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Everything posted by Feebee_71

  1. Adridude, Apart from that one BP reading given to the consultant by the GP what is your BP usually when it's checked? It is possible that it can be as high as the GP recorded and for you to be functioning normally - especially if it has crept up over a few months and then had a bit of a spike recently - though that reading is most definitely elevated compared to the average for an adult of approximately your age. Feebee_71
  2. Thanks for confirming that OC, Hopefully the OP will be back soon with answers to the questions and will be able to give you more information so you, and others, can offer suggestions for assistance. Feebee_71
  3. The problem you're likely to come across is that, while you say that your quality of life is more important than your blood pressure, the Dr's will see it the other way round - without addressing the high blood pressure (in your case by stopping the drugs they believe are causing it to be raised) you could have a stroke and end up with no life to have quality in. Also, I don't think there is mileage in your mentioning that a mother was forced to allow her child to have treatment for a life threatening illness, what you're trying to argue is the opposite of this - you want to force the medics to offer you a treatment that is causing you other health problems against their professional judgement. Sorry if this isn't what you want to hear but I think it's important to show you where you might have issues with the direction you want to take. Your should ask for a 2nd opinion from another Dr at the surgery if you want to pursue this. Feebee_71
  4. Why didn't you buy a ticket at station A? Was there no working ticket machine or were you running late and wanting to avoid missing your train? You say there was no conductor in the carriage. Did you look down the rest of the train to try and find the conductor/guard to purchase a ticket? From what I've read on this forum it's not enough to say you didn't have time to purchase a ticket before boarding a train if there are sufficient facilities at the station for you to do this nor that you didn't see someone to try and buy a ticket from you have to actively seek them out or risk being accused as you have been. Others who are more knowledgeable than I will hopefully be along soon to offer their advice, Feebee_71
  5. One of the things that may be a stumbling block to the insufficient notice argument is that, according to the newspaper report linked above, these summons' were dated January 11th. Lets hope people kept the envelopes and that they have a dated franking mark on them!! Feebee_71
  6. Also meant to say, some councils (mine included) have a policy whereby they send out reminder letters after the first missed/late payment and perhaps after a second episode of lake payment but don't send out further reminders and simply go for recovery action (applying for the liability order) which allow them to add costs and start enforcement action. My council also jump quickly if its the last couple of payments that are late!! Feebee_71
  7. It sounds as if they have picked up a trick from the bailiff company's they work so closely with and have pre-loaded the charges to your account. Depending on which council it is they may have contracted their customer fronting services to a company called Capita who, in turn, own bailiff companys including Equita - and you see how their training methods could be 'we say you owe it so you must do and there's nothing we can do!' If I were you I'd wait for the letter to arrive and see exactly what it says - it's either going to be that you're behind with your CT payments and have until xx date to bring it up to date or they'll apply for a liability order with costs of £XX or it will be that as you didn't keep up with the payment they have already applied for, and been granted, a liability order against you hence the added costs. Until you get the letter there isn't much you can do but, if it's the first one, you could turn up at the court and show them proof that your account has been cleared; if it's the second one then that's more difficult and those more experienced than I will be able to advise but I think if the court date was before you cleared the account you'll end up ha ing to pay. Feebee_71
  8. Where is your friend registered to vote, this would be classed as her main residence and might be one reason her mother is in the situation she is in. Feebee_71
  9. How long has he worked for the company? Has he been subject to disciplinary action before? Was he on company premises at the time? If so, was he in the work environment or staff break room? Was the metal bar there for the purpose of people to hang off it or for some other purpose? Feebee_71
  10. Regarding things like utility bills she can ring up and tell them she is to be listed as the account holder as the previous named person has moved out so is no longer responsible for them - especially if the payments have been coming out of her account. She should also either return all mail that arrives for him as 'no longer at this address' or get in touch with the companies and tell them he's not living there now and provide a forwarding address (his parents). Feebee_71
  11. While you may not have used the sim or show any activity on the account since the issue with the phone last summer I think you may be on a sticky wicket regarding not expecting to pay anything after that point in time. You would have signed up for a minimum term and the majority of the money now being chased will consist of monthly line rental and/or termination fees. While you may feel that the phone being broken stops you from using the contract you could have put the sim card in another handset and continued to use the contract, I had a similar problem where a smartphone stopped working but, rather than ditch the sim, I purchased a cheaper handset that was not locked to any network and used that then took the handset it for repair (which was not possible) and ended up being offered a brand new replacement handset - this was done through the phone shop where I bought the phone not via the manufacturer or the network provides!! Good luck but I think you'll end up with a bill even with the assistance of Lee and the web relations team!! Feebee_71
