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Everything posted by Ladidi

  1. Hiya Everyone As you know I filed my N1 claim at the county court the other week. I was wondering as the Abbey have until the 23rd to either make a defence or totally forget about me so I win anyway * Wishful Thinking again* Would it be a good thing to send them a email and offering to settle for a little less than claiming as I could do with the dosh A.S.A.P. I mean my claim is for 5.3k so I thought straight £5k. Anyone got any thoughts on this? Ladidi
  2. Hiya Simon Good to see you back! Sorry I have no idea what to say to you in relation to your query as I have only just filed my papers at court adn the Abbey have until 23/07/07 to file defense. I`m kinda hoping I`ll be one of those forgotton about ones where I win on the fact they forgot about my papers. No such luck there though. The chances of the Abbey forgetting anything is like them all forgetting they all have holes in their heads!!! and Sh*t for brains! I`m praying for a miracle or winning the Lotto..both would be extremely nice I have just got home from work and am shattered, I thought I would check in and see if anything new happening in hereor anything new tactics we could pull on the Abbey to get our money back! Like all the rest they love to take but take forever and a day to give back! Take care of yourself Simon chin up and love to you and your family Ladidi
  3. Re above anyone????? Many Thanks Ladidi
  4. There is also a request for judgement slip at the bottom of my notice of issue. Do i need to do anythig with this? or is that what I would fill in if the Abbey do not file in time? Sorry for all questions. I know I`m hopeless!! Ladidi
  5. Hiya Icy Does this mean I should start preparing my court bundle? in prepartion for court? Ladidi
  6. Can anyone help re above?????? Ladidi
  7. Hi everyone. I filed my claim at the local county court the other day finally! I have received a notice of issue from the court today. Can anyone tell me what I have to do now? Do I wait for 14 days or 28 days? according to what I am reading on the letter fromt he court they have until the 23rd of july to reply Do I wait until I hear from the court or from the abbey? Any advice would great..I feel excited and a bag of nerves at the same time Thanks Ladidi
  8. Hi Simon, Many thanks for writing a reply to me. I am so sorry I gave you a fright when I posted my reply to you and you thought you brains had gone awol or had taken too many pills and miscalculated your doses. Its good hear that you won you case at DWP. Too right you should have done and good the doctor to see that they were terribly wrong for sending you there in the first place. Now he has signed you off sick you should have some extra coming off the DWP to help make life a little easier. But dont forget to tell them they owe for back pay too. You can have the back pay for a far back as a year or the date of claim if inside a year. I dont see how the DLA can refuse your claim. Considering all your illnesses and the fact you are very poorly they should pay you after all the money is to be used for help with getting around and to make life more comfortable for you. I know you have mentioned a few times that you live in a flat. Do you own the property or is it council owned? If it council owned have you thought about putting pressure on them to get something more suitable for your needs and more managable? My case with the "ShAbbey" is now in the process of going to court. They have peed me off so much I have opened an account elsewhere and I am now having my income paid into that account. I have taken out all my money from the "ShAbbey" and left it with me owing them the Overdraft. I will pay them the money for the overdraft once they have paid me what I am due. And If they complain I will simply say " I am sorry I did not receive any of your letters. and they will then have to resend. I will then reply I am sorry you are not happy with my account and giving you cause to complain. I will get back to you in 4 weeks once I have chance to investigate this as set out by the FSA. and when 4 weeks is up I will make them wait 8 weeks stating sorry for the delay I am snowed under here and I am still investigating you claim I will get back to you as soon as I can. I will keep delaying them with sam tactics they have done to me and pay them their £400 at the very last minute I will say, SEE! you dont like it when the boot is on the other foot! Dont treat your customers with contempt and they wont do that to you! Good luck to you and your family Simon, you sound like a great guy! It's been an honour to have met you in here ;-) Ladidi
  9. Oh I think I`ll be back asking for more help Kia. That you can bet on Up to now I`m dreaming of what to spend the money on, in few weeks/months I`m hoping it all becomes a reality My court papers are to filed first thing on Monday morning I was supposed to do this on Friday but I was so late for work I could not do it I was dissapointed but figured whats one more day, well a couple if you count the weekend...Lol
  10. WOW, So sorry there guys I dont know what happened, My computer went weird so I logged out came back and I find I have posted 4 times Well I hope one of the MODS can remove 3 of them I also hope I raised with Simon and his wife, He must thought he was seeing things with the same message posted 4 times..hahah
  11. Hi Simon I read your story and could not believe what I was reading and how you are being hit by a stone wall all the time you try and get somewhere. I hope for your sakes and your families that you get your money back from the Abbey. I can relate to how cold and uncaring they are when it comes to getting your own money back off them but when the boot is on their foot they never stop threatening till they get what they want. I am in the process of taking them to court because I am so sick of their lies and yet their own staff agree us customers are being ripped off blind. I also hope you are going to take further advice on claiming DLA. I think from what you have said on here I believe you are entitled to this and you should be paid. Considering your ill health have you approached the Department for work and pensions to see what you are entitled to there? Is there a support worker in your area who knows about this sort of thing that could possibly meet you at your home and discuss all of this with you? With your wife having to take care of you, what about attendance allowance? I honestly believe there has to be some other benefit you should be getting considering how long you have been ill and the fact there is little anyone can do for you. I hope I have been of some help to you although I dont know it all but I do believe there has to be something else you and your family should have to help you all financially. Good luck to you Simon and you wife and daughter too, she sounds like she is a real daddy's girl. I know I have one of those too even though she is all grown up she still comes back her dad when she wants something Ladidi * Diane*
