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joeshua pouxley

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  1. Thank you!!! Completely ignoring them from now. Will keep updating if anything happens.
  2. In the PDF letter attached to this latest email, they also said the following: Stressful. I've redacted exact numbers (and this account name isn't my real name). They are blocked now, although I'm not sure if a gmail block is a proper block. Any suggestions, anything else I should do?
  3. Well they added another round of late fee. When should I block them?
  4. Oh interesting, didn't know about that. However, When I block them in Gmail, it says: Will their emails still appear to 'bounce' from their point of view? Or does gmail just not do proper blocking?
  5. Thank you for the support. Love this forum! I did email them saying I won't even consider further communication until they waive the unlawful fees - hope that's not a mistake But I will ignore them from now on, and I will keep you updated if anything happens. If I don't post anything, that means nothing has happened.
  6. Thanks, that's good to hear. I have looked at some topics here, but I think my situation is a bit different due to the DD bouncing and my subsequent cancellation of it before they could try again. Don't I still have an obligation to pay for that last membership payment? That seems enforcable (unlike the late fees). Due to the 2 week cancellation period. (I havent been to the gym since the first week of the first month)
  7. I recently got a gym membership, paid for the first month, did't like the gym. Anyway, ended up paying for the second month because I forgot to cancel it in time (they have a 2 week notice period, fine). Instantly saw the charge and went to cancel my membership. Later that day. I see the direct debit was refunded, I thought this was due to cancellation, felt happy... but later I found out it was refunded because the DD bounced, due to multiple unrelated charges arriving that day, and not enough funds in that account. I soon get an email demanding the original payment + an "admin charge" late fee. At this point I cancel the direct debit, as I clearly can't trust these mad people. So they attempt to take that money, and of course they are unable to as I'd canceled the DD, so they add another late "admin" charge. What are my options to stop this madness, was cancelling the DD a fatal mistake? As now, I can't just have them take the money first, then have my bank fight for me. What are my options? And I'm being contacted by email. They know my email. How should I communicate. I guess I need to pay that final membership payment. But no way am I paying those late fees.
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