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  1. Hi, I have received a PCN from Premier Park for parking in Exeter Road Car Park in Braunton, Devon. I parked in this carpark for 20 mins at 19:06 and it was dark. I did not realise that it was a paid car park as the notices were not that clear and lighting was low. 'Contrevention date': 2nd November, 2017. The issue date of the PCN: 8th November, 2017. The PCN requests £60 if paid by 14 days from issue date or £100 afterwards. I have googled around and this car park seems to have a history of this issue. I do not live any where near the car park, I cannot get images etc. From what I have read, Premier Park provides images in daylight or with a strong flash to 'prove' that they have enough lighting. I cannot provide this evidence, but even in the images that they have provided on the PCN form shows how dark it is. Could you provide me with any advice for a potential defence. Also, if I apeal to Premier Park (which I expect they will turn down) and then go to POPLA, will this mean that if I am refused, they will charge £100. Any advice is appreciated.
  2. I reserved a ring in a jewellers shop and paid a deposit. I was paying some instalments but then became poorly and am now not in a financial position to finish paying. A couple of years has passed by. I contacted the retailer [small, local shop] who said they have sold the ring and I can't have my money back. They'll deduct 20% from what I have paid so far and let me choose something from the shop. Where do I stand?
  3. Hey guys...Happy belated Easter I need your help and advice. All your information is highly appreciated. I was driving in the morning(3rd of Feb) when I was suddenly pulled by police. Police stopped me because their system showed up that I did not have an insurance. I was trying to prove that I had an insurance but I could not. To make it short, they seized my car and took it to the compound which then I had to pay £150 to take it out. I had to provide Insurance Certificate in order to take the car. Nevertheless, in order to take the car of compound - the car must be insured for 28 days(e.g If I want to pick up the car from compound on 1st of Feb - I need to make sure I have insurance till 29th of Feb). Surprisingly, they released my car even though my insurance was only left for 23 days(which means less than required 28 days). For my insurance, I paid annually so I insured my car on 24 or 25 February 2016, however the car was Audi A3 S Line. After, when I bought BMW, which was in October 2016, I transferred the insurance from Audi to BMW. When I bought my car, BMW, it had the number plate [redacted]. I changed the number plate on [redacted] and I told to insurance that I will change the number plate but when I changed it I forgot to confirm to them. However, I told to DVLA straight after I changed my number plate and I received all the documentation V5C, etc. Also, I am the number plate owner. I am about to get 6 penalty points and £300 fine for 'no insurance' even though I had an isnurance, however if I provide Indemnity Letter my case/fine will be dropped. If I don’t pay fine I will have to go to court - which is due 30th of April:|. I contacted insurance company and they said that the mistake is from my side therefore they won’t provide an indemnity letter. Brokers called One Call Insurance, however the actual company is XS Direct - they are arrogant as hell. I contacted Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) for help, and they are investigating my case but the problem is that I even do not know what to expect from them. I have been waiting for investigations since Feb 4th(first waiting for the insurers and now FOS). I am very lost, please help! What shall I do? My court is due 30th of April 2017
  4. Hi all, First time here so please let me know if anything in this post should be changed. Backstory: I was in Bulgaria on business in June/July and had no knowledge of my PCN before leaving (turns out my mate moved my car out of his drive into the parking area for a couple hours where I received this PCN). Upon arriving home I find two letters, one being a final reminder sent mid June by VCS and then a debt collection notice sent by ZZPS in mid July. As I was out of the country and couldn't access my mail, I had no idea any of this was happening in my absence and had no chance to appeal the ticket in the allotted 28 days. The ticket was for £100, to be reduced to £60 if paid within two weeks and is now at £160 due to the debt collection agency add on. I haven't received any other letters regarding this claim. What I've tried: I have tried to go through the various appeals process, but when searching my ticket ref on the provided websites (namely myparkingcharge.co.uk as noted at the bottom of the VCS letter and the IPC website itself) it comes back with nothing, meaning that I couldn't have appealed it regardless. I even tried POPLA, and they can't find the ticket either. After contacting an ombudsman, they suggested to complain through the companies. VCS said that it was to go through ZZPS as they now were in charge of the debt , ZZPS replied as follows: "We must inform you that you have now passed the time frame in which an appeal can be made as appeals can only be made within 28 days of the Parking Charge Notice being issued, our client maintains that all correspondence received has been actioned accordingly and that the correct procedure has been followed. The balance of £160.00 remains payable on our systems, please refer to the back of our letter for the payment options available to you. In the absence of payment this matter will be referred to solicitors to resolve and further fees may be incurred." What do I do? If none of the appeals agencies even agree that the reference number matches any ticket, has a ticket even been issued against me? The collectors are refusing to provide evidence. I am not exactly inclined to pay this "debt" until the relevant parties prove their claim. Any advice would be appreciated as I feel like I'm about to get strong armed out of £160 Attached are the letters received, along with the website response when I search the reference. Personal info along with refs blacked out for obvious reasons.
