to be a 3rd party and I cannot see how to email UPS. There is a physical postal address but do you happen t know of an email one to send the SAR to? I am not certain it is worth pursuing as I should clearly have taken out the enhanced insurance, Chris I have also attached the official notification sent by UPS to Packlink Letters.pdf Sorry to do this bit by bit but is this the correct form for the SAR? Chris Subject Access Request Re ..... I sent a piece of yacht equipment sold for £1020 via Ups using Packlink as agent. The tracking showed that it was delivered the following day. Packlink informed me that the driver signed for it in line with Covid guidelines. However you have since informed Packlink that the parcel was lost. Please could you send me all information you have regarding this parcel and the investigation into its whereabouts
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