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  1. Complaint regarding Barclays after i lost my job and had to make reduced payments. Barclays defaulted one of my credit card accounts after 7 months of arrears. They defaulted the other after 10 months. I complained that the second default date was completely inaccurate and asked for it to be changed to one similar to my other account. The adjudicator upheld my complaint but Barclays would not accept his decision and complained. The adjudicator then changed his mind saying he had not taken into account Barclays internal procedures which resulted in the delay. I showed that the delay in the default date is in breach of the ICO guidelines on defaults which state a maximum of 6 months. I also showed that the ICO guidelines specifically state that internal procedures should not be the determining factor when a default is registered. Ombudsman: "The ICO guidance does state that defaults should be registered within 3-6 months, but our service would not insist that this is followed in all cases." Regarding the delay between the first and second account default date. Ombudsman: "I'm persuaded the bank thought the applicants financial situation could improve." "It was required to treat customers positively and sympathetically" I find it disappointing that it was fair and reasonable for Barclays to delay a default to one of my credit cards but also find it fair and reasonable that they decided it was not necessary to do so on another. Ombudsman: Referring to the bank. "It says it has no record of the account the applicant refers to. It appears the applicant cant provide information about that account either." I provided my credit file which has the account details and adverse information which is reported and updated monthly by Barclays. Is the ombudsman awake? Ombudsman: "The bank says it generally issues formal demands to customers after an account has been in arrears for 7 months, and that it then given the customer a further 28 days notice before registering a default. It appears the bank did this in this case." This was almost word for word what the adjudicator said. Truly amazing since i had already explained to the adjudicator the maths; "I still do not understand how the default date 29th July is 28 days after the formal demand 1st June? I make this 59 days." What else can i say. A terrible and very poor service.
  2. In a Poll out today it is no surprise to me that Scottish Power came out with the biggest number of complaints over their customer service. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2908750/Wooden-Spoonawards-Scottish-Power-UK-s-worst-customer-service.html Another surprise was how much more criticism was levelled against them than Halifax who are also the pits. I suppose that is Scottish Power becoming even worse than Halifax making improvements?
  3. Hello Just some advice please. A friend has a debt with Lloyds who have passed the collection to Bryan Carter solicitors. she has received papers from her local county court to take part in a mediation (?) telephone call in connection with the debt. Is this a new procedure through the county court? What happens if she chooses not to take part? Is this just a form of intimidation. The debt is approx 4K - she has asked for copy agreement etc from Bryan Carter and Lloyds - but no response. Your views would be most appreciated. Thanks
  4. Hello My neighbour's son tried to retrieve is dole money, he was told, because he is doing community service at the moment, his money will be stopped until he finishes his time doing CS. Is this right? Thanks
  5. Parcel Hero is generally a very decent company. However, when they get it wrong they get it wrong big time. I'm still waiting for a parcel containing various items which I ordered from a company in London. Because of the Christmas rush I paid extra for the courier service. In fact instead of paying about £16, I paid over £40. It should have been delivered next day. Starting off in the UK, my goods were sent to Germany - then to France then back to Germany then back to France. Now they are in France - with no tracking information as to when they might eventually get to me. I have been hanging around for three days - and looks like a 4th is coming up. My queries were being handled by a very nice sounding guy called Richard Mileham - Then I got this reply from a guy called Tej Thanjal ________________________________________ Then when it still didn't arrive and I said that I would want my money back, Tej wrote back:- What a small minded quibbling little reply. Does this seriously represent the customer-facing attitude of Parcel Hero? I replied:- and I'm now waiting for a response
  6. I had a financial based company take money out my account without my consent or permission and they only offered me 50% refund for this membership fee. I complained and continued for weeks complaining without any email responses and got advice and support from the Ombudsman and after some communication I had with rogue company the FO contacted them and although the company was unwilling to resolve my issue with me they got the full refund plus some compensation as it took 7 weeks and some stress to get a full refund. At the same time my bank had on 3 occasions given me incorrect information about my debit card and was complaining to them and given a tenner but then got FO back involved who wrote a letter to bank and they decided to give me further compensation for the confusing information they had provided me. I was delighted with them as they listened to me for ages and helped me to try to tackle the complaints I had and my aim was never for extra money I started out complaining out of principle and just wanted to give up at times as it was too stressful and time consuming, but the FO seemed to do what I just wasn't able to do myself and much beyond what I had initially seeked and wished for.
  7. Because I know that BES utilities is very keep to show how customer-facing and transparent they are, it would be very helpful if they would explain what is meant by a "deemed" contract and what the source if this phenomenon is. Thank you.
