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  1. Hi, I wonder if someone can help me. My Mum has very recently passed away suddenly, and I've just come across a copy of her Will, which names her bank as her executor. She wasn't wealthy, with somewhere in the region of £20k in savings. Having just read through the information she had kept on the Will, it appears that the bank are going to make quite exhorbitant charges to act as Executor; minimum charges, plus fees for every bill they sort out, and more fees to transfer the residue of monies to beneficiaries, etc. I am 100% certain that mum would not have understood quite how much of her meagre amount was going to be taken in charges. By my calculations, once her bills are paid, and the funeral costs are taken care off, there MAY be just enough to pay the minimum charges of the Bank! My question is, can the appointment of Executor be challenged? And if so, how? Thanking you in advance for your help.
  2. Hello, A friend who lives outside UK has been using a well known UK gambling site. He has won a lot of money but the website says that as he is outside UK they have suspended his account and will not pay him the money. So, website is quite happy to take all money from him when he is losing, but then use an excuse when he has won to avoid paying the money. Any advice please?
  3. There are just too many unknowns, it would be very disappointng if the Scots decide to vote for independance.
  4. Hello, I left UK in emergency with a debt of about £2200 on capital one card and 2 phone contracts... Now I m coming back to UK after a couple of months... Will I be stopped at airport or arrested...??? I have stopped recieving any emails from capital one and O2...?? Kindly answer me
  5. Hi all, just had a bad morning with a new advisor at the job centre, handed in my work sheet, and she said is this it a piece of paper why not on UJM, i told her that i always write it down there is no problem with this with the other advisors, she than said she wanted proof of what i had applied for which is no problem i got them all on email on my phone, each date she asked for i had the email, she then got ****ty with me and told me i must show which ones are full time or part time because to claim JSA it must be full time only, do any of you know if this is true. thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, I'm not sure where to start with this I suppose first thanks for looking and I appreciate any advice you can offer I will be as brief as I can. When my dad passed 4 days after my step sisters mother landed on my door step demanding 50% of his estate which had been left to me in his will. I of course refused since she was an ex wife of approximately 20 years but my step sister (who dad hadn’t seen for years, but paid CSA till she was 18) said she had grounds to contest his will. My Farther also had an insurance policy for around £20,000. She wanted the lot but I was advised to offer her £15,000 to avoid going to court and she accepted. I was advised that dad’s debts come first so I used the money from the policy to clear some of them leaving a mortgage and few credit cards to pay off. After a lot of messing about getting buildings signed over it was finally late 2013 all buildings where signed over and in December we had the bank onto us saying that they would give us till April 1st 2014 to sort out the money for the house we are living in that my dad mortgaged for us or they would take it back leaving us homeless. We have been unable to secure a high street mortgage to pay the amount owing on the house and now my sister too. We did get the go ahead on bridging finance to cover the cost of the house pay my sister off and clear off my small amount of debt to be able to have a better chance at a High street mortgage to put me back on track. Which we are in the process of finalizing now. My sister (or her legal aid solicitor) has taken me to court for the £15,000 which is the main reason I’m here. The court suggested I apply to stay it. I’m unable to get representation as I really can’t afford it at the moment with everything else on my plate with the completion of the bridging finance close their solicitor has informed me that trying to stay it giving me a bit of extra time is doomed to fail and I should withdraw my request saying loan is imminent I have a stay hearing tomorrow and I have no idea what I’m going to walk into if its just talking to the judge or am I going to end up being bullied by a solicitor? Thanks again in advance for reading. Sorry she didn't contest the will this was a settlement she wanted and this hearing is because she couldn't wait and has applied for a CCJ this hearing tomorrow is to set aside the CCJ
  7. Watch the video http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28644799 I have never heard anything so appalling and it makes me ashamed, not just of our justice system, but this country.
  8. What hapens if a benefactor of a will or share of estate cannot be contacted? Will it pass to their children? My ex husband cut all ties with his mother & family, including his children several years ago. Nobody has been able to find or contact him even to tell him his mother was ill and subsequently died. I understand that he could possibly be a benefactor despite estranging himself from the family but also would like to think that her grandchildren who cared more may have some claim on the estate. Just a long shot.
