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  1. I need help.... The other month I was driving around a roundabout in Essex and went past 2 police officers on motorbikes. I was followed by one officer and he pulled me over and the officer said I was on the mobile phone. I explained that the van has hands free kit fitted as standard by mecsedes (2012 Mercedes vito). the officer still charged me with the offence by the road side, I said I wanted to go to court to defend that I was not holding the phone. as a mobile engineer I spend a lot of time driving from site to site contacting customers and the office, and was chatting hands free at the time of being stopped. after a few week the police witness statement was sent to my address, and the statement says that both officers was about 15 meters from the road side. they said the both was able to view me drive by for about 2 seconds and had a clear view. but one officer says he saw me with my right arm holding the phone to my left ear!!!!. the other officer says he saw me hold the phone with my right arm to my right ear. I have been back to the site where the police officers was parked up and measured the distance from the road and if they was 15 meters from the road would have been set back behind a gate and a mud bank. their view would have been of a side view as passed them. they would not have seen a clear view up the road. I have checked the tracker on the van and shows that I travelled from stationery start and covered 200 meters and the average speed was 28mph . I would say that I must have passed the officers at over 30mph. I have to attend court at the end of this month and both officers are to attend and give evidence of what they both see. CAN the officer change his statement in court after he has signed his first statement saying he saw something different to his colleague. a minor note: when the officer at the side of the road said he sew me on the phone I said I wasn't and when I said the van had hands free the officer had a 2 second pause for thought before saying "your still getting done for it"
  2. My brother died last year and because he died alone and was found by me thepolice took some of his things (PC, 2 x Memory cards & his mobile phone).13 months on and the inquest was held in January and no suspicious circumstanceswere found, we are still waiting to get his things back. I spoke to the coroner’soffice today and they have lost his property (except the PC) during a move atthe station. My mum, who is 68, is distraught as the memory cards had photos ofhim on them that were not on his computer. If anyone knows where we stand orwhat we can do about this I would be very grateful if you would let me know. Thanks
  3. Every morning while taking my son to school, I have noticed a red BMW parked on the zig-zags of a pedestrian crossong which is located outside another school. So this morning I decided to dial 101 and pass the info onto the boys in blue thinking that over the next few days aropund the time of the school run, they would keep tabs on this. How wrong I was! "It's nothing to do with the police anymore sir, it's something you should report to the local council. They deal with inconsiderate parking matters". So I asked whether the law had changed and it is no longer then an offence which potentially carries points. The answer I got was "No sir, it does not carry points so therefore it is not a police matter, it is dealt with by Civil Enforcement Officers who can issue a PCN". So there you have it, you learn something new every day! Please Note The advice I offer will be based on the information given by the person needing it. All my advice is based on my experiences and knowledge gained in working in the motor and passenger transport industries in various capacities. Although my advice will always be sincere, it should be used as guidence only. I would always urge to seek face to face professional advice for clarification prior to taking any action. Please click my reputation 'star' button at the bottom of my profile window on the left if you found my advice useful.
  4. Within the last week I was sectioned by the police and taken to a secure mental health unit. I was allowed home and the crisis team who visited me have have indicated that there is a long journey ahead of me with treatment and medication, meaning that for the first time in 25 years I'm unable to work. (it appears from initial assessments that I've not been overly well since 1992, but have built up numerous coping and concealing mechanisms which have given the appearance to the outside world of relative normality) I have been particularly '"less than well" since the beginning of february this year, and since then I agreed to arrangements from a couple of doorstep agents collecting debt (both from utility companies) approaching £350 per month. There are additional debts and last years council tax is in the hands of the bailiffs. We now have a limited family income of under £1800 per month with a few young children. There are also a few other issues that have a financial bearing, including faliure to SORN the car at the beginning of the year when I became unable to drive (the car wasn't used but for some reason I just wasn't in the correct mental place to SORN), and a number other outstanding debts. No-one in the family smokes/drinks/used drugs etc, we have no telly, no landline, and have cut all spending to the bone over the last 12 months. At the moment I'm really unclear where to go from here, or who to contact to get things worked out in the right way so any advice would be really appreciated. I feel that were just about treading water at the moment, but in-laws are very kindly propping us up by helping with children's uniforms and clubs etc. I hope I've been as clear as possible here, I may not to be able to reply quickly to posts as I have quite a lot of appointments with the Mental Health Teams and the assorted medications that I've been started on have altered what my usual perception of normality is. Many thanks
  5. Hello all. I need some advice as I have been endlessly searching the internet for information and I cannot find anything specific with regards to my issue. I have been living in Australia since 2009 and although initially I've been paying my UK debts during the first two years of living here, due to changes in my personal circumstances I couldn't keep up with the payments anymore. All these debts were credit cards, an unsecured loan and an overdraft. At the beginning I informed all my creditors that I will not be able to keep up with my payments, later on I'd been paying a reduced monthly amount, which was distributed amongst my creditors, then I couldn't afford those monthly payments either and offered token payments only, but the company who was dealing with my creditors just went silent after a while and the token payments were not taken out of my account via direct debit, so basically they just dropped me and never heard from them again. That was in 2011 and I haven't heard from any creditors or debt collection agencies ever since. My visa needs to be renewed here in Aus, and they want me to provide an ACPO police certificate from the UK. My question is, will these debts and non-payment show up on the certificate? Am I correct in thinking that, this is a civil matter and not a criminal, therefore it shouldn't show up on the police certificate? Many thanks.
