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Everything posted by Ladidi

  1. I have screamed and shouted and bawled..but still dont feel beter i am going to contact the court tomorrow and see what they have to say..I am still hoping they will say "you have won, we shall instruct them to hand over your money" Well a girl can dream cant she and I still am!!! Lol Ladidi
  2. ARGH! I was kinda hoping no defence meant I won end of! Thanks for that insight Kia, Grrrr to Gr"Abbey" I think the courts should say to them look you are wasting our time and the customers we know your gonna pay out, so stop messing about and pay out or come into court and we will make you pay them more for abuse of process and for extra stress you placed on your customer. Think I`ll go and scream now...ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH Still dont feel better, grrrrrrr Ladidi
  3. Hi Everyone I have just got home from work and checked my emails and nothing from anyone I wish they would hurry up, it is getting tiring and bloomin painful but not as painful for them when i win come Monday with them not filing Ladidi
  4. I have no idea Amteegee..Sorry I am hoping someone will tell me if the Abbey does not respond by Monday if that means I have won my case by default. Ladidi
  5. My guess is your more than probably right as they will be the ones doing all the dog work while they make asshole decisions tat teh staff know will changed and could have saved time, effort and leg work. The abbey have till monday to respond to my claim from the N1 I submitted, If I dont hear anything from them does that mean I have won? Ladidi
  6. Oh my Lula you are getting bad..or is it a case you are on the wine on a night? hahah Your such a funny girl! I was laughing out loud when I saw what you referd to "Asshurts" lmao I would have love to have seen his face when you said that..hahaha Ladidi ....Who is all Lady Lol
  7. MEN :o I`ll have you know I`m a LADY hahaha
  8. LOL...Maybe I could join you
  9. Hiya ICY I can understand how you feel. When it comes to them declining your offer of settelment they take a fewm inutes t answer but when it comes to the other way round they take forever.. Flamin useless the lot of em unless they taking you money. I`ll bet the briefs handling this wouldn't be happy if they was toying with them the way they do us. Ladidi
  10. Hiya Everyone I just thought I would let you know I have managed to get hold of Clare Fletchers Telephone Number 02077564306 Ronan Coyles Telephone Number 02077564398 Inga Kirkmans Telephone Number 02077564332 Anyone waiting on a response from Inga kirkman will be in for a bit of a wait she is on leave till 23/07/2007 Sorry for telling you that but I thought you should know so that you know why your waiting for a response. Ladidi
  11. you got a point I forgot about that...lol No point in giving them any more money than they already have had out of me..I guess I could win one over by stating that thanks for the money empty account and give em back their cards and say not worth hanging onto..I dont blame the staff in the branch the have been great and I pesonally got to knwo a couple of them over the years..but their policies have changed somewhat rediculous and they treat their customers with contempt for dare to ask for what is righfully theirs.. Ladidi PS Thanks for the comment, my first since joining :D
  12. Well Done...I`m hoping to get themt o settle mine it has been going on since February 07 but if you count when I first applied for my statements make that last August 06 :o Goes to show the GR"abbey" National will keep the money for as long as they can and payout eventually. Ladidi
  13. YUP I agree. Only way to win is play them at their own game..I`m gonna turn tables once they pay out and make them wait for their OD money back until the very last minute like they made us wait and say tot hem well dont treat your customers with such contempt and they wont do it you.. there is an old saying they would do good to remember.. "Dont do to others what you wouldn't want done to yourself".. It goes something like that, anyway. Ladidi
  14. Hi everyone. I sent another email this morning to Clare reminding her that our offer will only stand for 7 days. I have just got home from work and logged on and guess what.... YUP ICY you guessed right..not even hi there thanks for letting us know kiss me a**..nothing... I reckon they must have sused I seeking advice from you and avoided me altogether..lmao Well they can run but they cant hide forever cos we are COMING FOR OUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! Ladidi
  15. Glad to put your mind at rest ICY.. At least you know it`s not your aftershave or deodorant that was stopping them from replying to you..lol Knowing the SH"Abbey" we are sure to be in for long wait.. All I know is the longer it takes them the more it is going to cost them. Ladidi
  16. Hiya everyone We have had no repsonse as of yet. We are not holding our breath as we both know the Abbeys only motto is "We are keen to help ourselves and take your money, but if you want it back we will make you WAIT!" We will let you all know as soon as we hear anything. Ladidi
  17. Our response.. Dear Ms Fletcher We appreciate your repsonse to our offer of settlement, However we fail to see why we should be doing the Abbey a favour by offering them a comercially palatable offer. We feel we are already saving them hundreds of pounds by giving them the chance to settle rather than go into court where it is going to cost them more money as the costs of the bundles and time and ink and paper etc will also be added to costs which will then push up the ammount in our favour due the fact that the Abbey will not go into a court room and disclose their costs incurred for dealing a missed DD or bounced cheque etc. As our claim stands today the Abbey owe us £5442.13. We feel the lowest we will be prepared to go is at £5150.00. We feel this a just and fair settlement offer due to the fact that when the Abbey had taken our money they did not enter negotioations before taking the money from our account. As over the last 6 years we have lost out on our money we feel that we are rightfully entitled to claim back what is ours. I must warn you we are fully prepared to go into court to claim back what is rightfully ours. As you will see from the following links I have enclosed that going to court will go in our favour more than the Abbeys due the facts stated. BBC NEWS | Business | Judge warns banks over fee cases BBC NEWS | Business | Judge slams bank payout delays BBC NEWS | Business | 'Unjust' bank charges criticised BBC NEWS | Business | Bank claims deluge legal service We look forward to hearing from you.