  8. Hi all, new on here, and wondered if any body else has this experience. Broadband (not fibre) has worked fine all summer, since being sent a new router and buying a new computer,about March. In August/September I began getting sales calls, "go to Fibre", being the message. At about the same time, the BB performance began to decline again, being particularly affected by the passage of electric trains on the West Coast Main Line, about 50 mtrs or so away. I complained to TT, who couldn't find a fault with online testing, so a service call was arranged,for 17.10. I knew from Ts & Cs that a £50 fee could be charged for a wasted visit. Engineer could not find a fault, I explained about these trains, no comment, except to say real answer is yes you guessed it, go Fibre. I have now done that, and have now been hit with the £50 wasted visit charge, even though nothing was done, and the Engineers written report stated that the Customer has done nothing wrong with the apparatus/equipment/installation. During the time preceding the service visit, the BB service remained poor, and I continued receiving sales calls , Once the go live of fibre, the service is back to its level of summer, but you'd expect that. I can't help feeling that TT deliberately affected the performance in order to force me to go Fibre. Anyone else had the same experience? cheers chad
  9. Okay, for about 6 months or so there is constantly maintenance work happening with the service and the 3G service is usually about 0.2mbps which is terrible. I was on the webchat again today for what is about the millionth time since joining in January (exaggeration maybe but you get the point ) Today, the advisor actually admitted there is a network problem with half of my postcode ; actually confused how half the postcode can get coverage yet the other half have issues. Nevertheless the advisor then offered a penalty free cancellation if I returned the device to them. The problem here being I changed my handset on my own accord and the one I actually have is not the one I got through the deal. I was therefore offered £5 off my deal because of the lack of internet services being available. I've been promised many phonecalls from a manager to discuss this however none of these calls have materialised! Do you think this is an acceptable offer? I'm not an unreasonable person ; I just want a service that works and is reflective of the level of service they advertise on their website
  10. I have placed 4 calls over the last week to Ebay customer service about a seliing issue that I have on my account. I have insisted on filing a report with the customer service about the issue in which Ebay authorized the buyer of an item that I had sold with "no returns" to return the item just because they insisted on doing so. There was actually nothing wrong with the item or the ad and Ebay made me eat the shipping on the return. The buyer already had 3 feedbacks just prior to this issue listed in their feedback section from other sellers that had listed that this was a continuing issue with this buyer. Ebay just ignored them Each time that i have called, I insisted on submitting a complaint about this issue and each time I was placed on "indefinite" hold by the customer service rep. I called 2x yesterday and the same exact thing happened, where I was placed on hold for 45 minutes with no avail. When I called back and insisted on speaking a supervisor about the issues with their customer service, I was placed on hold again, indefinitely (hung up after 30 minutes on hold). I think that Ebay customer service has blacklisted my account, because I tried calling again this morning to inquire Ebay's policies for appealing a decision , and was placed on indefinite hold again (30+ minutes), with the excuse that the customer service rep was going to put comments in about the appeal process. I was blocked from any appeal process by this tactic from the beginning, because every time I call and ask to appeal a decision on my account, I am placed on hold "forever". Is it possible that customer service has noted my account and are just playing games with me?
  11. Hello everyone, Can someone please help me and make a template letter to CPS for guidance to appeal for review of an assault case. Your help will be appreciated.
  12. Hi hopefully I can get some advice . My housing association /landlord as been over charging me for the past six years . Even after being made aware they were overcharging me 4 years ago they still charge it and have even increased the charge. I live in a house and they are charging me block service charge rate . It's not just me this is being done to all the houses in my street and the surrounding streets owned by my housing are being over charged .yet they have not told any of the tenants they are being overcharged. I was told that it's taking so long due to the amount of people owed money. It could run into hundred of thousands . I have been trying for four years to get this money from them and now they say they will only back date it six years . Any help on this would be grateful
  13. Interesting one from the MAS https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/static/standard-financial-statement-consultation W
  14. i had a virgin media account where the contract ran out in may 2013 which i cancelled by post and phone. i then changed to sky. i had not been receiving my bank statements for a long time and went into branch on tuesday and got a print out of last 3 months. i noticed on there a dd going out for £50 to virgin media which i then found out had been going out since may 2013 to vm. i was confused as i have been with sky since june 2013 and been paying dd for them ever since. i have had no coresspondance from vm that im their customer no bills nothing. i contacted them by phone last night which was a foreign call centre. they have no record of this. i contacted them by online chat today. spent ages talking to them and then was told to go to onlinee chat to complaints department. complaints said theyd not heard from me since 2012 when broadband wasnt working. previous online chat said phone was disconnected but not other services in may 2013. why would only the phone be disconnected??? when its a sky broadband and tv package i have both with vm and sky? i brought this up and complaints person said no it wasnt done by you but by another company and are refusing to give me my money back. i explained i had called and written a letter. they said i hadnt. and unless i have a recorded delivery tracking number tehy will not refund me. i explained i had called them last night and they had no record of this. so maybe they did not have the record of my cancellign. they said 'no theyve done nothing wrong and they wont refund my money'. it is my fault i didnt notice but i have been under a substanstial amount of stress. i truley believe i did cancel it but did not cancel dd with my bank. i have a clear credit record and am applying for a mortgage which i have worked very hard for. i have spoke to my bank also who are refunding the money under the dd indemnity. what shall i do now? i dont want to messup my credit history but its £800 of payments for a service i did not use. They have sent me no bills (they said theyve sent them by email but i have none and my email is active and i check everyday) i have received no post from them nothing. the online chat man said he is disconnecting it from today and started my 30 days notice. i have no vm stuff in my house at all and it fully on sky. what i do please? need help urgently with this please. worried it wil affect my credit status for my house.
