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Everything posted by pookeymonkey

  1. I,m going to call Marlin and Mortimer Clarke and ask for Mark tomorrow just so I can laugh and make rude gestures to him!!! Pookey
  2. Switch the security questions on to them!!! Tell them that for you to clarify who they are you need some answers. First look up the DCA in question here - WebCHeck - Select and Access Company Information Make a note of their company number and registered office, or as a little variation you can sit there and do it whilst they are on the line. When the DCA phones ask them to confirm their registered address - most will give a PO Box number 'WRONG ANSWER'. Tell them that is not the address held by Companies House - then proceed to go round and round in circles. Most phone monkeys dont know what you are on about. I spent over 30 minutes with Fredrickson playing find the address, eventually after speaking to 2 monkeys, their trainer and the trainers manager he eventually phoned me back with the information. If they do give you the address etc say 'Thank you, I don't conduct business over the phone could you please put anything you have to say in writing' I used to get bombarded with calls but I don't get any calls since doing this!!! Good luck. Pookey
  3. Unfortunately there is precious little choice for the average moderate person in this country! None of the mainstream parties seem to be in touch with reality at the moment. How many of us on here are simply treading water? What is given with one hand is swiftly taken with another. What really grates is when stories break such as the Bank bailouts, MPs expenses scandal and more recently Goldman Sachs once again giving obscene bonuses. Rant over!!! Pookey Roll on the Revolution!!!
  4. RNS Number : 1402V Cattles PLC 06 July 2009 THIS NOTICE IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF BONDHOLDERS. IF BONDHOLDERS ARE IN ANY DOUBT AS TO THE ACTION THEY SHOULD TAKE, THEY SHOULD SEEK THEIR OWN FINANCIAL AND LEGAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY FROM THEIR STOCKBROKER, SOLICITOR, ACCOUNTANT OR OTHER INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL OR LEGAL ADVISER. CATTLES PLC £400,000,000 7.125% bonds due 2017, ISIN: XS0308397149 (the "Bonds"), issued pursuant to a Trust Deed dated 5 July 2007 (as amended from time to time) (the "Trust Deed" between Cattles plc (the "Issuer") and HSBC Trustee (C.I.) Limited Coupon due 5 July 2009 The Board of the Issuer wishes to inform the holders of the Bonds that it will not make payment of the coupon due on 5 July 2009 in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed. The Issuer continues to be in constructive discussions with all of its finance providers and will provide a further update shortly. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange This should get the banks and investors fighting amongst themselves to secure their money first.
  5. :D:D:D:D Nice one Posty, my main beef is with Lewis/Cohens hopefully sink together! Pookey PS Have you seen the post on iii regarding Cattles company cars being switched to 90 lease arrangements as well?
  6. Get your letters demanding indemnity insurance in quick! Cattles liability insurance| Discussion| CTT| CTT.L| GB0001803666 | Cattles PLC - Interactive Investor Perhaps we should send a few 'Sorry to hear about you are about to be made redundant' cards in. Do card shops sell these? Perhaps I will just make some out of the threatening letters they used to send me. Pookey
  7. What a shame!!! I have been watching this for some months, it is obvious Cattles is slowly going under. Their shares are suspended and they need to refinance several hundreds of Millions of pounds in the middle of July. Judging by some shareholder bulletin boards they regarded Postings as Cattles saviour, but obviously he wasn't doing too well either! I just hope Cattles takes all their offspring such as CL Finance, Lewis Debt Recovery and Welcome with them when they go under. That should put paid to Howard Cohen as well, seeing as they are basically used as a front for Lewis. Happy Days, Pookey
  8. Looks to me like Howard Cohen is hiding behind the fact that they use untrained staff to issue their letters. The whole Howard Cohen operation is crooked if you ask me. If you look them up on the Law Society website they come under organisations, they share the Cohen Crammer Leeds address (with no mention of other offices), they are also listed as having no solicitors working for them!!! The Cleckheaton address is the same as Lewis Debt Collection and HC use a DX number registered to Lewis. If there are no Solicitors at Cleckheaton then who tells the staff what to send out and when? This makes it very easy for the Solicitors at Cohen Cramer to deny any wrong doing, and very difficult for an outsider to prove. I really detest these people, it is quite a reflection on their abilities that they have to lie and cheat in an attempt to beat a litigant in person. I wander what they would do when opposed by another solicitor? Pookey
