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Everything posted by unclebulgaria67

  1. What success stories do the Tories have to help fight the next election ? Trying to think. Apart from the Tory party having a fully tested process to change their leader. Employment rates are at a good level, but they are at similar levels in other countries, due to increase in part time working and flexible zero hour or agency working. Brexit has been a failure so far, with the UK suffering consequences that were labelled as project fear during the referendum campaign. Economy is in trouble with taxes at record high levels, interest and mortgage rates increasing, cost of living increasing, supply of goods reduced etc etc etc.
  2. Have you been asked to supply missing information to a DWP Compliance Officer and been advised that benefits would be suspended until the information has been received ? If not, can only suggest that you submit a complaint. /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Complaints procedure - Department for Work and Pensions - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK How to complain about the service you get from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) or from an organisation that provides its services.
  3. This video confirms real reasons DUP don't want any protocol deal, to enable functioning Stormont parliament.
  4. So third party has made a claim and your Insurers are charging you an amount, as the basis of your policy has changed. Insurance premiums as you know are based on a risk calculation and the accident collision claim has changed the basis of the calculation. Your Insurance company could have cancelled your policy due to previous non disclosure within reasonable time following the accident. And if they had cancelled the policy, as you would have had to disclose to future Insurers, this would potentially cost you thousands in additional premiums over a number of years. So yes £825.69 is an expensive lesson, but a lot cheaper than if they had cancelled your policy. They would still chase a debt for an amount based on time on risk and additional charges. Be careful in how you deal with this, as if you refused to pay, they would cancel the policy. Ask for a breakdown calculation to check how the £825.69 was calculated and some time to make arrangements to pay the amount due.
  5. The Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment, Jobseeker's Allowance and Employment and Support Allowance (Claims and Payments) Regulations 2013 WWW.LEGISLATION.GOV.UK These Regulations apply only to the following benefits— Click on link above. Scroll down to section 4 maximum amount, where it states that 40% deduction from standard benefit Personal allowance can be made. If this puts you in a hardship position, contact National Debtline about Breathing Space scheme.
  6. So Simon Clarke is as consequence saying that there needs to be a border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. EU and Ireland would require this to protect integrity of EU customs area. Why give in to DUP position which wants to take Northern Ireland backwards. They don't really want to take part in Northern Ireland parliament while they don't have enough seats to ensure they hold the First Minister position. So not really a democratic party ?
  7. Contact benefits advice services such as Christians against poverty or Citizens Advice. DWP can only apply deductions that are in line with legislation.
  8. Just tell them the address for correspondence. They will see from the envelope post marks and the address that it is non UK. So not necessary to state foreign.
  9. Inflation will remain a problem for a long time to come. UK cannot rely on cheap imports of much, as prosperity has grown in other parts of the world and costs of transportation of goods are higher than they used to be. Each time I visit a supermarket, I notice the prices have increased on most products. Might only be 10 or 20 pence increase each time, but it adds up. And Government have not been able to provide any Brexit benefits that were promised by the vote Leave side, as the Brexit benefits were bogus. UK is a small country that thinks it has more influence in the world than it has or could ever have. A population of 65 million, when world population is over 7 billion. Pounds Sterling is now quite weak and does not have buying power it once used to have.
  10. The Insurers may refuse to cover further legal costs, as they believe deciding 50/50 is most economic option. And then if you want to proceed to Court it will be your cost and risk. Your risk, because there is no witnesses or much evidence to prove who is liable party. What has the third party driver said about the accident ? They would have completed accident form and passed it to Enterprise who would have passed to their Insurers. And your Insurance company or legal people may have a copy.
  11. See John Deadwood has suddenly realised that new modern electric vehicle manufacturing on a mass scale is more suited to counties that can support this e.g, US and China. But he does not mention that there are smaller electric vehicle manufacturing companies or component makers across Europe.
  12. Agree that the letter simply states that the claim has been paid from 7th October to 6th February (day before the letter is dated) The claim is being continued, but the letter cannot confirm payments for dates which are beyond the date of the letter, as those dates have not yet actually happened yet. Letters from DWP are never great at explaining every aspect in a clear way.
  13. Anyone making claim would have to evidence accident damage. Let the Insurance companies deal with this. Don't try to play detective. It won't help.
  14. UK still paying EU billions. UK pays EU £2.3bn after losing trade dispute NEWS.SKY.COM The UK has paid the EU £2.3bn in relation to a disagreement over the importation of Chinese textiles and footwear between 2011 and...
