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  1. Hello everyone What an absolute brilliant forum this is - so much information and can also be a little overwhelming, well for me anyway. I have a question about SARs with Energy companies if I may, well I guess it applies to any SAR but mine is with an Energy company. Q- if i raise a SAR they have to give all the information they hold about me - this i understand. BUT does this include any discussion the company has with its legal people be they in house or an external 3rd party, where I am mentioned? Hoping for an easy to understand answer! Best BH
  2. Rogue pension and finance companies closed down after abusing millions of pounds READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/rogue-pension-and-finance-companies-closed-down-after-abusing-millions-of-pounds
  3. A new wall rendering and other exterior building works company FISHER RANDALL LTD is now trading. I sincerely hope that they are a good company and that customers who use their services get a good deal and that everyone benefits out of it. However, potential customers should realise that the director of this company is Micah Shaw who is the son of Harvill Shaw who has run a succession of wall rendering companies whose business model seems to have been to go into liquidation every two or three years leaving a lot of very unhappy customers behind with no redress. Harvill Shaw has been the subject of various pieces in the press and recently did some time in prison – probably because of his activities. The sole director of the new company FISHER RANDALL LTD , Micah Shaw was the director of one of Harvill's previous companies – but we aren't sure whether that was a genuine directorship or simply some kind of shield. As I have said, maybe this new company is under the genuine leadership Micah Shaw and hopefully it will trade properly, provide a good service, stand by its product, make good honest profits for its owners and its employees – as well as building up a reputation for high quality service and satisfied customers. However, we think it's important to bring this to people's attention. There were too many innocent victims of the previous operations. The repA_10639694_515-091524-14078366_1.pdf https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/investigate-caught-in-a-web-of-lies-510928 http://www.worcsregservices.gov.uk/news/2015/guilty-conman-jailed-for-two-years.aspx http://committee.cityofworcester.gov.uk/documents/g3966/Public%20reports%20pack%2022nd-Jun-2016%2016.30%20Worcestershire%20Regulatory%20Services%20Board.pdf?T=10 Thanks to Cagger: Chrisy for this information Pages from Public reports pack 22062016 1630 Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board.pdf
  4. Ban fossil fuel companies from sponsoring, donating or having any involvement in schools and other activities that are aimed at or could influence children under 18. Why is this important? We all know that climate change is a real threat to everyone and everything on this planet, and that the fossil fuel industry is the biggest cause of pollution, the increase of greenhouse gases, and of creating global warming. The industry is responsible for poisoning our waterways, oceans, air, and land. Also, a lot of the chemicals the fossil fuel companies extract are used for making plastics. Plastics are choking our oceans, killing our sea life, and contaminating the sea salt, which in turn will contaminate users of sea salt. Much more on the link.And have your say,say how you feel.Whatever your views are. Thanks. Tawnyowl. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/keep-fossil-fuel-companies-away-from-our-children?bucket&source=facebook-share
  5. Debt management bosses banned after transferring half-a-million from own companies READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/debt-management-bosses-banned-after-transferring-half-a-million-from-own-companies
  6. 6 pension and finance companies placed in provisional liquidation READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/6-pension-and-finance-companies-placed-in-provisional-liquidation
  7. Hi, Is there a law where companies have to give you the option of storing credit/debit/bank account details on their systems? Some companies think if you buy from them once and create an account they want to store your details for use next time, however some companies give you an option like Tesco, Asda I usually decline, however I have a dispute with a company and they took the money without the dispute being resolved. I did not consent to them taking money. Thanks.
  8. Interesting article, but will it really make any difference: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42849443 https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?484535-Rogue-parking-companies-face-government-crackdown
  9. I have had several payday loans in the past some of which I shouldn't have been given. Can you tell me how to start a claim and what the process is?
  10. I am a little puzzled - a month or so prior to Christmas and up until about now, Furniture companies have had 'end of stock' sales, 'Black Friday' and 'Black Friday week' Sales. Prior To Christmas they had 'mid season' sales, 'Bank Holiday' sales ... and now they are having "new stock introductory" sales ! When exactly does anyone actually pay the recommended retail price for these items ??
  11. Hi I am not sure if i am in the right group. Basically I asked a PPI company to check if there was any PPI outstanding. They took my details and wrote to other companies. I have received an offer of £50 from a bank and the claim company has asked for their fee. My question is, if I am not happy with their service and want to take the bank to the financial Ombudsman, can I do that myself and just pay the PPI company their fee without any further involvment from them? Thanks for looking and reading and any help would be gratefully appreciated.
