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Everything posted by pookeymonkey

  1. Should one of my wife's creditors decide to take her to Court and win what happens in regard of enforcement of this? For background information - My wife is unemployed with no real prospect of returning to work on medical grounds. I work and bring just about enough money in to pay the bills etc with not much left over, we are never able to save any money as there is never more than about £5.00 left each month even though we live very frugally, and this usually has to go on our daughters school projects etc. We have a mortgage in joint names as at the time we thought this would be easier to sort out should anything happen to either of us. But I am the only one that has ever paid this. Our house is owned in both our names, as once again we thought this would be easier to sort should anything happen to either of us. We have an 8 year old daughter who lives at home with us. There is equity in our house but I would challenge any attempt to take this as I have worked hard all my life for this and as previously mentioned I am the only one that has paid the mortgage. Would my earnings be taken into account when assessing how much my wife could pay each month? Fortunately there is no immediate prospect of any of this happening but it is something that has been on my mind for some time, and forearmed is forewarned. Pookey
  2. Forgot, they charge each month for a 'Peace of Mind Plan' I assume this is PPI. This must have been mis-sold as she has been unemployed for the last 8 year due to her health. Pookey
  3. I hate these people too!!! I am currently helping my wife deal with them as she is too unwell to cope. They keep sending statements each month with massive interest and admin charges, even though I have CCAed them and got the usual piece of paper with no signature. How can I get them to put up or shut up? Should I write and tell them she has no intention of paying and to take her to Court or go away. I have been to Court over three of my cards and successfully defended each time so I am not worried about the prospect of this at all. Pookey
  4. Major blow for claims management companies in landmark court case - Debt Management Today Although this comes from a Debt Management site, it does go some way to explain that the test cases were aimed at Claims against Creditors rather that rather than Claims by Creditors. Pookey
  5. They tried using a template Default Notice and Screen shot in my case but it did not work. I was in Court for just five minutes before the Judge dismissed their Case on this issue alone, I was lucky and got a very clued up Judge who was having none of their games. To top it all the template Default they use was marked as coming into effect over a year after the date it was supposed to have been served. Pookey
  6. Cohens rely on trying to confuse, mislead and intimidate you into paying - even if they know they have no documents. You can see how they make their money using these tactics on people who are less well informed. Stand up to them all the way even if this means going to trial and you will come out on top, I did. It is about time the the Courts wised up to Cohens and others who proceed with no documentation and insist it is produced at an early stage. No documents then the case should immediately be struck out. If it helps Cohens are in the middle of taking Mrs Pookey to Court when we have a letter from CL Finance admitting that no Agreement exists!! Pookey
  7. Mrs Pookey got her 'Thanks for the payment letter' just after the 'Welcome to Cabot' letter for an account that no payments have been made for nearly 3 years, and no CCA or SAR had been sent to Cabot.
  8. Mrs Pookey got one of these recently. A letter will be on its way to them on Monday asking for proof etc as no payment has been made on this account for nearly 3 years now. Pookey
  9. Hopefully to someone who understands the concept of an unenforceable debt and the fact that they need all the documents to back them up, and doesn't run straight to Howard Cohen and Court. The problem with CL is their despicable tactics which rely on fear, lying, bullying, dirty tricks and taking advantage of peoples lack of knowledge of the legal system. Pookey
  10. Looks like the Shareholders have formed thier own action group to take legal action. Edwin Coe LLP - Cattles Shareholders’ Association Pookey
  11. Yeah, the repayments on the alloys and subs they bought for their Clio from Welcome car finance! Car finance bad car credit, car loans and car credit UK Strange, the Welcome Car Finance website state what a successful year they have had, very odd how Cattles would decide to close them down Still most Welcome employees probably got their loans through the company so they are probably unenforceable anyway. Pookey
  12. Oh dear Cattles board seem to be having a bit of a rough time!!! Attempted coup causes Cattles chaos - Telegraph Pookey
  13. BYE BYE CATTLES!!! Credit Today online Pookey
  14. Got to be one of my best presents this year. After my £265.00 cheque for wasted costs from Howard Cohen or the letter to Mrs Pookey from CL Finance stating they have no CCA but they then took her to Court (more costs from Mr Cohen to follow). The collapse should speed up now- as employees realise they their job is for a limited time only I dont think they are going to be too bothered with collection targets! Pookey
  15. BYE BYE CATTLES!!!!! Credit Today online Pookey
  16. Well done to Michael McIntyre for sticking to his principles. I think we need his agents details so we can all send him a Christmas card. Pookey
  17. They just seem to have the 'Midas Touch' in reverse!! Last year they bought a lemon from Egg and made a pigs ear of trying to collect them via Court - Thanks CL for my £250.00 costs. Now they are trying to collect on a store card from my wife which, on there own admission, there is no agreement. They waded straight in with a Court Claim - sorry CL you lose again!!! Can't see why they keep losing money:lol:. RIP Cattles, Lewis, CL Finance, Howard Cohen Pookey
  18. This is where the address you need is The Law Society - Find a solicitor Pookey
  19. I had a letter from Mr Munn on behalf of ARC. I looked him up on the Law Society's website and sent a letter of complaint direct to him as the account was in dispute. Judging by the address and the fact that it was signed for on a Saturday morning I think he works from home . I have never had such a quick responce from a DCA! Trying to defend their Solicitor and telling me that he was acting on their instruction. Arc dropped the account like a very hot potato and Cabot have bought it - now the fun begins! Pookey
  20. They are the bunch of losers that as ltwfb said enter the scene when Wescot give up. They send very threatening letters on very cheap paper and then retreat back into their hole. Mrs Pookey and I have had the Wescot/Credit Security treatment three times, we replied to Wescot once the first time and realised we were wasting our time. I must post the series of letters Wescot/Credit Security send, they were identical on all three accounts and all sent with the same ammount of days in between, so predictable!!! Good luck Pookey
  21. ps I don't know if you are allowed at this stage but you could apply for the case to be Stayed pending the result of the ongoing High Court case, mentioned towards the end of this thread. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/188093-egg-credit-agreements-what.html Pookey
  22. Hi gh, have a look at this for starters, Im sure more help will be along soon. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/170345-tale-dodgy-dn.html http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/198494-cohens-lose-default-notice.html Pookey
  23. Sorry I didn't get to update this thread as all the time I was fighting them I was signed off work with depression, still it gave me something to try and focus on. It went to trial and I WON!!! I had a whole load of things lined up in my defence but in the end the trial lasted about 15 minutes, 10 of which was taken up by the Judge laying into their Solicitor (who I think wished they had not turned up). Basically the Judge could not believe the mess Howard Cohen had made, with three sets of POCs before they got the right details. He then asked if they had the Default Notice to which the reply was 'We have a template', 'That's not a default notice, case dismissed' said the Judge. The Judge then apologised at my treatment and awarded me over £250 costs (which I did recieve just within the time limit he set, thanks CL). Cl have now issued their own Default Notice and Cohens are again threatening Court. Shame really as I have a letter of Termination from Egg (issued without a default notice) so CLs default notice is worthless. So if you are watching Cohen come and have a go if you think you're hard enough, I will gladly take some more costs off you! Good luck everyone, I will now I am better, write the whole case up in a different thread, lots of people seem to be winning against Cohens now. Pookey
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