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Everything posted by unclebulgaria67

  1. No, you should do nothing at the moment. Up to Lowell now to respond. The email is just standard and you would not discuss anything by phone call. They need to respond in writing, if they disagree with SB stating the reasons.
  2. Johnson is a bit like Trump. Attracts support from the same type of people. What is worrying is that the Tory party and Republican Party in US have been taken over by those who want to fundamentally disrupt the centrist liberal way most people have lived in recent times. Brexit was part of this movement, trying to split up the European economic area and this is still ongoing with political parties in some EU countries wanting to see their countries exit the EU. But without most of the media promoting anti EU propaganda, it is much more difficult in EU countries, than it was in the UK. The question is, who is financially backing this right wing disruptive movement ?
  3. This response assumes you don't have health barriers to employment and there are no exceptional circumstances. If there are exceptional circumstances, then you must explain to the Job Centre, so they can consider these. When you attend Job Centre appointment in regard to self employment, you will be asked details about this and if the work is minimal then the outcome decision should be that you are not gainfully self employed. This will mean that you are required to search for employed work as the main way you earn a living. Universal Credit totally ignores home schooling as a barrier to seeking employment, unless you can show evidence that your child has been excluded from school and been forced into home schooling them. The evidence must be official letter from local Council or Government department. At the moment for a main parent carer of a child between 5 and 12 years old, UC requires claimant to seek 25 hours employed work. From November Government is changing UC rules, requiring work search up to 30 hours, but also change to age range to main parent carers of youngest child between 3 and 12 years old. For those with youngest child 13 or over, the work search is at least 35 hours per week. In regard to HMRC registration, where someone is earning or expecting to earn £1000 or more in a tax year from self-employed work, the law is that the person must register with HMRC by 5th of October in the second year of trading. Failing to do so, can lead to the person being subject to a fine. So if you have earned £1000 or more net, then you should be looking to register as self-employed, so you can report your earnings. Link to Gov.uk website below. https://www.gov.uk/set-up-self-employed
  4. This was the rumour before, which has been confirmed. Boris had Covid which affected him severely, so may not have been in a position to really be in command, so others stepped in ? COVID inquiry: Boris Johnson's wife, Carrie, was 'real person in charge', says Whitehall chief in WhatsApp message NEWS.SKY.COM The latest disclosures will lead to renewed pressure on Simon Case, who remains in his post despite previous embarrassing revelations.
  5. Not sure there is any specific period, but I would say that after a couple of months, if there is progress made and these are more likely than not to be long lasting, then I think you should report the change of circumstances.
  6. If you want your claim to be dealt with as quickly as possible avoiding too many hassles, then use your own Insurance company. Marker Study as a third party Insurers to deal with are a bit of a nightmare, who are very unlikely to want to assist you much in repairing your car for more than the £1500 offered.
  7. Remember that Marker Study are a third party Insurers that have no obligations to you. They are deliberately low balling you, until they receive information to confirm the repairs costs at the lowest possible level. They don't have to send out their own engineers to inspect. If you don't want to obtain your own engineers report, then just use your own Insurers to deal with the claim.
  8. People having to claim UC are doing so without many issues. If you struggle with anything online, then you can contact Citizens Advice locally asking for help to claim. But do this as soon as you know the deadline date by which you must have claimed UC. All you need to do is go to Gov.uk/Universal Credit and submit a claim including your Housing rent. The first person making the claim should see a linking code come up, which they need to make a note of. Then when their partner makes a UC claim online, it will ask the question whether they have a linking code and they would enter it. This will enable the two claims to form a couple claim. Once claims set up, the service centre will enable existing benefit entitlement from ESA to be carried across to UC, the Housing rent verified etc. Just follow the process and it is pretty straightforward. The local Job Centre can help you, if you have any issues with transition.
  9. Cash machines count the money issued compared to transactions entered. So if it had issued £500 less this should show up on the data. Exhaust your complaint with the Bank and then go to the FOS.
  10. All that is happening here is that Marker Study are waiting for your proof of repair costs I.e. Motor Engineers report, not just an expensive quote from the retailers repair shop. In the meantime they have made a low offer.
  11. During Covid when Job Centres were closed, photo ID was not seen, so they did over the phone biographical checks. Now they are completing further ID checks.
  12. I suspect that the company are in a difficult position. Suspended on full pay and now you have a fit note. They cannot really complete the disciplinary process at the moment due to your health, which is why they have got occupational health involved. You then have to think why they have asked OH for an opinion? May be the best option would be to negotiate a settlement. They pay you for x number months and your employment ends for health reasons without it being for misconduct.
  13. unclebulgaria67