  9. I have no doubts, it will take some doing and a lot of luck, 'In Roy we Trust'. He does well in adversity.
  10. Hi there, I wrote already a post in the employment forum and it may be that I will be dismissed soon. My partner is receiving ESA, I was working but I'm currently off sick. I send my SSP1 form yesterday to get paid for my sick days.. so I'm claiming ESA as well soon as long as my sick note lasts. After that I'm still on my partners ESA claim. Is that correct? If the worst happen and I will be dismissed, will I and my partner receive sanctions? I'm worried because my employer wants/will? dismiss me for a wrong reason and I'm still in probation period. So he can dismiss me for any reason, but say it was my fault. I read about sanctions for ESA if you don't go to appointments or work related interviews, but nothing about being dismissed while working and claiming ESA. Can somebody had similar experience and give me some advice? What do you must provide the jobcenter after being dismissed? Thank you very much!
  11. Hi all, A sticky/tricky situation I have which requires your clever minds for advice. My father recently passed away (1/5/14), and I believe he has made a will, according to my younger sister. My sister has told me that herself and my fathers' wife are named in the will although I do not have any proof of this and also have no reason to believe otherwise. The thing is, prior to his death, my father had expressed his wishes that he would like to leave money to his five children (including myself). This money is what is left after he received compensation for contracting mesothelioma (asbestos cancer). My fathers' wife had encouraged him to withdraw money over a period of time and he kept £30,000 at home in a shoe box so his wife would not have to pay rent on their flat when he passed away. She also persuaded him to transfer money to her account from his and also to open a joint account. He has left jewellery including a £10,000 Rolex watch and also a £5,000 ring, amongst other things. My question is this; do I and my siblings have any right to his belongings. My younger sister has said that his belongings automatically pass to his wife and when she dies, what is left, passes to my younger sister and my fathers' wife's daughter? I do not think it is right for her daughter to gain financially from my father's death as this is not money or possessions they had acrrued together, it is from an unfortunate situation. Any advice would be truly appreciated. Thank you for your time Mark
  12. Hi all, I've been here for a while but really not sure where this should fit. My step son was left some money in trust until he was 18. He turned 18 last August but following excuse after excuse about why it hasn't been given to him. They have claimed that the money was somehow left so that it would be paid out when my other step son turns 18 (next February). We have a very strong, almost certain that the trustee has spent this money. This I am 99% sure of. They won't give my step son any details of the account or solicitor the will is with. I know this has nothing to do with me but he can surely as he is 18 now take control of this? They have promised him the money but as far as we were told it had been put in a high interest account so there should be a healthy chunk of gross interest on top of the £5,000 left for him (it was put in trust in mid 1998). Where do we go with this? The relationship has completely broken down with the trustee and they won't give us any details. Needless to say we won't let this go, and will take legal action at the drop of a hat but need some advice on where to start and what to do. Many thanks in advance.
  13. Details of the letter received from Hammersmith and Fulham council: "Empty property at address in Hammersmith and Fulham Having send a number of letters by post and by hand, over the last 6-months, I am writing one last letter in order to try to get a response. Should I fail to be contacted by anybody with an interest in the above property by 30 April 2014, my next course of action will be to serve a Notice of intended Entry (Local Government - Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. In bold red writing. Should this Notice also be ignored, I would then need to employ a locksmith in order to force entry into the property." I'm not sure how common this is, but I received the above letter and it was addressed to, To Whom It May Concern from Hammersmith and Fulham council. If a letter is not addressed to me then I will always return it to the sender. I opened the letter by accident and it is important to note that the property is not empty as I have lived there for more than 2 years. I must have returned the previous letters which Hammersmith and Fulham council claim they sent. When I moved into the property I registered to vote and for council tax. I don’t understand what Hammersmith and Fulham council motives are. Especially as this is a private dwelling which is not empty. I do not want to waste my valuable time with any of the cretins in Hammersmith and Fulham council, therefore what legal action should I take to stop them from entering my property under the guise that it is empty? How do I deal with Hammersmith and Fulham council? How do I stop Hammersmith and Fulham council from ever setting foot on my property again? What does Hammersmith and Fulham council really want to do with my property?
