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Everything posted by LaughingGirl

  1. I'm a bit shocked that they're going down this route, tbh. It's obvious to anyone with half a functioning brain cell that you can't alter or change the details on your own credit report. I'd be on the phone to the Police again at this point, I think.
  2. This is exactly how I feel Fletch. Couldn't have said it better. At this point, the only thing that makes me believe that Casper is for real is that it boggles my mind that someone would waste this much of their own time on doing this. In fact, I would suggest that if this is a wind up, the person concerned still needs help. Casper, you asked earlier if you should still go to The Purfleet Trust. I understand that you were told that you needed a referral from the Council for them to house you, but to be honest I think that you should go there as soon as possible and say you need to speak to an adviser urgently. You need to go through this whole story from start to finish with them, before they receive your referral from the Council. It's very important that you do this, because unless you speak to them I doubt that they'll understand the level of support that you need, and they'll just treat your referral as a general request for housing. As I have already told you, they can offer help and support with far more than housing - they have a benefits advise service and also run several courses to help the long term unemployed.
  3. I'm afraid I agree with this completely. I sincerely hope that your referral to the Purfleet Trust is successful, because a forum isn't an appropriate place for you to get advice. Please let us know how you get on with them...I'm sorry I can't help you, but when you're not even sure if you're in receipt of benefits, it's just not practical to give you any advice.
  4. I completely agree that it seems to vary from adviser to adviser. The email thing worked very well for me, and I actually found it far less onerous than writing everything down.
  5. Please also contact Shelter as a matter of urgency - they will be able to advise you on both the repossession and re-housing. There's a fact sheet at the link below which may be of some help while you're waiting for Ell-en or one of the other regulars. http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/repossession/allowed_to_stay If you're feeling really down, definitely speak to your GP.
  6. I've never had a problem with providing hand-written or email evidence, but I acknowledge that I seem to have a (comparatively) very laid back JCP adviser. The only thing I can think of for this is screen-capping and printing your internet history, but as you rightly state, this could get very expensive very quickly over 5 job sites and 3 times a week. I would suggest speaking to your adviser, explaining that you can't afford to print that much information out and ask if he/she would be prepared to accept all of your evidence as an email. This is something that I've done myself in the past, when the printers at the local library had a meltdown an hour before I was due to sign.
  7. With three weeks to go, your best option would be to find a way to collect the dress. You could commence court action via the small claims route, but to do this you would have to send a letter before action. Under the circumstances, I would say that stating in the LBA that they have 7 days to respond would be reasonable, but you're unlikely to see any money from this before your big day, unfortunately. The only other thing (besides what you've already been doing) that I can think of is to see if the company concerned are advertised as appearing at any wedding fairs, and then turning up to see if there is anyone from the company there to speak to.
  8. Nevertheless, I think if they were going to do it, they would have done it by now. The shop security have probably forgotten about the OP completely and are going on with their business while he/she is sitting around worried sick about them contacting her employer.
  9. I'm going to be completely blunt here, Casper. People on this thread, myself included, have struggled to believe your story at times because you're telling us that you've received a 26 week sanction without ever having been sanctioned before. As Flumps has very patiently been telling you for weeks, it just doesn't work like that. If you have been stuck on a 26 week sanction without receiving a 2 week, 4 week and 13 week sanction first, someone has made one hell of a mistake. I'm not saying that mistakes don't happen, but you don't seem to be doing anything to sort it out! If the Job Centre told me that I wouldn't be receiving any money for 6 months and I knew I had never been sanctioned before, I wouldn't leave until someone explained to me why it was happening. You can't keep putting things like this off! If you only do two things today, a) Speak to the Job Centre and find out why this sanction is for 26 weeks. b) Speak to the CAB and ask for help with the County Court forms.
  10. Didn't happen. Casper needs a referral from the council, which isn't completely unusual.
  11. I think we've established that you must have had some sort of sanction previously for this one to be so long. What exactly did he ask you about the sanction last year? What do you want a solicitor for, Casper - the outcome of the compliance interview or for the County Court summons? If it's the summons, you don't need a solicitor you can do it yourself with the help of the CAB. Again, take everything you can, especially anything you have regarding the sanction as you will need to explain why you have no income. If you don't, the judge will fix payment at a level you can't afford.