  15. Hi, I have a freehold property that I own. Unfortunately, we share the estate with some flats and have common communal area that I am liable to pay a service charge. The TP1 defines: "communal facilities: the Common Access car parking spaces and all open space and landscaped areas shown for the purposes of identification shaded green on Plan 2" "Projections: Including foundations chimneys flues eaves gutters spouts canopies pipes fence posts wall piers and similar projections now or within the Perpetuity Period constructed on the Estate" SERVICE CHARGE COSTS 1. Repairing maintaining inspecting and as necessary reinstating or reviewing the Communal Facilities A cropped photo of plan 2 is shown in the attached. On the left hand shaded area reside 2 chimneys which are listed buildings, which are part of the service charges. My question is that does the definition of Communal Facilities as states in your opinion include the chimneys even though they may reside within the shaded area? Thanks for your help.
  16. Last Tuesday was the much awaited release of some limited edition dolls. I am a collector, I have been my entire life, I have spent literally thousands. I got up at the crack of dawn and waited for them to be listed online. I managed to get the two I wanted but separately . I received my tracking code (Disney use Hermes), I noticed the code was an old one of mine from three months ago but had been updating the new order. The second order was doing the same. I asked Disney on Facebook what was going on with this and was told it was a "mistake". I asked well if this code is a mistake what is my tracking code? I did not receive a reply. Then I check the tracking on Friday and both orders had changed to "not delivered-address query". I rang Disney to find out what was going on and she said "that's a tracking code from three months ago" I told her I was well aware of this, and had questioned it on facebook, but it was not dealt with. And besides the code was updating that day. She then told me when she puts in the code I was emailed its bringing up someone elses name. She put me on hold several times. She then told me " I have no idea what is going on". I was then promised a call back, which to be fair she did. she told me she "still had no idea what was going on and I have escalated this as an emergency" (?!). After this call I checked on Facebook, others are complaining of this same issue. In addition, some who ordered one doll, have received an entirely different doll (the only one that hasn't sold out), Clearly something has gone very very wrong with these orders. It took Disney several hours to respond to these messages on Facebook. After this i've checked the tracking for both orders again, one has changed to delivered and "not delivered- address query" has completely disappeared. I rang work to check id been sent the right one and luckily it was. However, still no sign of the other doll (incidentally the one I wanted the most and went for first). Also, when ive gone to work to pick up the box, the box its been sent in has written all over the side for all to see what the box contains. Sorry, but this seems like a special brand of stupid to me!! I rang Disney again to tell them one had been delivered and is there any news on the second. I was told the "emergency escalation has not been responded to yet". The attitude of the staff on these calls has been infuriating, they don't seem to care at all and give the impression of 'and?'. I rang again on Saturday. I was told I would have an update "On Monday". I've rang again on Monday to be told "we are waiting to hear back from the warehouse". He promised me that he would ring me back "on or before 6 o clock even if there is no update". Unsurprisingly this call never happened. In the meantime pretty much all of my messages on facebook have been ignored and the page is full of others saying the same ie getting ignored. I have also emailed the chief exec THREE TIMES and have not received any response whatsoever. These dolls were very expensive and cannot be replaced, Other than buying off ebay for £200 plus. I cannot put into words how frustrated/disgusted I am with Disney. Also worth noting, before this I had twice received emails/txt messages informing me my order was on its way, At that point I had no order!!!! I was even able to follow the tracking despite it not being mine. I had emailed Disney about this asking what was going on and is there some sort of data issue. Yet again, this was ignored!! It sewems to me Disney are in chaos at the moment and have put up a wall of silence!!!
