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Everything posted by Ladidi

  1. LOL, Yeah I do Lula, Thanks. I am so peed off with the system and everything else as I am sure everyone and more are probably in the same boat, it is just so damn annoying when they tell you to appeal your stay and you see people who do and the judges dont hear the arguments on their own merrits and award a stay again in favour of the banks!
  2. Evening All I have a couple of questions having been kept up to date with all the goings on in here and wathcing out for developments on the "Test" case. A) If you have already had you case "stayed" by the court some time ago can you write to the courts and ask them to reveiw this earlier rather than later? B) I read somewhere, I cant exactly remember where, that a Judge had said that if we rule in favour of the consumer on the appeals etc and if the Bank wins the "test" case they have the right to take you back to court to obtain their money back which is half the reason courts are now saying that they will rather "stay" all claims rather than hear them on their own merrits.
  3. Hi Harbouretta, I dont think the Abbey are going to let any go if they can help it! At the end of the day they see themselves as a business and will take your money by any means if they have to and they dont care. If you check on the headings of this site you will see all the info you need in your preparation to take on the abbey at court. Good luck you to you, I hope you win your money back because at the end of the day it is your money and not the banks.
  4. Ladidi

    Anyone else?

    yup I agree Lula, thay have been arguing with us all for ages saying they are fair and transparent and we willsee you in court rather than give it back to you. Which is virtually what they have said to me since I started my claim. and they evern refused to budge on giving me back what was applied this year ont eh grounds they had already gave me a good will gesture and it was agaisnt thair own rules to give back more. So I was skint and brassic this morning and I read in here what was happening for some peeps and I thought, I got nothing to lose but a fair to bit to gain if they pay out, and sure enough they did With in 10 mins I was off to the bank withdrawing what they just gave me before they could change their minds..hahaha I`m now in the same boat as everyone else, waiting for them to do the test case to see if I can claim back £5k plus. With all that is happening it begs the questions..up to their change of T and C are they going to repay and all since the changes to the T and C's are they not going to pay????? Seems mighty funny they repaid knowing I was taking them to court for £5k plus and didn't even put up a fight except to say please dont go over your overdraft in furture.
  5. Ladidi

    Anyone else?

    Hi everyone. Having read some of what had been said in here and previously tried to obtain back my bank charges that were applied this year and the abbey refusing to budge, I thought, What have I got to lose. So I gave them a call and asked for all bank charges back from 4th July to todays date as before 4th July is where I have applied for them at court totalling £175 in total and guess what I....They refunded it there and then...straight into my account it went...so now I have little money that I didn't have in the first place I am now waiting for the test case so I can claim back my £5k plus With all this happening and them being so nice and easy I wonder if there is something in the air that we dont know about???????? I say to you all...go ahead and give them a call and ask for it...never know you might get your recent onces but not your earlier ones...but if you got nothing and they give it to you, it something that belongs to you coming back your way isn't it Ladidi
  6. Ladidi

