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  1. When a store says one is banned to enter for a lifetime. Is that something that can be discussed with the store manager? Coz an offense was done but a heavy price was paid for it. As far as the ban is concerned, if the person apologizes sincerely and offers to never go alone or with friends and will only go with family to that particular store, will it still look like an absolutely dumb thing to do? People are saying , Primark might forget faces after a few months. But we dont want to break their trust again by being stupid and trespassing and we genuinely want to sort this banning issue out amicably. Am I being naive about this?
  2. Thanks Scarlet and yes you are right , I am getting worried just thinking about things that havnt even happened ... *sigh* But anyways, want to thank you guys so much for all your advice
  3. Thanks so much Dx , really really appreciate your advice. I guess its natural to get shaken specially when one has never before fallen in trouble of any kind .. We have even been thinking of going to the retailer and returning them the stuff she picked. But then someone mentioned if we do that, we are inviting trouble and dropping axe on our own feet. anyways, you are right, we need to calm down. Just out of curiosity, someone shoplifts and then leaves the store without being caught. Can they be checked by Police at a later date?
  4. please someone advice me , I am feeling anxious about this whole thing now .. Will Citizens Advice Bureau be able to advice on this? I dont know if I should even be asking them about this knowing that she is guilty.. Free solicitors advice? I have trailed over the internet and cant find much info .. Seriously wondering now, can police convict her for a previous offence, anything else I can do to seek advice and read more on the topic?
  5. Ok , I am in a bit of a struggle here .. so GF hasnt stopped crying and panicking since the Primark issue happened, today I have asked her what is worrying her so much , the issue is more or less over. Now i am even more worried about what to do .. already she's got a caution on her record (after being caught at Primark ) , as a result she will be turned down in many jobs in her field. What are the chances of her getting in trouble again? somebody please help and advise me , this is getting to my nerves now.
  6. Hi there .. I have got a quick question for the Original Poster. The second involvement with police came after the first caution you recieved six month ago? How long before had you commited the Previous offence before you got your first caution?
  7. Ok, Folks, need your advise. Seriously thinking of giving the store manager a ring and apologize for what happened and request that the ban be reduced. You reckon that would work at all?
  8. Sorry Dx, I thought it was a separate topic .. apologies for inconvenience caused. Grumpy, GF called police station this morning and asked if they could tell her what exactly she signed , as in , the name of the form .. but Police didnt ask for any details to check up and simply said it was a caution and for any further questions she should contact her solicitor ! Its very strange though. Is there any other authority that she can call and ask what exactly is on her record?
  9. Hi All, I have a quick question please. GF was cautioned by Police after being caught shoplifting by Primark. Some people told me Caution is a serious issue specially when one is taken to the Police Station and taken a picture of and finger printed. In her case she was asked to sign a form at the Primark premises and administered a caution. After checking her passport and ID she was asked to leave. She was told she was being cautioned for theft . While she was caught shoplifting. Does the wording of the offence make a difference? What is the difference between both these types of caution procedures? Is she is serious trouble with respect to her CRB checks and employability for the future.
  10. and now the question of being banned. GF's own family and I , we shop heavily at Primark , now with Christmas approaching GF wont be able to join us for shopping. Anyone knows how long this ban is enforced for? I called up the HeadOffice of Primark to ask for company procedure and they said only the manager of the concerned store can decide if he wants to ban forever or for a certain timeframe .. they said they dont have a company policy of any sort on that. Would it be wise to call the manager of the store and make a request to reduce the ban from a lifetime to maybe a few months? Also, say after 2-3 months if GF does go with me to Primark , will they recognize her? I have read here on the forums that the security guards are the key people who are trained to recognize faces , if supposing they recognize her , will it have serious consequences for her? Primark HO people said they use a security company to hire guards and security services .. if the guards change after a while , will it still be equally risky for GF to visit Primark? She is regretting this whole incident extremely and obviously will behave well in the future.
  11. Thanks so much All, Just a quick update , I called the CAB and they said the Caution will be seen on GF's CRB records for at least 5 years. After which time it will be deemed as spent. Its such a heavy price to pay for a first time offender. She's been crying nonstop since yesterday .. Also I asked the CAB, whether Primark can take this matter any further. They said no they will not. They called the Police on the spot and she was Cautioned. That was the end of the matter as far as Primark are concerned. Regards RLP , they said what many friends here said , Ignore them completely and reference was given of the Oxford case. I asked if the Caution can be contested in anyway. They said no, because the offence was admitted to. So now that everything is in perspective GF's worry is around her CRB and the Caution .. Can it hinder her holiday travel to international countries? Obviously looks like she wont be getting it easy way in obtaining a job because most employers do a CRB check anyways and the minute they will find out they will simply refuse her application . Am I right in thinking that she is in quite a trouble now? also what happens after 5 years when the Caution becomes "spent" .. is this going to mark her forever ?
  12. Thanks mate,if primark dont have anything to do with rpl, then why did they hand over a print out of intent for civil recovery with rpl's logo on the letter? Also , please can someone advise me on , whether we should send them a letter with the following text : "Having now had an opportunity to take advice, my position is that any liability to you or any company you claim to represent is denied. No further correspondence will be entered into with you." Given that Primark does have CCTV footage that they can use against us and GF was cautioned by Police .. will the above letter sent to RPL be applicable to our situation?
  13. Thanks Dx100, sorry I didnt understand when you wrote : Primark have not commented or written? Do you mean they will first write to my GF if they want to prosecute? if they decide to do that after RPL fails to collect any money from us, then wouldnt they get a chance to add in more costs and legal fees? Please can you clarify what you meant by the comment.. many thanks ... really really appreciate all this help and advise .. Also. is there a set timeframe within which Primark can make a court case if and only if they decide to? I believe they have sufficient CCTV footage against my GF , so just confirming . In the current situation, can we safely assume that after being cautioned by the Police, and totally ignoring the RLP or writing to them the simple line that we are not liable for any costs to them or "their client" , The matter came to an end. GF told me she scratched the bar code on a few items and took the tag off one of them. though none of the products were damaged and were fully recovered by them. Does the scratching of the barcode and taking off the tag equate to "damaged goods"?
  14. Apologies If i am being repetitive in my questions .. I am just ensuring that I understand this whole thing , since its the first time I have come across this situation. Many thanks for bearing with me patiently and sharing your valuable advise. Charlie
  15. Thanks yet again Scarlet. Question now is : - Can Primark take any further action against my GF, for failure to pay any costs? - I was reading on the CAB website, if one admits and accepts caution given by the police , then one has admitted to their folly. - Does that mean its now easy for Primark to make a Criminal case in the court? I read in another thread that retailer can bring on criminal charges. Does it make a strong court case for them specially when a police caution has been given and theft admitted and apologized for , by the person?
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