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Everything posted by unclebulgaria67

  1. Andys post no #10 regarding joint debt applies. If your ex has made continual payments since the original CCJ and has a new agreement to continue, then if the ex stopped paying, they can chase you. But issuing any Court claim against you does seem doubtful. Did you ever enter into any legal agreements as part of the divorce process through Courts in regards to debts shared with your ex ? Any insolvency process either yourself or your ex ?
  2. Most people have security on the devices they use. When you makes purchases for these values there is security on the transactions. I suspect your partner or someone close to you with access to your Amazon account has bought the items and has not told you. Suggest you look closer to home.
  3. It is not fraud until proven. You suspect it is, because you cannot identify having bought the items or received them. With items valued £700 & £900, Amazon secure the delivery process by providing the Amazon account holder with a code. This is then provided to the Amazon delivery driver and they ask for the code to be confirmed, before they hand over the items. You need to check your Amazon account for exact details of the orders, check your emails that you would have received around the time and if you cannot find the information, you need to contact Amazon customer services. Neither your Bank or Amazon are going to refund you money, until you have provided compelling evidence.
  4. Up to you really. If someone qualified has looked as your case and does not feel that you have a good case to bring, as you don't have enough evidence, then I can see why you are looking to withdraw. Or you proceed and the company does not adequately defend, so you win.
  5. Do remember Tom that you don't work in every Job Centre and it may depend on the size as well as the capability of the Job Centre that the OP would attend, as to whether they could deal with the enquiry effectively. If the OP attends their local JC, they may just pass on the information the OP provides to the Service Centre. Things like untidy tenancies needs to be checked. Perhaps the ex partner was on the tenancy, then left the property, so the OP claimed untidy tenancy when the claim was entered into their single name. And now that situation has changed. The OP could send a journal message explaining the change in circumstances. Sending a journal message, may just end up with many journal messages back and forward. Which may or may not resolve the claims. The OP could either send a journal message asking for an appointment at the Job Centre or ask to speak to Case Manager. I have found that people phoning the UC number 0800 328 5644 leads to the call handler sending a service request to Job Centre or Service Centre. But Tom is correct that they could tell you to use the journal as first communication option. And if that does not work to phone the helpline.
  6. Do you have legal cover under your Home Insurance ? If so, would they be willing to review pictures and send letter to the neighbours. Or if you feel that the condition of tree could lead to a claim for damage to your property in the event of it coming down in high winds, then see if your Home Insurers are willing to take any action, even if no legal cover. Would they write to neighbours? Or at least note your concerns. And if the neighbour or legal owner of property is not responding, then contact Council department to see if you can speak to someone. With my local Council, I had small issue years ago and I spoke to someone who deals with such issues. And they told me steps to take. You have done the first step of writing to the neighbour. Then allow 1 month, send follow up letter allowing 2 weeks. Then make complaint to Council about condition of the tree and possible risk to people as well as property.
  7. They call UC helpline and ask for handover for a call back from the Case Manager. Too many issues here that requires someone to look at claim and confirm all actions required. Or call UC helpline and request a Job Centre appointment.
  8. These issues can be quite complicated, depending on the housing being paid etc. Online advice not recommended as too complex. To stop you getting into a mess with potential overpayment of benefits leaving you with a debt and possible DWP compliance actions, I would suggest that you call 0800 328 5644 which is the UC helpline and ask for your UC Case Manager who administers your claim to call you to discuss your situation and what actions are required on the claim, before you register any changes.
  9. Ask them who issued the PCN, when it was issued, against what vehicle registration. Advise them, you don't know anything about a PCN and need to contact whoever issued it. Court may be able to confirm details /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Appeal against a penalty charge notice: If you get a court order - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK How to appeal against a parking ticket, bus lane fine or other penalty charge notice (PCN) - and what happens if you get a charge...
  10. Hire a car and reclaim from Admiral. If they state a courtesy car will be supplied and there is no wording in the policy about subject to availability, then Admiral should pay for a hire car while your car is at an approved repair garage. If Admiral refuse to pay for a hire car, issue a Court claim against them.
