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  1. Maybe I'm one of the most unluckiest people in the world, Natwest have really taken not just the biscuit but the pack... As part of my account benefits, I get the identity theft assistance and credit reporting through CPP and Experian. Naturally when signing up they couldn't confirm my identity so I needed to send in some docs. These were; - Colour copy of passport - 2 x Original Utility Bills These were sent as a mobile phone bill and also a bank statement. This was 16 days ago through Natwest Post Service to their Chatham office then on to Experian. This was at the advice of their staff members in branch. So i phoned Experian yesterday and today who advised the documents still haven't arrived and that I should contact Natwest. I have done so over the last 3 Days chasing. I sent a letter last week for something else which they have scanned on to their system. However the covering letter from the documents hasn't been scanned. I've been passed from pillar to post and now I need to know my next step. When speaking to a complaint handler, I asked in the event that they have lost them, what would they do to ensure my protection? Naturally their response at this time was nothing as they need to fully investigate, however I also asked about if they would register with CIFAS as a basic.. "Sorry sir, what's CIFAS? I've been here 15 years and have no idea what that is? " Now I get not everyone is going to be clued up on it but they should have some basic knowledge of what CIFAS Is, all my training I had for my financial services included CIFAS information etc. And I would expect complaint handlers to be trained in this to some degree... I want to know what to do, as most of you know, I've already had to fight off a case of identity fraud before. If they have gone missing, they have exactly what they need to ruin my credit file all again. Your advice is well thought off in my mind and maybe I've missed something.
  2. Morning all, I sent off a CCA Request to NatWest around mid-March that was signed for at their Birmingham office on 17/03/2014 - that request included the £1 statutory fee in the form of a postal order. I have kept the tracking number for this item and have the surname of the signatory. I have since received notification that my debt has been passed on to a company called APEX, who were actually surprisingly helpful when I rang them. They've advised me to get back in touch with NatWest and in the mean time they will ensure they don't bombard me with calls and letters. When ringing the NatWest call centre, they seemed baffled at my request and insisted on treating me like a standard collections customer who just doesn't want to pay. Even after explaining that I have submitted a CCA request, they continued to say I need to contact APEX. Note, I did not send a follow up letter because I wrongly assumed that my initial letter regarding the debt had led them to drop the matter as I had received no further contact since last week when I received the APEX notification. Just wondering the best way to go about this now, as I am keen to ensure there are no adverse credit score implications. Thanks in advance.
  3. Sorry for silly question but do I send to my old Fenchurch Street, London branch address or is there somewhere else that I should send it to ? Cheers g/l
  4. Natwest Credit Card. This is a bit long. Sorry But im hoping it will allow more accurate constructive comments and help others in a similar boat. Information posted in Red Font is related to my SAR request. Account History compiled from documentation on hand. Account opened sometime in 2002 Earliest Statement found so far Oct 2002. Out of statements going back more than 6 years I have them all (or at least the transaction lists Temporary Repayment Plan agreed 06/08/2010 due to financial difficulties. This plan allowed me to get back within agreed credit limit. Plan lasted 6 months and was adhered to. FEB 2013 Explained situation (Off work Long term sick with stress and depression) Default Notice Issued March 2013 after missing quite a few payments. Balance at Default 3262.88 Account Terminated 02 April 2013 (Balance 3262.88) Account Passed to Triton 24 July 2013 Interest charged August 2013 Payment demand from Triton (Previous Balance + Interest Charged August 2013) Financial Statement sent offering token payment due to surviving on a deficit. (Family were supporting me) 18 Sep 13 Triton send letter saying Figures do not make sense. 