  12. Hi Simon I read your story and could not believe what I was reading and how you are being hit by a stone wall all the time you try and get somewhere. I hope for your sakes and your families that you get your money back from the Abbey. I can relate to how cold and uncaring they are when it comes to getting your own money back off them but when the boot is on their foot they never stop threatening till they get what they want. I am in the process of taking them to court because I am so sick of their lies and yet their own staff agree us customers are being ripped off blind. I also hope you are going to take further advice on claiming DLA. I think from what you have said on here I believe you are entitled to this and you should be paid. Considering your ill health have you approached the Department for work and pensions to see what you are entitled to there? Is there a support worker in your area who knows about this sort of thing that could possibly meet you at your home and discuss all of this with you? With your wife having to take care of you, what about attendance allowance? I honestly believe there has to be some other benefit you should be getting considering how long you have been ill and the fact there is little anyone can do for you. I hope I have been of some help to you although I dont know it all but I do believe there has to be something else you and your family should have to help you all financially. Good luck to you Simon and you wife and daughter too, she sounds like she is a real daddy's girl. I know I have one of those too even though she is all grown up she still comes back her dad when she wants something Ladidi * Diane*
  13. Hi Simon I read your story and could not believe what I was reading and how you are being hit by a stone wall all the time you try and get somewhere. I hope for your sakes and your families that you get your money back from the Abbey. I can relate to how cold and uncaring they are when it comes to getting your own money back off them but when the boot is on their foot they never stop threatening till they get what they want. I am in the process of taking them to court because I am so sick of their lies and yet their own staff agree us customers are being ripped off blind. I also hope you are going to take further advice on claiming DLA. I think from what you have said on here I believe you are entitled to this and you should be paid. Considering your ill health have you approached the Department for work and pensions to see what you are entitled to there? Is there a support worker in your area who knows about this sort of thing that could possibly meet you at your home and discuss all of this with you? With your wife having to take care of you, what about attendance allowance? I honestly believe there has to be some other benefit you should be getting considering how long you have been ill and the fact there is little anyone can do for you. I hope I have been of some help to you although I dont know it all but I do believe there has to be something else you and your family should have to help you all financially. Good luck to you Simon and you wife and daughter too, she sounds like she is a real daddy's girl. I know I have one of those too even though she is all grown up she still comes back her dad when she wants something Ladidi * Diane*
  14. Hi Simon I read your story and could not believe what I was reading and how you are being hit by a stone wall all the time you try and get somewhere. I hope for your sakes and your families that you get your money back from the Abbey. I can relate to how cold and uncaring they are when it comes to getting your own money back off them but when the boot is on their foot they never stop threatening till they get what they want. I am in the process of taking them to court because I am so sick of their lies and yet their own staff agree us customers are being ripped off blind. I also hope you are going to take further advice on claiming DLA. I think from what you have said on here I believe you are entitled to this and you should be paid. Considering your ill health have you approached the Department for work and pensions to see what you are entitled to there? Is there a support worker in your area who knows about this sort of thing that could possibly meet you at your home and discuss all of this with you? With your wife having to take care of you, what about attendance allowance? I honestly believe there has to be some other benefit you should be getting considering how long you have been ill and the fact there is little anyone can do for you. I hope I have been of some help to you although I dont know it all but I do believe there has to be something else you and your family should have to help you all financially. Good luck to you Simon and you wife and daughter too, she sounds like she is a real daddy's girl. I know I have one of those too even though she is all grown up she still comes back her dad when she wants something Ladidi * Diane*
  15. I cant wait to get my money back..I was gonna use it to go on holiday with the kids..Have decided if we get all of it back will use some for the house and the rest on a caravan so we can go away a lot.. Well once a month just to get away from the day drudgery of living a hellish life
  16. Grrrrr the SH"Abbey" P*ss me off!!!!!!!! You cant seem to win fo rlosing at the moment. I guess I`ll have to take em all the wy to cleaners get my dosh back empty account take all my money into my new account and then make them wait for months before I decide to pay back O/D I reckon I`ll turn the tables on them!
