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Everything posted by LaughingGirl

  1. I don't think they need reminding, Huggy. I think that they're just hoping that I was born yesterday and I'll be intimidated into going back because I'm frightened that I might owe them money. I'd put what little money I have left on that anything that I mention in writing about the so called 'overpayment' will be completely ignored. I'm going to wait to see what they're prepared to commit to in writing before I decide on further action.
  2. OK, it's just getting really quite silly now. Long story short, I had a phone call this evening saying that if I come back, they'd be happy to pay me weekly to 'regain my trust', and that I should stick with them because they have a management position in mind for me when they take on additional staff (Seriously??!!). When I said that I'd have to discuss the offer with my partner, the tone of the conversation changed and I was told that I'd been paid up to January 31st and that if I didn't agree to come back I'd either have to work hours owed or repay them the money. My plan now is to email all the Directors very politely declining the offer, and to ask that if they say I owe then any money, to confirm the sum involved so I can arrange repayment. I'd be very interested to see if any of them are prepared to commit to that in writing.
  3. I very much doubt that if she's OK'd it with Housing Benefit already. Apart from the obviously disgraceful fact that it's come to people trying to live on £70 a week rather than claim their correct entitlement, as long as the relevant agencies are kept informed I don't see her having a problem.
  4. Hmm. Well, they'd be have been better off if they'd just sacked you, because regardless of your period of employment they should still follow the correct process for redundancy - there should have been a consultation period for a start. You can appeal their decision, but I'd be asking myself if I wanted to continue working for a company that behaves like this. Another thing to take into consideration is that as you have a letter detailing that you have been made redundant, there won't be a query over any claim for Job Seekers Allowance you make, which there likely would have been if your employer told them that you had been dismissed. In short, you don't have much come-back on this, I'm sorry to say.
  5. Absolutely agree with the advice being given above, especially that many kids who really struggle with school come into their own at college or in vocational training. Does your son have any special needs?
  6. I believe that on an enhanced CRB, the Police have the choice to disclose investigations, suspected offences and voluntary interviews if they are relevant to the position being applied for. I'm not saying that I agree with it in principle, but I believe that the idea was to be able to alert schools/hospitals etc when suspected paedophiles were applying for positions within them. As to whether the spirit of the law is followed at all times, I honestly couldn't say.
  7. Report it. To be fair to JCP staff, the only way they can weed things like this out is if someone lets them know that they're there.
  8. I'm a bit leery of reporting them for that until I have it from the horses mouth, so to speak. They've been trying to call me all morning, but I don't particularly want to get into a phone debate about all of this - I'd prefer to keep it to emails so I have a paper trail. They'd be very silly indeed to tell me in writing that I'm not getting a payslip, though.
  9. Further to my last post - the total I have been paid is actually 675.00. An email was sent saying that the money that was paid into the accounts (obviously I'm not the only person affected) was a rough approximation of what's owed and amounts could be 'rounded up or down' on Monday. I'm not entirely sure how they think that they're going to round it down unless they write to me and ask for me to repay money. This works out at roughly £5.29 an hour now that I've checked properly. Even more worryingly, one of the other girls who queried her wage was told that they couldn't work it out exactly because we're not going to get a wage slip for this payment.
  10. I'll reply on the employment thread, HB...there's a bit more to it.
  11. Sorry Flumps, our last posts must have crossed and I didn't see this. I'd been claiming for 4 months. As far as the vacancy being close to my JSAG...not really. They'd managed to shoe horn something into the job description that effectively made it almost two jobs, one which had nothing to do with my previous experience and the other which did. By way of an update, I went to see the adviser today and while she was very sympathetic and said that they wouldn't be putting any more job seekers their way, she was very non-committal about my reclaim...she just said to do it online in the normal way. They did eventually pay me some money, but as it stands I've worked the last few weeks for what works out at roughly £5.15 an hour.
  12. Possibly the most beautifully written and enjoyable-to-read complaint I have ever read on here. Mind you, the ending is a bit rubbish, isn't it? I'd prefer it if Ug escalated his complaint to the very top of Nothing Nowhere. Since he seems to be very out of pocket, he might as well see if he can get something out of the situation.
