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Everything posted by Ladidi

  1. Well ICY hun I hope your right. I dont intend or claim to be a legal eagle. It is just the way I have read everything and then I thought about the appeals process that they may take. As we all know the Abbey are not quick off the mark when it comes to giving back, but they certainly are when it comes to taking it! There is nothing I would like better than to have some sort of closure on my claim and to have my money back where it belongs with me. i know I had the chance and I said NO cos their offer was dismal and pathetic and now I have wait the outcome like the rest of us..tomorrow seems so far away!!!!!! Ladidi
  2. The courts can carry on with the cases and they can decide, from the way I am reading on here. But, however, if they rule in the consumers favour in light of everything all said and done I wouldn't be surprised if the banks who are signed up for this then put in a appeal and then get onto the "Master of Rolls" and ask him/her to send out a message to say all court cases pending bank charges are to be suspended until further notice or the outcome of the "Test Case" they have all agreed and signed up to. Thats my opinion, anyway. Ladidi
  3. I have just read up on the Abbey website and FOS web site and they have predicted it could take up to a year for this to be finalised and that the FOS have granted a waiver to all the banks for up to a year which will be reviewed regularly and that all the banks must update their customers. Abbey have stated they putting out a national "Stay" at all the court claims in process at moment and any new claims filed will have nothing done on them until the rulings of the "Test Case" Although I am reading the "Stay" will be up to each individual court I cant see any of them saying that the bank should pay out when all they will do is appeal and say we are dealing with a "Test Case" and we are advising consumers and alike to await the ruling of this, meaning no payout will be honoured regardless. The only ones that will be honoured are the ones who have been offered a settlement and have upto 2 months to decide to take this or not. I`m no legal expert but that is my understanding of it. So no matter what happens either way, no one will be paid until the outcome of the "Test Case" the banks have signed up to. Ladidi
  4. I would join in too, but some how I reckon they will end up doing this behind closed doors anad having only those who need to be in the room in the rooma dn rest told to take a hike and not to mention, they could end up breaking for recess so that the judge and barristers for both sides can discuss without anyone finding out what was said. I honestly believe if this does not go in the favour of the little man/woman there has been a cover up and done in favour of the big man..meaning they may strike a deal so that we all pay something so that the banks have to pay out as little as possible Ladidi
  5. Go here.. I found this but I haven't yet read it all.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/announcement.php?f=6&a=107 All about the test case..
  6. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Go here ICY.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/announcement.php?f=6&a=107 Dunno what it all means tho.. Ladidi
  7. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    I know how you feel about trying to ring the court. I found out when I got home and I tried to ring mine too and I got no answer. Either I was too late or as you said they were sick of answering the same question over and over. I`m glad they are finally going to court to set some kind of precedent and finally end all this time wasting for new claimants meaning they will have to pay out regardless..It is just the all waiting game going on for even longer, thats what cheeses me off the most..I know i`m gonna get more money than claimed at the end of the day if it all goes our way which means the banks are forced to repay everyone. But what if, the courts states that people should pay something and set a precedent of us all paying as much as they agreed for the credit cards..£12 or even a little higher after all the banks may argue that some cost has to be passed to the consumer..God it just don't even bare thinking about.. Ladidi
  8. Anyone know the outcome of the test case that went on this morning? Ladidi
  9. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Question is thought ICY, What if the courts decide to wait for the test case to be dealt with before hearing any more cases. That leaves us all in limbo until it is over, and as the Americans say " It aint over til the fat lady sings" I can tell you I aint singin...far from it!!!!! Ladidi
  10. Well having read all of the info on here and on the BBC website about this test case. Quite right you are Reka about us getting more money that is acrued in interest, but I cant help feeling hard done to considering I have been trying claim back my pennies since Last August when I first applied for my statements which took the Abbey from then till February of this year to send. And then playing by the rules and giving them the time set out by the FSA so that when I got to court if I ever got that far the judge would see I had played very fair and been more than patient. Only now..Just when I filed and they decide they are going to DEFEND and then get an offer of a paltry £4k considering my claim is £5.5k they pull the rug completely out from under you and suddenly decide out of no where to do a test case and have a hearing this morning! I hate BANKS and I hate their damn time wasting...They never did this when they took my money and now they are allowed to do this because I want back what is MINE!!!!!!!! IDIOTS - A*SHOLES - MANY MORE NAMES TOO - GRRRRRRRRRR Ladidi
  11. Ladidi works for erm wait for it.....the tax man... lol I have just been reading up on the OFT forum posting that was put up yesterday. Does this mean that the banks and courts are not gonna be paying out anyone until this test case is over with?. I thought that was what that other guy was doing, you know the lawyer! I welcome it if it moves things along but I dont if it now means everyone who has been waiting what feels like forever and a day to get their money back now has to wait even longer because of this. I think they could have said all cases from this day forward will be part of this test case, meaning the date they decided to do this and all those outstanding should be settled at the earliest convience. Never is fair when it comes to the little man/woman. After all we are just the minions of society that keep everything else tickety boo. Ladidi
  12. No news on the home front..They haven't bothered to reply so far and they haven't even answered my question as to whether or not they intend to show up at court. I was hoping they would write back and say they have no intention of being there and their defense is pathetic so here ya go, you can have your money!! Ladidi P.S I recovered enough to do a ful days training, even though i kept fighting to stay awake...lmao
