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Everything posted by Ladidi

  1. Well thats me all done. I have prinited off everything and got the files ready to go first thing in the morning before I go to work. no going back and changing anything now cos it has done my head in so I am finishsed until the courts tell me otherwise. LOL
  2. Ok people I have managed to find the HackneyvMullen for my AQ. I now need the The Reading Order and The Appeal Order London/Hackney. I would also like to ask if I should also file against teh "Stay" the Abbey may file in with my AQ. I thought if I did the Judge might find me rude and presumptious. I am filing the N150 AQ along with this paragraph in Section H I am respectfully requesting that my claim be allocated to the small claims track. This issue is not a complicated one; it is an issue of fact and not of law. The issue is only whether the money levied by the Defendant in respect of its customer’s contractual breaches exceed their actual costs incurred. I am happy to pay their actual costs and I am surprised the Defendant did not counterclaim for these, because I would have paid them without argument. However, the continuing problem is (in common with the 100s of other cases currently being brought by other bank customers) that the banks refuse to reveal the details of their penalty-charging regime. As the banks have a fiduciary duty towards their customers, they have a duty to deal straightforwardly and in utmost good faith. I have enclosed the following documents for the courts attention. 1A) Draft Order 2B) Abuse of Process - Strike out request 3C) List of Settled claims 4D) The Lincoln Order 5E) The Reading Order - If I can get my hands on it!! 6F) The Appeal Order - Tha same applies to this - I need to get my hands on it!!! 7G) Up to date claims/bank charges list Do I send a copy of all of this to the banks solicitors? or do I leave that up to the court????? Come on peeps I need ya helps today
  3. A quick question here anyone. Do you need to do a copy of the AQ and the information you are submiting to court for the other side e.g the bank? I would like to know the answer to this before I print off a copy. Many thanks
  4. I have managed to find the information I need for my AQ. Now all I need is the pdf file for hackneyvmullen. I found the link but unfortunalty it does not work. Does anyone have this information for me? I could reaaly use it today so that I can put in the with the AQ. Many thanks ladidi
  5. Hiya Robdblynd Can you show me the links for the stuff you put into your AQ as suggessted by Gary H. I pmd him a couple of times but got no where I really do need to have the paperwork correct and filed and ready to go tomorrow morning without fail. I could do the one you used for the abuse of process. Also did you send a copy of the AQ to bank or just the courts? Many Thanks Ladidi
  6. Can anyone help????? I have been asking since Friday with no joy If you can help your going to have to read the other page first for my questions before you can answer. All help appreciated As i need to ave this done and completed by tomorrow morning.. Thanks
  7. As per above, I have put this info into section H and have printed off the info that is on the bottom. the other information is N150 AQ Section H other information. Is this alright to go onto the AQ???? We are respectfully requesting that our claim be allocated to the small claims track. This issue is not a complicated one; it is an issue of fact and not of law. The issue is only whether the money levied by the Defendant in respect of its customer’s contractual breaches exceed their actual costs incurred. We are happy to pay their actual costs and I am surprised the Defendant did not counterclaim for these, because we would have paid them without argument. However, the continuing problem is (in common with the 100s of other cases currently being brought by other bank customers) that the banks refuse to reveal the details of their penalty-charging regime. As the banks have a fiduciary duty towards their customers, they have a duty to deal straightforwardly and in utmost good faith. We also believe that given the banks history in dealing with these types of litigation and the well known fact they always state they have every intention of defending and submit their case, except when it comes down to it they always habitually do not turn up or deal with the case on the courts steps never stepping into a court room. We believe this a waste of the courts time due their abuse of process and therefore we move to ask the Judge at their discretion to move to strike out their defense on these grounds. (I included this into here and the rest was from the AQ forum) Please find the following documents attached to this allocation questionnaire; 1A) Section H - other information 1B) List of settled cases 1C) Text of order made by Lincoln County Court Does anyone have any thoughts???? I sure would appreciate them before I print the AQ and file it on Monday Morning..