    Tax credit compliance interview

    Tax credits compliance call
    Applying an administrative penalty is one way they deal with matters to avoid Court. Rather than have someone prosecuted and end up with a conviction, they try to deal with it as an administrative task of working out an amount that is owed plus relevant penalty.
  14. unclebulgaria67

    Tax credit compliance interview

    Tax credits compliance call
    Stop doing the Google searches! Each case reviewed by HMRC is going to be different as they cover different circumstances. You just have to provide all of the information requested. Prosecution is very rare because it costs money to go through the Courts process, when they could just calculate the debt and arrange repayment of amount owed over a long period.
  15. Standard way of operating for pet Insurances. Each 12 month policy is totally separate. Make a claim for any condition and it does not matter if treatment is actually completed, the Insurers for the next 12 month period onwards will exclude further cover for the condition. Not much you can do. You could complain and then continue this with the FOS, but very unlikely they would uphold the complaint in your favour.
  16. So this is private rent ? How many people in your household ? ( you, any partner and any of your children living with you) LHA bedroom entitlement is based on the people within the household, so make sure you have checked the bedroom entitlement. Valuation Office does appear to have a function regarding fair rent amount.
  17. Exactly, the AOE deduction amount will be noted on payroll with Bank details and reference number. So just contact whoever deals with payroll that produces your wage slips and pays amounts due.
  18. £94 per month for what is included seems very cheap. I am on Virgin Media and pay more, but receive less. Whenever I have had contact with Virgin Media, their pricing system does not seem very consistent and they appear to come up with a number, which includes a level of discount for the 18 months. Recently VM have announced an increase in broadband charges.
  19. Right Choice also do Home Insurance. They appear to mostly sell their Insurances via comparison sites. Have you bought any Insurances through comparison sites, without really knowing who the Insurance provider was? Anyway you must deal with this and make contact.
  20. Does the letter say it relates to Car Insurance ? If not, could it relate to some other Insurance such as Home Insurance bought through a comparison site such as MoneySupermarket ? If you do not know anything about Right Choice Insurance Brokers, you should complete the reply form advising that you do not know anything about any Insurance contract with Right Choice Insurance Brokers, do not drive and do not own any vehicle that would need Insuring. And advise that as you do not have any information about any contract with Right Choice Insurance Brokers, that you formally request that DCB Legal provides the contact details for Right Choice Insurance Brokers, including any customer reference numbers, so that you can submit a Subject Access Request under Data Protection Act to obtain all data held by them.
  21. Go to the Police if the enforcement officer has acted in an unlawfull way. They have to act within the law, so cannot target property owned by a third party. Before clamping it, they should have checked who is the vehicle is registered to.
  22. If you are not happy with any organisation, you should register a complaint and ask the questions you want answered. Change only happens if enough people complain about problems they experience. Even if they don't receive the outcome they want, the number of complaints received is recorded.
  23. Use the complaints process link below and if the debt collection company write to you, send them a copy of the complaint. /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Complaints procedure - Student Loans Company - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK How to complain if you're unhappy with the service you've had from the Student Loans Company.
  24. As advised follow the process PIP want you to follow, when they contact you about reassessment. If you are concerned about having to appeal at Tribunal, then go to Citizens Advice or other local disabilities advice service when you get the assessment form sent to you. These advice services have a PIP guidebook, so they know how to complete the assessment forms.
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