  15. Depends. Could attend court and make the case that the cigarette butt was dropped and quickly put in the bin. Therefore there was no littering and therefore no damage to the environment. You don't need to drop a cigarette butt to put it out. On the bins, there is commonly a part to put it out, before putting in the bin. The accusation will be that your friend was caught littering and only when challenged did they put it in the bin. Does the enforcement agent have CCTV or bodycam proof that your friend deliberately threw the butt onto the floor ? Could they explain that they accidently dropped the butt and then picked it up to put in the bin ? If you friend was caught in the act of throwing the butt on the floor deliberately, I would suggest paying the penalty and not going to court, as the costs will then increase the amount payable.
  16. Tools charity appeals for help after 'car cannibalism' leaves vital van a write-off | ITV News Anglia WWW.ITV.COM The charity says its team arrived on Wednesday to find the whole front end of the van had been stolen in the night. |...
  17. As far as I know, if ESA claimants move into together, then the benefits are reviewed. See the link below. There is a couple rate, which is lower than 2 x single claims. /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Benefit and pension rates 2022 to 2023 - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK And if either get severe disability premium, as that relates to living alone, then that would also be at risk. At some point DWP will work out that there is a problem with the two claims, as they conduct searches of their systems on a regular basis. It just takes them awhile to deal with the claims they identify as being overpaid. The longer it goes on for, the bigger the overpayment will be and the greater the risk of further action being applied. DWP can apply administrative penalties which would increase the amount owed or in some cases pursue prosecutions for fraud. And in the next few years, the transfer to Universal Credit will happen and if they get caught due to checks made at the time, then by that point, they would be potentially owing a very large overpayment debt. Definitely a case of having Citizens Advice conducting a full benefit review.
  18. Worth looking into bankruptcy in NZ. From what I understand, if you have been living outside of a country for awhile, it is not always possible to declare bankruptcy from abroad. People living overseas have had to travel back to the country where they are insolvent and then their worldwide assets have been part of picture. Get advice about your situation from NZ bankruptcy services as dx suggests.
  19. Yes you could be sacked for private chat comments that could be passed on by those receiving the chat, if it damaged the reputation of the company. If racist comments an employee made in private were made public and the employee was identified as working for a company, then that company would be entitled to protect its reputation, by sacking the member of staff. Same goes for those receiving racist comments in private from employee, if they were offended. They could. complain to the company that was employing the racist Very little is private on social media.
  20. That last link is about people being made bankrupt, so not your position. If the NZ Government decided to take you to Court in the UK, it would be for a County Court Judgement and you would have opportunity to negotiate an affordable repayment rate. And if a Court claim was issued against you, then you would obtain formal legal advice, to see whether the NZ Government could enforce the debt in a UK Court, when you had not lived in NZ for 20 years. Internet is great source of information, but not very helpful to those who keep searching for confirmation that they have something to worry about. Each debt case is based in individual circumstances. e.g. exact details of student loan account, how long since last payment or acknowledgement. So unless you find examples that match your own case, then you could be jumping to conclusions. Yes there is international law that allows debts to be enforced in other Commonwealth countries, but the NZ Government would have to employ UK Solicitors and they are going to write to you advising the basis of the actions they can take quoting you the law they will look to use. And you would take advice and look to challenge. There is a process to be gone through.
  21. If you have been in the UK for 20 years, have not made any payments and have not admitted to the debt in 20 years, then I very much doubt that the NZ student debt could be enforced in UK Courts. Don't think you could declare bankruptcy in NZ, as you have been outside of NZ for too long. And even if you went to NZ to declare bankruptcy, then I am not sure you would qualify, as you have assets back in the UK. Suggest that you don't respond. If you receive a Solicitors letter saying that the debt owner in NZ will start a Court claim in the UK, then that is when you might want to obtain formal legal advice.
  22. Agree. Reporting to Facebook and Action Fraud is about all you can do, I think it is possible that the person who copied your Facebook details and the person who complained to your employer are connected. Did you post up information on Facebook previously that complained about a company or gave a poor review of a company ? Could someone be seeking revenge ? Further reason why I don't use Facebook. Hear of too many problems connected with this type of Social Media.
  23. Not sure fraud conviction has a DVLA code. DVLA is just motoring offences. Chat line is outside of UK probably.
  24. When I said assumes same underwriter I mean this. Many companies have a brand name. Let's say Super Insurance Company. Super Insurance Company are mostly just a retailer of Insurance policies. They have a list of say 10 Insurance Underwriters who could Insure the car for the year and each of the underwriters has a slightly different view on risks they are willing to accept. So your current policy underwriter may be X company and they won't continue offer Insurance. The quote you have obtained appears to be with same company, but is with a different underwriters Y company who offers Insurance but at a higher premium. In summary depending on the company you are with, can depend on whether it is safe to assume that because they have quoted on a new policy, that they will offer renewal at a higher premium. Insurance companies can operate in fairly complex ways. Always best to ask the Insurers based on your information.
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