  17. I went into the EE store today as my iPhone does not connect to the internet, the battery is terrible, the home button doesn't work and a few other issues. The guy i saw was so rude he said that they didn't have to do anything and it was down to apple. I said my contract is with EE not apple and he kept banging on about me paying for a service and the phone is apples. Whilst this maybe true he said i only had a year to sort out my phone. I told him the eu regulations were two years and it states this on apples website also. He got really grumpy with me and literally frog marched me out of the shop. Whilst i don't like dealing with people like him, what do i do. i have a phone that nearly works and i am paying for extra data allowance because it is constantly searching and i have in contract until april next year. I also told him about the sales of goods act and he said they weren't allowed to help me because the phone was more than 14 days old. Does anyone have an email address where i can complain to and back this up with some sort of strength?
  18. Took my car in to a local garage for its service and MOT. I also asked for an air con service at the time of booking. When picking up my car I was told that they couldn't complete the air con service as there was a leak when they put the oxygen through, when I asked what had happened and why they hadn't fixed it, I was fobbed off. On driving home, the air con wasn't working at all, just blowing hot air, it was working fine before. I took it to an F1 Autocentre who diagnosed instantly that there was no leak, just no pressure in the system- most likely due to a botched job. Where do I stand about complaining about this? I didn't lose any money, just time and my air con ended up re-gassed. However I'm not happy with the service I received from the garage.
  19. I have bought a flat in April in a converted house which has three other flats. The freeholder is demanded the portion of this years service charge (September 2013-August 2014) from last year September to April 2014. He is demanded this payment after the I purchased the flat. His reason is due to change of ownership. I now have a county court hearing in November. Before completion the freeholder refused to provide a breakdown of works and items have been purchased since last September. He has provided this now but no receipts. The other leaseholders have not been made aware of any demand and are therefore will proceed to pay the service charge in September 2014. The freeholder made it aware to me that all service charge from last year September to September 2014 will be paid in September before i bought the flat. In the lease it states from time to time service charges can be demanded but he sent no summary of rights and obligations with the demand. Could someone please tell me what my rights are and is a defence of not receiving a full demand strong enough? Thanks Leon
  20. Not sure if I have posted in the right place! Just found a letter from this company that have charged my elderly mother £121 for nuisance call prevention (she bought a little box from a shop and couldn't get it to work-related so called the helpline) . It doesn't work!!! I have already added her to the free Service- is it TPS? Are they [problematic]? What rights do we have to get a refund? Funnily enough they aren't answering their phone!!!! Many thanks
  21. Hi For the last six weeks the service from O2 has dropped so much in my home area that I am unable to make or receive any calls from inside or outside my home. I contacted O2 on twitter and then email about this at the start of August and they said that there had been other reports from O2 customers in the area as well. They said I needed to contact customer services along with anyone else experiencing issues, which I did. However each time I phoned or my flatmate phoned, as she was on O2 as well with the same problems, they said that there was no fault recorded with the mast. I have since dealt with their Senior Service Representative, Richard Chew, who credited two months line rental to my account. Fine, but I am still having problems and cant go on not being able to use my phone at home. They advised me to use TuGo, but I have the same problems on it and still miss all my calls. BTW their coverage checkers says good reception indoors and outdoors in my area despite this not being the case. They said that this is because they cannot find a fault with the mast. They have also insisted that I go into the O2 shop to get a diagnostics test done, which they cant do in the shop, to be told that there was no point as the issue was at my home address, and when I borrowed a phone to do it there was told that there was no point as it obviously wasnt my phone as it works elsewhere. Eventually they said that I could cancel my contract with no charge if I returned the phone. However, I am half way through a two year contract and feel that I have paid for half the phone, as well as the severe inconvenience and hassle that will come from me trying to wipe my phone of all personal data and contacts and setting this up on a new phone. As well as the costs of apps and inevitable loss of data/photos/music etc After further arguments they came back and said that their final offer was that I could cancel and keep the phone if I paid them £291, they say is a discount from £322. However, My monthly bill is £27, to pay for the next year including the allowances is £332. The O2 site says I can upgrade for £291 which is a discount of 25% line rental. This would value the line rental at £166, so I feel that I am being overcharged to keep the phone. Richard Chew has now said that there are no recorded faults with the masts and that is their final offer. He told me if I am unhappy to go outside O2. He said before that he will only review the case in 4 weeks, which if I cant use my phone is nowhere near urgent enough. I have said that I want payments suspended