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Everything posted by pookeymonkey

  1. Please let me come and watch, i'd so love to see their faces. PM.
  2. Hi, forgot to say I had a call from Equidebt today requesting payment. It went something like this............... I asked them if they had been forwarded any information from MBNA about the acount and surprise surprise they said no, they said "MBNA was under no legal obligation to do this". I then said "so you have no idea about the debt you have taken on"......................................................silence. I also said "so you have taken on a debt with out checking to see what it's about and how much I could be able to pay".......................silence. I then said (still having conversation on my own at this point) well thats a bit silly then seeing as my outgoings are higher than my Income ........................silence. She then said "we have purchased the debt yes, and we will now need a financial statement from you" I said "get MBNA to give you a copy".......................................silence. "we will need one from you" she eventually said. "put it in writing" I replied. "Well we have written to you already about a proposal" was her reply. "didn't receive it, put it in writing to me" i said. (at this point I think she was getting the hump with me) she said (through gritted teeth) "thank you so much for your help" My reply was "your welcome!". I don't always have the energy to challenge DCA'S but I did enjoy this one today!!! Cheers, Pookeymonkey.
  3. Hello everyone:) I am in the process of sending a CCA to Equidebt as they have sent me a letter stating that they have given me formal notification that the account was assigned to them and I am not to make any further payments or contact with MBNA. I have read the copy of the CCA on this site and Just wanted someone to confirm that I send it to Equidebt and not MBNA and do I need to add anything to the letter like "this account is in dispute"? and what would be the best thing to say if they phone me up after I have sent the letter? Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks, Pookeymonkey.
  4. Many thanks, Moneyhelp:) I think that's probably the best option, so if it does go to court I will have gone through the proper channels. Cheers, Pookeymonkey:D
  5. Hi everyone, I have just printed off my SAR and I am ready to RUMBLE!!!! Bring it on Halifax!!!!! One question.......................... Should I hand in the SAR at my local branch and request a receipt or should I post it recorded delivery???? Please let me know if you have any comments on this as I am going to hand in/post it tommorow. Many thanks, Pookeymonkey.
  6. Many thanks for your reply Martin3030. The last thing I want to do is to avoid any debt I have it's just that when we filled in the initial paper work we didn't have a clue as to the acceptable amount we were allowed to be spending on food and because of this we put down a low amount so we could pay the DCA's something instead of nothing ( we are living on around £40 a week for food/clothes for 2 adults & 1 child). In doing this we have found it very hard to survive in the last 6 months and wish to be prepared for when we fill in another financial statement as our income has gone up slightly and want to allocate more money to food/clothes. I shall look at the link you have given and will keep this thread updated. Once again many thanks for your help. Pookeymonkey.
  7. Hi, The information is for when I have to give the Bank/Credit card/DCA a financial statement in connection with a debt repayment plan. I have heard there are excepted amounts for each catagory such as housekeeping depending on the amount of people in the household (we have 2 adults and 1 child) also for example how much you can put for pets etc..... I know I willl probably have to go to court at some point so I do not want the Judge to say that certain things are not acceptable on the financial statement so I am after some guidlines for this. Hope this clarifies my question. Many thanks, Pookeymonkey.
  8. Hi everyone, I am looking for a link/info which will give me the limits I can use for supplying my expenditure details on my budget sheet as I do not want to put down too much for housekeeping/pets etc... as I have been told you can only put down so much depending how big your family is. Any help would be welcomed. Many thanks, Pookeymonkey.
  9. Congratulations!!!! :) On Monday I will be sending for my Statements and will probably be quite shocked by the amount of charges over the years. One question...........did you claim for partial charges on the Credit Card or did you claim for the full amount as I have heard you can only claim for the difference between the new £12 charge and the charge you have been charged? Many thanks, Pookeymonkey.
  10. Many Thanks Paulpb123, I shall do just that:) Pookeymonkey.
  11. Hello me again with another question. When I try to claim for my Credit Card charges, do I claim the difference between the new £12 fee and what I had been charged in the past? or do I try to claim the full amount? Many thanks, Pookeymonkey.
  12. Hello sea-sidelady, Many thanks for that, I have read you link to claiming over 6 years and it sounds really scary! I don't know if I have the courage to do that, I guess I will have to wait and see how much they do owe me and maybe that will buy me the courage:D Cheers, Pookeymonkey:)
  13. Hello everyone, I have done my homework and read the info on this site about claiming charges back, but I have one question before I send off my SAR. Can I include both my TSB bank acc and Credit Card on the same SAR for 1 payment of £10 or do I need to send 2 letters with £10 in each? Many thanks, Pookeymonkey.
  14. Hello everyone, Does anyone know if I can also include my Halifax Credit Card account in the SAR along with my 2 Halifax Bank Accounts for just 1 payment of £10 or does the Credit Card have to have a separate letter and another £10 paid? Many thanks, Pookeymonkey
  15. Many thanks sea-sidelady, that's £10 I have saved already! I have been with the Halifax for about 9 years, do you know if they only supply 6 years worth of statements or do they hold them for longer? Cheers, Pookeymonkey:)
  16. Hello everyone, I have been reading up on how to claim back charges and I think I know where to start, but I have one question? I have 2 accounts with Halifax, 1 is my own and the other a joint acc with my husband. Do I send 2 separate letters with £10 in each or do I send 1 with £20? Many thanks, PookeyMonkey:)
  17. Hello, Many thanks for replying, it's a shame I wouldn't be able to do what I wanted with the money as it would have been useful to pay off the smaller debts, but like you say I might have enough for a treat:D Once again many thanks. Pookey monkey.
  18. Hello, I am in need of some assistance. I have been paying some of my Credit card debtors:sad: and Banks £1.00 per month to keep them happy, if i am successful in claiming back any charges would they take this off the money I owe them or do I have the right to decide what to do with the money? Many thanks, Pookey Monkey.
  19. Hello, I am in need of some assistance. I have been paying some of my Credit card debtors:( and Banks £1.00 per month to keep them happy, if i am successful in claiming back any charges would they take this off the money I owe them or do I have the right to decide what to do with the money? Many thanks, Pookey Monkey.
  20. Hello everyone, I am new to this and wanted to say hello. I have been with a charity based Debt management agency since November 2006 (mostly for credit card and overdraft debt) and they have been a great help, but they have now 'cut me loose' as they have done everything they can their end. It feels a bit daunting but I'm sure I will survive. I am also hoping to try and recover Bank and credit charges in the not too distant future so I will keep you all posted. Many thanks, Pookeymonkey:)
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