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Everything posted by pookeymonkey

  1. Hi, I think they are starting to feel the pinch and need some fast cash! I got one of these letters the other day on an account they know is unenforceable, still it made a change from the 'We are requesting information from our Client and will write to you in another 21 days' letters. DLC/Hillesden/Faccenda should have stuck to selling chickens instead of buying a load of turkeys! Pookey
  2. Definitely check with the Court that there actually is a CCJ. £125.00 per month sounds suspiciously like Cohens CCJ letter sent by 'mistake' as an 'administration error' If there is no CCJ report to SRA, OFT and as many others you can think of - they have been caught using this trick before! If there is a CCJ apply for a set aside. Pookey
  3. Congratulations!!! Not surprised the lady from Cohen Crammer was polite, she knew they were going to get their arses kicked and was probably looking for the easiest and cheapest way out!! Don't let the relief of them discontinuing lower your guard regarding your costs, just remember the rude and arrogant staff when negotiating:) Pookey
  4. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Maybe they should try to stop Howard Cohen taking everyone to court even if there is no documents to support their case. Shame many CAGgers have been defending and claiming costs!! Thanks for my £350.00 Lewis:D Pookey
  5. Saw this yesterday. Hull College - Hull College Deliver Condensed NVQs to Cattles plc Looks like they were employing some 'prime' staff, might have been good if they had employed or trained staff in Customer Service or Business Administration skills maybe they wouldn't be in such a mess!!! As for basic life skills in Maths and English.... Lewis are still going through the Court with a GE money claim for Mrs. Pookey despite CL writing to say a credit agreement no longer exists. Pookey
  6. I am sure the Judge was wrong about a reconstituted copy of the Credit Agreement. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understood it the Manchester case decided that a reconstituted agreement was acceptable for a CCA request. This does not mean that it is acceptable for use as evidence in Court. Pookey
  7. How come Howard Cohen didn't get shortlisted for Litigation Team of the Year? Must admit though, the usual suspects of a few years ago (1st Credit etc) are a bit thin on the ground now. Pookey
  8. Hi WW, Mrs Pookey got one of the Price and Brown letters today - posted it below so people can see. http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z191/spandexcocoleroy/pbletter2.jpg Filed under ignore, especially when I saw the small print - 'Price & Brown is a trading style of Reliable Collections Ltd'. Would have probably had more effect if it had been signed Burlington Bertie or even Bertie Bassett (he's Britains favourite asset) - Barrington Brown is a pretty poor attempt and if he does exist I would imagine he is an absolute bounder and a cad !!! Pookey PS Had all the same Simply Be/ Reliable 'fun', just letting them waste their postage and phone bill now.
  9. Howard Cohen telling fibs - how could you even suggest such a thing?
  10. I sent old Trev a letter to his 'head office' after looking up the address here - The Law Society - Find a solicitor After looking on google earth it appeared it might also be his house so I sent it registered on a Friday and sure enough the postie must have woken him up as it was signed for by Trev himself on the Saturday morning He must have been a bit unhappy as I never heard from him again and ARC ran away very soon after. Pookey
  11. Hi Blueboy Well Done! I won against CL/Egg on exactly the same point although my Judge gave them a verbal lashing!!! They too said they would issue another Default Notice so I said just try it, they did, and I wrote back a copy of my Notice of Termination and asked how they could issue a DN on a terminated account. They replied saying that they were going to issue a Claim within seven days and that was the last I heard from them. Stick to your guns, they really are no more than a bunch of bullies, and not very clever ones at that. Stand up to them and they go crying home to mummy!! Pookey
  12. Just got in and Mrs Pookey has got one of these today - how we laughed!! What a pathetic attempt- things must be getting desperate for Hillesden. And to think they quote the Credit Services Association as some kind of authority:lol::lol: We certainly wont be wasting a stamp on this lot. Pookey
  13. Howard Cohen really are the lowest of the low. Not surprisingly the Cleckheaton office has no real solicitors registered there, just a load of 'litigation assistants', I wouldn't be surprised if it was like the Marlin office (sit a one desk to be CL Finance or move to another and be Howard Cohen). As for an admin error, they are expert at this, just like the 'you have been given a CCJ and have been ordered to pay £**** per month' letters that were an 'admin error' Stand up to them and show the Court what t**ts they are, then get your costs:grin: Pookey
  14. Another of Cattles offspring - this lot make the Lewis people look almost normal!!! The Shopacheck Social | Facebook
  15. I have just noticed that Mrs Pookey has a phantom payment of £200.01 on her alleged Cabot account. How do we disprove this as we would never pay Cabot anything? There has been no acknowledgement of this account for the past three years as it has been moved from DCA to DCA this is obviously an attempt to try to reset the statute clock. Pookey
  16. Ah Bless!!! I think in the first photo Lewis have taken them out on a bus for a couple of hours, then brought them back in through the office fire escape and now they really think they are on holiday!!!! As F_DCA says that second photo looks very suspect - could Lewis be tampering with the drinking fountain??? Pookey
  17. They can't even get a simply announcement right, I wonder how the company ended up in such a mess!! Cattles PLC - Potential Staff Reductions - Replacement| News| CTT| CTT.L| GB0001803666 | Cattles PLC - Interactive Investor Pookey
  18. Time to get the bolt gun out and finish the old girl off, its unfair to let her linger on!!! Cattles PLC - Potential Staff Reductions| News| CTT| CTT.L| GB0001803666 | Cattles PLC - Interactive Investor Pookey
  19. Thank God The Lewis Group is providing secure accomodation for these people during the day. I wonder what time the fleet of yellow 'special' busses arrive to take them home to their families? Pookey
  20. I got just under £300.00 off them in costs last summer - Judge told me this was a very reasonable figure for a LIP, wish I had asked for more now. Don't forget to write back thanking them for your cheque when you receive it. Pookey
  21. Bet they're not looking so smug now!!! Cohen Cramer Solicitors Howard is the one on the left by the way. Pookey
  22. Here is the elusive S.Beat The Law Society - Find a solicitor I might quote back some of their bulls**t from their Social Responsibility section of their website (click on Overview to get to it) when I write to them next! NBrown Corporate website Pookey
  23. Thanks AC. Apart from the mortgage all other accounts are in either my name or my wife's name. Pookey
  24. Thanks Bill. Yes my main concern was a Charging order and an Order for Sale (this mainly). Is interest applied to a debt secured using a charging order, or does the balance remain the same until the debt is settled or property sold? I think we are joint tenants but I will check this, if we are tenants in common what is the 'restriction' that the Judge could impose. Pookey
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