  11. Agree that Prison is unlikely unless previous serious offence history. And social services will be involved in making decisions to ensure most appropriate care for the children.
  12. Contact LCS learn to ask them why your complaint has not been responded to and that you will not pay for a service that was not provided.
  13. Replacement toilet cistern lid should not be difficult to find if they are standard colour. There are reclamation yards that hold large numbers of old bathroom fittings. Think I would try to find replacement over a few weeks and then if one cannot be found to contact landlord.
  14. You are referring to the buyer as a customer. If there are previous sales transactions on a personal Bank account, the Bank may reasonably believe that there are business activities ongoing. And they may make a decision to close the account. In regard to your question, the FCA website has information about CRA applying to financial products, but it is not very clear exactly what protection is offered. Generally for most financial products including Bank accounts, as they are regulated by the FCA and people have access to the FOS, there is separate law that applies. And this may be a better option than the CRA. You need to exhaust the Banks complaints process first, by getting them to issue final letter of response. And then you could look to either go to the FOS or issue small Court claim asking for compensation for the amount of loss.
  15. Was looking through some local information yesterday and noticed the number of people who have recently registered themselves as officially homeless. And those lucky to be on the Councils Housing choices list, when they are offered a property are often taken to places that are not ready for anyone to move into them, until a list of different works are completed first. Appears the Housing crisis is getting worse, as the rise in interest rates/rent is making it more difficult for people to remain in current housing and the pressure of having so many already in temporary accommodation, means there are very few options left available.
  16. Freezing of accounts does appear to be a current increasing trend. Spoken to a number of people who have had their accounts frozen or closed recently due to transactions. The Banks do not appear to want become involved in people online trading, if there have been a number of other similar transactions previously, when the account is personal and not business. Is there any business related activities going on in this case ?
  17. Follow the Breathing Space process and write to the Council owed the tax to confirm that you have signed up to Breathing Space. Newlyn and Council will want something in writing from the people that arranged Breathing Space, so hopefully you will have this available to send soon.
  18. Find this all very confusing. If the OP could upload a much clearer plan of the properties with them clearly labelled, this may help. I am not sure what the exact legal position is with the rights the parties have. As I am not legally qualified and don't understand what has happened with the various rights over the years. Impossible to offer anything useful. Best option must be find a local Solicitors deals which these issues.
  19. I was based in Government offices during covid and the social distancing was strictly applied. Buildings had direction arrow tapes for one way only systems, so staff did not cross on stairs and in corridors etc. All face to face meeting were cancelled and replaced by virtual online meetings. If Government offices around the UK were sticking strictly to the rules that applied, you would question why 10 Downing Street appeared to have a different set of rules.
  20. This all rests on what was previously legally agreed in the original rights of usage of the road and any actions required to make it a safe way to navigate to the main road. You should not reverse a vehicle onto a main road. Not allowed per the highway code. Have you thought about submitting video evidence, where you can more easily explain the problems?
  21. When they add LCWRA, the earnings deductions may still mean zero entitlement to UC. But if the earnings did reduce for whatever reason, at least the LCWRA might mean you get some UC amounts. Also with LCWRA the person with this award would be placed in no work related requirements, so if they did stop working, then UC could not apply any sanction due to leaving employment voluntarily.
  22. No you must totally ignore them. Would be a big mistake to make contact with debt collection company, as they will think they have worn you down into submission. They will give up, if you stay silent. Write directly to Banks with your address details and ask about their complaints process. That way you have proof of having contacted Banks and if they fail to reply, then that may be helpful to you.
  23. Just make sure you do not have any further dealings with Amazon. As I think, if the same refund problem happened again, you will end up in a much more serious position.
  24. Has the tribunal told DWP to apply LCWRA to the claim ? If yes, then send copy of the tribunal decision to Universal Credit, just to make sure that the tribunal decision is applied.
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