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  1. Hi all, I'm new to this forum and hoping for a little bit of help and advice, if possible. Briefly, I owe cira £20k on credit cards and loans. All were taken out within the last 2 - 3 years and, as yet, I have not missed a payment on any of them. The breakdown is as follows: Nationwide Loan 8k (taken out 2015), Nationwide Credit Card 5k (taken out 2014), Virgin Money Credit Card 4k (taken out 2016), Sainsbury's Bank Loan 3k (taken out 2015). Like I said, to date I have not missed a single payment on any of the cards/loans (I'm frightened to do so) but due to a big change in circumstances I most definitely will be missing payments soon. I suffered a heart attack a couple of years ago and have been struggling in my job ever since as it was a very physical. Unfortunately I had to give it up in June this year as it was affecting my breathing. At the time I lived in England but moved to Northern Ireland to be near family last month and for a new start and less stressful life. I am not currently in employment and as yet, I have not tried to claim any benefits (I struggle with that concept). Up until now I have been living on what little savings I have but these will be exhausted in the next few weeks. I've read through a lot of the threads on here but am getting very confused. I guess what I am asking is for some advice on what to do first. Should I let the debts default? Or should I contact the lenders now, before that happens? I'm in Northern Ireland so I know the rules regarding debt is slightly different. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Worried51
  2. People need to keep their canine companions under good control. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-40480096 IMHO, if a dog attacks a postman, then it wont be long before it attacks a child !
  3. Android Pay ( same as Apple Pay ) went live for RBOS on 13/9/16. However what they don't tell you is that this is only for Scottish customers. Loyal customers in England, Wales and NI are not eligible. How bad is that to single of a huge amount of customers because of where they live. There is a word for it and thought this bank was above this... They need to clearly state on their website that they only support customers in Scotland. I feel really let down by this bank... time to change..
  4. http://news.sky.com/story/apple-ordered-to-pay-836413bn-in-back-taxes-10557945 Both Apple and Irish government are not happy that their tax deal is being undone by the EU, because it broke EU rules on state subsidies to business. Apparently the tax rate paid was less than 1%, when Ireland has a corporate tax rate of 12.5%. I think it is about time the EU looked at these special tax deals that countries make with large international companies to ensure there is fair competion on tax rates. Why should big companies with sophisticated cross border operations end up paying less taxes than other companies, where they choose to site their head office for tax purposes. I suspect other businesses in Ireland would love to only pay about 1% tax. Apple and the Irish government are appealing against the EU decision. Nb. Re Brexit, if this happens, it is very unlikely EU single market tax rules will change or a UK government would choose not to apply the current EU rules that allows companies to transfer money around to minimise tax. The Tories support tax competition and support businessss taking decisions on transferring revenues cross borders to invest in other countries, while also helping minimise tax. This Tory government brought in new rules anyway to restrict how companies try to avoid tax by shifting profits outside the UK.
  5. Technology advances-videos for you. Virtual Trip To Ireland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R5J8Je2j_4&feature=youtu.be
  6. Hi, I have recently split with my partner and still co-own a property in England. However, I have recently moved to Northern Ireland. I have received court papers (old credit card debt last dealt with in mid 2010) through Northampton to my old (still mortgaged) property in England which my ex has forwarded to me. What can I do? Will I have to attend court in England? Can I make them move the claim to Northern Ireland - will they have to discontinue with this claim as I no longer reside there? Can they continue to pursue me through the English address as my name is still on the mortgage there, even though I no longer live there? I know this is a bit garbled but I just need some help and advice on how to move forward. TIA TWD
  7. Hello everyone, I would like to receive some advice on the following situation. * A description of the issue I left Ireland back in 2005, moment which I stopped payments towards my creditors. I had 2 unsecured loans (Tesco's (Ulster Bank) and Bank or Ireland), 2 credit cards (Bank of Ireland and MBNA), . I'm living in the UK since 2007 and I never heard from my creditors since. I never contacted them as well. Due to personal circumstances I was not able to repay those debts. I'm only now rebuilding my financial life and I managed to get a mortgage with Natwest back in 2012. I'm worried now because I have just found out that Natwest and Ulster Bank are both owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland. I don't have the €30,000 or whatever the amount might be at the present. If I was to sell my studio flat to repay for this debt, I would not only lose the place where I live, but also the 10 years that I have spent trying to rebuild my life. - Can they still enforce this debt after 10 years since my last payment/acknowledgement? - If there is a court judgement in Ireland, can they enforce it here in the UK? * The amount of money involved I believe it was around €30,000 altogether. * Any relevant dates - I don't know if there is a court judgement against me in Ireland. - My last payments towards those debts were made back in August 2005. --- Thank you very much!