18 Oct 13 Triton say I Must phone them. Reply letter sent with another copy of the statement and reminded them of my depression and anxiety. Also stated that some of my other creditors had accepted the statement. 09 Dec 2013 Triton send me a copy of a letter they allegedly sent 09/Nov which I never received stating they wanted more information on how I could survive with a deficit of X per month 21 Jan 2014 - Threatagram from Green+Co Solicitors claiming I have not been in contact with Natwest/Triton. Reply sent with copies of correspondence and repeat offer of token payment and copy of financial statement. 13/03/14 Moocroft letter saying details passed to them from Natwest to act as collection agent. Replied with a request that they send me proof they have been asked by Natwest to act on their behalf. Reminded them that I sent them copies of my financial statement and also I could not accept phone calls or visits due to my depression and anxiety. 19/03/14 Moorcroft template letter - acknowledging query and suspension 24/03/14 Moorcroft letter - Account placed on hold till 20/4/14. Told that Natwest had advised me that the account had been transferred. (untrue) Replied with CCA request and requested authority/deed of assignment. £1 fee sent as cheque made out on my behalf. Gave them 30 days instead of 12+2 (im still learning at this point. Now I know better) 27/03/14 SAR Request sent to NATWEST for list of defaults charges and late payment etc. Fee sent. 25/04/14 NatWest - Letter saying personal information out of date. On their template they say they need a copy of my signature. I Reply sent 28/04/14 Template, stating they do not require my signature and that they have sent personal information to my address etc etc. Sent copy of council tax bill and a previous letter they sent to me at this address. Also pointed out they had processed my data by forwarding it on to third parties etc. Told them I had now made a complaint to the information commissioner and expected them to fully comply with their obligations as data controller. Complaint Lodged with Information Commissioner via email with all relevant docs attached 28/04/2014. 02/04/14 Moorcroft Letter - Acknowledged CCA request - Returned cheque directed me to original lender. Reply sent 25/04 - Template CCA fail. Reminded them of their duties to refer CCA to creditor. Fee sent again. 28/04/14 Moorcroft Letter - We have not heard form you etc. I Checked delivery information from royal mail and concluded that this was a cross post. Ignored 30/04/14 Moorcroft Letter - Same as 02/04/14 and fee returned. Replying tomorrow 06/04/14 with Account in Dispute template letter and Section 10 Notice. 06/04/14 complaint lodged with FOS for non compliance of CCA request. -------------------------------------------------------------- Closing Balance - £3333.18 From statements and default notices I already have without the SAR Charges Levied £796.00 With Restitution interest applied @ 24.90% Claim = 3220.17 ADD interest payment applied after default notice and after they were told of financial problems of 70.30 Total work in progress = £3301.83 ------------------------------------------------------------ On this one I am tempted to go the court route without going to the FOS in regards to credit card charges. Aim would be to get the amount wiped plus costs incurred in doing so along with default markers removed etc (Am currently unemployed) I might have jumped the gun a bit with the complaints to IC and FOS regarding the SAR fail and fail to comply with CCA but we shall see. Other thing I noticed is that Natwest repeatedly altered my T+Cs such as the cash advance percentage and also the main purchase percentage interest rates. There was no forewarning on any of the statements I have preceding the rate jacking. In fact I never noticed until going through my statements. Despite having 80-90% of all paperwork im not seeing any seperate letters advising of a change in T+C's Im sure they have to give notice under the terms of Consumer Credit Act and draw your attention to your right to discontinue the agreement and pay off the balance at the preceding interest rate. If they failed to do this, do I have further options there? As in force them to return the interest charged above any original interest rate until they complied with notice of variation of terms and conditions. Hmm maybe I should redo the SAR and make it more general and include a CCA request. Thoughts?
