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Everything posted by Feebee_71

  1. Hi there, I have some past NHS experience which may give me some insight into some of the goings on at the moment and, while giving my musings, it might prompt some directions you can go in from here. Regarding the situation of someone pregnant but not being admitted to the gynae ward when admitted with problems connected with asthma - it's a strange one this but, for a long while, there has been a culture of speciality care within the NHS whereby patients are admitted to a ward that is appropriate to their current condition rather than underlying health needs so, someone with a medical issue such as asthma would be admitted to a medical ward and someone with appendicitis will go to a surgical ward, this is irrespective of their also being pregnant. There would be input if needed from an obstetrician but it wouldn't necessarily be appropriate for them to be on an obs & gynae ward where they may not receive optimal care for their immediate health problem. Your wife should be receiving obstetric care and monitoring of the baby while in hospital as it would be deemed as another risk factor for her general health in the same way as the asthma is an added complication of her pregnancy. There could be an aspect of the pregnancy and it's hormones affecting the ligaments and muscles during the pregnancy (which they are supposed to) and therefore affecting pain levels and things like coughing. Also, the simple fact of having that little bump inside her, will be restricting your wife's diaphragm and could be putting additional pressure on her lungs and breathing. It is always possible that your wife does have a viral infection for which there isn't any specific treatment however, that doesn't mean there isn't any symptom management and this may include pain relief (with pregnancy suitable pain relief), steroids under supervision and potentially oxygen therapy to make it easier for her to breathe, Perhaps inhalers could be given as nebulisers instead as this can give improved benefit for certain patients. There is no excuse for your wife to only be seen by a junior doctor however, weekends are far more sparsely staffed by senior registrar's and/or consultants therefore the majority of Drs around would be Senior House Officers or House Officers - though it's always possible that some of these are just weeks or days away from their next promotion due to the rotation manner of staff through the NHS with promotions happening in August and February/March each year. Hopefully now it's the start of the week there will be a 'grand round' where the consultants attend to all patients admitted under their care during the previous week and, out of this ward round, plans for care/treatment can be put into place. You can always contact your wife's midwife team or consultant for them to come and see her from the point of reviewing her pregnancy during this current illness. Regarding the CHC, as this is different to England where we have our PALS departments/teams in hospitals, I can't comment too much about it but it may be worth ringing them again today if you're still not happy with how things are going at the hospital. Also ask to speak to the head of nursing for the department your wife is in - they may become an ally in changing how your wife is treated - they won't want complaints going to the chief exec's office because it reflects as badly on them and their team as it does on the medical staff. Don't be afraid to go over the head of the people you're currently dealing with - sometimes it's the only way to move forward with a complaint. Hopefully today things will start moving and your wife's care will improve now the week's started again and it won't be too long before she starts to feel better. Please report back to let us know how things are going for your wife, Feebee_71
  2. It was on these last time I looked at it but I can't remember who it was showing as owning the debt. I'm not home for the next day or so as I'm off to my aunts with my sister and her children but will look at on credit report when I'm on the laptop next time!! Feebee_71
  3. Thanks guys, think I was just getting twitchy because I'd read that MH were more likely to issue claims against debtors following the departure of some of their directors over the last few months!! Is there likely to be any issue with the agreement given that, being a PDL, it was all conducted over t'internet?? Feebee_71
  4. Thanks renegadeimp, Who do I CCA? Would that be MH or HL? Feebee_71
  5. Hi all, How 'toothed' (or, more to the point, toothless) are this outfit? A debt I've been receiving letters about from a variety of companies has been passed to them by Mucky Hall - it's even been sent in an envelope identical to those sent out by Mucky Hall!! In the past there have been threats of legal action with the usual might's, maybe's and could's; there have even been offers of substantial reduction in the amount owed if paid off as a lump sum!! Now I've received a letter from this lot offering me a final opportunity to pay up or be taken to court (or words to that effect). For reference, the debt is a pay day loan that was defaulted almost 2 years ago due to unemployment. I think it is now owned by Mucky Hall but can't be certain (though they are listed as the client in this most recent letter!) And, when MH first wrote to me about it at least 18 months ago, I offered £1/pcm but that letter was never acknowledged by them!! Advice gratefully welcomed, Feebee_71
  6. Ahh, but did you try writing it in crayon on that printer paper with holes along the edge a-la every infant school class in the 1970's?? If not, perhaps that's the language they understand!! Feebee_71
  7. Doesn't it just!! Thanks for explaining it to me Now I'll just wait for MMF to write to me in the same way that MRS did once he'd moved away from MH last year - letters demanding money but nothing saying they'd acquired the account or been assigned to collect on either MH's (or for that matter the OC's) behalf!! Feebee_71
  8. Thanks worried, Just because I posted last year doesn't make your observation any less valid - in fact, it perhaps endorses your feeling!! Feebee_71
  9. Just seen end of these facebook posts and commented on it that it shouldn't be believed or relief upon but that councils are likely to focus on the number of bedrooms according to the tenancy agreement!! Feebee_71
  10. It's been a while since I've seen this thread so I thought I'd give a final update. I was on JSA until the latter past of August when I got a job doing domicillary care work, I explained about my back condition and that I would need further treatment following beneficial effects of the spinal injections. I was given a client load that is more appropriate for my back problems so a lot of my calls are domestic rather than heavy personal care. Now 6 months on i'm enjoying the job and getting on ok with my back and recently had the additional procedures which involved burning away nerve ending in my back with the hope of reducing the pain in time. I was thoroughly demoralised by my time on benefits and would do anything in future not to go back on them if I can help it in any way possible!! Feebee_71
  11. If the landlord has agreed to reduce the rent shortfall to cover your expenses of works being done I would get this in writing from him otherwise you could find yourself landed with an accusation of rent arrears and all it's associated problems!! Feebee_71
  12. I wouldn't ever call them - there is a prone-ness of such phone calls to either promise something that never materialises or leads to someone agreeing to pay off something that isn't due. You are right that you need to inform this company that they're barking up a lamppost and not a tree and you know the statute of limitations applies due to length of time. I would use the statute barred letter from the library and send it with proof of posting collected from the post office (free of charge) telling them to 'do one' Feebee_71
  13. How I read the start of the thread by the OP, there were originally 2 speeding offences committed within an hour of each other. Then, because of inability to name driver the police have moved on to a 'failure to name' charge. Feebee_71
  14. You would need to issue a counter claim against them for the value of the items not delivered. Whether you would succeed in such a claim would depend on what their investigation into your complaint showed but, I would think (and I'm not an expert in any way), you would still have to pay your bill to them because you've entered into a contract and not fulfille your side of it. Feebee_71
  15. If all you have had from the bailiff's is one hand delivered letter then, all you owe is the princely sum of £24.50 - so long as that visit occurred before you paid the outstanding balance to the council. As you've had it confirmed by the council that you owe them nothing then the bailiff's cannot use the liability order gained by the council purely to collect their fees!! Feebee_71
  16. Feebee_71

