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Everything posted by Ladidi

  1. No the haven't contacted me, all they did was offer me £4k which was £1.5k short of what they owed me and I turned it down and just as I turned it down a few days later they are doing this Test Case If they do happen to call me back I will be interested to hear what they have to offer, but I have had nothing so far and they have until 6th August to file their so called defence. After that I`m going for a win and strike out Ladidi
  2. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    1 day to go ICY, I am hoping you get the win we all want you to have so that I am guaranteed to get the same come next Monday I`ll check on later when I get home from work
  3. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Unless someone comes back to you and tells you what you need to send I would contact the court tomorrow and ask them what you should send in. Ladidi
  4. Business as usual reported at Sunderland County Court this morning Roll on next Monday, I`m praying for a big win
  5. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Hiya ICY I called my local county court and they said it was business as usual. I was told there was tear off slip on the papers I was issued all I had to do was fill that in come next Monday if they dont file their defence and I win and if they counter claim I will appeal and state that they have no intention of turning up and ask for as trike out as abuse of process and go for all monies owed My hubby syas not to count the chickens just yet..lol
  6. Hiya all I have spoken to Sunderland County Court and they ahve advised me this morning that it is business as usual and that if the Abbey do not file a defence by next Monday then I can File an immediate payment. I`m keping everything crossed that this happens
  7. From what I have read on here people and all the information given to me...Carry on with your claims through the courts unless the courts tell you other wise and keep gathering as much info as possible, you never know, if you have it saved and ready to go in case you need it for your bundle all you gotta do is print it off..Make use of the time in gathering info and keep thinking positive, dont waste the chances given on negative thoughts Think about you and your claims and what is right for you.. One things for sure...The money the banks have taken is right for you to continue
  8. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Well all we can do now people wait and hope and pray.. Ladidi
  9. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Ok roll on Monday when the courts are open, I am praying and hoping in light of everything they have going on that they will have forgotton to file their so called defense.. Your count down is up on the 1st and mine 6th..Fingers crossed for us both huh
  10. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    And if they dont? I file for judgement in our favour? By using the tear off form at the bottom of our Notice of Issue? But they could appeal, if they want too..then what does that mean? We then have to wait for this test case??????? God I wish the courts was open, at least then you would know what was what..
  11. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Ok ICY this is where I pick your brains.. My claim was issued on 5/07/07 The court sent it on 05/07/07 It was deemed served on 08/07/07 and they had until 23/07/07 to reply They Filed an acknowledgment of service on 16 July 07 and according to the letter the defendant has 28 days from the date of service to file a defense which gives them until 13 August 07 by my date reconnoning. What do you think? Ladidi
  12. Ladidi

