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Everything posted by LaughingGirl

  1. Personally, the other thing that I would be concerned about is that your LL has already told you that money is tight for him. You would need to be very clear indeed on what happens to the house if he runs into serious financial difficulties in the future, especially if he has any existing credit secured on the house. Another thing that you may want to look into before you get too much further into this, is whether a bank would actually even lend you £10,000 for a part share of/improvements to a house you don't own. I'm not sure that they would, myself.
  2. Not unusual, CitizenB. One of my advisers made me remove qualifications/courses (apparently they're not relevant to what I'm applying for, and will make employers think I'm over qualified) and my date of birth (I like to think in my mid-thirties I still have a little bit to offer, thanks very much).
  3. There's something about this story that doesn't sit right with me. I'm the last person to call anyone for not keeping an eye on their bank balance, but to not notice £1000 a month missing for two years? I realise they're not broke, It's not like they're rolling in money.
  4. Questions correct: 10 / 10 You took 65 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 935 Every time I've been to the site for the last couple of days, they've been closed for maintenance.
  5. Hi Master4Eva. I see I've got a PM from you, but it's best to keep all the information on the original thread, as it might help others in the same situation. I honestly wouldn't get too overwrought about it at this point. As we've already said, the first things you need to do are contact National Debt Line and your local Housing Office then take things from there. Don't panic.
  6. I would say that your best bet would be the General Motoring sub-forum. I've popped the link in for you below. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?263-General-Motoring-Issues
  7. I completely agree with CitizenB - contact National Debt line and ask about a Debt Relief Order. As far as the house goes, you need to go to your local housing office and tell them that you are about to me made homeless. It wouldn't hurt to contact Shelter, either. I've put the link for you below. http://england.shelter.org.uk/
  8. Sorry ElephantsFly - I completely misunderstood your question, I think I better have another coffee! I have to confess, IB/ESA are not my strong point and I don't want to advise you incorrectly. I see you've already done some research, but have you tried the online benefits calculator at turn2us.org? Hopefully one of the ESA folk will be along soon.
  9. Well, first of all, you're not going to prison so put that out of your head. Can you tell us a bit more about the house, please? You say it is not yours, but your stepfathers - are you paying the mortgage on it, or is he subletting it to you? You also say that you will have to leave in one months time - have you had a formal eviction notice?
  10. Basically, when HB is paid directly to the claimant, it's up to them how they pay their landlord. The only way I can think to explain it is to say that, say (for example) someone is on benefit 'X' and getting £100 a fortnight, and their rent is £50 a week. It's perfectly acceptable for them to pay their rent fortnightly out of their benefit, then use their HB for their living costs. If it was me, I wouldn't point it out to the interviewer as they should already know - just stick to the facts. Others might feel differently about that, though.
  11. How much you would get depends on your LHA (Local Housing Allowance), which you should be able to find on the website of your local council. A Google search for [Your Local Council's Name] and LHA should get you to the right place. It doesn't matter which one of you makes the claim - there are sections on the form for each applicant to disclose which benefits they're on. Just make sure that it's fully completed and that you hand in any evidence that's required.
  12. Hi Pinnel. Thanks for taking the time to reply to the OP's query, but please keep all communication to the discussion thread, as per the site rules. The link to the site rules is below. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?17-Forum-Rules-Please-read-before-posting Thanks.
  13. If you've still got four weeks before the date on the summons, I wouldn't do any of this by phone if I were you...unless you have the ability to record your calls. The last thing you want is them being super apologetic to your house mate then finding out that they've proceeded anyway. If you live close enough to the Council Offices, I would take a letter in by hand and ask for a receipt.
  14. I suppose it's all supply and demand though, to be fair. If people are prepared to pay it, they'll keep charging it.
  15. I didn't venture into the cafe at the one I went to, Renegade. I think it's safe to assume that a sausage sandwich and cuppa there would be about a third of my weekly shopping budget.
  16. To be fair, though, it doesn't beat the farm shop I was in the other weekend. They had a chocolate ball covered in smarties on a lollipop stick, stuck in a little terracotta pot (so it looked like a smartie topiary, for want of a better way of putting it). Price? A mere £7.45. I remember, back in the day, when farm shops were good value. It were all fields round here then.
  17. It boggles my mind that people (anywhere!!!) collectively spent £60,000 on pastry things with a glaze on them.
  18. For that price I'd want one of their staff members to rock up to my house with the donuts, make the coffees and then do the washing up. There's a little place up town here that does 12 donuts for a quid, and you can have whatever topping you like (including kiwi syrup, which sounds revolting).
  19. Deary me, very poor show. Didn't help that I didn't read the maths question properly, mind you. Questions correct: 7 / 10 You took 81 seconds to complete this quiz. Total score: 619
  20. This would be a BTEC Level 1/NOCN Level 1 Diploma in Land Based Studies. All of the courses that I've just looked at are classed as full time, and most require 2/3 days attendance or a minimum of 14 hours a week.
  21. There's an good article in the Guardian today, too. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/feb/22/mps-blast-work-programme
  22. Making two cups of tea this morning, pouring the milk in and watching it instantly curdle. I'm guessing if I hadn't woken up with a stinking head cold, I would have realised earlier that my insomniac OH had decided during the night to descale the kettle with vinegar.
  23. I imagine this is an EPOS system, which means that when one person leaves the till, they 'sign out' usually using an operator code of some sort, and the next person signs in.
  24. Looks perfect to me. Hopefully someone who is able to help you will be along shortly.
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