  5. Hi all, Long story short, applied for a mortgage with Halifax and Natwest, but due to a default thought it would be impossible. Halifax turned us down point blank due to late payments and the default and with the new rules for mortgages credit went from A+ or something to a C+. Anyway Natwest have accepted us and arranged for a survey to be done. Which is getting done next Friday. Which is great. What happens after this? Is there anything that could be done so they decline it? Just after best and worse case scenario really Thanks all
  6. Hi, I've got following situation. I have personal bank account with NatWest since 2001 and business bank account since 2002 (sole trader business account). Been sole trade since 2002 but in 2007 incorporated limited company and opened another business bank account for the ltd. The sole trader and ltd have been operating in parallel for 2-3 year and then all fixed assets and liabilities of sole trader have been transferred to the ltd. The sole trader got a substantial overdraft facilities which have been paid by the ltd since the merger. NatWest approached me by requesting a repayment of the overdraft in full. I replied that I can't afford but I'm happy to convert the overdraft into a business loan. They said OK but the consolidation loan has to be a personal loan, not business. As it is a business liability, I have provided all evidence like annual accounts for the sole trader, for the ltd and for the use of the overdraft NatWest is refusing to discuss conversion of the overdraft into business loan. The only option they offer me is a personal loan on the basis it was given to a sole trader. Any thoughts and suggestions how to deal with NatWest in this case will be much appreciated. Thank you
  7. Hello! I have a graduate account with Natwest. My overdraft is £1600, I know very silly of me but then it's offered to a student with no money it's very tempting! After uni I was unemployed for a year, Natwest were pretty awful. I have NO direct debits active on my account. I've been charged £36 a go everytime I go past my unarranged overdraft (out of my job seekers money). Thing is, I only take money out when it's says it's available on my online banking app. It's pretty annoying to get charged when I take money out which is apparently available only to find out it's not. 2 months ago my balance was -£1588 so I withdrew £10 from a cash point and think no more of it. I visited tesco earlier in the day and spent money, which apparently was pending and didnt come out until 2 days later, leaving my account as £1608. Natwest charged me £96 for this as I had no way of paying back into my account to make it level again for a couple of weeks. I've been unemployed since university but I've recently found employment which I start next week. I've opened an account with barclays and plan to get my wages paid into that, then every payday pay a bit towards my natwest overdraft. I'v sent a letter complaining about them charging me, and charging me when my account was already past the overdraft limit and received this reply. Is this a good reply to them or is it worth me chasing it some more? Is there anyway I could close the account and set up a payment plan with Natwest? £2385.99 of charges in 9 years is pretty disgusting and even getting the £92 back would be great. Letter in attachments, Thank you for your help
  8. Please I need advice on how to handle this Restons and his allied Arrow global chasing me for SB Natwest credit card. The claim was for credit card, according to the claimant it was assigned to arrow global, last payment to the account was in July 2007, since then I have no contact with the original creditor except 4 months bill sent after the last payment in 2007 and letters from DCA in 2008. I was not aware that the account was assigned and I can’t recollect receiving any Notice of Default. I have checked my credit file with Noddle and nothing showing NATWEST/ARROW GLOBALL.
  9. Hi guys, I moved to Poland from the UK last year. I have been on DMP with all my creditors (credit cards) and have been paying them every month. They don't have my Polish address, they just have my UK virtual address. Unfortunately I've lost my job and I am not able to pay them the agreed amount at the moment. I will be sending them letter and explaining my situation (at the moment I can only afford a small payment). My biggest worry is Natwest overdraft, it is now over its limit due to charges and interest. Can you please advise me whether I can claim any charges back? I am not sure whether it would be better to tell them that I am abroad or not. I don't really want to give them my new address. Has anyone had any success with Natwest regarding freezing charges and interest on overdraft account and setting up a repayment plan? Many thanks. Regards, Rob.
  10. Hi I had a Nat West Business account with overdraft until 2012 when they decided to close it, without even trying to negotiate a repayment plan, last couple of years for been tough with work and health issues but I was just beginning to get back on my feet. I have never signed a overdraft renewal agreement with them, they just kept renewing the overdraft. I have had thousands of pounds worth of charges taken. Today I have received the attached letter in the post from a company I have never heard of requesting that I make contact to discuss the overdraft, referring to a recent letter I should have received from Nat West ( never received any letter last communication was April13). Not sure what to do, would appreciate some help. Confused49