  14. Please delete this thread, I'm worried about getting in trouble for asking you guys for advice.
  15. Hi all, I'll keep it short. I have a DCA chasing me for a debt from just less than 6 years ago. I received the papers from Northampton and sent in a defence and it looks like it's going to court. I would be mortified if my friends and family found out i was having to deal with issues this way - will my name appear in local newspapers/on the internet? I receive the local paper and quite often they list the criminal cases and outcomes at the magistrates court but never seemingly the debt related stuff.. .can anyone tell me if this sort of information is available/easy for people to find? Also the original creditor and dca have been sending correspondence to the wrong address. I have correspondence from them back in the day proving they did have the right address however everything they have sent me has gone astray. The only reason i know about the court case is that it was re-directed whereas most innocuous looking stuff is returned to sender/binned etc. If i haven't been receiving their correspondence due to an incorrect address and it is their error does it matter that they show that they sent it, i.e. is it a defence?
  16. My wife was very good friends with an elderly neighbour for many years. In the last few she got ill and my wife looked after her when she could, sadly she had to go into a home where she was happy until she passed away. While having a conversation with my wife she showed her that she had altered her will to show that some of her estate will go to my wife as well as other relatives. My wife was shocked, but the neighbour said it was something she wanted to do. Anyhow now she has died (early Dec last year) we are not sure if the will has been read or what the situation is. She had sold her house and as far as we know did not have any debts. My wife does not want to seem like a money-grabber and does not want to get involved but i think if it is something that she wanted to give to my wife then she should be happy to accept it. How long should it be before my wife hears anything?,. I have read it can take a long or short time and is it worth getting in touch with the solicitor to see if the will has been settled. Is there any way we can find out ?
  17. Hi, I have been fighting a company for a year and a half in regards to a CCJ they issued in my absence. Finally after I sent them a subject access request and finally got a court date to set it aside the company who issued the CCJ wrote to me enclosing a copy of a letter they sent to the court. In the letter the creditor wrote they communicated to the court that they are happy for the CCJ to be set aside and the they will not continue to chase me etc. they are in effect dropping their case. My question is this; I have a court date to set the CCJ aside in a week however the creditor wrote to the court in the first week of November. Do I need to still attend court in order to ask the court to set the CCJ aside or will the court update the registry in my favour and remove all trace of the CCJ from my credit file automatically? I have checked my credit file which checks all three credit reference agencies and the CCJ is still there. Just keen to get it off my file ASAP. Any help most appreciated. Happy new year everyone!
  18. Hi all. I had my initial appointment for the work programme last Tuesday but missed it as I was so sure it was Thursday (I lost my phone with all my appointments on) so didnt not turn up on purpose even though Im sure it looks that way to them but the appointment was made well before Christmas. I received a letter on the Wednesday (the day after my missed appointment) with a re-arranged date for this Friday. The thing is, I am ill after having the flu jab and as I have asthma, it has gone straight to my chest. Im worried I wont be able to attend on Friday with being ill but dont want to antagonise them by cancelling when they have been so nice by re-arranging the appointment when they could have sanctioned me for a no-show. My question is, am I entitled to request my appointment to be rescheduled or would I get into trouble and would they be within their rights to sanction me? Thank you
  19. Hello wonder if anyone can help, been having problems with Ascham Homes acting on behalf of waltham forest borough council, recently a lady in our flats had a new kitchen and bathroom fitted her kitchen had a few broken doors. In comparison our kitchen is in an awful state it's been damaged by leaks from upper levels, and a contractor broke a unit, I estimate in total 40% of the kitchen has to be replaced including 3 worktops and 3 base units, we are arguing it would be better just to renew everything, the council say NO they will part renew even though it will be in different colours, my argument is that it is not cost effective if they may have to replace everything in 4-5 years and they cannot guarantee they will have a matching kitchen in 5 years like the mismatch they are prepared to fit in the next few days can I ask if in item 5.5 disproportionate expense or disruption. means as long as a large chunk of the kitchen is not replaced? Thanks in advance 5.5 To be decent, a dwelling should be free of category 1 hazards, and the existence of such hazards should be a trigger for remedial action unless practical steps cannot be taken without disproportionate expense or disruption. Landlords should consider the circumstances very carefully in the interests of the occupiers of the dwelling before concluding that a hazard cannot be dealt with effectively, and in such cases should ensure that the occupiers are fully aware of the position. Criterion b: It is in a reasonable state of repair Findings I understand that during her visit, J????? answered many of your queries with regard to your kitchen and has subsequently spoke to you on the phone and has sent e-mail correspondence which is attached. J?????? advised you that there is a five- year life remaining before your kitchen can be assessed for refurbishment and it is not beyond economic repair. As previously stated it would be inappropriate to discuss any specific issues relating to another tenant and their property. You had also a subsequent enquiry regarding the requirement for properties to be free of Category 1 HHSRS category failures. I understand that you are frustrated that you are currently not eligible for a kitchen but it is currently not a category 1 failure under HHSRS and there is not a requirement to replace an element if there an HHRSR category 1 failure, if it can be rectified in another way. The repairs which are being carried out to your kitchen will address any issues which you are currently experiencing.