  17. But how can the Abbey justify collecting extortionate sums of money if their own staff are telling customers that the charges they are charging will stick but they I have no idea how much the true costs are, As a member of staff of the company she represents she should have this information and if they do not then they cannot enforce costs they have no idea they implicating. You cannot charge someone if you have no idea of the true costs involved therefore you have no right to collect the money you are claiming that would make enforced ammount collected "Fraudulently collected"
  18. I would have thought with one of their representatives stating that what I am being charged was not in proportion with their true costs it would be like dynamite! As the Abbey have stated that what I have been charged was in line with their true costs and terms and conditions.
  19. Hiya All I thought I would add this message to my post. I dont know if it wil be usefull to me or not so I thought I would ask you guys and gals Myself and my husband got our statement from the SH"Abbey" this morning. They state they going to take £80 on 4th July for going overdrawn by £34 and fee pence. I called telephone banking and had a conversation with "Ruth" I argue that they ar enot going to take that money and if they do I will SUE! I tell her that unless she can elaborate how much it costs abbey to deal £34 and a few pence she cannot have that money and to remove the charge as if they dont and they take the money I will sue them for theft! She states the terms and conditions, so i argue back and ask "What did it cost the Abbey to deal with that £34 and few pence? she replies " I have no Idea! I state that she cannot sit in her chair and justify that the £80 is correct then there fore the Abbey are not entitled to this money so they cannot have this. She argues terms and conditions again, I inform her that the Abbey also state they will not charge any more than is in proportion to their costs, How much is their costs for this? She states again I have no idea! and goes on about terms and conditions I inform her that because this call is recorded and I am in the process of taking the Abbey to court for all the money have taken from me already that I will be requesting this converstion and I ask her is the £80 they are charging me in proportion to what it cost the Abbey? she answers NO! and so I inform her Thank you for that you have confirmed what people are saying all along and as you represent the Abbey your answer is good enough for me and I take her details and state i will be in touch for this conversation for my court papers. She is quick to try and back tract and state she was trying to inform terms and conditions and I remind her my question was is the £80 charge in proportion with their costs and she answers NO! Do you think this will be any good for me?????? Any help will be gratefull. Ladidi
  20. Many Thanks guys and Gals I`m not off to court tomorrow to hand in my N1 I wish I could see the look on their faces when they receive this..hahaha
  21. I sure hope so i have just sent off my claims for £2k back from barclaycard for both myself and my husband
  22. Hi everyone, I have received court papaer s today and I was wanting to ask a couple of questions. I have been reading about people making claims for time spent on gathering the paper work for their court bundles and you paper print etc I was wondering do you claim this at the beginning of your case or when you get to court and add it to the costs of your bundle? I have already done my N1 form ready for court and just put in total ammount they owe me plus 8% intrest and court costs is this right or do i include £9.25 per hour from day starting claim to it getting court? Any help appreciated so I know what to submit for tomorrow. Many Thanks Ladidi
  23. Sorry Icy, I only started a new thread becasue I didn't seem to get a reply in my other one and i thought it was because everyone thought I had nothing new to add.. On the subject of submitting the the N1 and 3 x spread sheets. Where do I include the costs for time in doing this. court bundle etc. DO i add that when it comes to doing the bundle or at the start of initial costs? My understanding from what I`ve been reading is that poeple have been including £9.25 per hour for time on having to deal with this.
  24. N1 form filled in and 3 copies of this and 3 copies of breakdown. although the total of the claim is £4.2k I thought the interest would have been higher and total with courts costs comes to £5.6k do you reckon that is about right? I mean it is 6 years worth of reclaim I have.
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