  11. I have been trying to get this matter dealt with since 2010 but NatWest have either ignored every complaint lodged by me regarding this matter until lodged last complaint bout this in October 2013 now they have either provided me with different bank reference number relating to the same case or it gets assigned to new NatWest Investigator at different location - since October case assigned to 8 different Investigators located at London, Kent, Leicester then back to Kent with no sign of them actually trying to sort this matter out. The matter in question is after finally receiving requested Bank statements I noticed that some of the Bank Statements had different times or even dates logged for monies Deposited by me were not the same as the original Money Deposit Bank paying in slips. Even more annoying was the fact that most of these incorrect transactions by NatWest were either around times they were due to take their monthly payment out or some other direct debit that would then put me over my agreed overdraft limit hence NATWEST would then take additional charges because of the same. I've provided NatWest with several copies of evidence including copies of paying in slips as well as listing all the other discrepancies NatWest carried out in my Account. As NatWest neither contacted me or in my opinion even looked into this matter as there is a lot of documentation etc related to this matter so I emailed the top man via information I found on ur website. I received an immediate reply followed by a letter advising they had taken on the case and had passed it to a case manager called who then wrote to me saying he was investigating this and would get back to me with answers within next 10 days. As NatWest have to date tried to fob me off or convince me that evidence I've provided doesn't relate to my Account or that they were illegible I was hoping some kind person could tell me what I should do if it's rejected hoping to avoid FOS as need this sorted asap as struggling financially- though can't see how it could be rejected based on evidence I have. Finally I was asked by one of the more recent NatWest Investigator' s what amount would I deem as being acceptable to resolve this matter which I don't nor do I know how to go about working out the same. I know to add on monies incurred by me in this matter but that's it. Would be very grateful if someone could give me an idea of amount I should give them or how I work out the amount
  12. I had a student bank account wIth natwest which has an over draft and a credit card. The overdraft is owing and the credit card is within its limit but natwest wanted to whole payment. A lot of the balance is charges! My graduate account was automatically changed into a graduate account even though I hadn't graduated (my studies took longer as I was ill) At the start of 2011 I went to natwest inquiring about a graduate loan. I wanted 10k to pay for rent, buy furniture and a car. I'd been living in Kent with my partner and we were relocating to my home town. The guy at the bank said this doesn't sound like enough and I should consider 15k. He also told me that paying back a larger amount looks better if apply for a mortgage. I stupidly was excited by this prospect and took the 15k loan. I had a conditional offer of employment that they took as evidence of income to pay it back. I eventually got this good job and was paying back the full amount every month. Until I fell really ill with a long term condition and heart condition etc. I entered into a payment plan which I was paying. Then for NO reason at all my account was mistakenly sent their collections department. Natwest admitted it was mistakenly sent there but while it was there I couldn't make a payment. It took them months to get it back from collections. During which they counted the late payments and my payment plan ticked away. They wouldn't let me enter another plan as I'd had one for 12 months. They harassed me, sent me 4 or 5 letters a day and called me all the time. I eventually had a seizure the day they sent me letters about lawyers etc. I have entered a debt management plan with step change and the most of my £150 payment goes to the loan They send me letters regarding my secured mortgage. Which is loan obviously isn't. I had nothing to secure it against! I have loads of defaults on my credit file because of this, which was immaculate before this loan. What can I do?! I really feel like they messed up but don't know where to start. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
  13. I currently have three credit cards which I currently owe in the region of £35k in total on. I have recently been unable to make the minimum payments on them in the last 3 months due to work drying up, and not looking much better in the forseeable future. One of which is with Natwest. I wrote to them saying that I am having trouble paying, and they just keep sending me letters saying that I should call them as they need to speak to me urgently - I have not done this yet. What I really want to find out is what I should do next, seeing that I can't pay them the amounts that they want in the near future, but I would really like to pay off the amounts in the future, but not sure when that would be. Therefore, I would appreciate any help that anyone can provide me, as I really want to take control of this situation, from a process perspective and a financial perspective. Thanks Ed
  14. Hello, my first time on this forum, so please forgive any newbie errors! I just wondered if anyone could advise me how to obtain details of older loans and microfilm transaction histories from Natwest bank. I called their PPI helpline and they said my loan from 1988 was not on the system. The local branch cannot find any record of it, so I referred it to the ICO and then I was sent statements back to October 1992. Unfortunately, I repaid the loan sometime early in 1992 so nothing showed up on these. I have read about other users on this forum who have managed to get information from a lot earlier than October 1992, which may have been stored on microfilm/microfiche, how do you find that? Someone mentioned the Natwest Customer Lending Centre, how do you contact them? I'd be really grateful if anyone who has some expertise or experience in this area could help. Cheers