  8. I would love to advise you, but I am only at the stage of filling in my N150 now and i`m at a loss as to what to put for section H. Any further info to add????? I dont know what to put or if when you are telling them the amount of the claim whether you put on the amount you orginally filed on your N1 or you put the new amount as this will changed due to interest increasing... Sorry
  9. Hiya all I am filling in my AQ, the court dispatched N150 for me to fill in. I am in need of help with a couple of questions When you put the amount of your claim, do you put the amount you filed when you filled in the N1 or do you put the new amount as it now stands with the interest acruing? My other question is, as I have already sent my spread sheets to court and the Abbey, is there anything I need to be sending in with the AQ? I`m hoping to file for a strike out as abuse of process, with a little help from ma friends but to be sure I am doing the form correctly,as my brains are dead tonight, I could use a little help Many Thanks
  10. Tricia I LUVS ya Just what I`m looking for, now al i gotta do is wait for the AQ and file it with the abuse process steps attached and pray the good judge sees it my way
  11. Anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you help??????????? As i said previously, but I got no reply
  12. Anyone help me with this?????????????
  13. P.S I forgot to mention I also need some help with also asking for the judge to rule in my favour as the Abbey have no intention of turning up etc..I read somewhere on here that ther was something you could say-add to your AQ and then it would be up to Judges discretition whether he would allow me to win on that basis. Anyone know what I mean? Ladidi
  14. hiya all Good news from SUnderland County Court. The judge has ordered that Abbey and ourselves submit the AQ, I should be receiveing this shortly. At least hasn't said "Stay" so I am over the moon about that Brings me to my next question. As i have to reply to the AQ, what do I need to say and submit? Anyone help?
  15. Hiya all, I phoned my local county court this morning and found they have not made a decision as of yet and that I have to call back tomorrow morning. The nice lady explained that some cases are getting a stay and some are not it is up to the Judge. I am praying mine is one of them being allowed to continue. If not I have my appeal ready and waiting to throw the Judges way. but the nice lady said I could only appeal against the Stay of the Judge has allowed room for appeal. Well I guess I`ll have to wait for tomorrow now Ladidi
  16. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    PS ICY..I dont know if the appeal against the "Stay" might work, but someone asked for it, and I intend to use it, if they do it to me come tomorrow.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/17065-application-removal-stay-updated.html
  17. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Hia ICY hun I know how you feel, I called Sunderland County Court this morning to see what was happening in relation to our case as you know the Abbey filed a defense and we received our papers etc. They advised they are still waiting to hear from the Judge as it is up to him/her wether the case should be stayed or not and as far as they know all cases are being stayed but they could not discuss other peoples cases. I told them I did n ot want to discuss other cases except my own. I asked if I could appeal this "Stay" and she advised it would depend if the judge has allowed appeal in the summing up. She advised me to call back tomorrow. So with what has happend to you your good wifey to be I`m not raising my hopes. I was talking to a couple of colegues at work and they reckon the banks are going to win the case and that no more payouts are going to happen. Scare mongering or what? I dont know any more, all I know is the little man or woman are not here to win back is theirs, they are here to keep the rich richer and the poor poorer!! Luv Ladidi
  18. There is a new petition floating aorund on here which is for FOS and a letter to your MPP. Me and hubby have signed
  19. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Hi ICY. We got exactly the same letter as well. I contact the court because they said they was defending and then they sent their so called defense. The court told me they had received the same as me and it will go before the Judge who will decide. When we got the letter saying they was asking for a "Stay" the court told me it was up to the Judge and they advised me I can appeal. So I intend to do just by sending the appeal letter I found on this very website I`m just waiting for instructions from the judge now. I`m kinda hoping he doesn't bother with the AQ and throws it out with abuse of process Ladidi
  20. Petition on downing street website already signed
  21. na tis was the internet provider.... all is well now me thinks I just wish the sh"Abbey" would pay out what they owe, i feel ill at the thought of what I have bin readin on here where peeps have bin told they will have to wait the outcome of the test case..grrrr
  22. Oh bored outta me brains...bin a good gilr tho, no ranting and protesting or singin even My hubby is over the moon to have the internet back on tho, he says it felt like he lost the use of his hands, I could have gave him plenty of ideas of how to use them instead but I didn't want him to wear me out LMAO How have ya bin girl???? Ladidi
  23. Hiya all Have I been missed? Sorry we had internet probs But I am sooooooooo glad to be back as you can tell We have received a letter fromt he bank saying that they are writing to all courts asking for a stay of all cases. Funny enough I contacted the court this morning before I went to work and they have said it is upto the judge and that we have to wait and see what his directions are. But, they did advise if he did order a "stay" we could appeal this, which I full intend to . Ladidi
  24. Ok will do, I will hear from the County Court soon enough. So I will wait and see what they have to say. I am hoping anf praying for a miracle now. God knows I need it..
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