    Abbey Failed

    You have to wait for the Judge to give further instructions. But I wouldn't hold out much hope of seeing any of what your claiming any time soon as Judges are putting "stays" on all pending cases. Sorry to put a dampner on things but that is what is happening to a lot of people and even those who are appealing the "stay" are not getting it lifted! The way things are going now, is we all have to wait to await the outcome of the "test" case.
  7. LMAO Kia, I think my daughter would have the same reply as you did, she is bright a funny and gal as she states "dun ask me maths questions, I failed, DUH!!!" LMAO. She is gonna retake it though..mebbe you shud do tha same as she wud put it...hahaha
  8. Hiya Shaun, What you ve told is what we are all contesting, but if you do the maths again and the times that total per however many memebers of staff doing that particular job they are making more money per day than I make in a year!!! Not a bad job if you can afford to open a business doing that, you`ll be minted before the end of day one!!!!!! The only banks can get rich these days is take it off those that can lease afford to lose it! Its the Governments fault for allowing and for not taking into consideration the least well off when they keep bumping their so called "Tax" hikes and costs of living!! I am worth more dead than alive!!! then the greedy government will want a share in whats left behind too!!! Says a lot really, costs you nothing to get made, just lots of fun and excitement, after that £££££££££££££££££`s all the way!!!!!! I can remember you spending £30 -£50 once upon a time on your shopping and coming home with near enough a months worth of groceries, now you be lucky if your shopping lasts the week for same amount spent!! Governments got greedy, they over spent and then screwed us all over to pay for it and then the banks jumped on the same band wagon and the government knew what tey was taking was wrong and illegal and said nothing, why???? Because they knew they would be getting more money from them through us!!!!!! If we all get our money back, they will be finally listening to the voice of consumer and doing whats right, but somehow I doubt it!!! as reported they stand to lose too much money and lose face and they cannot afford to do that and the government will not allow the consumer to win because it would open all kinds of doors, Hence why we are hearing of the OFT trying to cut a "Deal", a "Deal" in favour of the consumer!!!!! I doubt it!!!
  9. Evening all, I just thought I would pop in and see how things are going if there has been any changes. From what I have read on here and what is happening lately, the only thing I can suggest to new claimaints and people wanting to claim, is get your claim registered let the banks know you will be wanting to claim back what is rightfully yours at the end of the test case but in the mean time dont build your hopes up into seeing any of it any time soon!!! The way things are going we are all in for along wait!!!!! But as some others on here have said it... Mr bank Manager...Thanks Very Much !!!!!!!! KEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRCCCHIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Well good luck anyone else who gets abit further than the rest of us have done so far, but somehow I cant see it, I think from here on it will all now be down to the test case and there will be no more payouts till that happens...
  11. Morning all, Well I have received directions from the Judge and gues what he did? Yep you guessed right, he "stayed" my claim This is what the directions have said.. Before District Judge Lascelles sitting at Sunderland County Court. Upon receiveing papers in this claim identical to those likely to be the subject of proceddings in the commercial court between the office of Fair trading and certain financial institutions ("the test case") pursuant to an agreement made on 25th July 2007. IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. This claim be stayed until one calander month after final judgement in the test case (including any appeal) on 31 October 2008, whichever sooner. 2. Either party may upon notice to the other apply to lift the "stay" at any stage up to the earliest of the two dates provided for in paragraph 1. above. 3. If no application is made to lift the "stay" or seek further directions before the earliest of the dates provided for in paragraph 1 above the claim shall be dismissed without further order. 4. Because the order has been made by the court without considering representations from the parties, the parties have the right to apply to have the order set aside, varied or stayed. A party wishing to make an application must send or deliver the application to the court (together with the appropiate fee) to arrive within 7 days of this service order. Dated 12 September 2007. Well I guess that puts paid to everything, no point in appealing as I have not seen one person win on appealing except for the Judge to state, that if he makes the bank pay out and they should not have done so and they win the test case they have the right to take you back to court to reclaim it, words to that effect..So I guess I`m joining the same queue as the rest of you waiting for the OFT to get their fingers out fo their a**es.. The bit that pains me the most, is the fact that we all now have to wait until October 2008!!!!!! as if 6 years and all the earlier years of lost monies was not enough to have wait! So much for this being for the consumer...more like for the flaimin bank to make even more monies off during the process...Just for further information as to how far I got in the process everyone, I got as far as submitting my AQ in which both sides submitted and thats when the Judge "Stayed" it..
