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Everything posted by Bandit127

  1. Us males have to have our prostates checked as we get on. I think it might not be so invasive as a smear test but I think it is probably not far off in terms of unpleasantness. However, I do think that if us males had to go through the full procedure of a cervical smear there may be a bit more focus on finding a more elegant solution to the problem. I do know that the blood test for prostate cancer has a very low precision at the moment. Physical investigation is the next step in terms of precision. However, I hope we can all agree that however distasteful the procedure it saves lives. And that more resource should be spent on finding precise alternatives to invasive physical examination.
  2. Thanks CB. I think I have found the thread here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?431946-Court-next-week-HSBC-not-sent-witness-statement-can-i-apply-to-strike-out-case Sarah, please confirm that this is the same case. threads merged - dx
  3. I can't answer your question, but I have asked the site team to move your question to the appropriate forum where you should get appropriate advice. In the meantime, please could you give us some history on this debt? Preferably detailed and including the POC and your defence, plus further events so far? This will enable the experts to give you precise advice. If that is in a different thread, please post a link to it.
  4. Read some other threads - particularly those where people have won. By doing so you will become familiar with the procedures required to get you through it and on what basis people win. In your case your account was started before 2006. That is good for you because you can require them to produce the agreement they refer to. If they can't then your case is strengthened. You will see how this is done in other threads.
  5. I appreciate you are disappointed and stressed by this, but your stress level might be clouding your vision. If having a car on the road is more important than extracting your revenge from Chrysler UK then get a second hand gearbox and a new driveshaft. Fit them yourself or get them fitted by a local garage. I got a 6 speed gearbox sourced and fitted for £320 for my Audi A4. The driveshaft would probably have been another £100 fitted. Less than £500 all up. If, however, you are hell bent on banging your head on a wall with Chrysler over this, I will not try to stop you.
  6. She has zero chance if she does not adhere to the timelines for acknowledgement of service and submission of defence. These timelines are crucial for avoiding judgement by default. Please review this thread and post up (minus any identifying info) accordingly. Without this info it will not be possible for the experts to give you precise advice. Edit - got beaten to it by DX . Twice. Must type faster...
  7. There is no statutory period any more. That was repealed in 2008 I think. They are allowed to provide a reconstruction in response to a CCA S77/78 request. That doesn't need a signature but it must be a true copy and contain all the specified terms of the original. However, they must provide a copy of the signed original if they are to be able to enforce a judgement on an account that was started before April 2007. When was your account started?
  8. It is clear to me that some here think your posts are not credible. I must admit while I posted my earlier reply to your thread that this could well be a wind up, but I gave you the benefit of doubt and posted a straight reply. Citizen B, a moderator on this board has also given you the benefit of doubt. Personally I would reflect on the perceived lack of credibility my posts have if I were in your position. The time I give to the people on here is my own. I give it freely and not without some effort - especially on some threads. If you are having a laugh ay my expense, have some respect and do it elsewhere. If not, specific questions and a bit of humility will get you a better reception.
  9. Looks like a single victim, not premeditated starts at 36 weeks of contemplation at Her Majesty's Pleasure. However, please feel free to read yourself and differ from my reading of it. I think you will only go up from that. http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/s_to_u/sentencing_manual/fraud_by_false_representation/ Brig is right. You need a solicitor.
  10. See how you go with this but I would certainly be putting money aside for a solicitor right now. If this gets to court and you are found guilty, 65 in a 30 will be considered for a ban. You might get away with 5 or 6 points if you can put up some mitigation. You will have to appear, guilty by post may be offered but it will not be accepted.
  11. If the scenario is for example, an iPhone that came "free" with a 2 year contract and the contract defaulted I can see that they have claim to the phone as well as the service provided on that phone. The contract is designed to pay off the price of the phone as well as the service. IHB is right - they do court.
  12. Donkey and Fletch. For some reason I can't give you reputation for this discussion, so I am posting up my thanks for the quality of the advice and discussion in this thread. Very useful for me and I hope many others.
  13. Please can the new posts search button contain posts I have read? Currently, if I reply to a thread it does not appear in the search result unless someone else has subsequently posted a reply. Preferably, new posts should be all posts since I last logged in. Including replies. If this is not possible, please change the name of "new posts" to "unread posts".
  14. Either I am mireading your post or you have missed a crucial step in your information above. Please type out their particulars of claim (verbatim) less any identifiable data and round the amounts up/down. Without this the experts will not be able to give you accurate and meaningful advice.
  15. Were you pulled over and cautioned? Simply being flashed is no proof that you have been caught. The flashy ones have a set length of film while the flash is mains powered. They will carry on flashing after the film has run out. I sort of want to see you update in 3 weeks that actually nothing happened. For good and bad reasons
  16. The particulars of claim is a statement of "facts". Among those "facts" will be "agreement for", "assigned to", "defaulted on", "sum of" Your defence would normally challenge these assertions with further facts. You will challenge them for the "agreement" they assert exists. If they fail to come up with the agreement you can then state in your defence that there is no agreement. For example. Given sufficient time, it is normal to gather the evidence to validate their claim. Or not... Usually not... You are out of time to gather the required documents (or an acknowledgement that the other side do not have them). There is a defence that you can use in such a case. It is called the "holding defence". It is an inferior defence to a solid rebuttal of their claims but it is all you have. Search this forum for "holding defence". If the judge accepts that you will need to continue to work to validate their claims.
  17. The truth is that your Mum might not have had money from her Sister. But the evidence is that she did, in the form of the signed letter that the Solicitor will bring up in court. I don't think there is any wiggle room here. Be aware that her Sister needs to be very upfront with the OR. If she is seen to be treating creditors preferentially, she could have addition restrictions requested or placed on her bankruptcy. If she is seen to be lying to the Official Receiver, she could be committing a criminal offence.
  18. Typo Dx. Request was sent 21/07/14.
  19. My assumption is that you are being advised to do both. Otherwise the next time you hear from PE might be via the Northampton Bulk Centre.
  20. Have you actually filed the defence? Or just acknowledged the claim and indicated that you will defend in full? Edit - thanks TOR, you beat me to it.
  21. You have a Continuous Payment Authority on your card with Regal. To make the cancellation request with the bank more likely to stick, I suggest you use a template letter modified to suit. The National Debtline one is here: https://www.nationaldebtline.org/EW/sampleletters/sole-letters/Pages/Withdraw-your-continuous-payment-authority-from-payday-loan-company-%28sole-name%29.aspx Once that is done, I would be making sure Regal haven't been adding interest or charges to your account. And that there was no PPI or unfair charges when it was with BMI either.
  22. I think you have missed the boat for going back on this. Can you register for the same name with a different top level instead (e.g. .net or .co.uk instead of .com)? If you really need the old name back I think you are going to have to ask the current owner. And that could be expensive.
  23. For anyone else interested but doesn't know. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-12473446 The "thief" got a caution, the employer and his "accomplices" had charges dropped. But the employer paid £13,000 in an out of civil court settlement.
  24. Yes. A CCJ establishes a new debt in law. However, Drysden's is not the claimant on the CCJ and it was so long ago that they are highly unlikely to be able to persuade a judge to allow enforcement. I will wait like the rest, but my call on these letters so far is... Threat-O-Gram.
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