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  1. Hi...Yes I need to pay I don't have an issue with that, I had already made arrangement to pay. Is there a reason for the question ? Either way the council have made an error and I object strongly to the added costs. Thanks for your reply.
  2. On the 30 January 2013 I along with around 6000 others in sheffield received a council tax summons to be heard on 1 February (they day after) There was a public out cry about the notice the summonses gave before the hearings as reported in the local paper http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/business/sheffield-council-tax-blunder-causes-misery-1-5377303. Today I received a liability order what should I do !! ?
  3. Heres the response from McD Dear Mrs Jennings Thank you for your further contact regarding your visit to our Tankerley restaurant. I am very sorry to learn that you were disappointed with my response. I regret that in a situation such as a contravention of parking regulations, we are unable to deal with any specifics or cases on an individual basis. Suffice to say, if a customer contravenes the clearly displayed parking regulations, they will receive a ticket. I have once again reviewed all the information gained and I do appreciate your further comments, our position on this matter has not changed. Thank you for contacting us again and I am sorry that we can be of no further assistance to you. Regards Rhonda Floyd Senior Customer Services Manager McDonald's Customer Services Department 11 - 59 High Road East Finchley London N2 8AW 08705 244622
  4. Tony P.... I have included your points in the email I have sent to McD's in response to their email I am not very impressed that any service supplier would treat the very people who spend their hard earned money with them with such contempt.
  5. My daughter visited McD's in Rotherham, She stayed longer than the specified time and because the vehicle is a company vehicle I received the parking "fine" which of course I will not be paying. I emailed their customer relations and I think You may be interested in the response I have received so here it is. If this is not allowed on here please remove it thanks Dear Mrs ******** I am writing further to your e-mail regarding your daughter's visit to our Tankersley restaurant. I have noted your comments and welcome the opportunity to confirm our policy on this matter. As a company, putting in place enforcements within our car parks is only done after careful consideration and very much as a last resort. Primarily, we use parking measures to ensure there are spaces available for our customers’ vehicles, as well as to deter unwarranted or unreasonably prolonged usage of the facility. I can confirm this parking area is managed by an independent company who are responsible for monitoring the car park and taking details of registration numbers. The regulations and signs at the restaurant clearly state our policy and the relevant charges. I trust you will appreciate that in order to maintain a consistent approach; we have to adhere to the guidelines in place. As such, in a situation such as a clear contravention of parking regulations, we are unable to deal with any specifics or cases on an individual basis. Suffice to say, if a customer contravenes the clearly displayed parking regulations, they will receive a ticket. Thank you for contacting us and again for the opportunity to comment. Yours sincerely Senior Customer Services Manager McDonald's Customer Services Department 11 - 59 High Road East Finchley London N2 8AW Tel: 08705 244622 So now we know !! no more visits to McD's for us and all my staff of Drivers are backing me so........ BYE BYE McD's
  6. I too have a contract with opus, and what a nightmare they are to deal with ! I had seen the posts by Andy Nash on this forum, so today after a very harassing conversation with one of the "customer care" staff who just took the problem round in circles I rang the number Andy Nash quotes on all the compaints forums to speak with him,but the number takes you straight back to the junior staff, asked to speak to Mr Nash...refused...repeated the request.. refused another circle was being created. I insisted that the only person I would discuss my issue with was Mr Nash, My number was taken for him to return my call. I did not expect this to happen......but low and behold a lady call from operations management hey presto problem sorted in a polite and fair manner within 5 minutes. So don't waste your time energy and nerves on the rude young whipper snappers stick to your guns and escalate your problem to the higher level insist you speak to andy nash.and someone with a human demeanor will call you.....eventually Jan
  7. Hi, I have an issue with a homebuy purchase my daughter made. At the time she signed the agreement she had a brain tumour which obviously fuddled her abitlity to think logically, The agent knew this but proceeded to allow her to sign. I have just been asked to look at this agreement and with interest and insurance the cost is a rip off to say the least. Question is has she any recourse to end this agreement and send back the item bought ? I wish I had been around when she signed but hey ho. Thanks for any help Jan
  8. I feel so stitched up by the Halifax !! 25th November I made an arrangement with then to tackle my overdraft, which was over the agreed limit. The arrangement was 1. they increased my o/d limit to 1.450k stopping further charges 2. set up a standing order of £12.50 a week from my cardcash account to my current account so lowering my o/d by a total of £50 a month.The weekly payments have been made as agreed. 3. I can continue using the account as normal so long as I made sure funds were there to cover spending, which I have done. I received confirmation that the £12.50 a week had been accepted, but nothing else was mentioned in the letter. ..then... I received a letter stating that I have broken my agreement with them so its now cancelled !! Rang them today and they have said that as I haven't paid £35 a month and have used the account they have cancelled the agreement !!!!!!!! After much discussion the guy said he has frozen my account ...called in my o/d, and there would be a £5 a day charge, he would however re-instate my payment plan of £12.50 and waive the charge for a few months. Problem is where do I go from here ?? I KNOW what I agreed to do and have done it, Any suggestions would be really appreciated, I am at my wits end with this, and feel like I have been manipulated into being even more over my limit with not much hope of being to clear the account, especially when they start the £5 a day charge. Jan
  9. I now the misfortune of having to deal with equita. Keeping it short they are collecting unpaid business rates. They have posted their standard removal letter but at the wrong address ! It was fortunate that some one at the address knew our company and they forwarded the letter to us. I think I have made a mistake by even acknowledging that we have recieved the letter, but anyway I have. I have paid an initial payment and made an agreement to pay too much a month, can this be renegotiated to a lower amount ? Main complaint I have is the fee's £120.00 added,reading around on here this is way too much, question is, can I be charged anything, as the bailiff posted the letter to the wrong address in the first place ? Thanks for this site, don't know what we would all do without it Jan
  10. I have the same problem arriving mid june ..please keep us informed how they deal with you and we will compare notes ? Jan
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