  5. Hi, was caught shoplifting in boots, picked up 4 items nearlly worth £700 (as per Boots). security staff took all my details, called police, and i had to wait until police turn up, but nobody came. security staff called police 4 times, they were given a log no. but were getting told that no police officers are free at the moment to attend. after 4 hours of waiting, i was let go, as the store had been closed and they waited over an hour for police even after the store was closed. i was escorted out , i was given banned notice and RLP recovery letter. was cautioned in 2009 for shoplifting in past (in another part of uk), never did anything wrong again after that. then in january this year i was in trouble with another retail store, they called police for shoplifting goods worth £40, police didnt arrest me since i had no id on me they wanted to know if all my details given to them were correct, they brought me home, they didnt enter my house but waited outside in car until i brought my id and showed it to them. then they just said that it was a slap on wrist this time but dont do anything wrong again. At that time i told them about incident of 2009 where i was cautioned but they seemed not to have that on their record. My question is that what should i do next? do i need to go to police station myself for last night event? will police come to my house to arrest me? (they dont have my phone no to contact me on.) will i go to prison or get a fine or get a caution? or will i be luckiest and police wont turn up at my house? will they search my house or enter inside (if this happens then i will loose my accommodation as i am living with a relative as i didnt have anywhere else to live, and slept two nights in a park two months ago then this relative finally helped and sheltered me, if they know about this then i will even loose the roof from my head) i am very very stressed and dont know what to do. (i asked security staff and he said that i dont need to go to police station, if police contact him then they wil pass my details to them and they will take it from there) they waited that long because of the worth of items stolen were about £650.
  6. Hi, have another thread similar but not had many responses so I might have put it in the wrong place, sorry. I've had a quote from a solicitor through my bank which I accepted. The solicitor is asking for more than double. The middle man who supposedly provided the quote through my banks website and allocated the solicitor has said it was a technical error and I was provided an old quote which is now more expensive and I'll either have to pay what the solicitor is asking or find my own solicitor. It's took them 3 weeks of being passed between solicitor. Bank and middle man to get this response. I've submitted a formal complain which they say will take up to 4 weeks. This will mean 7 weeks of delay before any work is even started. I've spoke to the financial ombudsman who said usually they'd have to honour it but may be different as its in relation to legal services so contact the legal ombudsman. They said they weren't sure of anything in law but if I'm not happy with the outcome I can pass onto them. I asked for advice because I didn't want to wait atleast 7 weeks before any work was even started on the remortgage. She said there's no reason why work can't be started and them if upheld can be claimed back. I said I didnt want to pay out the £535 and she said I can go with someone cheaper but then there would be nothing to gain or claim back through a complaint. The cheaper company are £435 so still £180 more expensive than the original quote. Can I claim the difference back considering he was there fault I had to go elsewhere to someone more expensive than the quote they gave? On top of how much it is costing us with the delayed remortgage which the money will be used to pay off a loan and fix a leak. Is anyone aware of any legislation to confirm they have to honour the quote? We have confirmation the quote was accepted and they had all the information needed to provide an accurate quote. I've read elsewhere once accepted it becomes a contract? Thanks
  7. Hi hope someone can help me here please.....I was a self employed courier driver for a local company in May 2017. I worked 7 full days for the company and i got an invoice for 4 days work which i should have been paid on 15th June but because i left on the 8th day with 8 parcels left and they had to pick their van up from my premises they have refused to pay me for any days work that i did prior. And ive looked through contract and it does not state anything at all on that. Could i send a LBA to the company requesting full 7 days payment what they owe and can i charge interest????If so where can i find a LBA template please or what steps do i take.... Thank you.
