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Everything posted by Bandit127

  1. Customers of these companies should talk to StepChange or National Debtline who are charities and provide the same service for free. Thanks for the info CB. (Sadly I must "spread some Reputation around before giving it to citizenB again" - or I would have).
  2. Lowells/BC are likely to say the £1 fee for your CCA request was a payment and therefore resets the SB clock (it wasn't and it doesn't). You need to be ready for it though.
  3. There is no honour amongst thieves. You need to get over the history of this. You have a court claim incoming. That re-sets all the history and it will create a new debt if it is successful. When you get the claim the whole thing pivots on the Particulars of Claim and your ability (with help from the experts here) to rebut them. Take the fight to them and don't let them get away with another Judgement by Default.
  4. And send a CCA request to DLC. While they will probably come back with the same compliant agreement, a properly formed CCA request includes the requirement for a Statement of Account. This is the bit that you want because it is legally binding. That should make them check properly and come back with the right amount. If not, you have a clear dispute. Send them a letter headed Account In Dispute and tell them you are paying nothing until they get it right. You could tell them that you have proof of the amount - depends how brave you are but I would consider not letting on what the amount is just yet. If they can't get it right, they have no business asking you for payment.
  5. If a DCA posts up your personal details on the web to pressure you in to paying, I think it would be equitable to return the compliment. In the meantime, they do not. You posting such details up on them without such a reason would be vindictive, immature and not get you anywhere with your problems. Keep it in the private domain, but by all means use the public sources to get to the right people for complaints etc.
  6. Despite the local moans, you both got caught speeding. At the time you got caught the speed limit was 30 mph by law. If you are prosecuted those will be the facts before the court. Even raising the fact that it is now a 40 mph limit in mitigation might backfire on you. A judge is likely to see that as you just trying to excuse your excess speed. My call is - man up to it.
  7. Have you spoken to him? I would start there - he may not know he is causing any trouble. If you need an "authority" then Ofcom regulate all radio transmission in the UK. If he is not licensed it will be on the basis that he is not causing interference. The fact that he is (causing interference) will interest Ofcom whether he is licensed or not.
  8. I don't know what the rules are but I do know the address history they have for me goes back many years beyond 6. You can write to ask them to correct the record if you are still shown as associated to another person (like an ex husband or wife). They should remove that without any trouble.
  9. These are serious words. I have not seen them used before for a car recall. I presume Vauxhall will be picking up the tab for hire cars and a transport lorry to get your undriveable Corsa to the dealer?
  10. For Windows users here this isn't a direct threat. If I had a portable Apple device I would probably not use public wi-fi until Apple put a fix out. I haven't seen any reports of an exploit for OS X though. If you are running an internet facing web server on a Unix/Linux machine you need to check your level of vulnerability. This shell script will output vulnerable if you need to patch, or this is a test if you are patched. SANS has gone to yellow on this. https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Why+We+Have+Moved+to+InfoCon+Yellow/18715 Good technical info also from SANS. https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Update+on+CVE-2014-6271+Vulnerability+in+bash+shellshock+/18707 Apple Says OS X Safe By Default Against Bash Vulnerability
  11. Ok. 2 things for you to do then. 1. Check your credit file for this account is accurate. To make sure the money you are paying off your account is accurate. (It might have dropped off by now though). 2. CCA Barclaycard. I know you have Egg's reply from 2010 but it has been transferred since and you need to know that your paperwork went with it. Include the requirement for a statement of account.
  12. If you do not send them sufficient to cover the judgement by day 14 you will have a CCJ registered against you. If you are not precious about a CCJ then you can apply for a variation. But you will not be able to use their offer of £1500 in evidence. "Without prejudice" precludes it being offered in evidence. If you had taken the letter to the original hearing, the judge would have had to ignore it. That is the point of "Without prejudice". It is for making "out of court" communication.