  8. Last year the social fund contacted me and stated i owed £500 from 1997-98 in the UK. I did the usual SAR, Dispute etc and they were unable to substantiate the debt. They still started taking £15.00 out of my ESA every two weeks despite my objections. After transferring to Northern Ireland and my ESA is back up and running, the Northern Ireland Social fund has sent me a letter. They state i owe the social fund £111.00 and must pay it back at £7.19 a week Northern Ireland has not recognised the Governments welfare reforms so we still have the social security office, not the DWP. This is interesting The say i can pay it by cheque in one lump sum, in cash, postal order, or standing order and first payment to reach them within 7 days. They also asked me to sign the letter saying I AGREE I OWE THE SOCIAL FUND THIS MONEY. My question has to be why they are being so nice about it? Why have they not just started taking the deductions from my ESA like the DWP did without my consent?
  9. I am staying with friends at the moment in Northern Ireland I currently claim ESA in England for which i get the higher rate and have had the latest 12 month ATOS inquisition a month ago in england I will be staying in Northern Ireland for a considerable time so i contacted the DWP to transfer my address details I have been told i will need to close down my claim and reapply over in Northern Ireland, that means another ATOS run around, lower rate entitlement etc etc This cannot be right as all i want to do is change address, my circumstances have not changed
  10. Hi, I have a savings account with the Post Office, I deposited a cheque into the account in December 2014 when I tried to withdraw cash from the account I found that the PO had frozen my card. I contacted them and they said that it's because I hadn't advised them about a change of address (which I had done about 18 months previously but they say they hadn't received it). I promptly wrote another letter with the change of address which they received on 22 December 2014 they said that there would need to be a 5 day freeze on the account before they could issue me with a new card. I waited and waited but the card didn't arrive I contacted them again and on checking their records they advised me that they had sent my new card to my old address. When I queried this they said that an error had been made and that they would freeze the account again and re-issue a new card to my current address. I eventually received my card in the middle of February 2015, a nd I hadn't been able to access any funds which were in the account until that time. I complained to the PO about these issues and explained that this had put me into financial hardship and today they have sent me an offer of compensation of £75. I would just like to check if this seems like a fair offer or whether I should consider reporting this incident to the Ombudsman because sending my personal information and my bank card and pin number to strangers seems like quite a serious error to me
  11. Hi all, I have tried to do a deal with MBNA / Avant Card (for a CC debt) for the last 18 months and my last 'offer' was rejected by them. The 'debt' has been sold to Cabot Financial, Dublin. I'm just experiencing the Cabot Effect - the 'Cabot Phonecalls' (which I am not answering as all my dealings have always been in writing) and have received the first of the 'Cabot Threatening Letters'. The original account with MBNA must be 18/19 years old. What's my plan of action? Write to them looking for a copy of the original signed CCA? Does the Consumer Act Clause quoted valid in Ireland (Republic) and should I attach a Postal Order etc. Just wondering what direction I should take being resident in the Republic. Thanks all, boom2bust
  12. Hi - Could you advise me please. I lived in the ROI for approx. 4 years. Then the horrendous property and economy collapse happened and me like many others were left with very high mortgages and a property worth prob 50% of the value. I am faced with huge mortgage arrears and am trying to get them to agree to a reduction in the mortgage (i.e write off a lump of the negative) then re structure. They might not go for this but wondered what my options were. My mortgage is for circas 500k and the house is worth circa 280k IF I was to hand the keys back could they chase me in the UK for the debt? Is my bad credit in ROI going to cause issues for me in the UK? If I go bankrupt in ROI does that cause issues for me in the UK? I have currently been back in the UK for 6 years and the have been in sporadic contact with me. Any advice or direction would be much appreciated. Regards