  9. Hi, definitely report them!!! Have a look at this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/192657-howard-cohen-oh-dear.html I have got my own little battle going on with them at the moment, the more I hear the more I hate them!!!! Good luck, Pookey
  10. Hi, im interested in this as well - especially Egg CCAs. Egg CCAs are 2 sided with nothing to link the 2 sides, so you get 2 copies that could come from different documents. What would a claimant have to do In court to prove the copies are true copies if the original is missing? Pookey
  11. Heres a copy of the Default template and screen grab I was sent, http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff266/pookeymonkey/Howardcohenblankdefault.jpg http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff266/pookeymonkey/howardcohenblankdefault2.jpg http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff266/pookeymonkey/howardcohenscreendefault.jpg Thanks for the pointer as to the 'live' date at the top of the Default template, I hadn't noticed that. It is over 9 months after I was allegedly sent the Default Notice. Cheers! Pookey
  12. Hi, I see you are still having 'fun' with Howard Cohen! I recieved a letter from Howard Cohen last week regarding Egg and a missing default notice and was supplied with exactly the same blank template as you, plus an unreferenced screen grab that simply stated 'default issued', so what that proves I dont know. In the same letter they also told me they were re-ammending the POCs as they had got the account number wrong (again) and also invited me to withdraw my defence and contact them to arrange proposals for payment. Unfortunately I opened the letter at a bad time and it was a case of light the blue touchpaper!!! Against all the usual advice I was straight on the phone to Howard Cohen asking what they were playing at. I told them they needed my or the courts permission to ammend the POCs and that they certainly were not getting mine. Then I asked how the default notice had dissapeared as in was listed on their disclosure list, which was supported by a statement of truth. I was told that they had it when the statement of truth was signed but dont have it anymore. Unfortunately with that I rather lost the plot and told them how utterly useless they are and that it is not surprising as they are just The Lewis Group using the Howard Cohen name and that there are no registered Solicitors working from their address. Finished off saying that as their parent company Cattles is going down the pan they should all be out looking for new jobs!! Sounds really nasty now I look back but I have had enough of their cheating little tricks! Got another letter from HC a few days latter groveling that they know they need permission to ammend, and missquoting an editorial comment from 'The White Book' regarding the CPR rules in such a way that it appeared I would be liable for costs should I refuse to grant them permission!! Shame my local library has the latest copy of 'The White Book' I have done some copies of relavent sections for them to include when I send them my next letter. Anyway sorry about the rant, but Howard Cohen seem to be able to rub even the most mild mannered of people up the wrong way! Good luck, Pookey
  13. Thanks CO, I thought the same, I could knock up a screen grab at home in no time. As for the blank default template, that just shows that they have blank default notices to which they add the account details. I told Cohens from the start that I had never been served a Default Notice. Got to go out then I'm going to spend the rest of the day researching a defence for the lack of default notice and the use of screen grabs at court. If anyone has any links to relavent threads, that would be a great help. Thanks Pookey
  14. Hi, as part of an ongoing case with Howard Cohen/CL Finance we have gone beyond the AQ stage and swapped Disclosure lists. Howard Cohen/CL Finance stated that they were in posession of a Default Notice on their Disclosure List dated 02/03/2009. Now I have been sent an ammended Disclosure List dated 30/04/2009 on which the Default Notice has been crossed out, further down the list a 'screen grab' and a blank Default Notice template have been added. Howard Cohens letter states they were 'unable to locate' a copy of the Default Notice (they must have had it when they disclosed it on the list:rolleyes:). They are now relying on the following in Court as evidence of a correct Default Notice being served. http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff266/pookeymonkey/howardcohenscreendefault.jpg http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff266/pookeymonkey/Howardcohenblankdefault.jpg http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff266/pookeymonkey/howardcohenblankdefault2.jpg Can they get away with this? How can I pull this apart in my ammended defence? Any help greatfully recieved. Pookey