    ICY -v- Abbey

    That sounds like good news ICY. so does that mean then, if you have filed your case and they have said they are going to defend, which in my case this has happend as the defendent filed an acknowledgement of service on 16 July 07 and they have until 13 August to put in their defense, if they fail to do this then I could win my case? Ok now I`m gettin a leetle excited..need to calm down a bit and need a tetleys cuppa Ladidi
  13. Thats really interesting reading. If this is the case then its a welcome bit of news, but, I have a question. Can the courts not state that they accept these cases but in light of recent events they have a put a stay on all bank charge cases pending the outcome of the high court case. I mean dont the high courts over rule the county courts?
  14. I have just telephoned my county court and they are not open until Monday so i will have to call back then. I have also noticed that the abbey filed an acknowledgement of service on 16 July 07 so does this mean they have to get their defense in by 13 August 07? Ladidi
  15. I hope you win ICY, truly When you find out let me know and then I`ll be singing Lol Ladidi
  16. As i said before, as the americans say... It aint over till the fat lady sings - And I aint singing!!!!!!! I actually feel like cryin but i aint gonna...not yet!!!! Its too early in the morning anyway and I aint awake yet...lol
  17. I hear what you saying ICY and I agree, but I cant help but not get optimistic, lets face it, the banks adn thei supposed lawyers have already dragged things out I wouldn't be surprised if they said hey all pending cases should not be resolved until the outcome of this "test case" Granted, carry on as you would file your claims do what the courts ask, I intend to do just that, I`m just not confident that any kind of outcome will be different to what we have already been given as from yesterday. Only thing that would sway me is when we hear of someone already in the courts system and judge awarding the case to the claimant. After all the highs and lows since starting this, I`m not gonna raise my hopes on this no more - Motto now gonna be what will be will be - If it meant to happen it will - If it was meant to be yours it will be returned, if it's not then it wont be! Ok, I done my rant and my groans, gonna go have a cuppa and some toast! Yummy Ladidi
  18. Thats not a bad thought ellijay...All those who have had your overdraft suspended and told by the bank that they want it back by such and such a date..tell them you gonna file for a "Stay" the same way they have on your bank charges and you will repay depending on the outcome of the test case.. I`d love to see their faces when god knows how many customers tell them that..lmao But no doubt they will say...You cant do that, if you dont pay it we will take all credits from your account until it is repaid and you will acrue charges as you no longer have an anuthorised over draft.. they will sting you again one way or the other... Thats the british banks for ya... Ladidi
  19. It dont matter which route you take, word is that all courts are going to be told to suspend all actions on bank charges until the outcome of the test case, which is rumoured to take any where from 1 year to 2. Who knows, the only winners are the Lawyers doing this they will be getting paid top whack to defend and find what ever means they can to prevent the banks having to pay out more than they have to - which means they would prefer to pay nothing at all and just lose what they have already lost out on.
  20. I wish the courts was open this morning so I could ask them what it would mean to my case with the SH"Abbey" saying they will defend my case and that they have 28 days to file this, whether or not this will still go ahead or will it now be put on hold! God I am as sick as a parrott, not a happy bunny at all and wishing I took the 4k and ran and then thinkin well what if it goes in our favour and I could of got it all...God these peeps dont half like to p*ss on ya parade! Once an optimistic lady, now a forlorn and at the crossroads and not knowing which road I am supposed to take lady. No doubt there will be many people waking up this morning and probably feeling and thinking the same thing........ Ladidi
  21. I have just read that they are gonna be asking for all court cases currently being worked on to be suspended until the outcome of the test case. This was on a MSN web page for UK. Overdraft fees case goes to court By Simon Ward July 27 2007 Following a lengthy investigation into unauthorised overdraft charges, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has filed a court action that says the charges are unfair. Seven banks – NatWest/Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds TSB, Halifax/Bank of Scotland, Abbey and Clydesdale – and Nationwide building society have agreed to face the High Court. This test case will look to settle, once and for all, whether overdraft charges are a fair reflection of the cost to banks of people going overdrawn without permission. Get a better bank account with our comparison tool Customers winning in court This follows a series of out-of-court payments by banks and building societies to people who had taken legal action to reclaim their charges. In one day alone last month, 75 cases were heard at Leeds Mercantile Court, with many being won by the people claiming their fees back. Hundreds of thousands of pounds have now been refunded to customers, which probably explains why the banks have decided to go to court. What this means for claims The banks have got permission from the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to put any existing unsettled claims on hold until this court case is over. This means that if you’re in the process of making a claim you will need to wait for the verdict. However, if you’ve received an offer from a bank or building society you can still accept it. But if you reject it to pursue further action you’ll need to wait for the High Court decision. The Financial Ombudsman Service has announced that it’s suspending any work on overdraft fee cases until the case has been heard. County courts are also expected to stop any court actions. Despite this, Citizens Advice says that people who feel they have been overcharged should continue to make claims, so that they are in the system for when a decision is reached. Of course, if the banks and building societies win, then it is unlikely that anyone will be able to claim their overdraft fees back. If the banks lose, then experts say it could mean the end of free banking in the UK as banks look to get back some of the money they will be paying out to customers. The final bill could run into billions of pounds. How to claim your charges back How long will the case take? Estimates on how long the case will take vary. Research company Defaqto predicts that it will last for years. Many consumer groups are calling for a speedy outcome. But with so much at stake, it’s not likely to be quick.
  22. Interest = ££££££££ Banks = GREED Courts = Piggy in the Middle - Do I give to the Little man/woman or the big guy with the fat cigar and chauffeur driven rolls..knwoing he gonna give me a bonus with me being a shareholder! I know where my money is on and it not with ME!!!!!!!! Ladidi
  23. I agree the truth always comes out eventually, but as we all know, the banks will look after themselves and say to hell with consumer. They not happy at what they already paid out, they are not gonna pay out more than they have to and lets face it, with them it will very little if anything at all. Banks are here to TAKE YOUR MONEY, NOT give it BACK! Ladidi
  24. I was once feeling optimistic and raring to go and ready to take em on all the way. Now I feel like I`ve been cheated. I honestly believe that FOS and the BANKS and ASHURTS knew this was going to be announced hence the reason for their delays and pathetic offers of settlements knowing that it would be refused but to just to make themselves look good. I feel as sick as a parrot now Ladidi
  25. Does anyone know what happened to the Lawyer who was going to be the first test case that was reported ages ago?.. Last I heard it was adjourned until a later date but no date was given. Anyone know anything on this??????????? Ladidi
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