  12. eon are using LCS ( debt collector) to chase for Limited company debt, company no longer trading - Dissolved in February 2016 eon have changed the name on correspondence from "XXX Limited co" to ( Directors name T/A XXX ) i wrote back to LCS stating LTD company is separate legal entity - and that they cannot simply assign the debt to the previous director. I also asked for copy of any agreements, signed documents, copies of any bills etc as i believe the bills will have xxx ltd ( Not TA) Is this Practice legal - surely there is an illegal re-assignment attempt here - what about VAT ?? they cant retrospectively go back and change names on invoices and reassign the vat .... Now i have a CCBC claim form for the above I have filed an AOS stating i will defend complete claim. Any help or advice welcome
  13. Did I read tha companies now must offer a email contact address? Some ruling by Ofcom or some similar body. if in the wrong forum please correct thanks
  14. A major crackdown on the abuse of county court judgments is announced today following a Daily Mail investigation. Ministers are pledging to block banks, debt firms and parking companies from sending court claims to old addresses. The move would halt the scandal that leaves thousands of families financially crippled because of debt judgements passed against them without them knowing, or having a chance to defend themselves. The pledge is made today by the Ministry of Justice as it launches a public consultation on the judgments, known as CCJs. It follows an investigation by the Mail, which found firms are obtaining hundreds of thousands of CCJs every year over alleged debts of as little as a penny. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4060508/Victory-Mail-debt-rulings-cripple-families-Ministers-block-companies-fro-sending-court-claims-old-addresses.html#ixzz4Te39AKtE
  15. I am hoping to purchase a new TV soon, looking online there are few companies like John Lewis and Richer Sounds offering a free 5 or 6 year guarantee instead of the standard manufacturers 12 month warranty. This seems to be to good to be true, what are the catches if any?
  16. There have been many questions about these companies and confusion amongst the many different 'Sher' companies and what they do so I thought I'd clarify the matter for those who keep asking. Shergroup Ltd Shergroup, which traded as Sherforce until recently, is the vehicle used by Claire Louise Sandbrook to undertake the execution of High Court writs in her capacity as an authorised High Court Enforcement Officer. On 3rd May 2016 there was a First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off, the second one since they had the same on 29th May 2012. This is due to failure to submit company accounts. Companies House information Some peoples concerns are that should the company be dissolved as per the notice then that would likely see the bank accounts closed including the account which holds client monies recovered under enforcement activities. Sherwins Ltd Sherwins, is listed a a firm of solicitors and trades as the Sheriffs Lodgment Centre. This is the vehicle used by Claire Louise Sandbrook (the only solicitor employed by them according to the SRA) to 'transfer up' judgments and orders to the High Court for enforcement. Essentially it is her acting a Solicitor to the claimant and/or client on the transfer form N293A. On the 3rd May 2016 there was a First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off again for overdue accounts. Companies House information The Sherbet Foundation The Sherbet Foundation was a registered charity that was set up to help individuals and families who had been subject to enforcement action. It is unclear how much was passed to these individuals and families but the details of the charity can be and some financial information found here: Sherbet charity info And here: http://www.thesherbetfoundation.com/how-sherbet-works.aspx It would appear that whilst no money has gone through the charity in recent years it is still actively registered. Shercar Ltd Shercar was a system that allowed qualifying enforcement officers and bailiffs the ability to check with DVLA the current registered keeper of a vehicle by inputting it's registration number. It is unclear if this is still used and I am advised that the license has expired. The company also appears dormant although it is unclear if Shercar was once a trading name of another entity. Companies House information There are other 'Sher' companies which include Sherbond Ltd, Sherforce Ltd, Shercurity Ltd and Shergroup Technology Ltd but these are now non-trading and most work goes through Shergroup Ltd.
  17. It is now being reported that Mitsubishi offices have been raided, after the company admitted that some of its vehicle performance statistics produced were not true. This follows on from the VW scandal, the latest of which is that apparently VW might have to buy back vehicles sold in the US at a cost of approx. $7 billion. Can we presume that most vehicle performance stats produced by a company or on their behalf are unlikely to be true ? The stats are likely to be manipulated so they compare favourably with similar vehicles and have nothing to do with the performance drivers will experience. In regard to totally different products, it has been widely reported in the media that many household appliances are now so poorly made, that they will not work for the lifetime expectancies previously experienced. And in the worst cases, some appliances now represent a serious fire hazard, as seen by the number of household fires caused by washing machines, tumble driers etc around the country. Are some products now being made with very cheap parts, as companies look to sell them at a cheaper price, but maintain profit margins ? The products might pass any safety tests conducted after production, but can consumers trust that they are buying a safe product, that will last for a reasonable amount of time ?
