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Everything posted by Feebee_71

  1. Afraid I don't as I've rarely had to contact them. Hopefully someone else will be along soon who can help. I do remember though that when I've called them I've spoken to a UK call centre not foreign!!
  2. Possibly but, by giving them a later start date than is correct, all you've done is shorten the time you're claiming for. Remembet that, if you're earning enough to pay PAYE tax, they'll already know when you started employment. Unless you're also trying to cover an extended period of claiming benefits that you were not entitled to (am not accusing you of anything of course). Feebee_71
  3. Thanks - well, we can hope can't we!! Anyway, I'm not going to sniff at what is likely to be £400 or more by the end of the tax year considering I've only been working since the end of August!! Feebee_71
  4. Short of asking orange to split the payment over a few months and confiscating your daughter's phone I don't think there is much you can do. I would also look into other phone providers to see if any of them offer a contract where you can bar calls, texts and other usage outside the monthly allowances and take the hit of paying for that as well as the £10/month for the orange sim. Feebee_71
  5. Thanks a lot Kitten, that was how I read the situation but someone else said I should get back the full 45p/mile value minus whatever the company have paid out already!!
  6. That will be why you didn't receive notification of the amount due - the message will have gone to the phone number the payment is about.. Feebee_71
  7. Is her phone an extension of your contract or a new contract of her own with the payment coming out of your bank account? If the first you should have received notification as usual, if the second then the notification would have gone to her phone and you'd only know about it when the payment came out of the bank - which is what you've discovered!! Feebee_71
  8. One thing to consider is whether it was the same person calling each time or a different person every time. It's possible that the agency were being hassled by the placement to filt the vacancies early in the week so it was sorted and that different people were trying her but no-one was updating the system to say she'd just come off a night shift and please don't ring until after xx time. Therefore, the next person in the office sees a need for x location, knows mum works there and so rings her first thereby explaining why she got so many calls!! Feebee_71
  9. The other thing worth getting copies of are (if your company has them) the grievance policy, disciplinary policy, whistleblowing policy and data protection policy. Also a copy of the most recent staff handbook. There items could be useful if circumstances develop further and especially if to your detriment!! Feebee_71
  10. Hi all, Hoping someone can help me. I started work mid summer doing domicillary care work (going round people's homes) and, as a result I've done over 5,000 business miles. I've been told I can claim back for this mileage using a P87 form. I have been keeping a spreadsheet of my mileage broken down on a day by day basis and also have all petrol receipts from when I started working so think I have all the information I need to claim. I also have details of the car allowance payments made by my employer (between £45 and £60 a month). I know that, to calculate my business mileage as a monetary figure I multiply by £0.45/mile for the first 10,000 miles and then a lower amount after that. Having done this I've come up with a figure somewhere in the region of £2,000!! The amount I've received in car allowance from my employer comes to approximately £350 which I know I have to deduct from the total. What I really want to know, and haven't found an answer for is - how much of this mileage money will I actually get back?? I did ask my sister who gets business mileage paid but, as her employer pays her back at the full rate, she doesn't know about people who only get a few quid a month in allowances - and she's an accountant!!! Feebee_71
  11. When I started working my local council said they wanted me to bring my first couple of pay slips in so they could calculate if I was still entitled to any housing benefit. Even now (6 months later) I take the pay slips in as them it stays as an open claim (even for just a few £'s a week) and is just a case of a re-calculation rather than a reclaim!! Feebee_71
  12. I would say, going by the figures given by some on here who are offered the chance to settle for an administrative penalty rather than face court, you've been made a very generous offer and are right to accept it. Glad the matter is now sorted to your satisfaction. Feebee_71
  13. I would think then, that they have not actioned the appeal as it was sent outside the allowed time frame but, because he is in the WRAG they have decided to re-assess him as still having an active claim. If won't be getting any money because he's probably exhausted his 365 day payable benefit for those on contribution based WRAG claimants. There are others out there who know better than I though (my knowledge is from this site and limited personal experience) Feebee_71
  14. And did you send your appeal (GL24 form) back within a month of receiving that letter? Feebee_71
  15. When, in relation to the September 2012 re-application did you receive notification that if had been placed in the WRAG group? This is the important date - you have to appeal within a certain period of time of receiving their notification (the bit in the letter that says 'if you don't agree with our decision') not based on when you apply for ESA for the second time. Feebee_71
  16. How long between notification of which group your husband was placed in and appealing the decision? I think that is the relevant time frame rather than between making your claim and sending in the appeal. Feebee_71
  17. Hi there, I would think that, with that level of income, your partner might be entitled to some level of tax credits (working/child - possibly both) - they would have to claim as the working partner. Sorry not to be able to help further but others who are more knowledgeable than I will hopefully be along soon!! Feebee_71
  18. Your medical records may not be held in a complete state as few hospitals have the storage facilities to manage all their records and so they place them in storage facilities and may also have them transferred to microfiche to reduce the amount of space needed. However, you should be given copies of all records held about you by submitting a SAR - this can cost up to a maximum of £50 if I remember correctly! Feebee_71
  19. The way I read the OP it was that, 3 months before the end of a contract period with T-Mobile, the customer started receiving phone calls from a 3rd party company called T3 who were trying to entice the OP into signing up with them for a new contract. When the OP enquired as to how this 3rd party company had obtained their details they were told it was through T-Mobile. This upset the OP who didn't want their information passed on for sales purposes and, as a result, they told T-Mobile they were through with them and refused to continue with the last 3 months of the contract. This is what has led T-Mobile issuing a final bill including an early termination fee. The OP has refused to pay all/some of this bill (that bit is unclear) which has led to the claim being issued against them in the county court. Feebee_71
  20. One possibility is that the company might now only say for leave once it's accrued - that's what my employer does so, I took 7 days leave in January but won't get said for it until I've accrued that much leave which means end of March/April time!! Feebee_71
  21. Write to your bank stating you do not recognise the company the payments are being made to and that you want them stopped. Also ask them by what method the payment was set up - online or by paper form with your signature on. It may be that you agreed to something with company X but the payments are collected by company Y. Can you think of anything that you expect that amount of money to be going out for? Feebee_71
  22. Don't deal with the bailiffs despite what the council tell you. Get hold of your councit tax reference number and start paying them a regular figure that you can afford to keep up payments on. Use online banking or, if not available, the automated phone system. Print off receipts for all payments and keep handy. You don't need to deal with the bailiffs and don't have to let them in. In into lock down mode keeping all doors and windows closed and locked, leave nothing outside your property and park any car away from your house (preferably at least a street away) this will prevent the bailiffs getting a levy and they'll eventually hand the account back to the council. Feebee_71
  23. Did you actually know about the fine when it was imposed? If so, did you set up a payment plan that you failed to keep up? Have you received any paperwork from the court - specifically a 'Further Steps Notice' - regarding your failure to pay the fine? Have you moved house between the fine being imposed and now? The answers to the above questions will be important for those able to help with advice about your situation. If you are able to provide the answers you will get relevant assistance and hopefully soon, Feebee_71
  24. They can ask the DVLA who the registered keeper of a specific vehicle is but cannot ask for what (if any) vehicles are registered to any specific person AFAIUT. Feebee_71
  25. I thought that the maximum payable to bailiffs for visits where they haven't obtained a levy was £24.50 first visit fee and £18 second visit fee (total £42.50). What is this further £18 charge/fee for? Feebee_71
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