    Hospital food!

    I once had to manage with only ham sandwiches for 5 days in hospital as the ward would not arrange for a dietician to come and see me to authorise a fairy free diet for me because I was 'young enough and could manage by choosing cheese free items from the menu - no thought for the butter, milk or yoghurt in sauces or even mashed potato. Them they moaned that I wouldn't get better if I didn't eat a bit more and suggested I had some porridge for breakfast each day - sheer lunacy!!
  17. Thanks Brigadier, Makes me feel better about ignoring their call the other day and for telling them what I did!! Feebee_71
  18. A word of warning nonetheless, the assessor can appear helpful (even 'on your side') and make all the right noises but, when the letter arrives (surprise, surprise) you have been awarded 0 points and your ESA will be stopped from xx date!! Feebee_71
  19. I do have some debts (thanks to being unemployed for more than a year!) a couple were kept in house (Provident being one - though they tell you it's with their 'solicitors' CK Edrupt) but another one was passed on and done the rounds of the likes of Mucky Hall, DERS, Opos and Mercantile Recovery Services!! I wonder if it's that one which is now being handled by Ideal Solutions - interestingly though, for this one, I 've been offered discounts of varying amounts. I did offer £1/month when first written to by MH but they've never acknowledged it and so I'm waiting for that to happen!! Will have to see if anything comes through by post!! Feebee_71
  20. Perhaps they're just ringing to try and sell debt management advice rather than specifically chasing debt and I'm just being paranoid!! Feebee_71
  21. Be warned, it may no longer be Rob Sands - he now signs the letters that were arriving at my address from a company called Mercantile Recovery Solutions!! Perhaps he got fed up with dealing with people's (justified) complaints about the behaviour of Mucky Hall!! Feebee_71
  22. That wouldn't be the same former compliance manager of Mucky Hall that is also a director of MRS (Mercantile Recovery Solutions) now would it?? Funnily enough I find his new company are just as guilty of behaving in the same manner as I wrote to him about from Mucky Hall. Obviously they don't think people will complain about them as they are a new company!! Feebee_71
  23. Hi all, Anyone able to tell me about this company? I just happened to be at home yesterday morning and took a call from these jokers. I told them their company name wasn't recognised and they had rung an ex-directory, TPS registered phone number and that they were to remove it from their database. At that time I assumed they were cold calling home improvements company or similar. However, looking up the phone number used on 'who called me' and then looking them up on google, I find they are a debt collection company so am glad I took my usual, cautious approach with them!! Any idea what sort of debt they usually chase and how determined they will be - or, have I likely heard the last I will from them? Feebee_71
  24. Is it possible that, as the wet package was pushed through your letterbox, the covering tore and the personal data became exposed?? I don't know how you can complain unless you can show the package was insufficiently presented for postage by the sending company. Perhaps someone with greater knowledge of the royal mail can answer, Feebee_71
  25. What you need to do is find out which of the Support Group descriptors your wife fulfils (sorry I'm on my phone so can't post links) and take it from there. From what I understand, she cannot be placed in support group unless she meets the criteria for at least one of them. Feebee_71
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