  15. If anyone has access to 'The White Book' does it have a setion 17.3.10 and if so can you let me know what it says? Pookey
  16. Having been doing some more digging I found this with a reference to a 17.3.5 It appears to refer to this - The White Book 2009 1 - Is this 'White Book' an offical version of the CPR rules or simply guidance for solicitors in applying the rules. 2 - The ammendment they wish to make is on the face of it quite small, the ommision of a number from the middle of the account number they are claiming against (I have already defended on the point that I have never had an account of the number quoted). But given that they have already ammended the POCs twice (wrong bank and wrong balance) and that there was a Court order telling them to supply CCA, default notice, Notice of Assignment etc by a certain date and they have not (this date was over amonth ago). Could I use the argument that it is too late to ammend and that as no documents have ever been supplied I object as there is little hope of their case succeeding. I have just recieved a pre-trial checklist that needs to be returned by 18/5/09, it seems odd that Howard Cohen seem to try to confuse things just as paperwork needs to filed again! I am worried that they are going to turn up at court with an agreement and some dodgy paperwork and I will have to form a defence on the spot! Pookey
  17. Thanks to both of you. Where can I find a full list of CPR rules? PART 17 - AMENDMENTS TO STATEMENTS OF CASE - Ministry of Justice This is where I have always looked, but CPR 17.3 only goes to (2) on here. I have found a reference to CPR 17.3.5 and 17.3.6 on google but cant find a full text of them so I can read them for myself. Pookey
  18. Hi, quick question during my ongoing farce involving Howard Cohen they have decided to re ammend their re ammended Particulars of Claim. I decided to question this and tell them that they either needed my permission or that of the Court. I have just recieved a letter stating - 'We refer you to CPR 17.3.10, which confirms parties ought to consent to ammendments they cannot oppose because if they do not they may be penalised in costs.' I have looked on the Ministry of Justice website that contains the CPR rules and searched on the internet but have not located CPR 17.3.10 , does it exist? If so can someone point me in the right direction to find it. Knowing their track record It wouldn't suprise me if it didn't. Just like the Default Notice they listed on their Disclosure list that now apparently has vanished and is going to be replaced by a screen grab with the words 'default issued' and a copy of a blank Default Notice (I will start a new thread for that!) Thanks, Pookey
  19. Sorry Postggj!!! I just got a bit carried away, as I am one of the ones in exactly the same position as Tendogs - CPR, Howard Cohen and non compliance. My point was intended to be light hearted. CL Finance is part of the Cattles empire, if Cattles goes pearshaped and take CL with them hows Tendogs (or me for that matter) going to get their court costs back? Ive taken down the big quote and posted it on the Debt Collection Forum. Sorry!! Pookey
  20. If you are having problems with Cl Finance, The Lewis Group or Welcome Finance the following should brighten up your day!!! Just in case you don't know Cattles is their parent company. Pookey:)
  21. Cattles | Stock Exchange announcements Get your claim in quick Tendogs, once Cattles go down the likes of Cl Finance, The Lewis Group, Welcome and Old Howie should go with them!!! Pookey
  22. Hi Jon sorry I can't help much with your case, although like you say they shouldn't get far with no agreement. Hopefully Distric Judge Ackroyd will be seeing DCA solicitors showing their true colours!! I have orders from him/her to do with my case at Portsmouth CC, so far all have them have been ignored. It seems so unfair, I make sure I complied with every order keeping proof of postage and delivery, yet the solicitors seem to make their own rules:evil:. I have written to the Court Manager as well asking for the case to be struck out - its got to the Witness statement stage and yet NO paperwork regarding the account has ever been produced even though that was one of the Orders!! Anyway good luck, Im sure someone with the knowledge to help will be along soon. Pookey
  23. Dont send them a copy of their letter. Act all innocent, just write along the lines of - Re: CL Finance Limited -v- Mrs Mightyacorn Northampton County Court Claim No:******** Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for you letter dated 27/03/2009 the contents of which have been noted. I would be grateful if you would supply me with a copy of the Judgement entered against me for the above claim number as confirmation that I must pay £125.00 every month from 06/04/2009. I trust this is in order and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Mrs Mightyacorn Dont forget to send it recorded, Pookey
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