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  1. UPDATE: I had my hearing for Friday but the appeal did not take place. The judge asked asked the lawyers to try and reach an agreement. After 2 hours they were able to agree with the consent of the mortgage company to reduce the arrears payment from £200 PM to £50 PM for 12 months and put the mortgage payments back where they were in 2005 (£325 PM) for 12 months. There will be a review in 12 months if I fail to meet the payments. This is good for me because I can manage this now. £375 pm is good. We took the kids out for dinner on Friday that's why I did not write. I want to say thank you to all of you who have saved our home and a special thank you to Lea_HTH for keeping the faith when I had lost all of my own, thanks so very much. We have all started doing charitable work: my wife started yesterday and I started today. Thanks for opening our eyes.
  2. Yes, I saw District Judge Bowles and the judge that rulled against me was Deputy District Judge Smart. I have a hearing for the appeal on friday 8th at 010:00. I also now have a lawyer,we had a conference together yesterday. He seem very confident. I will keep you up to date. Thanks very much for everything.
  3. The hearing is to decide whether I can stay whilst the property is sold. But he said that I could still save my home but he suggest I get a lawyer. He was very critical of the mortgage company in the way they dealt with the matter from the beginning, not giving us options to save our home. So, he said, it is not too late for us to save our home but we need a lawyer. We will try to get a lawyer. We will start working on it tomorrow. Thanks everyone.
  4. Thank you all, Thank you all so very much. The eviction was suspended. Thank you so much. I arrived at the court at 08:15 found the baliff, tried to explain to him the situation and that I was appealling. "I am not interested, eviction will take place at 09:00 a.m. Lady walks in. Security man said that's the court manager, have a word. I asked her if I could speak with her. Told her my story, "come with me". Went to her office, "please sit down, don't worry, you will not be evicted today". "would you like a cup of coffee?" Drink that and wait here, I'll be right back". After about 20mins, she said, "come with me". Oh, the judge was so very kind (court was still closed but he saw me). He read the papers and said, "I will grant a stay of the Warrant for eviction now. The hearing will take place within 28 days at Bow County Court. You should fight to keep your home but you need a lawyer. You have a good chance of keeping your home if you get a lawyer". I am so very happy today. Thank you all so very much. I didn't know that there were still people like you all, the judge, the court manager and the security man still in the world. Thank you. I will keep you up to date.
  5. Thanks. I will let you all know the out come later today. Thanks.
  6. Thanks. Could you tell me what the fee is for filling form n161 please? I am now ready.
  7. Yes, Romford. I will ask but no body said anything. But I will ask first thing. Yes, my wife and olderest daughter went up North to see if she can get financial help from her uncle. They will be back tomorrow lunch time. Ok, I will let you know tomorrow what happen. Thanks so very much.
  8. No, there is no number for the baliff BUT there is a number and an email for the solicitor. This is where I sent the information yesterday. They did say if I had paid the arrears before Monday I must phone them and they will have the baliff stand down. Yes, my younger daughter will be home but she is very afraid. We are trying to rent a room but it will not be finalised until tomorrow.
  9. Oh, sorry, one more question please: tomorrow the baliff suporse to come at 09:00. I will be at court filling the appeal during this time. Yesterday I sent the company's solicitor a fax ana email of my intention to appeal on Monday. I am almost finish packing. I will have about 50 large boxes. Should I leave them in the garden in case I cannot get in the house when I come back? What should I do? Thanks.
  10. OK, I will do that. We still have 15 years left to run on the mortgage.
  11. OK, thanks very much for that. I wish you were representing me (smile). I will try to get the cases on Monday morning. I did send a fax and email to the mortgage company's solicitor telling them that I will enter an appeal on Monday morning. I hope this stops the baliffs. At court on Friday, a gentleman did offer to represent me at an appeal, after I came out of court very distressed on Friday but he wanted £50 for filling the documents, £450 for representation + VAT. I did not have the money so he went away. I did speak with the CAB in Ilford for last Friday representation but they did not have anybody. I will follow your instructions and do my best. Thank you very much.
  12. OK, thanks for that. I will put in the appeal first thing Monday morning. I have the form N161 but it looks very complicated but I will try my best. I will fax a letter to the Mortgage company's solicitor now telling them that I will put in an appeal on Monday morning. You mentioned there is case law that supports my position, can you tell me an authority I can use? Thanks very much.
  13. That is very good advice but I am tired now, I can't fight anymore. Thanks and goodbye.
  14. Ok, I've lost the house. The judge said that it is time he brings the case to an end because it has gone on too long (3years). He did not give me any time to move out, he said that he don't have the power to do that so the baliff are coming Monday morning at 09:00. We will take some of our clothes but we don't have time to take anything else. I managed to rent a room but it's too small to store anything. 3 people lost their home during the morning session but it appered that the judge and the company's lawyer knew each other very well. The original judge did not turn up because his wife was sick so we had a replacement judge. So we waited for 2 1/2 hours. When the lawyer heard who the judge was that was coming he said oh, I like this judge very much. So when we went it he said "hello Sir, it is good to see you", the judge looked up and said, "oh, (name") (I forgot the name), "I haven't see you for some time, how's your family?" . I knew right then that my case was lost. Anyway, thanks to all of you who have help me. I don't know what to do now but thanks and goodbye.
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