  12. I had to wait on the phone for 5 mins while she went to check and then she came back and said I`m sorry it is still with the Judge it ahs not came back down yet. Well I will wait and see, but seeing as I`m waiting long enough I reckon the I`ll win Lotto first before the bank pays up. haha
  13. It went back to the Judge on 11/09/07 Kia, I found out the week before the Judge had stayed my case and I was waiting on the papers that confirmed the judge "Staying" my case. I telephoned the court on Monday this week and thats when I found out about it going back before the Judge on 11/09/07 but no known reasons as to why. It was then I asked if it had anything to do with what was reported about the OFT not going to continue with the case which was reported on the 11/09/07 and the court official said she had no idea. I telephoned them about an hour ago to get an update and she said it was still with the Judge, so I`m kinda hoping for a miracle that something comes back to tell me that I have won and it is over with, well a girl can hoope cant she?
  14. Hello all, Here is an update, Well a couple of weeks a go I was told by the court official that the Judge had "Stayed" my case. I telephoned the court as I wanted the reasons the Judge had stayed my case so I could post my appeal. Low and behold, I was told my case was referd back to the Judge on 11/9/07 for some unknown reason. I am still waiting to find out why that was. I asked if it has anything to do with the reports about the OFT not going to continue with the court cases which was being reported that day in the papers and the official said she had no idea why it went back to the Judge and they are still waiting for it to come back down. Fingers crossed for a good outcome, I will keep you posted. Ladidi
  15. Yes, but you have to get clarification he has said this, are we going to get that? I`m not holding my breath or raising my arms in the air just yet. Why? Because they are all the same at the end of the day...OUT FOR THEMSELVES.. Mr Elithorn is out to make a name for himself, the banks are out for your money and our very government dont give 2 hoots either, as they need more of it to give free housing and furniture and free money to foreigners!!! So what does that makes us "MUGS" in a word!!!!!
  16. Hold fire for a sec, If I am reading that article right, it was stating that the banks and OFT had agreed to repay all those who made their complaints via the ombudsman to be repaid in full without the need for going to courts etc and that thsi would happen immediately. If that is the case then I believe it should happen for all those who are in the courts process too. After all we are all wanting and complaining about the same thing. So it is in my personal opinion that the banks should repay everyone who has submitted their complaints to them and not write back with all this justify and we believe we were correct in taking it blah, blah. Time for the banks to the honourable and right thing before they have no customers left I think, and repay everyone they owe. At the end of the day it is our money and not the banks and without the customers there would be no banks or business for them have! As the old saying goes, you dont bite the hands that feed you, and in this case the banks have done more than bite, so it is time for them to repay!
  17. I dont think anyone should have to write to Mr Elithorn or anyone else for that matter. I think it is high time they thought of the consumer as if they had thought it through in the first place before stating they will take on the banks in the high courts blah, blah no one would be in this mess in the first place. The top and bottom of it is this. The banks got GREEDY, they took and carried on taking what they knew what was not theirs and not earned. The money taken belongs to the consumer, so the simple task is this. Tell us what it costs you truly and we will pay it and give back what is not earned by yourselves. simple! even a baby could do it a click of a couple of buttons on the computer! Secondly, seeing as the OFT had said they would take the banks to court to get the matter resolved and gave them powers to "stay" all impending cases, the should now tell them to they should deal with the cases they have put hold and the courts in turn should now be told to review every single case they have "stayed" by way of "WIN" or come to court a justify with no more time wasting of the courts processes or asking for time to gather further info if they already everything that is required to hand. Our hard earned money has been taken for long enough and should not be allowed to be taken any more! The banks dont give us time when we owe them, they scream and shout and stamp their feet and before you know it all kinds have happened before you can even say " hang on a minute, I wanna put a "Stay" on that or I would like to have more time and for you to justify why I owe you this money! They even have the "balls" to take away your overdraft in some cases without even giving you a chance and in some cases telling you, to repay it within 28 days or you wil owe us more money and we dont care about you because we dont know you! we just want your money! High time they got out of their high chairs and came down to earth and said, ok we are sorry, we will repay within 7 days! But the chances of that as about as much chance of me winning the Lotto this year!! I also think it is high time our government and MPs should earn their highly inflated salaries and start to put the people of UK first and tell the banks they should either repay without any more moaning or they should simply divuldge exactly what costs they have incurred for dealing with peoples overdrafts and bounced cheques etc and deduct this form what the customer is reclaiming. Cant be that much of a hard thing to do, can it??? Ladidi
