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Everything posted by BRIGADIER2JCS

  1. Is there a solicitor involved here? Robert Marr I believe used to work for 1st Credit Financial.
  2. I agree, and I doubt the bank will be prepared to assist in any way.
  3. That's how it should be JGJ. It seems now that defaults are to marked as satisfied when debts are sold rather than "settled" which applies to an account paid off by the debtor under normal circumstances. Brig.
  4. Noddle can be very slow updating as it does not gather data itself, may be worth a free trial (30 days cancel early) with Experian and/or Equifax which are usually more up to date.
  5. An arrangement to pay Is a default on the contractual payment the placement is correct as dx100 has said an AP marker is worse than a default.
  6. A reasonable response I think, this approach has been fruitful in the past. Let Ms Miller and her colleague investigate and respond
  7. Hi challenger, Interesting point o OFT guidance the OFT ceased to exist in April 2014 the FCA is thr regulator now. Sorry to hear about you health but I think you are out of the clubs clutches now!
  8. Emm this could come from linked accounts that have been searched that have thrown up this loan an appears in their records with your name etc., so it comes up in a SAR. Just a suggestion from many years use of CRAs. You can send a SAR to a CRA you may well be surprised by what you find!!
  9. Why was a SAR sent to a DCA it would have little or no data? The DCA may well have had it's hands on such an account as did the rounds of the "industry"
  10. Has your mortgage lender been advised at any time that the home is modified to accommodate a vulnerable disabled person? I think you need to get onto the court that has awarded the possession order and the mortgage provider and make them both fully aware of the circumstance I think your husband also must be considered vulnerable. What actions has the mortgage provider taken so far other than suspended POs. You must get this before a judge asap.
  11. Formal Complaint to Marlin referring to calls now amounting to harassment. There is an Appeal Court Judgement Roberts - v BOS which has laid down what amount to harassment once a company has been instructed to cease contact other than in writing.
  12. Remove "without prejudice" once they receive this you will not be able to rely on anything you have written in court, you would have to get leave from the judge to mention the letter.
  13. Has anyone received e-mails from Mylife.com stating that personal details are available on a number of websites, the e-mail (3) received over the weekend state that personal data is held on 32 individual sites and one has to click on a tab is view and remove the data. I can find little information about this site. Any ideas please?
  14. Scared stiff that's its own brand of fanatics will start a civil war of their own I think.
  15. I have been told by a very well qualified heating and plumbing engineer that your HW supply should be a 60C to avoid contamination with Legionnaires Disease, this was confirmed by councils EH dept.
  16. Responding to PM, Your thanks are much appreciated Rev! I don't think this will crop up again, you have the RW response in the very unlikely chance it does. Good result Rev!!
  17. Yes you must comply. What " directions has 1st Credit supplied?
  18. Noddle is slow it receives it's data " 2nd hand" provided by its parent company Call Credit.
  19. SAR to the OC, CCA request to WC, but they may well decline and suggest send to OC.
  20. Getting these companies to agree to defer or reduce payment will not be easy and probably expensive I suspect. These are all current so it is unlikely to be defective or non existing paper work. Difficult indeed to see a way around this other than cancelling the CPAs and taking the consequences of defaults and the debts being sold on to a debt purchaser. You could as you have said write to each lender and ask if the payment can be drastically reduced or deferred until the house sale is completed. You could also seek advice from an organisation such as National Debt Line or CAB.
  21. Looking through some 90s data on sale & purchase of debts, debt is merely another commodity to be bought and sold as and when the "owner" wishes. Many large sales of debt e.g. bank and credit card debts are sold giving the purchaser the option of " returning" debts to the original creditor, reasons given (not my words) " uncollectable" (cause unknown) "defective and or missing paperwork", " improper description of sale matter"? Don't ask me what that means. There is no mention of statute barred debts at all, so must presume that it's tough you've bought a lemon!
  22. Have any of these loans been defaulted yet? You can construct your own I&E statement is a simple list of all income after taxes against all your outgoings there's quite a few you can download as well. Are there any children?
  23. Hi, what exactly makes the handyman's conduct "tantamount to harassment"? Is he making constant phone calls, e-mailing, texting or calling at the property? Placing an account/debt with a debt collector is not harassment.
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