  18. LMAO everyone you should see reply the Abbey gave me! I reckon they dont know any other sentences and just spit out the same lines..hahaha Dear Madam Without Prejudice Whilst Abbey National Plc appreciates your offer of settlement, it is insufficiently commercial for it to accept the same. If you wish to continue settlement negotiations I invite you to reconsider your position and put forward a more commercially palatable offer. Kind regards Clare Fletcher
  19. Aw bless ICY hun. You gave me and my hubby a giggle with your reply..I wonder if they will do the same to us..lol Well I have no news as of yet, so i reckon with being the weekend I`ll be lucky to get any sort of reply before Monday. I`ll let you all know if I do get any reply. The Abbey treat you these days is nothing short of lie your common theif for wanting what they took from you and taking forever and a day before they finally give up the ghost and say hey ok you can have your money. I have already shut eveything down at the Abbey account. My wages and DD have been set up a new account we have and once we have money back I will empty account and say TA TA to them with two fingers to boot. Ladidi
  20. Hi Everyone Email Sent this is how I sent it.. Court Ref Number XXXXX Claim number XXXXXXXX Acc No XXXXXXXXX I am writing this email as a final offer of settlement before the case appears before the court, I am making this offer in an effort to reduce the costs to yourself before I prepare the bundle, which as you will be aware will also incur you additional costs. I am aware of the large amount of claims which you are currently dealing with and to assist your workload, I believe it would help all concerned to settle this matter out of court. It is well documented that you have no intention of ever going to full hearing, shown by the fact that you have settled an extremely large number of claims at the last minute before going to court, and it would be beneficial to all parties, including the court system that this matter is dealt with out of court. You will be aware that the courts are now starting to dismiss with the allocation questionaire, and upon receiving notification of AQ being dismissed in this case I shall be writing to the court requesting the strike out of your proforma defence as an abuse of process. My claim amount as of today stands at £5442.13 including court fees and interest, I am prepared to settle this matter for the sum of £5300.00 (Five thousand Three hundred pounds) I am sure you are well aware this figure is rising on a daily basis, and will increase with the cost of completing the bundle, preperation of the bundle, including photocopying costs, ink costs, and the cost of time to prepare the bundle, further court costs and transport and postage costs. As you can see settling this matter now, would be mutually beneficial. This is the least amount I am prepared to settle for, for any avoidance of doubt refusal to settle will not stop the legal action against you, I shall be following the legal process to the end. This settlement offer is valid for a period of 7 days, after this period has expired, the matter will be dealt with by the court system. I am hoping we can come to an amicable agreement on this matter. I look forward to receiving your prompt response Any thoughts anyone??????? I figured I wouldn't go too low in my offer as settlement because they would reduce it anyway..If they offer me near what I am looking for..Well that would be just so kewl I`ll let you know if I get a reply if anything.. I sent email to who ICY recommended Ladidi
  21. Cheers guys ICY I have been on thread and rather kinda borrowed your email you sent offering to settle out of court. I am going to send clare a copy of that email but change to put in my details..lol Fingers crossed adn heres hoping eh Did you get your settlement int he ned ICY or are you going to court? Ladidi
  22. So you think I should go ahead and send the email to Inga or Clare without waiting for 23/07/207 to come and go? It wouldn't jeopordise my case though would it? I`m off to your thread to have a nose Ladidi
  23. Do you mean Clare is not he most helpful person? If the others are on holiday and they have until 23rd which gives them till 1 week Monday to respond I dont suppose it would hurt to wait a few more days until one of the sensible comes back from their holidays unless you mean Clare is the sensible one. How would I word my email? I have filed at my local county court for the return of my money Abbey have unlawfully taken and Abbey have until 23rd July to respond. I would be prepared to however "Without prejudice" give the Abbey the chance to settle my claim for £5k providing this is agreed and settled within 5 working days. What do you think Icy? Ladidi
  24. Has anyone got any thougts on what I said re above? I would appreceitate some advice because I would rather not go ahead and end do something where i am just shooting myself in foot, so to speak. Thanks Ladidi
  25. Good Evening Simon I love your "Grim Reaper Icon" You should knick name him SH"Abbey National" I reckon they would love to know not only did you get away from him you also beat him hands down I have just got home from work and I am shattered and thought I would post a question to see if it was worth inviting the abbey to settle out of court for £5k. I`m waiting on some expert advice as I`m only at the first stage of filing N1 and waiting to see if the SH"Abbey forget about me or send me a nice letter saying "Hey See you in court!". Knowing my luck they will drag it out as they have with everyone else. Chin up Simon and look after yourself Ladidi
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