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  1. Hi there, Is there anyone out there who can help me? We have a former GMAC mortgage that went over to mortgage Express. We were keeping up with the mortgage until I finally succumbed to my illness and disability. We are currently five months in arrears which works out to be £4250. I was working part time and my wife was working full time and up to earlier in the year keeping up with our mortgage. We thought we had sorted ourselves out with my working part time and my wife getting a full time job a while ago. I had an operation several years ago, that resulted in damage to my spine, this means I take 35 tablets a day, and have fentanyl (type of morphine) patches, oramorph (another type of morphine). I am stuck in a wheelchair now, I am typing from a special bed installed in our bedroom that is like a hospital bed. All this means I cannot really work a lot now. I am waiting for the first of five operations at the start of August so will be out of any sort of working fulltime loop for a few years. I will be able to work part time and an employer is willing to let me do this fitting around all my issues. My wife works fulltime, but had to take a few months off without pay due my being in and out of hospital. overall a loss of income. We have managed to stabilise our position, but need to sort out the mortgage arrears. We were in arrears a few years ago with MX and it was hell. Four of five phone calls a day, refusal to accept a deal, threats of a home visit etc. we changed our phone number, managed to pay off the debt and were debt free for three years. How can I write a letter offering an extra £150.00 a month, which we can pay and try to forestall any action? We had a knock at the door which was out of the blue. It was an advisor and valuer from them. We told him to go away, we were only going to deal with Mortgage Express in writing as our last experience told us they bullied on the phone, never agreed a deal, and kept on phoning us. Despite our telling him to go away, he came back four times, each time was when our neighbours were coming home from work. He would stand outside the house and with a raised voice tell us he was there to deal with our mortgage arrears. our neighbours know our business. Can someone point me towards a letter template our help me out with one to send them as soon as possible? I just want to stop and action which the valuer told us they would do, that being taking us to court for repossession. I know the court might end up giving possession and then stay it, but it is a worry I could do without. I get full DLA, I am as previously stated in a wheelchair. I have four outpatient’s appointments a week, which I know is not MX’s fault, but being thrown out of the house will result in my ending up in hospital. Please help.
  2. Hey,I met the same situation as you. How are you doing now? can you contact me? if you read the comment. sorry you cant post phone numbers on CAG we are anon.
  3. A description of the issue : I am an oversea student in Manchester. original student additions:1790 pounds. original every saver:18680 pounds. accommodation installment is 1793 pounds. After paying my accommodation installment on 22/01/2019, all my money in my both account has been deducted on 23/01/2019. It shows "to reconcile" with reference: "fraud prevent GIA ADV". I reported it to the nearest Barclay branch on 23/01/2019. a staff told me that someone will contact me but until now(02/02/2019) no one has contacted me. I am very sad and afraid because on 08/02/2019 I will pay my tuition installment but now I really have no money at all and I don't know what I should do next.
  4. Government introduces tough new measure to prevent acid attacks READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-introduces-tough-new-measure-to-prevent-acid-attacks
  5. I have a potential legal issue with a builder - Is this the correct area to post? To be brief: a (project manager) builder quoted for a job 1y ago, the job was never done but he is now claiming I should pay him for his time to measure rooms and draw plans. I have so far refused on the basis that the measuring and plans he did do were awful and I could not use them. Without correct plans no other parts of his quote could be carried out.... He has now threatened me with legal action - which I wish to prevent - somehow.. which is why I am posting here... To elaborate a bit - The quote was incredibly vague and the cost for each job was not itemised. There were a long list of jobs he would do within his quote and the whole lot totalled apx 3.5k - but as nothing was itemised it was really unclear how he even got to the 3.5k total or if it would rise and rise... He came to the property and measured 3 rooms. He then did some drawings on graph paper showing those existing rooms and what he considered to be a proposed layout. The proposals were basic and boring (my kids could do better). He also failed to include 2 key areas that we had discussed - access to an existing terrace above and creating a new basement below - which meant his drawings were inaccurate and could not be used for any further planning nor for the council planning application, which had formed part of his quote. Including these 2 areas make all the difference to my proposed building project. For the record he is not an architect. I took one look at what he had done and realised that I needed an architect to do the drawing/planning job properly; not a project manager builder trying to draw up plans. He however, has sent me a bill for 2.5k - just for measuring and drawing up plans I can not use. He is threatening making a legal claim against me. There is no way that what he produced is worthy of 2.5k. What he did do was a small percentage of the overall quote. And as he got that wrong the rest of the jobs in the quote couldn't happen. I considered it a pitch - which was unacceptable, not fit for purpose and I don't feel I should pay his invoice. Am I in an acceptable strong arguing position to pay nothing and fight any claim he may issue? Or should I offer him a couple hundred quid for his small time spent on the job and tell him to now go away? Or am I doing the wrong thing by paying something for a job that doesn't merit any payment? To be clear, I have not gone further with my plans as I had to relocate for 1y which meant I couldn't oversee any work, plus I also need to sell something else first to pay for the building work... Any advice? Should I highlight everything that was in his original quote? Be good to have some feedback. I am quite stressed by this situation as I really do not want to have a legal claim arrive on my doorstep.