  18. Hi, this is one for people who really know their contract law, specifically the consumer credit act. This is the scenario: I have a builder do me an extension. Our contract states the work will cost £100k. In order to get s75 CCA protection, I get the builder to give me 4 invoices. Invoice 1- foundations, £25k (price shown on the contract) Invoice 2- Roof, £25k (price shown on the contract) Invoice 3- Walls, £25k (price shown on the contract) Invoice 4, decorations £25k (price shown on the contract). £100 was paid for each invoice using a credit card. The transaction I made on each card was for the invoices, not for the contract. Each invoice takes the pricing from the contract. Does anyone, who has a legal mind with a speciality in contract law, know if I can expect cover under s75 CCA in this situation? thanks
  19. Train companies are still failing to provide customers with accurate information about delay compensation, new research by the rail regulator has found. The research is in response to a super-complaint issued by Which? in December 2015 that highlighted how badly some train companies were letting down their passengers. The Office of Road and Rail (ORR) investigation has agreed with Which? that rail passengers are being doubly disadvantaged by train delays as the claims process for compensation is neither clear nor straightforward. One company even openly admitted that it’s not in its best interest to promote compensation to its passengers. How to claim refunds for train delays and cancellations Don’t miss out on the compensation you’re entitled to if your train is delayed. Use our guide to find out how much train delay compensation you’re due and how to claim it. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2016/03/train-companies-still-failing-millions-of-passengers-436881/
  20. Budget 2016: FCA to regulate claims management companies The government has moved to make the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) responsible for regulating claims management companies. Announced as part of today's Budget measures, the Treasury said it would introduce a ‘tougher’ regulatory regime for claims management firms. This followed a review of the claims management industry which recommended a cap on the amount such firms can charge. ‘The government is clamping down on the rogue claims management companies that provide bad service and bombard customers with nuisance calls,’ it said. ‘The new regime will be tougher and will ensure claims management company managers can be held personally accountable for the actions of their businesses.’ The Treasury said the FCA would be put in charge of the new regulation. ‘In order to ensure that the new regulatory regime is implemented effectively, the government intends to transfer responsibility for regulating claims management companies.’ The move to regulate claims management firms follows a National Audit Office report into financial mis-selling redress, which discovered claims management firms made between £3.5 billion and £5 billion from the total £22 billion paid out to victims of payment protection insurance mis-selling. City Wire High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email ftsales.support@ft.com to buy additional rights. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/1cadccd4-eb8f-11e5-bb79-2303682345c8.html#ixzz439YM4YFJ The prominence of CMCs has risen in recent years with scandals such as payment protection insurance, where banks have provisioned a total of £30bn for compensation, making it the UK’s costliest instance of mis-selling. CMCs are estimated to have received as much as £5bn of the overall £22.2bn paid out by banks in PPI compensation between 2011 and 2015, according to a recent report by the National Audit Office. Financial Times
  21. Hey there I was wondering about this for some time. If a debt is sold on to another company does that debt have to be paid? I am presently trying to claim back PPI from a loan I took out some years ago. The short story is that I bought a house and then purchased british gas boiler insurance on their initial visit they conned me into getting a new boiler installed. We could not afford to buy one they offered a loan but I was refused because I was medically retired due to an injury and my only income was a pension and benefits. The BG guy then tried another company in my wife's name and even though she had no income as she was caring for me she got the all clear and her income was what I got lol. Didn't make sense but hey we got the loan The trouble was that we had to agree to pay PPI otherwise we would not get the loan so we were misold the PPI. After a short time we got ourselves into a lot of debt and could not pay this loan. We were eventually taken to County Court and a CCJ was issued against my wife (loan was only in her name). We could not keep up payments so along with bailiffs etc it ended up as a Charging order against our property. A few years later we moved home and the debt was paid in full. That is the background story lol. My wife made a complaint to British Gas about the PPI but we had no information as we didn't have a clue and stress was through the roof etc etc. We didn't keep records and kept burying our heads in the sand. The guy from BG who was investigating the claim wrote back to us saying that he contacted the loan company but they had no records so he could not proceed any further with the complaint ... . Right cop out!! I have since got a lot more information and have sent it to him so he should be able to do some digging. My question isn't about the PPI thing as that is ongoing and we were clearly misold it My question is that the debt was sold on to another company and we ended up paying them the full wack which was over £5,000. Was it lawful for a company that purchased a debt to make a charging order and make us pay the full amount?? Is there any way I can claim back the money I paid to the collection agency that bought the debt now that it has been paid in full. The company was Aktiv Kapital. I see that people are getting off paying debt to these companies so was wondering what the score is?? Thanx for any help in advance