  8. Hi, long time no post. asfaiwa my finances were now in a good place. I got a massive shock when I did a credit check on Experian two days ago to discover that a debt originally defaulted by Monument back in 2006 was now showing as a default to Arrow Global. This case was dealt with by the court around 2006 who agreed a payment of £1 a month to Arrow Global who had purchased the debt from Monument, and I set up a standing order for £1 a month. I was also paying £10 a month to Arrow Global for an RBS debt. In July 2015 the £10 a month payments stopped as the RBS debt was paid off. I can find no records of any £1 standing order payments to Arrow Global for the Monument debt since 2010 (as far back as my bank records go.) In November 2015 standing order payments for £1 a month started to Capquest, who had apparently bought the debt from Arrow. The first one was £5, (coincidentally 5 months after July 2015 ie 5 x £1 payments), going down to £1 a month after that. Arrow say they never stopped receiving £1 a month payment from me and that I had been paying by order book. I have no recollection of this at all and have no order book with them, nor any memory of cancelling the standing order to Arrow for £1 a month set up years ago, and no memory of setting up a payment with Capquest for £1 month in November 2015. Arrow then informed me that when they sold the debt to Capquest, I defaulted, and the default date on my credit report dates back to November 2015, long after the original default date with Monument. I didn't understand what was going on (I still don’t) and asked if there was any way the default could be removed. Their representative told me it was against the law for them to remove defaulted entries from CRAs. But the default shouldn't be on there in the first place, should it? It is my understanding that defaults should date only to the date of the default with the original creditor. Is this correct? Now, thinking that the Monument debt had been well and truly dealt with I (mistakenly, shoot me now ) chucked out all my correspondence with Monument a few months ago during a filing session. Ditto Arrow Global and Capquest. (yes I'm an idiot. ) I then rang Capquest who confirmed they started receiving £1 a month from me in November 2015. So why the default? Because, they said, I'd defaulted when they bought the debt from Arrow. Taking them at their word I asked for them to suggest a settlement figure and they took a list of all my incomings and outgoings and said they'd pass on my details back to Arrow for them to see if my settlement figure was acceptable. I suggested £500 on a £2,300 original debt. But once I got off the phone my husband said to me that something was fishy about all this, and that's when after discussing it we realised that the default shouldn't even be showing on my credit file. Both Arrow Global and Capquest were insistent that I'd defaulted when the debt was transferred from Arrow to Capquest. So what do I do? This has caused me untold stress and completely ruined my otherwise squeaky clean credit record. Gutted.
  9. Hi everyone, I hope I have the correct forum I need help with a debt relating to management charges on two apartments. On the 24 February 2014 Northampton County Court served us with papers in respect of outstanding service charges. A1111111 name of apartment one in the amount of £3752.01 A2222222 name of apartment two in the amount of £3812.03 We challenged the figures sought by the managing agents and their solicitors, advising the Court that we had never received (and still haven't) statements of accounts. We agreed we owed service charges but believed the figures due were much lower. The County Court appeared to agree with our figures. They made a ruling in the case A22222 relating to apartment two. Judgement was ordered in favour of the claimant in the amount of £1531.27 on the 10 July 2014. We immediately paid that figure and the CCJ was removed from the register. No ruling was ever made in relation to A111111 - apartment one. As with apartment two we strongly disputed the figures claimed by the management agents and their solicitors. The Court ended up closing the file as the solicitors for the claimants apparently didn't respond to their queries. NRAM, our mortgage company, confirmed to us in writing that they had been advised a CCJ was registered against us in respect of apartment 1 in the amount of £1932.54. NRAM confirmed that they paid this figure to the claimants solicitors. We were very upset as the case was not heard never mind a ruling made. We believe the claimants solicitors sent NRAM a copy of the CCJ entered on apartment 222 in order to get the fund for apartment 1. Now a year later, the management agents have again changed at the apartment block. They requested the 2015 management charge but allowed payments by instalment. We paid the first payment on both apartments in January. By return we received a letter from the new management agents stating that as we were in serious arrears on our service charge payments they had instructed solicitors to start court action. They now claim we owe circa £4500 on each apartment. I wrote back to ask how they had commuted their figures. I advised them of the above and included confirmation from the court re the judgement as well as a copy of the letter from NRAM confirming payment. I had a very nice email back to say that they were not aware of the history and would investigate and revert. That was on Feb 9th. We heard nothing since but on Thursday we