  15. Basically it is very complicated. My current account with NatWest is now closed and defaulted. It all started like this: I managed my account very well, never been overdrawn or had any unarranged overdraft charges etc. In February 2012 I made a FP transfer to my Halifax account for bills. My available balance was in credit. According to my bank statement (several days later), the same day I made this transfer, transactions (VISA Debit) from the previous month were also applied. As a result, my account was overdrawn for the amount I transferred to my Halifax account. This per se sounds strange. How can the bank (NatWest) debit my account after 3 days? When you pay by your debit card shouldn’t the bank take the money off your account there and then? Anyway, because of simple lack of funds I wasn’t able to put the money back. This resulted in around £700.00 in charges! My account was then closed and “defaulted”. - I was very upset because I managed my account so well. I complained to NatWest but they said it is my fault because “I made that FP transfer to my Halifax when the balance reflected that Visa Debit transactions will be taken/are due to be taken” – which is simply nonsense! There is no such indication “due/will “ on the Internet banking or on my bank statement. - OK, I was very upset at this point. So I dug out my terms and conditions with NatWest, specifically about the VISA debit card transactions, authorisations etc. And guess what I found? 15.3 Using your card “15.3.5 Transaction carried out using your card will normally be applied to your account on the day the transaction is carried out or on the next business day.” My VISA transactions were not debited on the day the transactions were made nor the next business day! Haven’t they breached their T&C here? Oh and of course, I have proof of this. Also… “15.3.6 On each business day, any available funds on your account will be used to pay any transactions notified to us since the previous business day before being used to pay any other debit from your account.” So, if NatWest would have used funds to pay previous transactions before any other debits from my account, I wouldn’t have defaulted on my account! NatWest still insist it is my fault and I strongly believe that it is not. I will be taking them to court this month because this is not just a question about my credit file. If they have breached their own terms and conditions, how reliable are they? Please do comment and PM me if you believe that I am wrong. All advice will be considered. Thank you! p.s. I did not have an overdraft on this current account. If I had one, theoretically I would have been in credit agreement of some sort with NatWest. This is not a question about unarranged overdraft charges. The bank has all the right to charge for such reasons but they have no right not to abide by their own T&C. I believe it is their fault because they have not debited my account at the right time which led me to think that I have more funds than I actually had.
  16. Hi Guys, bit of advice please. Having recently received my credit file from Experian, I have noticed a default to to NatWest bank for £636, default date 30/11/2009. I rang them this morning and found that the debt consists of £76 in charged for unauthorized overdraft. I never wanted an overdraft with them as I had financial problems at the time. I was told that I used my card several times without the money being available. Are they wrong to have allowed the purchases? Apparently I had agreed to pay £20 per month in a telephone conversation with them in Sept. 2009. I can appeal, but are there any phrases that I should use, and what are my realistic expectations? Thank you in advance.
  17. Hello everybody! I'm tackling my debts! I used to have bank accounts with Lloyds and Natwest. Due to charges, unpaid item fees etc (and I'm not kidding, it's mainly due to that!), both of the accounts were closed and now on my credit file I owe Lloyds £3k and Natwest £2k. I am about to SAR both banks. But... What will it change? So far I've read on CAG that banks are not very compliant with SARs and it's nearly impossible to get any of those charges cancelled/revoked, even if hardship request has been made. So is it really worth it? I only ask because tbh I haven't got much money to spare and i'm just about to invest £20 to send SARs off. Bit scared and unsure of the entire process... If anyone could advice me in this matter I'll be ever so grateful!
  18. Hi Folks, This is my first post on this site so I apologise if I haven't posted in the right place or if I don't use the correct terminology! I will do my best. Also I a big thank you for all the great advice! I have two issues I'd like some advice on but I will deal with them separately. 1. In January 2013 I received CC papers issued by a solicitor acting on behalf of Nat West Bank claiming I owed a total circa £7000 including legal fees and costs . I had defaulted on a personal loan (£1500 outstanding) and I had become unable to service my overdraft (£5000). After taking advice from National Dept Help line I acknowledged the dept and am now the unhappy owner of a CCJ. The judge ruled that I should repay at a rate of £20 per month based on my income. I am making regular payments. It seems that NW haven't as yet applied for a CO despite the fact they said they we're going to. I was aggrieved at the time of the Judgment because I had been in contact with Nat West as was attempting to reach an agreement with them and had actually offered them slightly more than the Judge agreed. I was waiting for a reply from NW solicitor when the court papers arrived! I had not been advised by NDH to request the CCA or SAR or consider defending part or all of the claim. I am not aware if there were unfair charges applied to both accounts and weather or not those charges have been added to the total owed. Don't even know if there is any PPI! After judgement I receive a letter from NW solicitor stating that I am not within my right to obtain the CCA despite the fact that I never requested it in the first place..most odd! So should I send a SAR request to NW and the Solicitor and should this include a request for all break down of all charges applied to the accounts and the CCA? Will they have to comply with my request or am I waisting my time and should I just continue to pay the CCJ. Not sure where to start with this or if I'm in a position to fight! Thanks.
