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Everything posted by Homer67

  1. Scan it and send it to NHS England, they will deal with it.
  2. Never contact a powerless DCA, why would would you waste your time and energy? Instead, educate the others in your household to film the doorstepper and to ignore their questions and keep repeating 'leave or I'll call the Police' - if they open the door, far better to just leave them standing there. Post up the details of the debt.
  3. You can't do anything to stop them knocking but understand they have no power as a DCA.
  4. Check the property for water leaks your side of the meter.
  5. Highly unlikely unless you were pulled over or received a parking ticket from an official body such as Police, Local Authority, does not include silly Private Parking Company invoices.
  6. Dead people can't pay fines, send a copy of the death certificate (photocopy should do, not an official one that costs money), tell them your Dad will happily see them in court if they bring a Medium.
  7. My NHS Trust does this as well. I have advised many colleagues over the years how to deal with them.
  8. I'd be contacting the local press if you get nowhere with that letter. They'll be very interested in this story.
  9. OK, what do you expect to happen if you can prove a breach of data protection by the Letting Agent? Personally I would be attending the Letting Agent's Offices in person, being polite but firm in saying that you are unhappy your personal information has been discussed with your neighbour and ask them to deal with the issues you have regarding your let. Don't waste time and effort chasing something you can't benefit from or realistically enforce.
  10. It can only count if it's finished and seperated from the rest of the house by a door...
  11. I see DCBL are still referring to their now infamous TV program where they demonstrated that Clare Sandbrook and her 'agents' have a very limited knowledge of the law and debt collection enforcement. Don't worry, these muppets are not acting as Bailiffs here, just powerless DECT Collectors so you can laugh at their silly attempts at intimidation and their demand for unicorn food as somehow the original charge notice amount has increased! Send a snotty letter to let them know you are not intimidated or impressed by their threat but provide the info asked for first as there may be an obvious easy win should the PPC decide to try it on in court (only the PPC can do that, not DCBL in any guise).
  12. Car glass can be fitted while you wait, if the repairer hasn't done your car yet, go and get it and take it to a company who will do it straight away. If the only advantage of using their 'approved agent' is a courtesy car then you haven't lost anything.
  13. I have no idea why anyone continues to use Evri? If a seller advises that's their chosen delivery method I don't buy and I'd never choose Evri to deliver anything!
  14. Never identify yourself to anyone on your doorstep, just say no and shut the door.
  15. Ignore the collections agency - which bunch of cowboys is it? Debt Collectors have no power at all and cannot add on costs, ignore them, block their calls and emails and if they doorstep you record them and tell them to leave or you'll call the Police.
  16. I'd contact the Police about the Yodel driver coming to your house.
  17. I don't think the two year thing is accurate but it depends on the probation period for the role but 2 years is a very long probationary period. This smacks of using any excuse to get rid of staff so they don't have to redeploy them or pay them compensation (redundancy). You need an employment lawyer and you may have access to one for free with your home insurance or a Union membership you have either?
  18. I would go somewhere else for a new eye test, not on the High Street, private patient at Moorfields in your area would be best. If you paid by Credit Card go back to the Opticians, complain and say you want a refund (do that anyway) if they refuse you can open a dispute with your CC provider for a chargeback.
  19. Never ever open the door to them! Make sure your car is not parked on your drive or near your house. If possible park it on someone else's private land. Do what DX said!
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