received a letter from a solicitors firm stating that they had been advised to start legal action to recover the arrears due i.e. circa £4500 per apartment. Following my long post my questions are 1) Can they sue us again over this debt when the court made a ruling and awarded a CCJ? 2) I think I need a solicitor? Does anyone have any idea how much this would cost? I believe in paying my debts and have tried to but the previous management company wouldnt accept instalments, didn't provide any reports or accounts and were extremely difficult to deal with. We asked them to request payment from our mortgage company but they said they couldn't until a judgement was in force. We bought these apartments when we were both working and had good jobs. I had to give up work due to having an autistic child, I left the UK and moved abroad. My husband still lives in the UK, lost his job and has since found another one but on a much reduced salary. We would sell if we could but both apartments are in negative equity. Thank you for your help
  10. 1 Date of the infringement 20/04/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] No PCN/NTK received (no change of address or other reasoning for NTK not being received) 3 Date received Letter from ZZPS received 04/07/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No PCN/NTK received 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? No PCN/NTK received (contacted ZZPS to inform them I was not aware of the infringement and wanted evidence to prove the allegation) 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Not yet. I have contacted ZZPS to request they refer their claim back to their client and ask them to supply evidence Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up YES from ZZPS Good morning, Please be advised, we have been instructed by our client to pursue the outstanding balance. Our client confirms that this Parking Charge Notice has been issued correctly, all previous correspondence has been sent out and the correct procedure has been followed. We will not be referring this matter back to them. Upon reviewing our client's system, I can confirm that a Parking Charge Notice was sent, via post, on 22 May 2017, to the details provided to them by the DVLA. These are the same details we hold on our system. This site is private land. The landowner has employed our client to issue these Parking Charge Notices on their land. A motorist will be made aware of the terms and conditions of parking at the location by way of the signage located at the site. All of your client's signage is approved by the British Parking Association (BPA) and this site is audited regularly to ensure it complies with the BPA's Code of Practice. As advised above, we have been instructed by our client to pursue payment of the outstanding balance. Please arrange payment of this. I have placed the account on hold until 27 July 2017 to allow you time to make your payment, please refer to the reverse of our letters for payment methods available to you. In the absence of payment, the hold on this account will expire and the account will be left to progress accordingly, where further fees may be incurred. 7 Who is the parking company? One Parking Solution Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] This information hasn't been provided although I have requested it. The information on the DCA letter states Plough Lane, London, sw19 8gt. This is a public highway to my knowledge and doesn't have parking spaces as it is a busy main road. The postcode and road name also don't match up when entered into google maps For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. No but the BPA logo is present in their letter If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here Only correspondence received is from ZZPS posted above. I should probably also add that I have no recollection of this event ever happening and the letter from zzps states that the time of issue was 20:57 and checking my calendar against that time and date I was at work. I have checked my clock card with HR and they confirm I clocked in for work at 20:34 on that date. I should add that I work around the corner from the vague location given on the DCA letter.
  11. Sexual abuse of cadets 'was covered up by officials who urged victims not to tell police' READ MORE HERE: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07/04/sexual-abuse-cadets-covered-officials-urged-victims-not-tell/
  12. Hi I got caught taking some items from primark (I know, sad)! They took me in to a room and took down my details from my Spanish ID and I gave them my real address to send the fine they told me the RLP will send in a couple of weeks or so. I'm over 18 so they didn't ask for my parents details. They made a copy of my Spanish ID and didn't call the police. The total amount was £35. I swear I learned the lesson but I'm really worried if I'm going to have any criminal record in the UK or it's going to be a problem if at some point I want to apply for a mortgage? Also the security guy told me the fine will be £130 but I read on this website that it's £180. Also read that I don't have to pay, just ignore it. The security guy told me if I don't pay it this would be taken to the court and I would have a real problem. Is that real? They have my real address so it's easy the RLP can ask for it and send the police to my address or something? I'm really worried and i'm overthinking the worst! I would really appreciate if you can give me some advise. Many thanks in advance.