  12. What would it have cost you if you had booked the tickets direct with the airline? You will probably find something deeply hidden in this company's t's & c's stating they charge some sort of fees, card fees are fairly common when booking holidays or flights and £5 is not overly high compared to the overall price. Do you have an address for this company other than their email? You may find you're better off writing to them using a trackable method but others will hopefully be along soon who can help more than me. Feebee_71
  13. Do you not have to request they pay the ESA during the appeal process? Feebee_71
  14. Consider that some advance tickets can be refunded and you'll then be able to understand why a booking confirmation is not sufficient proof - there is nothing to say you didn't indeed purchase a ticket but then get a refund but then use the email receipt to travel with (am not trying to say you did this). From what I've read on this forum I'd pay now while they are offering an administrative penalty rather than risk being taken to court and getting a criminal record and a fine larger than they are currently asking for!! Feebee_71
  15. Would this payment not now be Statute Barred seeing as it was paid out in 2006? If so, while the DWP can request it's recovery, they cannot force you to pay it back unless you are currently receiving benefits in which case you will find they can deduct it from your current benefits!! Feebee_71
  16. The other part of the PCT funding department you may wish to appeal to are the 'exceptional circumstances' team who can agree on funding - usually though, your gp would have to appeal to the PCT against the refusal to fund this surgery. While not a life or death condition all hernia's have the potential to strangulate and become an emergency situation!! Feebee_71
  17. Can't answer for Vodaphone directly but other phone companies list the charge as a non-direct debit fee so I guess they probably call it something similar and charge it!! Feebee_71
  18. Have you tried contacting HMV with your order number as it might be that one of the items wasn't physically available when you placed nous order but was due in on the next delivery and, with all the uncertainty over the last couple of weeks, might have been overlooked by the dispatch team and a phone call/email could be all it needs to get your items delivered!! Feebee_71
  19. Will your employer be providing a service on behalf of this outside agency? If so, then your employer (and you by carrying out the service) is representing this outside agency and I would think they could set stricter terms than your employer has to date. Equally, if this is the case, is there any way your employer could maintain your level of work if you didn't do anything connected to that outside agency? Just questions to mull over as to why something that wasn't an issue previously could now cause problems!! Feebee_71
  20. It would be correct for the GP to enquire of any situations that the patient can identify as being exacerbating factors for their ill health. If the patient, or their family, say that being out of work, having poor housing, being socially isolated were factors then that would be put in the doctor's subsequent report. Therefore, if the patient says that having a lodger in the family home is a factor then why shouldn't it be taken at face value by the doctor in the same way? Just something to consider...... Feebee_71
  21. Sadly its the same in lots of areas - I live within the M25 and, when I changed from cont based JSA to income based, the dwp simply told my landlord (local housing association) that I had 'become no longer eligible' so they suspended my claim - even though it was a formality because the transfer went through quite quickly!! Feebee_71
  22. It all depends on your circumstances - if you are single then it's £100 but, if you're a joint/couple claim, I think it is more. I can only comment on the single amount as that's what I got. I was told by my advisor that I wouldn't get it as I'd not been on JSA for 26 weeks but, because I'd been on continuous benefits without a break, I was actually entitled to the job grant as well as the housing benefit and council tax benefit run on period - make sure you ask for these when you hand in your change of circumstance forms. Feebee_71
  23. Perhaps their reason for asking about team dynamics is to see whether there is any friction within the team and whether it appears that you remain committed to the organisation or not. You have obviousl been looking for work elsewhere (assumption made based on your being offered another position elsewhere) and the agency may be concerned that you might 'up sticks' and leave. Alternatively they may be concerned that you're not happy in the current role hence your asking when the contract is due to end. Perhaps you need to explain to the agency just why you're asking about the end date of the contract - perhaps you originally made plans that, as the contract was due to end on xx date, you would go away or do something specific; or perhaps you need to know as you're taking on a credit agreement and need to know there is some security in the contract, especially given that the initial role you were taken on for should have been for 3 months but ended early because of a lack of work. Or, finally, perhaps you aren't enjoying this contract or the new role as much as you thought you might and don't want to be tied down for am unspecified Seri!e of time. Feebee_71
  24. If no-one was paid as per one of the posts it sounds as if someone managing the system didn't ensure that the correct information was passed on to those lower down the company Hopefully, as no-one has been paid for those 2 days, they will be able to adjust things and everyone will receive the 2 days money with their next payment. Feebee_71
  25. Why would someone unconnected to any issues with potential access not tell you the truth?? Remember, unless you told them why you wanted to know, it could have been for any purpose including someone requesting information with valid reason!! Feebee_71
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