on the account while the complaint is pending and that I do not intend paying until it is resolved or accept any charges as a result of this, however O2 have not responded to this at all. I am worried that if I withhold payment they will mark my credit file as a default and possibly involve a debt collection company. I have referred to the ombudsman on this but I dont know how long this process will take and if O2 will mark defaults against me in the meantime. They have now effectively locked down, saying they have given their final response and thats it Where do I stand on this? Can they charge what they choose for me to cancel and keep my phone? Can they stop dealing with my queries because they have given a final response? Have I any rights in that the service I had 6 weeks ago at my home has gone and is now unusable? I am trying to decide if I am best handing back my phone to get out, paying over the odds to keep it or keep fighting the decision as O2 will not negotiate with me any more. I have spent an awful lot of time writing emails, phoning them and visiting their shops and cant afford the time to keep doing this. Any advise or examples of previous issues will be greatly appreciated Thanks Alastair Ps, I am currently trying to find my contract to see if there is anything about they providing service levels
  22. Hey folks I am posting to see if I can gain any help with an issue I'm having with my employer, the Northern Ireland civil service. Quick recap, I was off back in December 13 with my mental health condition. As I had a more or less mental break down my psychiatrist had me heavily medicated where I was sleeping 14 hours a day. I returned work in early January 14. I was then issued with a written warning in March 14. I had asked that any sickness absence to do with my disability be disregarded for management attendance purposes but this was ignored. I appealed the issue of the written warning and the decision was upheld. I then contacted the equality commission NI and I'm in the process of taking my. Work up for disability discrimination over the written warning. Due to the stress of all this and social stressors my mood and mental state greatly deteriated and once again I had more or less a mental breakdown/psychotic episode and again I'm off sick from work. My psychiatrist again is heavily medicating me and I'm on 10 tablets a day including anti psychotics, anti depressants, anti anxiety, beta blockers and a mood stabiliser. I have been off sick from June 14. Today my line manager gave me a heads up that he was having to send me out a letter from attendance management saying more or less that if I don't return to work by a certain date that they will be starting proceedings for dismissal. Even though I recently seen the OHS who said I would be unfit for a further 6 weeks and my own GP has given me a sick line for 4 weeks and my psychiatrist has advised that I don't attend work until my mood is stabilised as I run the risk of being a danger to myself or others. So my questions are this. Is this legal? Is it discrimination? Are they out to get me as I already have a tribunal in against them? Can I amend my tribunal claim to include the threatening and bullying behavior by my employer? I'm just stuck to what I'm meant to do next and any help or advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks Chris
  23. A bit of background for this, 2 years a go I had a joint tenancy agreement that a friend of mine took the 'lead' for. With this, he took the bills in his name - This included the Council Tax. Unknowingly to me, he moved out and I discovered that despite me sending him the money, the bills had not been paid. Most of them stopped chasing me because his name was solely on the accounts and had nothing to do with me. Since he moved, I subsequently opened a new account with the Council that started a fresh payment plan for the property. I was contacted a while after saying I had missed payments on my new plan - This confused me and it had turned out that my direct debit was incorrectly setup by the council to the OLD account that my friend was paying for (my name was not on this). I subsequently had all the payment from the last several months moved to the correct account and I haven't heard from anyone since. Since then, I have heard nothing from the Council that would indicate I am in any danger of debt. Today, I found a letter from a Collectica Enforcement agency stating they wanted to come into the property and take items that would pay for the 'Outstanding Council Tax' debt. Since its a Saturday I am limited to who I can talk to in hopes of getting this sorted. In preparation for this, can anyone help educate me on what can be done with this? As far as I'm aware, I never signed or agreed to have my name on the council tax. My name would only ever be on the account from the moment the council set up the direct debit against the wrong account against this property.
  24. Hi, I tried to send a letter to buyasyouview using the cagmail service. On the 1st attempt I paid via PayPal and my letter ended up disappearing and on the second attempt, I paid again using PayPal but I have no confirmation as to weather the letter was sent. Please can you help. I have the paypal transaction Id's for both transactions.
  25. Hi all. my sister has received County Court papers through the post for an £800 debt (£1000+ with costs) that she cannot pay up front. She rang the issuing solicitors with an offer to pay £20 a week, which was agreed to and she is now awaiting Standing Order forms from the solicitor to set this in motion. My question is does she still acknowledge the service of the CC papers and if so, what would she say on them? Would she simply mention the arrangement? The solicitor assured her that the offer to pay will stop the court order proceeding. Does she trust the solicitor or not? Thanks all
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