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Everything posted by Feebee_71

  1. You could already be accruing problems as, from some point in the past (can't remember the date) you not only have to have a vehicle taxed you need to have it insured otherwise you're not complying with the new rules and could be penalised for that. On the matter of the car (and I'm by no means an expert on legal issues so apologise in advance if this isn't the best course of action to take - other, more knowledgeable people will be along soon) I think you need to send your ex a letter headed 'letter before action' stating that you had previously agreed with her that she could continue to use the car if she made payments to you of xx per week/month to cover what you were paying out; that you had previously informed her that you had cancelled the insurance and that she would be responsible for arranging relevant cover for herself for the vehicle. Tell her that, as of xx date, you've yet to receive any money from her as agreed to and that you want the money by a set date (allow 7-14 days) or you will instigate a claim for the value of the car and agreed payments. Good luck, Feebee_71
  2. If this is for a magistrates court fine then there won't be a ccj but a warrant. This all sounds very confusing without a correct reference number to help you get to the bottom of the matter!! Feebee_71
  3. FS, This has been the case for a long time. When my mother became unwell enough that we were providing care for her in excess of 35 hours a week, I was unable to claim Carers Allowance because I worked too many hours and earned too much a month to qualify, we looked into my dad putting in a claim instead as he took over the carer role while I was at work only to be told he didn't qualify due to already being in receipt of a conflicting benefit - as he received no benefits for himself we queried this statement and were told that, as he was over 65 and received a state pension, he was receiving all the allowable benefit he could claim!! More than 13 years later we are still in the same situation of providing care, though now, I am caring for both my parents due to advancing age and increased frailty!!! Feebee_71
  4. My council wanted to know what a large deposit and withdrawal showing on my bank statement were all about as part of my HB claim last summer (was almost £2,000 and showed as going in as cash then an almost identical amount going out the same day) explained it was a holiday balance payment for elderly parents who don't have internet banking, showed invoice as confirmation of amounts and dates travelling and all was ok even though the deposit had been cash!! Feebee_71
  5. Thanks tomtubby, will get something written this weekend when I get some free time. I presume you mean the finance company not Wrights? Feebee_71
  6. I wouldn't ring them but write including proof of your payment and also get in contact with the court by phone (today if possible) to confirm they've got a record of your payment based on the receipt reference number. Feebee_71
  7. San_d, If you went to a private practice you would spend your time wondering if the receptionists were being nice to you because they were/are genuinely nice people or just because you're paying them good money!! I can genuinely say my GP's receptionists are the loveliest group of ladies you could meet - they don't grill you when ringing up for an appointment, they ask if it's something that can wait or not; they'll suggest a call back from a GP if they can't offer you an appointment as the GP's are the only one's who can overbook the system; they print things out without an inquiry as to xjw you need it and will give you a glass of water on request!! Oh, and I don't work for the surgery, it's just not fair to hear only complaints/bad comments about these important people!! Feebee_71
  8. Consider it the other way round. You need to see the GP and the receptionist can see an urgent appointment is available for today or it's a case of wait until a week next Thursday for a routine appointment. The receptionist asks what it's about and you mention something which is on their trigger list for offering urgent appointments (some things like sudden onset pain, breathing difficulties, young child with high temperature or such things) they can offer you the same day appointment but, if you were to say it was to discuss medications or a change of treatment plan after reading about seeing something online, then you'd be able to wait a bit longer to be seen. Feebee_71
  9. Thanks guys. Thought that was the case. I had about a years worth of payments left to make so have paid around 80% of the original agreement amount so know they can't take the car without a court order. Also know that I can't VT the agreement without paying off the arrears (don't know if that's the amount shown on the default notice or the actual number of months payments I'm behind) but, if I could afford to do that, I'd cover the outstanding amount of the finance and tell the finance company to 'do one'!! The company are a bit sneaky if they're not bailiffs or enforcement agents putting those words on their employees business cards. Big shame for the chap that called at my home yesterday will rarely find me in as I work every hour available to be able to earn a wage I can actually afford to live on!! Feebee_71
  10. Thanks Scotgal68, I was hoping they'd send me a reminder/renewal pack as I find the money a godsend!! Will have to look at the award letter again to see what date it's due to be paid until as I'm sure the total award hasn't been paid yet as I'm sure I received about 1/3 of the money (backdated to my application date) and don't think I've received the remainder yet!! Feebee_71
  11. Hi, Are the above named company a firm of certified bailiffs or civil enforcement officers? I have had contact from them in regards to a debt matter involving finance on a car that stopped being paid when I stopped working 2 years ago (they put a card through my door yesterday). The person named on the card also rang me (to a mobile number not registered in my name) and claimed to be from the finance company not the above named company!! I have buried my head in the sand rather about this matter as with all my other debts, I cannot afford to pay the amount owed as I'm in a minimum wage job. There is approximately 1 year's worth of finance owed on a 5 year agreement so quite a sum of money. The vehicle is still in my possession but parked on private property away from where I live and is subject to a SORN. Apart from termination and default notices and letters so often bumping up the amount owed by the addition of penalty fees and letter charges and the like I've received no court documents or anything. All I've had from this company was a similar card dropped through my letter any last year some time. Comments will be appreciated. Feebee_71
  12. Ring the council again and ask them whether the figures they gave you previously already include their fees and relevant court costs connected to obtaining the liability order/s. Usually these sums are included in the figures quoted but it's better to be certain so you don't leave any outstanding debt to the council. If you're so inclined you can also pay the council for the first and second bailiff's visit fees of £42.50 so you don't have to deal with the bailiff directly. Feebee _71
  13. Hi all, When I started work a few months ago I applied for, and was awarded, WTC. They gave me a figure of how much I'd receive in total and how much I'd be paid each week. Obviously we're at the end of the tax year in the next week or so and the claim will need to be renewed. Will I receive a letter about this or anything to tell me when I have to renew by or is it expected that I should know it needs renewing and just get in touch with them? Sorry for another of my daft questions, Feebee_71
  14. Was the incapacity benefit your only taxable income during the relevant tax year? If so, it was surely a sum well within the allowed personal allowance for that tax year? If you received it in conjunction with other income then I would guess that you'd have to declare it and then calculate your total income for that tax year and be liable for any tax due. They won't have deducted any tax from your benefit but it would be taken into account when assessing how much you're due to pay. Feebee_71
  15. When was the last payment made in respect of the account? When were you served with a default notice on the account - if indeed you were?