  12. On the basis that I'm female and not Catholic, I'm wondering if the employer for this position will be requesting exemption from the Discrimination act prior to advertising the vacancy. If not, I'll be there with bells on - I've always fancied a wander round the Vatican library.
  13. I'm afraid I can't help you on what's likely to happen with the compliance officer, Casper - just let us know how it goes and we'll try to help. As far as the court claim goes, I'm not sure that there is much to be done about the rent arrears. However, the judge will only set payments at a rate you're able to afford, and since you currently have no income, that will be zero - I expect what will happen is he or she will suspend payment until your benefits are reinstated or you find work. However, it's important that you respond to the claim stating that the washing machine and cooker were left as you found them and also explaining your current circumstances, eg that you have no income. If you don't, your ex-landlord will obtain judgement in default and he could take further enforcement action. Just out of curiosity, where exactly did he send the court claim to? Your mother's address?
  14. See, that's the kind of thing I'm getting with UJM - five hour round trips! The old system was definitely a bit out as well, but at least the majority of results that I used to get were in the same region!
  15. Definitely make it into a positive. A few years back, I had a chap redeployed into the department I was (admin) manager of - he had HFA, and the job he was first stuck in was a total nightmare for him for a variety of reasons. Once we'd had a good chat and he'd explained to me what parts of the job were stressful to him, we found workarounds. All I can say to you is that after that, if I could have cloned him and replaced 2/3rds of my staff with him I would have been a happy woman. I agree with HB - you seem to have a very balanced view of what's happening to you, and to be honest I think you'll be fine because of that. Good luck!
  16. I've just started using it again, and I have to say that my biggest problem with it is that it's utter, complete and total cobblers. It just doesn't work. If they bring in this 'Job Seekers must be actively seeking work for 35 hours a week' thing, I can see how UJM will help - it would take about 30 hours a week to scroll through the completely irrelevant vacancies it throws up (example: For some reason, using the word 'Admin' beings up pages and pages of vacancies with the word "Automotive" in them). Its grasp of geography is also worse than my own, and that's saying something. Asking it to refine results to within 10 miles of my local area results in some quite baffling selections.
  17. That's quite alright. As I say, it's a very decent thing to do - it can be really disheartening to be new to forums and feel like you're being ignored, particularly somewhere like CAG, where it sometimes takes a good bit of courage just to post in the first place. Hats off to you, Sir.
  18. I hope you're not referring to Sir Gilmore! He's just bumping questions that have had no response, so they have an opportunity to be heard. What Sir Gilmore is doing is in response to a post from the forum admin: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?126507-Too-Many-Posts-Going-Unanswered-Your-Help-Needed&highlight=too+many+posts+going+unanswered Personally, I think he's doing an admirable job - as far as I can tell, he's also the only person that bothers doing it, and it's pretty damn decent of him IMO!
  19. Oi vey. Good to hear that you've started the process with the Council, Casper. Can you type up exactly what it says in the Court document? We'll need to hear exactly what they're claiming before we advise you. There's some urgency to this, because you only have a limited time to respond to a county court claim.
  20. Agree. If that's the case though, it would be very nice to find out what happened in the end and how Casper is. *HINT HINT* Seriously...every time this thread pops up in my user CP, I flinch. I wish I was kidding.
  21. Have I got the wrong film? Daniel Radcliffe was in Woman in Black...and I'm not going to lie, I liked it, lol. Films like that scare me far more than Slasher/Gore type horror films.
  22. STD1971, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you mentioned earlier that you have had some recent stress/sadness in your life. There is some fairly well documented research regarding stress/depression and impulsive or risky behaviour such as shoplifting. It may be worth you having a chat with your GP, and explaining to him or her what has been going on. They won't judge you, but they will be able to give you advice on how to deal with whatever has been happening in your life. Please don't worry about the security guards going to your employer - it's highly unlikely to happen. If it does, come back here and people will be able to give you advice on how to deal with it.
  23. 'IT' left me with a fear of clowns that has never left me.
  24. There should be no problem at all. Just make sure you photocopy and get receipts for everything you give them. My local council are notorious for supposedly not receiving evidence of income etc.
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