  6. I have just found out that 'someone' (I believe I know who) has used information that I provided the court with, to pretend to be me and closed all my benefit claims, saying I wasn't disabled. DLA, HB, ctb, ESA, all stopped and stoppage been backdated to September of last year. Do benefits record phonecalls and will they provide me with this, or any letters? Does this count as identity theft, or fraud? Is this civil, or criminal? Basically, it's linked to witness intimidation. Police are already investigating threatening emails sent to me; will they take this seriously? Can I tell benefits that I want them to call in the police, as someone has impersonated me and given false information?
  7. http://sunderlandnow.co.uk/news/10-local-news/2114-investigation-into-police-van-parked-illegally-outside-of-greggs-bakery.html#
  8. Hello! Sorry for bringing this up again but after reading most of the threads concerning RLP and your pdf file about CAB there is a certain situation which might not be covered, mine. I'm a international student (from an EU country) in Scotland as my sister's birthday is approaching I decided that I want to go and buy her something. I went to Primark as I know that I can get something good enough at a very decent price. . I saw a nice dress and jacket, both worth around 65 quid (quite a lot for Primark). That's when it strikes me this horrible idea, five finger discount. On my way out I've been stopped, went very quiet in the back room, gave my details, w aited for about an hour until police arrived (police was not involved in most previously cases that I read about), they got my details, address and mobile phone number as well. I did apologize for what I've done and they asked me a couple of questions while they were making fun of me being a student and threatening me that I will go to jail if I don't give him my exact details (had no id on me at that time) They gave me a piece of paper about RLP, while I was waiting for the police to arrive, one of them was writing like a report and the other one went to the till and scanned the items (which were with tags on them), came back with the receipt which remained on their desk. My situation is as fallows: - I'm a student, how is this going to affect me in the future? (the policeman said this will be the end of my studies) - They said that I've been recorded by the CCTV (actually, the male dressed normally that hired to walk about spotted me, that's what I got from their RLP guard and the policemen) - I'm leaving at the address provided only temporarily (for another two weeks) - My parents don't help me so much with the money as they cannot afford (100 quid is a wage for a hole month in my country), usually what I get during the summer from my job is what I have during the year 1) When I'll receive their letter should I reply to them saying that I want no trouble and pay them in 10 quid instalments (less food for me)? Do you predict that they would accept? 2) What is this Enhanced CRB and how's going to affect my future? 3) Should I go to the nearest police station/CAB and discuss this with them? 4) Ignore them and risk to get retained at the airport when I'll go back for Christmas? I'm already disturbed about this hole incident, I feel depressed as I'm here alone and I want to get over it but I don't know were to go and what to do. I feel like I paid my debt for all those horrible feelings, but this does not matter for them, they just want the money. Can't think about anything else. . and I have couple of deadlines for a project and 3 class tests ahead. A little advice is what I need. Thank you very much, for doing this honest job trying to help people like me.