  13. Mornin guys and gals. Thats last time i drink in middle of week when i gotta go to work. Now I`m up with head ache and I got training today too...sheesh No news is good news and nothing from the Shabbey so far... Well best go get ready for work..c ya all l8ters Ladidi
  14. No not sad Amteegee...its kewl taste os sucess..Think about..Its got to be the easiest money you ever made in your life and all for a few letters and way with words Cheers Ladidi
  15. Ah ok.. Sit back and relax Knitting..um dun think so, not my thing But...A glass or 2 of nice cool wine and good music and good company..now ya talkin my language They haven't replied to my refusal, so I will wait out the next 28 days.. Ladidi
  16. Already refused their paltry pathetic offer Kia. I am now waiting to see if she will give us what we want or I`ll see them in court. We got teh court letter stating they intend to defend and they have 28 days to submit their defense. Is there anything I need or should be doing or do i have to wait till i hear from the court now? Ladidi
  17. I`m from Sunderland I forgot to mention we have also received a letter fromt he court stating that the Abbey intend to defend and have 28 days to file their defense. If they refuse my offer I`m kinda hoping that their defense is something they can only dream of ..lmao Meaning we will win regardless.. Ladidi
  18. Hi everyone I thought I would let you know I got a reply from the Sh"Abbey" This is their reply.. Without Prejudice Thank you for your email. I am instructed to reject your offer of £5150.00, and to put to you a counter-offer of £4,000.00. If you wish to accept this offer please let me know and I will process payment. Kind regards Clare Fletcher This is our reply..What do you think?? Dear Miss Fletcher.Without Prejudice We have taken a look at your offer and we believe that as our total claim is £5442.13 and we have offered you a settlement offer of £5150.00 that is a just a fair settlement offer considering it is just below 95% of our total claim. £5442.13 x 95% = £5170.02 I am sorry but we will reject your offer of £4000.00 as it no where near consitutes the amount we have lost out on over the last 6 years. Unless you are prepared to give us what we want that we consider to be a just a fair offer then we shall proceed with our court case to claim the full amount due including all other costs incurred. This offer of settlement is valid for 7 days. Yours Sincerley
  19. The annoying fact is Kia (not that your annoying ), You are right in the fact they have ignored it. I`m not desperate although it would be nice to have some sort of closure. What cheeses me off the most is the fact they drag it out no end and pay up at the last minute and we are supposed to be greatfull!! I'd feel like saying thank god for that its over we got it but god dammit you made us suffer you should pay for that. You knew you was gonna payout but dragged it out just to keep your salaries and rises and cushy number.. God I hopes someone turns te tables on these people one day and we all get to hear about it. Thank god I have already moved my income and DD`s to another account. Ladidi
  20. Congratulations to you. I am so pleased for you. Although...I wish it were me Ladidi
  21. ASHURTS so very kindly sent me a reply to my first offer as above.. Dear Without Prejudice With respect, I do not believe that an increase in your previous offer of £187.67 represents a genuine desire to reach a settlement of this matter without recourse to a court hearing. I am therefore unable to accept your offer and suggest we continue with the court proceedings. Kind regards Clare So we sent this reply.. Dear Miss Fletcher Without Prejudice In respect to our offer of settlement. We had offered you final settlement of £5150.00 in which you did not bother to reply to. The abbey had not come forward to discuss with us a commercially palatable offer when they were taking this money from our account over the last 6 years. We believe we have tried to be fair in offering some sort of closure offer on this and the Abbey and yourselves have done nothing and not come forward to offer any kind of what you believe to be a fair and just amount of settlement offer due to us in respect to the last 6 years plus 8% interest. We would be interested in hearing what you have to offer in respect to the amount due to us for last 6 years plus interest. But whilst you are considering this offer we believe you should also consider the amount due back to us plus 8% interest. We have considered this and found that as the amount due by Abbey plus interest is £5442.13 we would be more than happy to settle for £5150.00 of which is just a fair settlement. We feel that we are being more than fair in offering and increasing the sum to £1.77 for every charge that had incurred unless you wish to reveal your true costs. Now unless the Abbey can show us that the amount they are due for each transaction they have dealt with which is their costs incurred. We believe the Abbey will not be able to justify not settling out of court for amount we have offered at £5150.00 This offer is valid for 7 days.
  22. I have composed an email to send to Clare Fletcher. Does anyone have an opinion of this? Dear Miss Fletcher. Without Prejudice. We are writing this email to you to give yourselves and the Abbey a final chance in resolving our claim for our bank charges refund. We feel that we are being more than fair in offering you the sum of £1.50 for every charge that we had incurred unless you wish to reveal your true costs. We have totalled up what the Abbey now owe us to date and find the sum now totals £5585.17 which includes 8% interest. If you agree to settle at £1.50 per transaction then total payable by yourselves stands at £5337.67 which is £5585.17 - £165x1.50 = £247.50 total deducted equals amount payable £5337.67. This offer will be valid for 7 days from today’s date. Should you insist that we continue onto court I can assure you that the claim will continue to go higher in my favour as I will be adding time off work and the costs incurred for the doing the court bundle postage etc Yours Sincerely
  23. What do you mean by dispensing with it? Does that mean the court will rule in my favour? without having to submit the AQ on the basis that they know the Abbey has no intention of turning up at court. Ladidi
  24. Hi everyone. I have been told by the county court that the Abbey intend to defend. Does anyone know what my next step should be? Ladidi
  25. Yea me too ICY, I`ll post what they have to say in the morning before I leave for work. Fingers crossed, toes crossed and even legs too, poor hubby.. Lol Ladidi
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