  13. Hey folks I am posting to see if I can gain any help with an issue I'm having with my employer, the Northern Ireland civil service. Quick recap, I was off back in December 13 with my mental health condition. As I had a more or less mental break down my psychiatrist had me heavily medicated where I was sleeping 14 hours a day. I returned work in early January 14. I was then issued with a written warning in March 14. I had asked that any sickness absence to do with my disability be disregarded for management attendance purposes but this was ignored. I appealed the issue of the written warning and the decision was upheld. I then contacted the equality commission NI and I'm in the process of taking my. Work up for disability discrimination over the written warning. Due to the stress of all this and social stressors my mood and mental state greatly deteriated and once again I had more or less a mental breakdown/psychotic episode and again I'm off sick from work. My psychiatrist again is heavily medicating me and I'm on 10 tablets a day including anti psychotics, anti depressants, anti anxiety, beta blockers and a mood stabiliser. I have been off sick from June 14. Today my line manager gave me a heads up that he was having to send me out a letter from attendance management saying more or less that if I don't return to work by a certain date that they will be starting proceedings for dismissal. Even though I recently seen the OHS who said I would be unfit for a further 6 weeks and my own GP has given me a sick line for 4 weeks and my psychiatrist has advised that I don't attend work until my mood is stabilised as I run the risk of being a danger to myself or others. So my questions are this. Is this legal? Is it discrimination? Are they out to get me as I already have a tribunal in against them? Can I amend my tribunal claim to include the threatening and bullying behavior by my employer? I'm just stuck to what I'm meant to do next and any help or advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks Chris
  14. What is the return address for above questionnaire ? I have lost the other info that came with it and I'm trying to find the address to send completed form back. Thanks
  15. There are some differences between the benefits system in England, Scotland and Wales, and that in Northern Ireland. Most things are the same, but some of the specifics can vary. It's not a "rule", as such, I'll not be shouting at anyone over it, but it would be very helpful to posters here if you mention, in your opening post, that you are in Northern Ireland when asking for help with benefits.
  16. Hello everyone, First of all, many thanks to all the people that created CAG and the huge work that I can imagine has been put into it. My name is Carlos and I'm from Spain. I lived in the Republic of Ireland (Dublin) between 2005 and 2006. I borrowed a total of 30.000 euros from Bank of Ireland + Tesco and credit cards. That was for an investment opportunity I was offered at that time, which unfortunately went really bad and I ended up without my investment capital. I stayed in Ireland for another few months while I tried to explain this to my creditors. I tried to extend my initial 5 years repayment plan to a 15 years repayment plan, but they didn't accept it. My last payment to all creditors was done in the beginning of 2006. I found a job in the UK in the same year and after moving over here, I never heard from them since. My personal situation and finances have not improved in a way that I could afford to repay this debt. I would like to know if they could have taken me to court in Ireland while I was absent and if so, if they can get an european cross-border order from an Irish court to enforce this debt over here, if they ever find me. I have checked a few threads, including this one: Republic-of-Ireland-debt-being-chased-in-UK Is my debt statute barred already? Even in the event they have an order from an Irish court? I saw on the internet that debts in Ireland are statute barred after 6 years too, unless they have a court order, which would then allow them to chase the debt for a period of 12 years. "If your creditor gets a judgment, then, in general, they have 12 years in which to enforce that judgment." Anybody could pls shed some light? I'm really worried that find me here and ruin my life. I borrowed this money to invest, in good faith, not to spend on myself recklessly. Thank you all in advance, sorry for the long post. Carlos
  17. I have just noticed that the Bank of Ireland charge more for an informal overdraft request in Northern Ireland than they do in the rest of the U.K. When queried with BOI staff they have informed me that Northern Ireland is a separate jurisdiction from the U.K. Now I have checked and as far as international boundaries are aware Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom in short the BOI are discriminating against customers who reside in a different part of the UK. Letter sent today awaiting response, any assistance appreciated as always.