  9. Could someone help me, I was informed on friday that my telecoms company have a fraud investigation and have a crime reference number, What does this actually mean. Should I expect a visit from the police anytime. I am quite worried why they have do this when i've not done anything. Thanks
  10. Advice is truly needed on this dilema. I was with my daughter and younger kids this evening my daughter was driving my car I was sitting in the passengers seat. We were stopped by the police - my daughter has a provisional lisence and was not insured to drive my car. I have a full licence and fully comp insurance on my car The police said because my daughter was driving the car the police would have to impound the car and we would have to pay £150 to get the car out. Is this right even though the fully insured car owner was in the car and could have driven it home? my daughter was charged to court and given 6 points on her provisional lisence. Is this the law now that if an uninsured driver is driving a car - the car will be siezed even wtih the owner in the car? Any info would be apprciated and the siad police man was quite nasty to us. Thanks:sad:
  11. Hi, My partner put this on the banana forum as well but assuming not everyone goes on there I wanted to post it on here as well. This morning at around 6.30am 2 Bailiffs from Marstons knocked on my door. One of them had knocked the other night as well and told where to go - I had already rang them on their first letter telling them I was going to court to sign a stat dec as I didnt know about the summons. They're collecting on a distress warrant for Non payment for TV licence at my old address. At 6.30am this morning 2 Bailiffs from Marston Group Limited called at my address and starting banging the door. There were intermittent flaps of the letterbox proceeding with more banging. They were claiming for a distress warrant for using a TV set without a Licence. The Claimed offence occurred on the 18th December 2011 at my previous address. At 6.45am I went to my front door and informed the bailiff that I had removed their implied right of access to my property and that they must leave. They didn't and carried on banging on the door. At approximately half past 8 in the morning the police arrived after being called by the bailiffs. I reminded the officers of their duty to keep the peace and that is all that is required of them and invited them into my home leaving the bailiffs outside. The police officers explained to me what they're understanding was in regards to a Distress warrant and that they had a similar situation last week and that the bailiff did have the right to forced entry. I explained that this was incorrect and that I had removed their right of implied access to my property and I do not have to let them in as they can only go through an open door or window etc but not by force. I explained that they would need a signed warrant of execution to enter the premises and that a distress warrant not even signed by a Judge is not valid. I showed proof on my calendar that I was due to go to Hastings Magistrates court on the 28th December to sign a Statutory Declaration along with proof that I did not live at the address the summons was sent to on the 25th May 2012. Remaining impartial the police officer recommend that I go and explain this again to the bailiff and that they would not let her enter my property. I obliged asking one of the police officers to stand in front of the bailiff so she can't force her way in. The other police officer stood behind me in the house. The bailiff accused me of lying and that she was coming in. I repeated that I had removed her implied right of access to my property and that she was currently trespassing and that I had an appointment booked for the 28th December for the Statutory Declaration. She said she doesn't care and she is coming in. At this point she lunged towards me and attempted to push her way in leg first to which I responded and stood my ground by removing her leg.from my Porch. She then attempted to push her body weight into me but I'm a bit bigger than she was and was unsuccessful. The Police officer behind me held onto my arm attempting to remove it from holding onto my door frame hence allowing the bailiff to enter to which I asked him politely to remove his hand from my arm of which he obliged. The Police behind me kept on telling me that the bailiff have the right to enter and I am breaching the peace. The Policeman in front of me told me that if I didn't let them in I would be arrested. I put my hands behind my back and said Ok. They cuffed me and walked me to my bedroom and allowed the bailiffs to enter the property. My Partner followed the bailiff around whilst they took down a few serial numbers of her property in the bungalow. The bailiffs were informed that all the Furnishings fixtures of the property are hers. Whilst in the bedroom with the police officer I asked him if I was actually under arrest as I hadn't been read my rights and he said no. I asked him to them take the cuffs off me. At this point it transpired that they didn't actually have a key with them for the cuffs as they were the older style cuffs that everyone still wants and from hearing his colleague on his radio they were talking to someone on the in the next town over was bringing the keys over. I had to sit and wait cuffed for no reason while the bailiff was free to wander around my home. At 9.15 approximately the bailiff received word from the court that they had a record of my phone call for the appointment on the 28th December and told me they would give me 7 more days. I informed them that 7 days from now is 1 day before I'm due in court to which they replied and... The Bailiff then left followed by the police officers shortly afterwards.
