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  1. Hi Wondering if anyone can help. My parents just had a cyclist bang into the side of their car at a roundabout due to the cyclist being in the wrong lane and cutting accross the first exit. He was not wearing a helmet and was completely in the wrong.... there were also witnesses to this. The cyclist fell onto the road and banged his head and was taken to the Hospital for a CTScan. The car was undamaged apart from a scratch on the paintwork so could have been driven away but instead the police chose to impound the car until the results of the Catscan were reported, this happened a few hours later and he was found to just have surface skin damage ( a few cuts and bruises) and they then advised that the car could be collected. My parents were then charged £150 for this!!!! Now is that not plain stupid??? Is there any way this can be reclaimed back as I just dont see why 2 people in their 70's should be charged £150 for something that is in no way their fault..... what can I do to resolve this??? All help welcomed. :mad2:
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