  19. APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE, NECESSARY LONG POST Hi, I first joined CAG in 2006 when I was claiming Bank Charges for my daughter who suffers from mental ill health. This nightmare took from late 2004 through to September 2008. I was supported in this claim by FOS whom I first contacted in January 2005 and the FOS adjudicated in our favor in July 2008. The FOS also raised several (complaints) case files that were also upheld. We were sent an offer late 2008 from NatWest, we were pleased as the temperature was heating up about making claims, so we were quite positive. Before I accepted the settlement I asked the case worker from FOS relating to the method of payment asking if we could elect to have a cheque made payable to my daughter or myself (I was acting as her 3rd party representative) The reason for this request was that her account had been passed over to Debt Management and any money deposited would subject to them taking their 'cut' thus kissing goodbye to almost £800 relating a loan she was 'encouraged' to take out to pay off her bank debts caused by penalty charges; (or as I preferred to call it "Loan Sharking"!!) Once I had conformation from the FOS I was within our rights to request the cheque I telephoned a dedicated number given by NatWest for accepting offers based in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire. I was greeted by an apple munching female who totally dismissed my request insisting it 'could not be done', everything had to go through the bank account. I tried to reason with her, suggested her manager phone my case worker at the FOS (by this time I had her direct line!) and she refused. She said she could not process our claim and ended the call. I returned to my FOS contact who raised yet another complaint against NatWest, she commented that the bank "was not making this an easy process" I contacted the same people who made a note of my case number from FOS and was advised to give it a week I would get a letter from them. I assumed that this was to give the Bank an opportunity to see the case raised and to have a reply. After 10 days and nothing from the bank I telephoned them on the same number, but to my horror there was a recorded message saying that any Claims were now suspended because of the involvement of The Office of Fair Trading. All this happened around July 2008, and there simply was not any alternative contact number to call. I believe the cases were classed as "stayed" pending a test case. But this related to those that had applied through the courts and had a judgement awarded because the Banks simply did not show up!! Also I did not go through the Courts as the bank was in communication with me, well more like I kept on their case!!! I think about this time I then lost the will to go on and left it for a while, expecting to return to it within a few weeks. But then our lives changed dramatically, my husband became redundant after 25 year with Citi Bank, I had to come to terms with becoming a permanently disabled wheelchair user; my daughters husband escalated abusive behavior towards her that led to divorce. We bought into a Pub only a few months before the rescission took hold (2008/9) and we lost everything trying to survive. We moved out of the Pub and a few days later it was set on fire, our quarters were destroyed with a lot of our possessions still in them. My daughter went on to meet someone and became pregnant; but when she was 34 weeks pregnant (August 2012) with her daughter she attempted suicide and she almost succeeded. I know it must sound awful; but she wanted to end her life and waited until she was 34 week and the baby was viable. Both I am pleased to say they both survived, but the thought and worry is always with me of 'what if'... She has now been diagnosed with Bipolar as well as personality disorder; all attributed to when her depression first started when she had financial problems that became intolerable and exacerbated by the Banks penalty charges, she was known to be a self harmer, but again she got worse. So, my question is .......... can I resubmit and reclaim? I am gathering the information together, some of the documentation was lost in the fire, but almost everything is on my PC. Who might I submit it too? As I had a written 'offer' (now lost I'm afraid) will that account for anything? I have all case and reference numbers and as I said original files on my computer, including spreadsheets. This group helped me so much in the past, Bankfodder, Steven Hone and I went into the Office of Fair Trading in Fleet Street to present them with a 'dummy' cheque. I was the token wheelchair disabled person they invited in, Bankfodder was quite angry and was 'invited' to leave the meeting early(!!) oh what fun!!! I know how hard people work on this site, my thanks in anticipation. Jo
  20. Hi I really need an experienced financial adviser ASAP. I need someone who knows a lender who will lend on properties with the receivers. I had a deal pretty much set up but the lender are now saying they will not lend unless the receivers release the properties back to the bank. The bank will not agree to this until the deal has been done. This has taken so long we now only have 5 weeks to complete. Please help. Ps I have never missed a payment & my credit score is fine.