  16. One thing to remember, if the supervisors are writing in a book when things slip below expected standards and Rachel is being offered additional support but declining it, when she has a review of the period of monitoring and these slips are picked up on it could be seen to be unacceptable. It goes in Rachel's favour that she has asked for a tick sheet/checklist to ensure she has completed all aspects of the role in regards to room cleaning or other duties she performs - why doesn't Rachel create her own checklists for each area of the job to show her personal commitment to improving her performance and to give as a pointer to new or casual staff at the workplace of the requirements of each clinic room/work area/daily task. You never know, Rachel might get a pat on the back for her use of initiative and for seeing potential to address an area where she has previously fallen short. Feebee_71
  17. It is possible that, if the trigger for sickness/performance management is along the lines of recurrent short term absence not requiring medical certification from GP (such as every time you have to work a weekend/late evening/specific task, immediately before or after a period of leave or after a 'night out' you are then off sick for 2 days) then being signed off by your GP may lead to further discussion regarding sickness but no further action being taken - especially given that you went into work during the period of sickness. Would other employees be expected to attend work if suffering from the same illness/symptoms? If the previous triggers for the performance management is overall level of sickness then you might be on shakier ground regarding the next level of discipline being undertaken. In my own experience I was put on performance management following a huge amount of sickness - broken elbow (2 months off work) 5 months after having a rough time due to a miscarriage and subsequent infection (2 months off again) and, about 4 months later, 2 weeks off with a chest infection (that was diagnosed by one of the Dr's I worked with! Them went to GP given steroids and antibiotics) Anyway, as is understandable, I was taken along the sickness management route and put on 3 months monitoring and told was not allowed to be off sick in that time - difficult when in the NHS during the winter and dealing with RSV virus and norovirus and having strict policies in place about not attending work for 48 hours if had symptoms of noro!! - I managed that but they decided to follow it with another 3 month period of monitoring during which I had 1 day of recorded sickness. They invoked the next stage of disciplinary procedure and, at the hearing myself and the union rep were able to argue that, due to how they were managing the situation 'recurrent unauthorised absences', they should discount all periods of sickness covered by medical certificate which took the number of days sickness being performance managed down from 84 over an 18 month period to just 3 days and the same company policy stated no trigger until sickness was at 6 days in a 6 month period or 10 days in a year. Disciplinary process immediately stopped as being inappropriate and previous 6 months of monitoring already an excessive reaction to such a small level of sickness over a prolonged period of time. Good luck with your situation and getting back on a good footing with your health, Feebee_71
  18. Regarding the over payment of the amount demanded - if either of the amounts was paid using a visa credit/debit card you can ask for the payment to be reversed using the chargeback facility - you will probably be given the runaround by the bank about it because they really don't want customers to use this features of the scheme - but stick to your guns that the payment needs reversing as it's a duplicate for another payment!! Good luck, Feebee_71
  19. The fact that the injury took time to develop and the fact your GP agrees it is an injury consistent with that type of accident goes along with your saying no injury at the time but yes to one becoming apparent after the initial enquiry by the this'd party company. Be honest with them and tell them that, at first, you didn't think you had an injury but it has become apparent now. They will ask about visiting your doctor and will probably arrange for you to have a medical with their own medical assessor to decide on the degree of injury, length of recovery and whether you'd need physio or other treatment. Then, after this process, you will be offered an award for personal injury. My mother had similar after an accident almost 2 years ago in her motability car. The others in the car are now going through the process of medicalp and possible payout
  20. One thing that will be helpful to those helping you, in addition to all the information already mentioned above, is to list all fees charged by the bailiffs since they started dealing with you. You should list it by date, how much charged/added and how it's described. You are in excellent hands and will get things sorted out by following the advice given. Feebee_71
  21. If his ESA is stopped for 0 points at his ATOS assessment then if should appeal asking for benefit to continue at assessment rate. He should also inform the council of a change in circumstances in that he is either receiving the reduced amount (or nothing at all if that happens) and ask for them (the council) to reassess his housing/council tax benefit awards based on low/zero income rather than as a result of his receipt of ESA. One thing to remember is that, from April 1st things are changing so what and how much he'll get could/will be affected. Feebee_71
  22. At this point in time you are on suspension (which is seen as a neutral act - unless unpaid) and have not been dismissed. As this has all happened in just 2-3 days I don't think you could claim unreasonable time frames for investigation and conclusion of the process. How long have you worked for this company in total? In what capacity are you working there - employee or contractor? What resolution are you hoping for out of this process? All the above questions will help others more knowledgeable than I go assisting you. Feebee_71
  23. If you know the name of the consultant you're registered under then you can ring the hospital direct and ask to speak to his/her secretary to find out what's going on or you can ring the CT department and ask if they've received the request and when can you expect to receive an appointment!! Feebee_71
  24. Up2, Why not send a further letter to use benefits people saying something along the lines of 'further to my GL24 dated xx/xx/wwww please accept this letter as a request to continue paying my ESA while progressing my information through the appeal process' You will, hopefully, then carry on getting the ESA paid. Good luck, Feebee_71
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