  12. I've had a leaflet and the voting cards, but still have no idea who is standing. How are we supposed to vote for anyone when we don't even know their name let alone any qualifications they might have to take on this highly paid job. http://uknationalforums.com/showthread.php?552-What-is-this-all-about
  13. What are your options if the bailiff involves the police and gets them to make you open your door to allow the bailiff entry for something like a PCN or Council Tax? If the bailiff wants to enter behind the policeman, are you entitled to stop the bailiff entering your premises i.e. closing the door, but not physically stopping the bailiff. Is there a sticky with answers to various bailiff / police scenarios where the police have sided with the bailiff although there has been no abuse towards the bailiff. These scenarios have been raised numerous times on CAG, but no sticky has been raised to the best of my knowledge to advise what sort of action should be taken in the event the bailiff gains entry to your home as a result of unlawful police action,. Can someone please advise? I don't have an issue but someone else may have such an issue and a post outlining their options may be helpful. Thanks
  14. My girl friend was at Primark, she got caught stealing. Was taken to a room by Security and since she didnt have a photographic evidence with her , police were called who cautioned her, she signed a letter by the police. Primark sent separate details to the RLP and said they will make their recovery from there. Question is: - What to expect from the RLP? - How much money should she pay to the RLP. She had apologized and vowed never ever to steal again. this was her first time and she regrets it fully. But now I need to help her out. I have no experience of dealing with RLP before. At Primakr she made a formal apology to the security in the presence of the Police . Is the RLP still going to come after her? The things she took, they were not damaged other then the price tags , I think she took off the tags off one of the products. Is Primark going to take unnecessary action against her if she refuses to deal with RLP? Also , will she be able to shop at Manchester store?
  15. I really need some help and some advice on what to do asap. Thank you in advance to anyone who replies. I am desperate right now. I am in the UK. Been out tonight. Got home and my mum told me she'd had a phonecall from the police. It is regarding a shoplifting offence that I have previously committed and thought I got away with. It was groceries. I am not going to go into details of why because it won't help right now but it's not the first time and I had a caution just a few weeks ago - I know, I know, please a lecture isn't goign to help, I know how wrong I am. at the time I did worry that they had seen me and it was late at night and they obviously took my mums registration number and this is how they have got into contact these weeks later. I didn't speak to the policewoman obviously but she is apparently going to ring me tomorrow to discuss this. What do I do? What do I say? What is going to happen to me? If I have to go to the police station again I don't think I could cope with it all. I know I need to not do this again. I have a very severe eating disorder which is the root of all this but I KNOW it isn't an excuse. They would be able to see by cctv that I am quite ill though appearance wise, but I don't think it will make a jot of difference really as like I said this isn't the first time and I should have learnt my bloody lesson by now. I hate myself. But I need to know what to say on the phone. Whether to admit it or say I can't remember or what/ I just don't know. I am scared. Please help. & please don't judge I can't deal with it. Can't believe this is happening. Apparently they actually thought i'd stolen my mums car or something and she had to explain that no, she bought me shopping but did not know I had stolen, I used the self serve checkouts and just didn't pay for a lot of stuff. Like I said it was late at night and they had no security around. Thank you for reading.
  16. Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum, and I really need some help! Here's a (very) brief summary of my plight: Back in June, my dear father died of brain cancer. during the last few days of his life, and for a day or two after he'd passed away, someone had ruthlessly helped themselves to his Halifax credit card. In all, approximately £1,500 worth of goods were purchased -- cigarettes, a personalised bottle of expensive whiskey, a computer from PC World (including a registration to Norton Antivirus) and clothing from very.co.uk. I notified both the police and Halifax of the crime. I provided the details of the alleged perpetrator (a close family member). Halifax investigated the case, concluded that fraud had taken place, and refunded the money; however, they will not proceed to notify the police of their findings -- they state that it is not in their policy to prosecute. The police will not investigate the incident -- they have advised that it is Halifax who are the victims of the crime, not my late father and his family. As it stands, the person responsible for the crime will not be held responsible for their actions. The person who's bedroom I found one of the stolen cards in; the person who had the Whiskey they purchased for their boyfriend's birthday inscribed with his name; the person who registered the purchased antivirus software in their name; the person who's wearing the lovely new cloths they purchased using my dying father's credit card, while they're sitting opposite me at the table right now -- laughing at me! Surely something can be done here?! Can anyone help? This is NOT about the money; this is about holding a criminal responsible for their actions.