  13. Who are Payplan actually paying for this? Surely not egg? What does your credit file say about who owns this debt?
  14. OK, I got photobucket working. Not sure if they complied with the requirement for the original T&Cs on that but it looks compliant otherwise. Who is chasing this now? I would send them a new request. You can actually send them a request a month (not that you would, but it is technically possible).
  15. I think it is unlikely that they will bother with the 5 miles thing. If they didn't see enough evidence to prosecute you with failing to stop I don't see any benefit in putting it in the witness statement. The evidence they need for the conviction is 1. you in the car and 2. your blood alcohol level. Anything else is not relevant to the charge and could be prejudicial. You are not going to prison for a first time offence of simple driving over the limit. Get over it on that. I think your blood level might make them look to the mid/upper range of the 12-16 months and might aggravate the fine. You were clearly well over the 35 limit.
  16. A CCA is a request for the original agreement made under the Consumer Credit Act. This needs to be properly formed so you need a template letter for it. A SAR is a request for a copy of the information an entity holds on you. This again needs to be properly formed so again, a template letter is needed. If this does go the wrong way, you can avoid a CCJ being registered by paying it in full within 14 days of judgement. If you have a printout of your credit file showing the correct date you might be able to add that to your witness statement.
  17. How long before you are back? And what is the issue date of the claim? If the claim does go through undefended it will cost £155 for a set aside application.
  18. Who is chasing you for this? It can't be Egg obviously. I think it must be a bottom feeder DCA. None of the established DCAs would dare phone 12 times in a day. (Sorry but I couldn't get Photobucket to load the pics on my mobile so can't see from that). You should include the requirement for all communincation to be in writing only in your next letter. Hopefully good advice will follow on what else to put in that letter.
  19. You will need to plead. Guilty or not guilty. If you plead guilty the magistrates will want to know the background so you are likely to be asked to tell your story from the dock. You will need to swear an oath on the bible. They will likely ask you what effect banning you will have. If there are any mitigting circumstances you should write them down for yourself - it will make it easier for you to present that in court. If there are no mitigating circumstances I think the starting point for the ban is 18 months. Some responses to this thread will be a bit emotional. Perhaps even hysterical. Bear with the forum on that. Drink driving is an emotional and political issue as well as a criminal one. IMO, the criminal price you pay is the only one society requires you to pay - don't get hung up by the rest.
  20. You will not get points for no car tax. You will be much better placed when it gets heard in court if you can pay the tax back to when it was previously taxed. You will probably need to call DVLA to arrange this. You will then get to court with only an offence of not having tax instead of an additional one for the back tax. In my experience, they add somewhere between the amount owed and double that to the fine if you owe them. Back in the day, if you caught it before they issued a summons and paid them up they wouldn't proceed to court.
  21. Perhaps prepare some samples on days when it is bad and keep them for the engineer. Sod's law says he will turn up on a day when it is clear...
  22. A Google search will probably turn up a local company that can test your water and compare it to the standards the water board must adhere to. It is also worth sending your sample to the water board with your complaint. They will also test it against the standards. I think the central point here is that you rightly want clean water. Not somebody to complain about. Please keep your focus on that as you progress with this.
  23. National Debtline, CAB and Stepchange are all charities that can do the same without charging any fee from you. Do not pay for the same service.
  24. I sent mine to the Group Data Protection Manager at the Canada Square address and that worked (although it took them far more than 40 days). I don't think it matters much though. As you can address a legally valid letter to your local branch, I don't see addressing a SAR to the Leeds address as being any different. You can call them (sorry but I no longer have the number) to confirm that they are processing it. They are quite approachable. Edit - Actually, I found a direct number for a Carol Harrison who dealt with mine. I don't want to paste it on the internet so please PM me and I will let you have it.
  25. This isn't a competition. I was hoping for some qualification via the unpleasantness to allow me to post on a women's topic as a man. I thought I did OK and am prepared to be judged by it. The point that we should be working on a better solution to the problems we all face remains valid and is the essence of what was in my mind if it did not come out in the words.
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