  18. Question...Just what exactly does this mean for all of us? Do we have cases that need to be answered? The courts that have "Stayed" cases pending this so called outcome should now be deemed to go to trial and the Judges made to review the very cases they have stayed and outlining whether or not the banks have totally abused process and that te stunts pulled lately by OFT and the banks should now all be ruled in favour of the consumer. Lets face it, it is our money and if the banks believe they were right and just in taking it in the first place they would not have paid out the millions they already have, now would they?? they have stayed and outlining whether or not the banks have totally abused process and that te stunts pulled lately by OFT and the banks should now all be ruled in favour of the consumer. Lets face it, it is our money and if the banks believe they were right and just in taking it in the first place they would not have paid out the millions they already have, now would they?? Ladidi
  19. Hi Everyone, I have had an update from the court and they have "Stayed" my case But, I have advised them I am going to apply for the the "stay" to be lifted as they cannot expect me to wait till next year for them to argue the toss, when if they believe they have a case to answer and win they would using this in all cases they have meticulously said they will defend and win and yet they have "Lost"!! I am going to search on here for the appeal against "Stay" info I could use to my favour and hope the good Judge would see it that way and tell teh "Shabbey" to get a life and defend with what they are stating they defending with or pay up and shut up Will let you know how I get on Ladidi
  20. I will be sure to keep you all updated as soon as I know anything
  21. Hi everyone. I thought I would give you all an update as to what is happening with my case. Well deadlines for AQ from both sides was Friday gone. Both were filed and they have now gone before the Judge. I have applied to have the case stuck out as an abuse of process. And the Abbey have asked for a one month "Stay" so that I can give them details of the charges I am applying for. I have already give this to to them "twice" what the courts have they have too. I am hoping the Judge will see through their shammy defense and tell them where to go! I have been advised by the court offical I have wait to hear what directions the Judge has applied from the AQ`s submitted but she did warn me they have been advised to "Stay" these types of cases. I said if the Judge does "Stay" my case I will appeal on the grounds they cannot ask someone to wait a year for justification that can be justified now! I will use the appeal process information on this forum. In the meantime I will await the good Judges directions
  22. Good Evening all My, my what a wonderful the day has been so far. The sun was shining and the sky was blue and the birds were singing, oh my what a wonderful day I have filed my AQ in court this morning, greatfully appreciated by the good lady behind the counter Sent a copy to Abbey first class guaranteed next day delivery so they have to be signed for Now all I gotta do is wait for the....Kerching, Kerching, Kerching to happen to me! Will keep you all updated, I`m praying the good Judge goes with my strike out and abuse of process request!!! Good Luck to all, dont give just yet, keep going and dont let them think you have run off with the test case happening, from what I`m reading on here they are getting lazy and complacent and seem to think they will know the judges mind and asume they will get their "Stay". Safe to say, dont know what they are talking about! fight your case and fight your claim and win, win,win all the way Always be prepared and laugh at them not with them! Ladidi
  23. Ladidi

    AQ - Otherside

    Cheers Scott, I have already done the AQ and printed off 3 copies. they are all ready to go tomorrow monrning I added this forum becuase I was waiting and waiting and getting no where fast and then suddenly well bobs ya uncle
  24. LOl yep... I was gonna include a peice about not bothering with the "Stay". you know if they abbey said we wanna apply for a "Stay" and I throw in something which counteracts it. Do you know what I mean. Well I decided against that in case I offended the Judge and he thought I was being very presumptious.. Good Move or what
  25. Relaxation is my middle name when I`m not stressed :o thats is..LOL My hubby is going to have do some serious rewarding for my efforts today FIngers crossed and pray the good judge throws out the case and doens't waste any more time on it..
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