  13. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?464034-Court-summons-from-GREENBELT-GROUP-ADVICE-**Discharged-for-£400-from-£2k** Same kind of situation. not paid 9 years greenbelt didnt do the work bad areas in street with very poor maintenance. BUT, other half filled in court summons to make payments, she didn't contest. , this was around 4 weeks ago so they have won decree at £2500, granted 4 days ago got a letter saying as the won decree if we dont pay they will send sherrif officers. how can we contest decree after they win decree, as 50% of the debt is statute barred? was take to court by GREENBELT GROUP ADVICE they got decree. not paid them for around 9 years no contact, in the last 5 years when they made contact they point blank refused all payment terms and demanded full amount . level of service was so poor missing fence sand hedging. patches of land that are meant to be grass simply large areas of mud, In November other half gets citations in her name she doesn't tell me she fills it in with offer of payment, total was around £2300, we are in a difficult financial situation at the moment. As she made offer of payment they win decree for £2300. the issue i have is half of that debt is statute barred. im in talks with greenbelt now, if they dont help, my plan is to take the story to the press and bbc watchdog monthly. They knowingly took statute barred debt to court. SO far, I have contacted : Laura Sangster Para Legal for Greenbelt Laura Sangster Paralegal Greenbelt Group Ltd DL: 0141 948 1249 She was really smug, comments along the line we have WON decree etc. so you will need to pay full amount even though I explained its statute barred. Alex Middleton CEO man of few words sent several emails, either he will ignore or say "thanks" with no other words. anyone know how i can amend judgement cant afford a lawyer sadly, but at worst will plead with BBC watchdog to help.
  14. Gran suffered heart attack at job centre meeting - but was too scared to leave as she feared losing benefits http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/gran-suffered-heart-attack-job-10458734 After leaving the meeting, the lady went to the local walk in centre where an ambulance was called and she was then hospitalised and stents inserted.
  15. World War 1 soldier who was killed in the Battle of the Somme finally laid to rest a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/world-war-1-soldier-who-was-killed-in-the-battle-of-the-somme-finally-laid-to-rest-a-century-later
  16. Hi all, Bit of background ... I fell into a bit of money trouble back in 2011/12 and fell behind with a multitude of things, which manifested in 7 defaults being placed on my credit file (I know, right?). I'm glad to say that all is reformed, I'm in stable employment, my finances are doing great (aside from not being able to get reasonable credit, of course) and the defaults have started to drop off (3 down, 4 to go). Once I had gotten myself back into full time employment, I settled all of my debts outright. One in particular was a credit card with MBNA/Virgin. I settled this directly with them. On review of my credit file, I noticed that MBNA and PRA Group were reporting two entries for this same debt. I wrote to the CRAs and they removed the MBNA entry, leaving PRA, which is showing as settled. My question is, if I settled the debt with MBNA directly and they registered the default, do PRA still have the right to process my data and keep this default on my file? Surely if any default should have remained, it should be MBNA, since they are the only company I dealt with and the creditor with whom I settled the balance? Thanks for your help!
  17. I had a Citi card which has been Opus for some time now. I have never had an Opus card but have just been paying of the old Citi balance. Due to an ongoing divorce I wrote to Opus asking for a reduction in my agreed monthly payment from £50 to £25 and they replied agreeing to this request. Since then they have twice threatened to default the account saying that I am not making the minimum monthly payment. However when I spoke to them yesterday they agreed that they have frozen interest and charges but were not able to tell me why I was not making the required payment when it is what they have agreed to in writing. The lady said I was in breach of some agreement I have never heard of. They are threatening a default and to sell the debt. What is the best form of response please.