  22. I am trying to get my finances in order and have been reading up on forums about those who have had successes dealing with DCAs, but unfortunately my accounts don’t seem to make sense. I have four default accounts on my credit file, showing a D sign every single month on my account, but I have three payments from DCA going out of my account two I know why I am paying but PRA I don’t know what its for, and the two bank account overdrafts I have defaults for I don’t know what is happening with them and what to do. Should i send out CCA letters to all creditors including barclays and natwest? On my credit file are these four defaulted accounts Lender Idem Capital Securities Current Balance £1,868 I am paying this via direct debit reduced monthly installment at the moment, this has been passed from Agilent to Moorgate and now to Idem and I it was so long ago now I cant even remember who the original company was who I took a loan out with. Lender NWB Current Accounts Current Balance £1,691 It says I am paying £5 per month but I cannot see any standing order or direct debit going out of my account for £5 per month, so I have no idea what is going on with this account. Both Barclays & Natwest overdrafts have been passed over to DCA I am sure of it, but I am unclear on who they are or what is going on with these accounts. What shall I do? Do I chase up with the actual banks to see what information they can pull up (send SARS) Lender Barclays Bank plc Current Balance £1,590 Similar to my Natwest account, I do not have anything on my bank account showing I am paying them, yet it shows I am paying £18 per month, once again I do not know how to handle this and whether I have a DCA I am paying, I haven’t received any letters for a while and I don’t have a clue what I should do. Lender MKDP LLP Account Type Credit Card Current Balance £264 Finally I have a PRA Group direct debit set up for £8.86 per month but yet again I don’t know what debt this is for now, as it seems to have been set up some time back, with moving and getting married last year I lost a lot of paper work and I cant remember what DCA is for what account and why now. DCA payments: Idem Robinsons Way this is on my credit file under MKDP (are they the same company?)But there is nothing on my credit file saying I am dealing with Robinsons Way PRA Group £8.86 No clue whatsoever why I am paying this and for what account.
  23. http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/car-news/65567/best-car-insurance-companies-2013 I'll add my own experiences with swiftcover through and beyond this period start 2013 - start 2015 It was initially very difficult to contact them if you had doubts or problems with 'self management' at the start, but by the end of my time with them, the email contact had improved massively and the responses were good rather than just a response referring you to the premium rate number as it was at the start. The self management online changing of features/cars was effective and penalty/charge free and gave no shocking increases in charges as a result, and in one of the cases resulted in a reduced premium with the difference speedily paid back into my account. I did not need to make any claim, so cannot comment on that side of their service. I left due to increases in basic renewal premiums/cost, parhaps due to the increased cost in customer service. No issues at all with leaving. and the 17 years NC was on the renewal offer and confirmation available for download from myspace on swiftcover. They also apparently confirm to other companies on request - per Hastings Direct.
  24. Of course the private parking industry is really just a type of extraordinary rendition. In the same way that legitimate governments which are not prepared to get involved in torture or other unsavoury practices against people who they suspect of having committed crimes, but instead have them whisked off to countries which are far less scrupulous, the big retail names such as Asda, Lidl, Aldi, Morrisons, Tesco and the rest prefer not to get their hands dirty with the business of inflicting punishments on their ordinary everyday customers for minor infractions such as overstaying five minutes or 10 minutes in a car park for whatever reason so instead they get the private parking industry to do the work for them. The private parking companies are in the business of being hated. They're not bothered about their reputation. Their job is apparently to wage the proxy war on the ordinary customers of the big retail brands and at the same time to keep their big retail clients out of the picture so that the reputations and the goodwill of those big retail clients don't get dragged into the mud. If you have a look at this private parking forum, you will see that the name of the retailer who owns the car park is scarcely ever mentioned – pretty well never. Everything is focused on the private parking company and of course that means that there simply doing their job rather well. However, it has come to our notice that some of the retail names are starting to become a little troubled about possible damage to their reputation. If the victims of private parking companies were more prepared to focus on the retail brand behind the car parking facility as well as the private parking company which is operating on their behalf, it might help to force the big retail brands to face up to the damage they are doing to the lives and the economy of the people who are falling foul of Draconian parking measures. We understand that some of the retail brands are very receptive when their customers appealed to them directly to intervene in the levying of a parking fine by one of the parking management companies. Names which have cropped up in various conversations have included Lidl and also Morrisons. However, it is very likely that the others also do not want trouble and we feel that if you have become the victim of some parking fine which has been levied as a result of some insignificant infraction of some alleged contractual terms and conditions, that it would be worth your while writing to the supermarket or retailer concerned – at their trading address (meaning at the car park address) with a copy also to the head office complaining about what has happened and asking for them to intervene and to have a parking fine cancelled. We think that it is very important not to let the big retail brand clients benefit any more from the extraordinary rendition trick with their reputations are preserved even though at the end of the day, it is they who have decided to employ the private parking company. If you have received a parking ticket then you should write to the retailer both that they local branch as well as the head office
  25. Barry Beavis has just asked me to post up this petition for him. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/111925 Barry Beavis
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