  13. Are there any online support groups that you could join, Labrat? Sometimes talking to people who have found solutions to similar problems with their own children can be really helpful - they might have ideas that would never otherwise popped into your head.
  14. From where I'm sitting, the dealer is very much at fault here - if the OP and her mother made their situation clear to them, they should have refused to attempt to get finance in this manner. I agree that guarantors are a common enough occurrence, but this was not a guarantor arrangement - and the fact that the garage allowed the OP to provide her mother's details without her being present is really quite alarming, especially for a high value purchase like a car. That being said, the car is currently not paid for and I'm not sure that the OP has any choice but to return it and look for alternative finance, preferably at a different dealership. I'm pretty certain that until payment is made, the car would remain the property of the garage.
  15. Well, by way of an update, some money has been deposited but as it stands I've been paid just under £700, which by my calculations makes my pay about £5.30 an hour, going on the hours that I've worked. I have zero faith that if I work the next four weeks they will be in a position to pay me, so I won't be going back.
  16. As far as I can tell, he'd need a Public Screening License. Take a look at the link below for details: http://www.filmbank.co.uk/ In answer to your questions 1. Yes, apparently. 2. Yes, I believe it is. 3. You can, but I don't how much they'd do about it. 4. Definitely - info should be on the link above. 5. I can't imagine what they'd sue you for - they'd have to demonstrate that they suffered a financial loss due to your actions, and I doubt any judge would take them seriously if their financial loss resulted from you reporting them for illegal activity.
  17. Ooooh, I love that sketch! 'I had to get up at 10 o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to sleep!'. Quality!
  18. There's a joke in here, but I don't dare go for it in case I unwittingly identify my 'employer'.
  19. I've already emailed the JCP, and had no response. I think my only alternative at this stage is to finish today as normal, but not come in Monday and physically attend the JCP and speak directly to the adviser that gave me the job to apply to. I literally cannot afford to come in on Monday anyway, as it stands. I've just had an email saying that I have not been paid yet because they're having "issues with their Wi-Fi", which has worried me even more to be honest. They can't make transfers by phone? Use an ethernet cable? This just doesn't feel right at all.
  20. Yes, I know...but Casper appears to have forgotten where her sanction letter is so she has no proof of income, or lack thereof in her case. To be honest, it's sort of the least of her worries, really. I still have no idea what happened with the compliance interview she was supposed to have. Or where her furniture is, or if it's her LL she owes £1600 to. Thinking about it, I just have no idea generally when it comes to this thread. The plot, I appear to have misplaced it.
  21. She would lose money from her housing benefit for having another adult in the house unless they are unwaged. I believe the deduction is £20.
  22. Hi again guys. I have a parallel thread running in the benefits section regarding this problem (Link Below): http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?379850-New-Employer-can-t-afford-to-pay-me-! Bullet points for brevity's sake: Started work Jan 7th, contracted payment date 23rd Jan. 23rd Jan, no payment forthcoming. Kicked up fuss, £250 (rather than the £300 promised) materialised at about 10.30pm that evening. 24th Jan, I was taken to one side by a senior member of personnel who told me that the company couldn't afford to pay me the remainder of my wage at present but they would 'try to get something to me' today or Monday The situation as it stands is that nothing has gone into my bank, and I've been told the following by another member of staff: She's only been paid on time twice in eight months, and she frequently has to threaten to stop work to get paid. The company have used a high APR factoring company get the money to pay us this month (although that's debatable because we haven't been paid yet, obviously), and have been using them to fund the business since November. The company have been taken to ET multiple times in the last 18 months for non-payment of wages If I leave before they pay me, they won't pay me unless I make them. My plan is to hold out until the close of play today, and see if any money goes in. To be blunt, however, my transport to work costs me £120 a month, and I need to renew my ticket on Monday - if I haven't been paid the rest of my wage, I won't be able to afford to do that, so physically getting to work won't be possible for me. I'm interested to see how everyone here would play this from this point?
  23. Ah, good point HB - I'd forgotten this was in the benefit section!
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