  18. Hi all I need some advice on an issue that I have with Sixt. I will put in all events to hopefully give the full picture. 15th Feb hired a car at my local Sixt car hire office for 24 hours. No excess waiver taken On checking the car with the employee I noticed some scratches on the front reg plate and bumper. I was told that these slight scratches did not count as damage. I signed the employees pda computer and was given the keys. No paperwork except the reciept that I signed in the office prior to going to collect the car. I did not have a camera to use at the time. The car was due back by 11am on 16th Feb 2017. As per agreement I parked the car outside the office at around half midnight on the 16th Feb and dropped the key in the 24 hour dropbox. I checked online and noted that the car was checked back in at 7.07hrs. I understand that I am responsible for any damage until it is checked in. I had to go to the office later that morning to resolve a separate fuel issue. The employee who checked the car in, informed me that he had to drive the car to the petrol station to put more fuel in. He was speaking very candidly with me. No mention of anything wrong with the check in. 5 days later I get an email stating that the car has new damage and I am liable. Upon investigation, I find out that the damage being refered to is the same scratches that were there already. After multiple emails back and forth. I have denied all liability. My reasons are as follows: 1) The damage was already there. I informed the employee before taking the car. As per terms and conditions. 2) The photograph taken by Sixt was taken later on that day, after the car had been moved. Even though the damage was there, any new damage claimed could have been caused after the car was checked in. The car was parked in a way that a picture could have easily been taken where I left it. Why wasn't it? 3) Lack of consistency of the employees. The state of the car on check out was described as slightly soiled interior and exterior. On check in the state was described as clean. This could be the exact situation with the scratches. One person says it's ok, the next say it's not. This is obviously what has happenned. 4) I've been sent 2 different invoice amounts, 354 and 360 pounds. On one of the invoices it details labour charges and specific time spent on the repair. When I checked the car after the invoices were produced, the repair has not even been carried out. 5) In one of my emails I suggested that Sixt give customers a sheet of paper that shows a diagram of the car and any damage no matter how minor. This would avoid any confusement in the future. To my amazment one of these sheets was emailed to me with my signature on it. I have never seen this sheet let alone signed it. I feel that this could be classed a fraud. 6) The pictures of the car that Sixt produced showed extra markings that seem to have been added for the picture. I'm not sure if these were markings to point to the scratches or simply to make it look worse. These markings are not there now. All in all I feel that they are trying it on with me. I have invited them to take me to court. I recieved another email today stating that as we are getting nowhere, they have no option other than to refer the case to their legal department, unless "we can come to an agreed settlement" . I feel very suspicious about this. If they are adament that I am liable, why would they want to reduce the charge? You opinions and advice would be very welcome. Do you think I should let them take me to court?
  19. Judge has said to expect PRISON pmsl http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4274430/1-million-home-owner-jabs-electrician-walking-stick.html oh how the mighty fall:whoo::whoo::whoo::lalala::lalala:
  20. Hi all, Long story, which I will try to keep short for you! I purchased a Humax Freeview recorder for £199 in Jan 2016 on my debit card. Over time it developed lots of faults, such as random crashes, missed programs, freezing and even not turning on. After researching the product online, I decided to take it for a refund - Lots of similar stories from other users. This was within a year of purchasing it. The girl on the till wouldn't refund to my debit card as the card I used to purchase it had been reported lost/stolen. I was made to take a refund onto a gift card, which I reluctantly accepted, thinking I'd buy another freeview box from them anyway. After reviewing the options, I decided on a £400 TV instead. Bought the TV and the picture quality was awful, with vertical banding (dark black lines) particularly on one side of the screen and generally poor quality image quality when compared to the 10 year old TV it was replacing! I took this TV back and swapped for another of the same - this one also produced a poor quality image, I got in touch with Argos via their live chat feature on their website today. The girl I was chatting to called the store that I got the TV from (FastTrack) originally and she came back saying they would refund £200 cash and £200 to my new debit card as long as I could provide the long card number and expiry date. I printed the chat transcript, called my bank to get these details and took the card number, the transcript and all my receipts into the store for my refund. They denied ever saying this to the girl at the customer service centre and said that they cannot refund to my card without the card, which I explained was impossible as it was reported lost/stolen! They wouldn't do it with a printed bank statement showing the original transaction either. They also said the store has final say on the matter and gave me an 0345 number for head office, which I called tonight only to be told I have to email head office as they were "only customer service, so we don't have the authority to override the store's decision". No phone number for head office apparently?! Has this happened to anyone here and where do I stand? I don't want to keep buying "blind" at Argos and would prefer to take my money elsewhere - somewhere I can actually see the TV in action before purchasing. Thanks very much in advance for any advice you're able to give before I write to Argos Head Office tomorrow Looking at their returns and refunds policy suggests the following can be used as a proof of purchase. All of which I can produce. WHAT COUNTS AS PROOF OF PURCHASE? Any of these: Till/kiosk receipt confirmation email e-receipt your order number If you can’t find one of the above, don’t worry. We should be able to sort everything out if you have: your card/bank statement the email address used to buy your item Hmm. Surely, as I can provide all the above (bar the stolen/lost payment card) proves I am the person who purchased the Freeview box to start with, so why are they not prepared to refund me?
