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  1. Hey folks I am posting to see if I can gain any help with an issue I'm having with my employer, the Northern Ireland civil service. Quick recap, I was off back in December 13 with my mental health condition. As I had a more or less mental break down my psychiatrist had me heavily medicated where I was sleeping 14 hours a day. I returned work in early January 14. I was then issued with a written warning in March 14. I had asked that any sickness absence to do with my disability be disregarded for management attendance purposes but this was ignored. I appealed the issue of the written warning and the decision was upheld. I then contacted the equality commission NI and I'm in the process of taking my. Work up for disability discrimination over the written warning. Due to the stress of all this and social stressors my mood and mental state greatly deteriated and once again I had more or less a mental breakdown/psychotic episode and again I'm off sick from work. My psychiatrist again is heavily medicating me and I'm on 10 tablets a day including anti psychotics, anti depressants, anti anxiety, beta blockers and a mood stabiliser. I have been off sick from June 14. Today my line manager gave me a heads up that he was having to send me out a letter from attendance management saying more or less that if I don't return to work by a certain date that they will be starting proceedings for dismissal. Even though I recently seen the OHS who said I would be unfit for a further 6 weeks and my own GP has given me a sick line for 4 weeks and my psychiatrist has advised that I don't attend work until my mood is stabilised as I run the risk of being a danger to myself or others. So my questions are this. Is this legal? Is it discrimination? Are they out to get me as I already have a tribunal in against them? Can I amend my tribunal claim to include the threatening and bullying behavior by my employer? I'm just stuck to what I'm meant to do next and any help or advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks Chris
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