  21. Hello All, I posted some time ago about some potential debt issues and was advised to get my current credit report and then post in the corresponding forum for that debt. I have done that, and now I really need to know how to solve it. ANY help would be greatly appreciated! Basically, I have four things on my credit file which are defaulted and I need to get rid of one way or another. Two of them are NatWest. First - NatWest Personal Unsecured Loan, Current Balance £8,xxx Default/Delinquent balance £11,xxx Opened 2008 Default Mid 2011 Date updated 12/2012 Second - NatWest Current account Current Balance £8xx Default/Delinquent balance £9xx Opened 2007 Default Mid 2011 Date Updated 06/2013 ---- I need to clear my credit file and really start rebuilding properly. What is the best way to do this and get rid of these two? I contacted NatWest about 6 months ago before getting my credit file, and they said they had written the debt off. What does that even mean? I am due to be married soon and I really need to get my life on track, I have a steady job now also. Any help is greatly appreciated - thank you so much.
  22. Hi , would it be possible for any one to give me advise on whether my partner should try claiming his ppi back from natwest on 2 loans he had. he had ppi on boths loans , one was paid off with the second one. I dont know if this is a good enough reason for miss selling, he was made redundant in may of 2011 made a payment end of June then tried to claim on the ppi to have othr payments paid . He was told that unless he was claiming jsa or other benefit he wouldn't be able to make a claim, he didnt claim any benefits as I was working aswell. Is this a good enough reason as I have always worked and what was the point in paying for it if he was never going to be able claim on it . the only reason this has come about is natwest have sent him a questionnaire to fill in about reclaiming ppi back thanks in advance for any help you are able to offer .
  23. Hi all, Apologies if this question has already come up, I searched for a while and couldn't find anyone posting the same thing. Over the past few months I have been trying to get old default notices removed from two accounts I have - one with HSBC and one with Natwest. I have been going back and forth by post, asking them to demonstrate they gave me the appropriate warnings of the defaults being added (as per section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act) and I have requested information under the data protection act. HSBC has subsequently come back to me with an interesting defence, which is that these aren't actually 'defaults' on my account, but rather late payment notices, and as a result they had no requirement to warn me in writing that they would be added to my credit file. On closer examination of my file, it turns out that these are indeed late payment notices and not defaults. A couple of questions then: 1: Are late payment notices not subject to the same written warnings that defaults are? 2: Are there any strategies members have used to get late payment notices removed? Thanks for your time, OS
  24. Hi! I was just wondering whether I can still claim for mis-sold PPI from NatWest. I have had a loan with NatWest that has been extended several times over the years. In 2004 I had a stroke and I am since disabled on benefits. In 2005 I defaulted on NatWest loan repayments after running out of my savings. Many Thanks
  25. Now onto Natwest... I previously had dealings with RBS... They wernt bad but wernt great. I joined up 5 days ago to get away from Barclays... and i thought all was good, asked for contact-less card etc, and also chequebook. Was promised that was fine. I get home today to find my new debit card awaiting to be opened... Open it up and to my horror, they havent given me a contact-less card. I ring in to them and say im not happy can they sort one out for me... "Sure" they say. Prior to this in branch they told me i could have one. Also the people in Telephone banking also said "The cards come as contact-less as standard" (Well clearly they dont) The woman on the phone was good tonight but had no idea why ididnt get one... On top of that theyve left me without a working debit card for my new account as they cancelled the card to try and send out another without my permission. The account i have with Natwest is a Select Silver Account. My friend has exactly the same and has the contact-less card chequebook and reader too. Now ive been told that i have a 14 day cooling off period that only works should i be unhappy about the insurance products, but in the T&Cs it says i cant cancel if im unhappy about any other element of the account. All i want is bank where i can spend my money as i see fit, have my salary paid into, and pay how i want too. I want a bank where things are 90% right and only Very rarely go wrong... But I really cant catch a break. For me this is usually a bad side of things to come so.... with that in mind. - Should i leave and return to Barclays or put up with Natwest making this mistake? - If i was promised this and they cannot deliver, where do i stand as above? Please feel free to visit the Barclays Thread here...
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