  21. My girlfriend have seen a watched and she tried it ,i take it from the box and she was puting on her hand while we are speaking about a jacket that we have seen to go and try it, we forget about that watch on her hand, they came 2 muscle retail prevent they ask me to go with them , i said that i will go and i ask them why they are using force on my girlfirned and on me not, because it not fair to take somebody with force, i was cooperate, i was telling that we wanted to go and see a jacket and we forget about the watch and we gonna pay for the watch, they didn't want to let us to pay for watch, they wanted to call the police i said to them i will leave the building, while i was taking my girlfriend by the hand they jump on me and starting to hit me and put the force on my head, hands everywhere ,i was trying to get up and i was again put down while one of rtp they put they knees on me and leg, i don't know it exactly, this was happin in the security room., they call the police and the police was showing the video ,i give my details, they take all my details. the price of watch was 14.99 pounds and they said that i am gonna pay a fine and ban from tk maxx everywhere. what do you believe that i must do ?! i don't want to have a record for my crb and police told me under act 3 or something like this they have the legal right the protect them and use force, they scream on me and i was spealing louder, i said if they have something with me let go outside and settle down but as long they live my girlfriend, because they used force and also she have a surgery on her and she is very sensitive
  22. Hi all, Thanks in advance for any help. I received an over-payment charge from a previous employer in October with a deadline for payment in 6 weeks. At first they miscalculated the charge and over-charged me - I did the calculations and got back to them to state that I believed it was incorrect. They replied that they would look into it a few weeks later sent me a new invoice with a lower (more accurate) charge. I have been in email and phone contact with them about this since the first letter. Following the second invoice, I then submitted another query re a tax return I was due in the month that they overpaid me for, and I was just checking that this tax return had not been included in the over-payment. I also stated my full willingness to pay the charge once this had been clarified and noted that I had missed their initial 6 week deadline - but that was because they had taken so long re-calculating the charge, and then I only had 2 weeks in which to pay 1.5 grand. In their email response to this, they stated that the reminder letters were automatic, and that I would receive another in December/January unless they had received confirmation of my payment. I paid the charge in later December. Following this, I emailed to confirm that I had paid. I did not get a response to this email. I also did not receive a reminder letter in December or January so assumed this meant they had received confirmation of my payment as stated in their previous email. I have had no contact with them since I emailed to confirm payment in early January and did not receive a reply. I have now been sent a letter from a solicitor stating that I have to pay the full amount in the next 14 weeks, straight to the solicitor, or they will take me to court and I will be liable for court fees. I have already paid the amount in full. I have the bank receipt from the initial payment as well as bank statements showing the payment going out of my account. I am visiting the bank today to see if they can provide me with anything more formal, or even send confirmation to the solicitor directly. Is there anything other forms of evidence I can acquire from the bank in order to prove my case? I am now paranoid that the payment did not go through or that it was made to the wrong account, but I gave the bank the original letter and asked them to input the bank details on the letter. I have also checked the details myself. If it was sent to the wrong account - am I able to get the money returned? The money has been taken out of my account. Thanks in advance.
  23. I bought a diesel Volkswagen Passat estate car around a year ago from a local car dealership. While my wife and I were out for a test drive, I made sure to ask the salesman if the car had been affected by the VW emissions scandal. The salesman told us that it was not as they had checked. However, I recently received a letter from Volkswagen stating that my car was indeed affected. We would not have bought the car had we known that it was affected. What are my rights in terms of the dealership? I have no written or recorded record of the conversation, but my wife and I were both present when he made the statement.