  6. I hope someone can offer some advice regarding a huge problem myself and my family are having regarding a nuisance who is constantly removing and covering up things on my sisters grave. To cut a very long story short, my sister used to be in a relationship a long long time ago with a man who during the time they were together was very violent and abusive towards her, resulting in various injunctions and arrests. When their daughter was 12 (she's now 30) my sis finally managed to end it once and for all and started to move forward with her life. Over the years that followed he reared his ugly head every now and then making various threats towards my sis and their daughter but nothing came of it and he was just ignored. Sadly after fighting breast cancer for 7 years she lost her battle and died last August. Shortly before she died she was really concerned that once she'd gone he would start causing trouble for her daughter and husband (she had been in a very happy relationship for 9 years) and asked me to do all I could to prevent this happening. Not long after she was buried my niece and brother-in-law started receiving vile threatening message from him and tributes left by family and friends on her grave were being moved and hidden. The police were contacted last November and details taken regarding the messages but nothing was done, my niece was just advised to block him (there are reasons she's reluctant to do this which is another story.....) The messages have continued and over the past month have got worse as has the messing with the grave. He's hiding the tributes her husband's left, usually thrown behind the headstone and as there's a picture of my sis on the stone in her wedding dress, he's moving the vase my mums bought with a tribute to her daughter on it, in front of the pic on the stone to hide it. Today I went up there and he'd removed my vase and placed it in someone else's grave!! We spoke to the police yesterday regarding all of this and the officer said that even though the messages are vile and unacceptable it doesn't amount to enough as an arrestable offence, but he is going to go with a colleague to have a word with him and tell him to stop or he will be nicked. He also advised to get a civil injection regarding the threats but was uncertain if anything could be put in place regarding him moving stuff on the grave. This is my question (at last!) is it possible to obtain an injunction preventing someone from touching items placed on a grave even though he's not damaging it? I've spoken to my local council who own the cemetery and as the plot isn't owned outright it's not classed as trespass but could be perceived as anti social behaviour. Is this correct and if so is this enough to get an injunction? Thanks for any help Lisa
  7. More than 50,000 homeowners have signed up to receive fraud alerts in a bid to stop [problem]mers stealing hundreds of thousands of pounds by taking bogus loans against their properties. The property alert service, offered free by the Land Registry, helps people detect fraudulent activity on their property by sending them email alerts when, for example, a mortgage is taken out against it. They can then decide whether they think the activity is suspicious and can act quickly to alert the the Land Registry, their lender and the police. Property fraud is where fraudsters try to steal a property, most commonly by stealing the homeowner’s identity and selling or mortgaging the property without their knowledge. They then disappear with the money leaving the true owner to deal with the consequences. Since 2009, the Land Registry has stopped fraud on properties worth more than £92million. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/beatthe[problem]mers/article-4000954/Land-Registry-service-helps-prevent-property-fraud.html Sign up to the scheme here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/property-alert
  8. Monopoly chiefs have set up a Christmas hotline to prevent board game bust-ups over the festive period. The helpline is to open in light of a survey that found 51% of Monopoly games end in a row. The most common cause of quarrels was due to people "making up the rules as they go along". The hotline will open from 24th - 26th December, when families will be able to get mediation on any game-based arguments. http://www.itv.com/news/2016-12-19/monopoly-christmas-helpline-opens-to-prevent-boardgame-bust-ups/
  9. Hi, on the 13th August I was referred to Ingeus by my JSA Advisor and told to expect a call off them. On the 15th August I had a severe epileptic seizure caused by stress and was given a sicknote for 12 weeks by my doctor. He thinks, due to me being severely depressed and prone to more seizures, that I should be on ESA. I closed my claim for JSA on the 17th and opened my claim for ESA on the same day. Later that day I had a letter from Ingeus telling me to attend on the 27th. There were no mentions of sanctions or anything like that, but it caused me to become very agitated. I called the number on the letter (their general enquiry number I think) and the man, without asking for any details, told me I still had to attend. Is this correct? My JSA claim is now closed and my ESA claim is being processed. I've never met nor spoken to Ingeus before, so do I still need to go? I'm very ill at the moment and this might make me worse I fear. Obviously in 13 weeks if they put me in WRAG, that's a different situation but right now I am very ill. Any info on this would be very very appreciated!
  10. How can We prevent being spammed from journalist Martin Lewis if We follow the Twitter feed for CAG ? If I want Professional Financial Advice, I visit a Professionally Trained Financial Advisor. But, for anyone who does know about Icesave and the other Icelandic Banks which failed, the following Channel 4 news with journalist Martin Lewis will be quite illuminating http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx-ySEKUURI
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