  17. Hi caggers, been here a while got a few threads running and now trying to help/advise a friend with her work related problem/s She is a Police officer, has had injuries on duty x 2 resulting from a work based activity - the first one was an accident during compulsory training wher her back went during Physical Training The second injury a year later occurred when ordered to conduct the same physical activity despite telling supervisor she wanted confirmation or all clear from Dr prior to undertaking the activity She undertook the activity (as she felt compelled to do it) and her back went again. She has been diagnosed with disc prolapse with a tear; after the initial HR feeling was that she was swinging the lead, It was only after HR paid for an MRI scan that they changed tack and actually belived the injury was genuine. (my friends perception) HR are aware of the full condition and she is now in reciept if IIDB. My friend is overweight (although very very good at her job) and during the subsequent HR/Medical and management meetings regarding her condition her weight has been focussed on as opposed to the activity that caused the injury. My friend has had very limited sick leave as she is conscientious and hard working, she has suffered and is suffering with pain every day as it is her sense of duty to keep going. My friend is a 'specialist' and works mainly in office based and specialist investigations My friend loves her job, doesnt want to sue the force for causing the injury (second time) and after a lengthy period of supported and temporary restricted status returned to full duties after a modified fitness test and self defence The problem is that the injury is still very very troublesome and she is getting worse by the week however in a male dominated enviroment where it is macho to 'soldier on' she feels that if she was to go on the sick it may lead to her being pensioned off as she cannot fulfil the full duties of a Police officer. She is hiding the true extent of her injury from her colleagues and bosses as she does not want to be dispensed with or moved from her role. She is braving it up to keep going, but also deep down realises that if the wheel came off in a confrontation she may get more seriosuly injured and actually become more of a liability than an assett to her colleagues. If she is found out to actually be more seriously injured after telling them she is fine would this be classed as gross misconduct? She is very worried as the austerity measures are bringing a whole new way of dealing with injured officers, she has said they can make her retire under regualtions but wants to keep going, anybody know if this is preventable? Also she is worried that by hiding the injury and then becoming involved in confrontation or similar situation where she may get injured again, or cause an adverse effect on her colleagues dealing with that situation because of her inability to deal with it - would she be liable under health and safety legislation for injuries to her colleagues? My friend does not want to speak with anyone internal including her federation (union rep type) reps as there is a belief that the force will find out as there are different employment laws concerning police. Her immediate supervisors went through the motions as being supportive however she feels this is management action to 'tick the boxes' and they would rather her move to different department. As her condition is still their she has until June 2013 to undertake the physical training again or face disciplinary action. She was advised by supervisor and union rep to maybe take painkillers and 'do the test and physical activity' just to pass, she feels this is again more risky and damaging to her back. any suggestions for her to proceed as her doctor, physio can see no solution to her back problem at the moment
  18. Not my words - but the words of the Court of Appeal. Dishonest without intending to be, apparently. Sent "semi-literate" letters No intention to bring legal proceedings at all!!!!! See the judgment attached for the whole grisly story. Of course this Court of Appeal judgment is about Parking Eye but you may find similarities in the way of doing business used by other private parking companies. Apart from anything else this is more evidence of the slack attitude of the British Parking Association to the behaviour of their own members. The BPA must be aware of this. What action have they taken against Parking Eye for their breach of the Code of Practice?? If anyone knows, then please let us know. The BPA is the outfit which pretends to want to set an Independent Appeals Service. Has Parking Eye's access to the DVLA database been suspended? I don't think so. If you have paid money to Parking Eye then you have a basis for claiming it back. certainly, if you have paid the so-called "full rate" then you have clearly paid an unenforceable penalty and you should go and get you money back Please note that the trial judge held that the initial sum was an enforceable charge. The Court of Appeal referred to it but did not consider it and made no finding which approved it . In other words, don't let Parking Eye or any other parking company tell you that there is binding authority for saying that the initial charge is valid. That would be a porky. Thanks to user:Tomtubby for discovering this judgment. Important rider - the Court of Appeal decision was based upon the Parking Eye arrangement as agreed with Somerfields in 2005. If their agreements are different elsewhere then that could affect the situation. Now original High Court judgment also available below. Thanks to Tomtubby again.
  19. Hi Hoping I am in the right forum here. My motorbike was stolen and then due to fingerprints and blood being found on the parts left behind when they dropped it, 3 youths were taken to court. Unfortunately on the day, the prosecutor told me that police had not correctly marked up the fingerprint evidence and no statement had been put in with the blood evidence, the judge would not allow a delay and threw the case out of court - which leaves me well out of pocket even with insurance! Is there anything at all I can do to try and claim some money back - I know even if it hadn't been thrown out of court I would have probably got the '50p a week is all I can afford' brush off, but its so annoying that these 3 scumbags walk away due to police incompetence!