  20. Hi, I am new to this site I would like some advice regarding my tribunal next week, I have just had a new atos assessment over two weeks ago and still waiting on a decision, this tribunal next week is for previous decision nearly 2yrs ago I appealed that decision and it was reconsidered by dwp and was put in wrag I appealed that decision to be put in support group but dwp said not enough evidence to be put in support group so it was sent to tribunal which the hearing will be next week. Would it be worth my while going to the hearing because what ever decision they come to will it stand? As I have since filled in another esa50 and had another atos assessment over two weeks ago and still waiting on a decision on that. I suffer from anxiety depression ptsd and other physical health conditions, the only evidence I have is a letter my GP gave me which just has my medical conditions and my medication I take nothing about how my conditions affect me or the affect my medication has on me.
  21. This did make me chuckle http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25879310
  22. Hello there. I have just been granted a DRO on december 12th. So breathing a sigh of relief on alot of fronts. However I do have a concern that I need to find out about and hoping someone on here can answer! One of my debts included in the DRO is with barclaycard for 2k. I have two bank accounts with barclays..a basic one and a current account with 100 quid overdraft. Will barclays freeze/close my bank accounts? I am in no debt at all with my bank accounts so see no reason why they would but I have read elsewhere they might as they are all under the barclays umbrella. Its a big concern as my disability pension and housing benefit go into my current account and cannot afford for that to be frozen.
  23. Hi, Now I and my friend are in trouble. Please help or give us advise. We signed a lodger agreement for a fixed term tenancy (14weeks) for a fully furnished room (all bills included) with 500GBP deposit, all paid before moving in. Unfortunately, we and LL agreed to end our agreement and let her chose the right time for us to move out. We stated in our email notice that we understand that she needs time to find new lodgers. She proposed us to leave 4 weeks later after we gave her an email notice. She gave us the rest of our 5 weeks rent that we already paid (1250 GBP) when we moved out but she didn't return our deposit back directly. After we moved out 24 days, we received a letter about costing damages to her house. (We signed in the inventory before moving in) It costs around 300 GBP for housing damages such as floor scratches. (I will not talk about this part because I don't have any evidence that I didn't make them even some of the damages are surely not my fault). So this means we should get 200GBP from 500 GBP back. But she also calculates about the laundry of towels and linens because of the lodger ending and also for losses concerning re-letting after we moved out till the new lodgers came for 1000 GBP. Totally she wants to charge us around 1300GBP which means even we couldn't get any deposit back, we need to pay more 800GBP. Can anyone help us? We would like to know does LL have the right to do so. (She has the right to keep all of our deposit because we're just lodgers, right?) We are about to leave this country within few weeks, but I just know this charging matters today. What will happen or what she can do if we won't pay her any more than the deposit she takes? Can we have a chance to get some part of our deposit back? Really appreciate for anyone who can give us advise. Thank you so much,
  24. Hi, I bank with Halifax and upon looking through my Internet banking statements this morning I noticed a charge for £32.00 from the website aliexpress. The site is Chinese and I have never made a purchase from here or signed up. I am unable to get in contact with anyone from this aliexpress, will my bank be able to help?
  25. Hello I've recently found myself out of work and am in the process of claiming JSA however as I 'technically' left my job I anticipate some difficulties with that. However, it's got to the point now where I literally have no incoming funds at all and as a result I've had to move back home to save money. I literally am unable to afford my outgoing bills to the following companies. I notice that in the CAG Library there are multiple letter templates that allow me to (a) ask them kindly to write the debt off (b) offer them a massively reduced payment each month with a copy of my income and expenditure report. I have commitments with the following. Pounds to Pocket Three Mobile Barclaycard Capital One My question is - will doing either of the two options affect my credit rating? I had a default a few years ago and have been working hard to make it better so understandably I am reluctant to do anything that may damage this hard work. I want to try and keep them on my side if possible. Thanks in advance.
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