  18. Hi Everyone, I desperatley need your help. Im so stressed out with this situation. I lived in UK for 8 years. I had a bank account and overdraft. When i left the UK for good in 2009, i did not realise there was still an outstanding overdraft of about £700. In the last year, i have been receiving very threatning letters from a lawyer and debt collectors agency. The letters are being sent to my parents address in Ireland and i am living in France. Obviously my parents are scared as the most recent letters are saying that someone will knock on their door and demand the money!!!! Can they do this? What can i do? I have followed some of your advice by not contacting these agencys but i do not know what the best thing to do is. Any advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks
  19. I received a letter today from Bank of Ireland informing me that although the base rate hasn't changed in almost 4 years, they've decided to increase the interest rate on my mortgage anyway. My mortgage is one that tracks at a fixed percentage above the base rate (they call it the 'differential'). It's this differential they're increasing. They say they're entitled to do this. Are they? I've had this mortgage for about 11 years. If they are allowed, would there be any point trying to argue/barter/threaten to leave?
  20. Read more: http://www.mortgagestrategy.co.uk/latest-news/which-urges-bank-of-ireland-mortgage-customers-to-lodge-complaints-about-rate-hike/1070312.article
  21. Has anyone on here have any knowledge of the case taken by NIPSA against the DFP for breach of contract. As NIO staff who were seconded from DFP, where told that their rights and terms and conditions would not suffer, and we had no choice about where to go, when we joined the NICS. We have all lost out on about £14000, pensions have been affected. If the judgement was at the county court, is that the end, can we, without the union do anything else. My letter of appointment was from the DEPT OF FINANCE AND PERSONNEL, not the NIO.
  22. credit loan agreement signed by both myself wife but where the banks authorised signature should have been was the name of a town called THURLES written in capital letters. does this affect the agreement in any way
  23. Despite the Bank of England base rate remaining at 0.5%, Bank of Ireland is almost doubling its tracker rate. More ... Time to go find a mortgage somewhere else.
  24. Hi there - I had a mortgage with Bank of Ireland UK, in 1995. Due to the birth of my daughter in 1997 I took a 3 months holiday on my mortgage only to find out that this hadn't been processed properly therefore ending up paying charges etc. Can I claim this back as it is 15 years ago? Same as with credit card and I am sure I had a loan that I had to take out to clear these same "mortgage arrears". Mortgage redemption that I had to pay even as it was outside of the term! Is this correct?
  25. http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/9935166.Car_clamping_firm_charges_drivers_twice/ A CAR clamping firm operating in Laindon has been double charging drivers against industry regulations. Parking Control Services has been charging drivers £125 to release their cars and an additional £75 parking ticket fine at a parade of shops in Station Gate. The British Parking Association, a self-regulatory body, says its code of conduct states firms should only charge drivers a clamping fee or a penalty charge notice and not both. The association also revealed it had rescinded the membership of PCS in 2010 for doing the same thing. Mark Frazer, a spokesman for the association, said PCS had failed to pay motorists back after losing county court judgements. Mr Frazer said: “Parking Control Services was expelled from our approved operator scheme a number of years ago for serious non-compliance with the code of practice relating to their behaviour while clamping vehicles and for concerns surrounding county court judgements outstanding against them.” Because the firm is no longer a member, Mr Frazer said: “We are powerless to act against the company.” Invoices issued by PCS and seen by the Echo, clearly show the double charging. The firm is believed to be making as much as £1,000 a night by catching drivers, with several motorists saying they were ordered to pay up in cash as the firm said its debit and credit card machine was broken. One motorist, Colin Spall, 36, of Southwell Link, Laindon, has lodged an appeal against the £200 charges he received, but is now worried he won’t get any money back. He said: “It’s a lot of money to pay out. That’s half of my week’s wages gone in five minutes. I worked hard for that and I won’t get it back.” PCS has been hired to police six parking bays near the parade of shops. As well as upsetting motorists, the firm has upset business owners who claim customers are being driven away because motorists are too scared to park outside. Mario Ireland, 40, who ran Parking Control Services when it was expelled from the BPA said he was no longer involved in the business and had no idea who was running it and would not comment further.
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