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  1. What hapens if a benefactor of a will or share of estate cannot be contacted? Will it pass to their children? My ex husband cut all ties with his mother & family, including his children several years ago. Nobody has been able to find or contact him even to tell him his mother was ill and subsequently died. I understand that he could possibly be a benefactor despite estranging himself from the family but also would like to think that her grandchildren who cared more may have some claim on the estate. Just a long shot.
  2. they were sent to the Landlord's legal department
  3. Hi yes it had a case number sticker, etc but the form was a photocopy. The date of service was hand stamped on it which I found odd and a bit presumptive as it was 3 days after date of issue not 5. I've filled the forms in now and sent recorded delivery.
  4. Hi I have recently been sent a County Court Summons from an old landlord. I was awaiting their response to a query I had regarding old rent arrears now they just want to take me to court without me making an offer based on the final figure. The Summons they had showed the date of issue being 30th April this year. Stamped across it says 'Date of Service 3rd of May'. To my knowledge surely the Date of Service should be 5th of May? I know it's only a couple of days difference but why would they have already stamped it with the wrong date?
  5. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated. I don't have a lot of time. Should they decide to take me to court, how do I make my defence?
  6. Hi, yes it was a 'Joint Tenancy' under the Council. Both of our names were on it, I believe my ex-husband's name was on it first and yes we both signed that one. With reference to the original arrears there was a payment plan in place, I do not recall if this carried over to the new single tenancy, I don't believe it did, as there was never a payment record available on the old arrears.
  7. I had been a Housing Trust tenant since 2003, before that the Council controlled the housing stock. So the (unsigned) joint tenancy agreement was drawn in 2003 and terminated in 2009 when I signed a single Tenancy Agreement.
  8. Thanks, referring back to a).. Am I alone liable or as it was a joint tenancy 50%?
  9. I have no idea. The original tenancy ended in 2009. They also knew where I had moved to.
  10. I am a former council house tenant who's housing stock was transferred over to a housing trust several years ago. This generated a new tenancy agreement which my ex husband and I never got round to signing. We were never pursued for signatures so just left it. When I split up from my ex husband years later I took on a new single tenancy agreement in the same property which I did sign. Under the old agreement there were rent arrears. I ended my tenancy with them 12 months ago when I moved out. I was aware of the original rent arrears and also had some arrears on the second tenancy. (Not proud of this fact but stuff happens). I've had a letter from them today asking for the entirety of the old arrears plus they have added an extra month's rent arrears on my second tenancy. They are giving me 14 days to respond. I would like to know: a) Am I liable for All the arrears on my old joint tenancy? b) Were would I stand as my joint tenancy agreement was never signed? c) Am I liable for the extra month's rent? I handed over the keys and never returned to the property.
  11. Hi Please bear with me I am new to this... Out of the blue last week I had a demand for repayment of overpaid Tax credit. I was told I had been previously contacted about it on how to repay but was being given a deadline to repay the sum in a lump before I was taken to court. I was bowled over by this so phoned them immediately. They said it referred to my change of circumstances dating back to November 2008 when my ex husband left the family home. I asked them on the phone when they had previously contacted me. They said they had written to me about it in September 2009 and appreciate it was a long time ago, however I had no recollection of this letter, They said on the phone they were now requesting 50% of the original sum. This is with no explanation as to why it was reduced and why it has taken them so long to chase this up. I need some advice please...
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