  24. My wife has today received a PCN from Parking Eye stating that a car registered in her name was in a motorway services car park for over 11 hours! This has come about because the driver has entered the services area via the service road, at 7:07 to access the motorway, they have therefore not parked at all. they have then entered the services again at 18:32 and left via the service road. Looking at the photos it would appear the 1st one is of the rear of the car and the 2nd one is of the front, I would have expected that the 1st should be the front, entering and the 2 the rear, leaving. What is the best course of action with this, I could prove, with witnesses that the car was not in the carpark for that long, as it was 70 miles away on a construction site. would I be best to ask PE which cameras the photos are from or just point out that the car couldn't have been there and I have witnesses to refute the photos. All help and advice would be gratefully appreciated, I have attached the letter received. Thanks Paul PCN Parking Eye.pdf
  25. Our daughter got married and had her reception at our local golf club. The venue seemed perfect until the actual day. The photographs at the venue where restricted due to the golf. What and where we could have photos taken was not allowed on the day. We had 26 children on a very hot day banned from leaving the venue as they may upset the golfers. None of this was told us at any meetings. When the food was served they served the back tables and the top table the last. The pate was a sloppy mess The food was cold - the roast beef was dry and the turkey was chewy. The functions manager screeched in my face over the table plan not being right. - turned out that a table of 12 guests had not liked the table they had been given so swapped tables. Which I had not been told. She was not in control at many points during the service. We had 106 sit down guests and only 3 people working and serving the food. We have been charged for 20 bottles of red/white wine but 4 tables never got any wine? they can't account for where these went. On the top table where I was sat we had 1 bottle of red - 2 bottles of rose which was for the bride and groom as I only drink white. The food would have been perfect if it was hot but over 10 of our guests have complained. The Toast - myself and the grooms father were given 1 glass of prosecco between the 2 of us. When I asked for a glass the functions manager snapped at me for the second time. The meal took so long to be served my brother who is a diabetic had a hypo and was taken ill in the toilet. It ended up he had to go home as he was to ill to continue. During the service the Function Manager approached me again to say that there were 3 people with no meals and why?? I had emailed her the 3 meals the night before as I was unable to get her by phone as she was in a meeting. She had not read her emails. She was again rude to me. When serving the prosecco to one of the tables they had been buying their own prosecco. She refused them 10 glasses as she said they already had it. Even though it was their own bottle. The FM - approached me after the cake was cut to say she was so sorry but she had inadvertently cut the top tier. She has since lied to her boss and said that there was no arrangement in place for the top tier not to be cut. But the meeting the night before we went through it with her. She cut up 3 tiers of cake and denied that we asked her not to. When we collected the cake in the morning it was wrapped in foil all stuck together and cannot be given to guests at all. Its just a mushed up mess. At the evening recption the FM had a run in with my cousin over the fact he has brought his own alcohol into the building. I asked her to leave him to me and I would get him to leave. But she wouldn't leave it for me to sort the situation and ended up in confrontation with him. He has a volatile temper and if not handled properly he can become aggressive. I managed to calm the situation, in which he handed over the alcohol and left the reception. She has however told her boss that I condoned the situation and did little to help. This is a downright lie and what I managed to do was get a person to leave the reception without any trouble. Our evening buffet - I asked for a buffet for only 60 people knowing my family and having had over 20 years experience in functions. The FM was against a buffet for only 60 people. She did not give me a choice. The buffet was served at 8.30 only 2 hours after the main meals had finihed. People were just not hungry. By 9pm she was clearing the food. Some of the guests asked to take some of the buffet home and we said yes. When they tried to take the food the FM told them to leave it as it was being taken away. There was at least 30-40% of food being taken away. Trays of sausage rolls, quiches, pork pies, salad etc. I tried on several occasions to calm the FM down and she just snapped at me. She was just not in control. The upshot of all this is we are so unhappy with the service. The food etc. We have asked that we are compensated for the top tier to be replaced as they cut it. They have said no. We asked for a refund of the food that we lsot due to wastage - after telling her we only wanted a buffet for 60 people and not 100. They have said no. They undercharged us by 10 bottles of Merlot - but which tables got it as many of our guests said they had no wine. They also claim that they undercharged us by 11 glasses of prosecco. In 7 days the bill has risen by £159.49. Having already paid £3060 we still owe for the evening buffet of £732 and the £159.49. We have explained our unhappiness with the venue and the functions manager but the owner doesn't want to know. He has refferred the matter his solicitor to pursue it in the small claims court. We are prepared to go to court but doesn anyone have any avice for us?
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