  20. stupidly I stole some blister plasters and heel protecters from boots, they were taken out of the packaging, a security guard in normal clothes took me into a back room took my details down form my driving license, the police weren't called, and i signed a 12 month ban from the store. I was also given an information letter about RLP about making a fine/payment to them for my wrong act. I gave the security guard my uni address as i dont want my parents to know, i just want to know do i have a criminal record even though the police weren't called or i was not read my right? and how long does it take for the RLP letter to come though? i just want to pay it and forget about all of this
  21. Hi Wondering if anyone can help. My parents just had a cyclist bang into the side of their car at a roundabout due to the cyclist being in the wrong lane and cutting accross the first exit. He was not wearing a helmet and was completely in the wrong.... there were also witnesses to this. The cyclist fell onto the road and banged his head and was taken to the Hospital for a CTScan. The car was undamaged apart from a scratch on the paintwork so could have been driven away but instead the police chose to impound the car until the results of the Catscan were reported, this happened a few hours later and he was found to just have surface skin damage ( a few cuts and bruises) and they then advised that the car could be collected. My parents were then charged £150 for this!!!! Now is that not plain stupid??? Is there any way this can be reclaimed back as I just dont see why 2 people in their 70's should be charged £150 for something that is in no way their fault..... what can I do to resolve this??? All help welcomed. :mad2:
  22. Hi everyone, My car was seized yesterday by the police and taken to the impound - reason being I'd changed my address recently and had stupidly forgot to update them. They also sent an email, but I either didn't get it. What infuriated me though is that they didn't call - I would've sorted it out instantly. Anyways - my car is currently in the compound, and I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to get it out. I've found out that most insurance companies are only willing to insure me ONLY when the car is out of the impound. So far I've only found one company (insurance choice) that I am waiting to hear how much they will charge. Does anyone know of anyone else? Thanks
  23. Hi, I'm posting on here on behalf of a friend who stupidly has ignored a couple of police fines. One of them has been passed to the bailiff company (swift), the other hasn't gone over yet so he's hoping he can arrange a payment plan with them. Basically, he's set up as S/E and at the moment isn't making much money which is why he ignored the fines. He is a mobile mechanic so is reliant on his vehicle in order to work. The bailiff went to his house today (he did try to come to an agreement over the phone but they said tough, it's gone to a bailiff so he has to sort it out with him) and saw that he has nothing worth taking, so he said he'll give him until Friday to come up with £400 otherwise the choice is either they take his car or he'll go to prison. I was under the impression that they couldn't take anything that you require for your business? There's no way he can come up with £400 by Friday, maybe £50 but that would probably be the max he could get. If he loses his car then he wouldn't be able to afford to get another one so he'd end up out of work, even less chance of being able to pay the debt. He would obviously prefer not to go to prison (although he already has a criminal record - bad choices when he was younger, part of why he went S/E as it was easier to do that than find someone who would take him on) but if he did 'choose' the prison option, would the fines be wiped out? Basically, does anyone have any suggestions about how to deal with this, and whether they can take his car? Thanks for your help
  24. hi i have just split up with my ex,i rent my own flat she was staying here most days a week and some at her mum.i am the only person on the tenecy agreement.we have had a bad break up i have dropped off all of her belonging at her mums.some furniture we went half's on.she is now saying because she has the receipts for some of the stuff we bought together she is going to phone the police with the receipts and have them removed.i have paid her half for these items.i have a basic bank account so she used her card.can she do this? what is the procedure? what are my rights? thank you in advance if anyone can give me some advice regards dan
  25. back in may i had my quad bike stolen from my house. we contacted the police within minutes off it being taken, we even heard it start round the corner seconds before 999 answered. the NEXT day soco arrived and we showed them a foot print where one of the thieves had stepped in oil, he didnt finger print the pirlight they moved or the wheelie bin they stood on !! later plod arrived and took details. made a proper statement at the local station 2 days after that, that night the 2 thieves posted themselves on face book with it at 20:00. i instantly rang the cops, cheshire wouldnt do anything as it was in manchester, but gmp wouldnt touch it as it was a cheshire job......18 hours later they visited the lads addresses, GONE! after a few weeks i checked police.net website as they also had another quad and attempted to take a 3rd one and they also took a motor cross bike the same weekend and lo and behold those crimes are not even recorded on the police.net website. i rang asking to speak with an inspector, this was refused and a detective sargent rang and asked me to go and see him. i went loaded with lots of info about these people and i was told they will look into it. when i asked what they had to say in interview they dropped the bombshell, WE DIDNT ARREST THEM !!!! FFS!!! any advice would be helpfull
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