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  1. i know i must sound like an idiot for just wanted to pay them and have it out of the way
  2. but to pay them will stop the letter? dont want to risk one being sent home
  3. the only reason i am saying i just want to pay for forget about it as they told two address of me, my uni address which i said to contact me through frist and my home address where my parents live, i dont want my parents to find out ever about this as i know how much shame it will bring them and i cant personally bear that. i just want to know if people have information about what would happen if i pay them, do they just go away and that is the end of the matter? the store manager on the phone today said that if i pay the statement given to me by rlp then no charges will be placed or information passed to the police. i am terrified and am making my self ill over this, i.e.: not eating, sleeping, constant crying. (hence seen a therapist)
  4. i am a girl and i am scared, i currently went to see a therapist about my anxiety. i dont not want claims to be charged on me or fear for them in my future, i have taken on board advice both on here and also via my therapist and also by a solicitor. all telling me different variation of what to do
  5. i have just contacted the store manager as i am in such a state about all of this, they have informed me that due to no police were called to handle the better they will not be informed and that only a payment to RLP to recover their loss will be issued which will not result in my baring to a CRB check
  6. but i've read article that they have up to a year for police to get involved? i dont think i could handle the stress of waiting a year to see if they will or won't
  7. thank you for your advice, just one last question if i were to pay RLP could that mean less chance of police involement? and how long roughly does it take for these letters to come through?
  8. so the likely hood of police involvement is little as they weren't called to arrest me straight away and the security guard said nothing about involving the police?
  9. yes i have looked at a few threads on here, but i am still panicking. i would rather pay quickly and know i was in the clear with no fear of court hearings or police records or anything that would show up on a CRB check than to just ignore the letters (by the way i havent got a letter yet and i'm worried it will be sent to my parents address as i gave the security guard my uni address as he took down my address of my DL)
  10. i just dont want my parents to find out as they would be so ashamed of me i've sent a letter of apology to the company Boots, i just want the matter gone. but yours sure i dont have a record? i've read that if i dont pay the police will be involved and court dates and such? i dont mind paying the fine, i was in the wrong
  11. also does RLP or a civil claim appear on my record? i just want to pay it and forget about it as i know i was in the wrong. it only happened a few hours ago and i'm making my self sick with worry
  12. no they just told me to get out of the store, i was so embarrassed and appalled at myself. I've also been reading up that RLP could pass on my detail to a theft database is this true? also if the police weren't called there and then during the incident they won't have any knowledge of this?
  13. stupidly I stole some blister plasters and heel protecters from boots, they were taken out of the packaging, a security guard in normal clothes took me into a back room took my details down form my driving license, the police weren't called, and i signed a 12 month ban from the store. I was also given an information letter about RLP about making a fine/payment to them for my wrong act. I gave the security guard my uni address as i dont want my parents to know, i just want to know do i have a criminal record even though the police weren't called or i was not read my right? and how long does it take for the RLP letter to come though? i just want to pay it and forget about all of this
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