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  1. NatWest Mastercard - account opened in 2009 with a £950 limit Account was passed over to Cabot in 2016 after NW got tired of me paying a minimum payment I WAS paying Cabot a fee per month (Have since cancelled that over a year ago now) Cabot was CCA'd end of 2017 -acknowledged letter but never sent CCA I've recently SAR'd NW and have now got from them statements from 2009 and a CCA Have seen on statements that there was PPI on the monthly statements from 2009 - 2010 (£7.90 p/m) Also late payment fees and over limit fees on some months from 2010 -2013 (£12) have been added My credit limit has always been £950, no increase given or asked for. In June 2012 I was able (due to a glitch in NW''s banking/ IT system at the time) (was well reported) to withdraw £100 cash bringing my account to over £1,000 balance A PPI claim is currently in progress And I'm about to send a claim for the late payment fees and over limit fees The date of default shows on my CF as 06/05/2016. I can't find a/my copy of this. Is this supposed to show on my statements 'default' - as do late payments and over limit fees do? I may of been written to about it, can't remember. I def know they wrote to me saying my account was going to Cabot and to pay them directly. The payments from Cabot show on my cc statements Even though the accounts supposed to be closed they've provided me with statements up until 2018 never received in the post
  2. A couple of years back i was in a mess financially. countless pay day loans etc, there got to a stage where even the pay day loans wouldnt lend to me as i assume my credit score was too bad. Now i hadnt been able to get an overdraft or anything for years, natwest suddenly offered out of the blue a 2500 pound overdraft, i obviously took it and then managed to top it up up to about 3700 over about a year. I was on the edge of my overdraft each month and i was paying around 150-200 pounds each month to keep myself below the overdraft limit each time i got paid. in the end i assume they had had enough and told me they were taking away the overdraft and i had to pay them immediately. i obviously couldnt afford to do that. I thought i'd chance my arm at an irresponsible lending claim but they flat out refused. Is it worth taking to the financial ombudsman do we think? thanks for your help
  3. Just started my PPI claim against Natwest credit card, just sent of my SAR and £10 PO card was taken out april 99 How do I work how much I could be owed is it the PPI plus the culmintive interest of the card on that PPI over the years Plus the 8% interest
  4. Hi everyone, I joined the site yesterday and I've been having a good look at PPI threads along with the interest calculator spreadsheets. I am in the process of claiming PPI from 4 NatWest loans that my deceased parents took out in the 80s. NatWest have made offers on all 4 claims but I'm not sure they've worked the interest out correctly - I have queried this with them but they've just sent me a letter repeating the same information as their offers. I've used the PPI spreadsheet on here but NatWest are saying that interest is paid at 15% up to 31st March 1993 then 8% from 1st April 1993 and the spreadsheet I tried only showed 8%. Is there a way I can change it to work out interest at 15%? The loans were taken out in 1983, 1986, 1987 and 1988 so will all have at least 5 years interest at 15% on them. If anyone can offer me any help with this I will be really grateful. Thank you
  5. Hello, I am looking for help and advice relating to this on-going dispute I have with the Nasty-west. (Edit) Long story so give you the short version. Reclaimed back bank charges before they put a legal stop to it. Tried to reclaim Advantage gold service charges -they denied it Reclaimed ppi on one loan.. They have never reviewed or addressed the three previous loans with ppi on them. I refused to repay the loan until the resolved the ppi- they didnt. Instead they told me to court and won over a technically and obtained a charging order on my house. I have contacted the ppi deparment on 2 occasions for redress to the previous loans with ppi. They don't even answer me. The CCJ they obtained for the loan is an accumulation of the loan, bank account, mis-sold ppi and mis-sold advantage gold service. So as far as I am concerned they are take money from me via shoesmiths that they actually sold fromme. Any help or advice greatly appreciated
  6. Well, here we go again! After successfully reclaiming ALL my mis-sold PPI's, taking 8+ years, or so I thought, another one has surfaced. This time, it's an odd one. Out of the blue, I received an 'Annual Review of your optional PPI'. Addressed to me, with an insufficient address, which the post office delivered. There was a ref. no. so I contacted the sender. They had no record of it! But someone must be paying a DD of £49.66/pm. Certainly not me. We knew it related to a mortgage we used to have but paid off about 5 years ago. My husband checked his bank statements and....yes.....he's paying £49.66/pm. He queried it after paying off the mortgage then (and reducing all unnecessary payments) but his bank told him it was a Buildings Insurance and that it could be used for any property he lived in!!! (He never told me that one!!). Of course, he stupidly believed them and left it thinking he had to have it. How low can these banks sink??? Obviously, we will reclaim, but it has to be through my husband which does make it a bit more complicated. My thoughts are, that not only did they take out a policy on ME (I would have refused point blank to pay it), but I'm guessing the salesman then pressured my husband to pay it on my behalf. Don't get me wrong, my husband is far from stupid (!) but he runs his own business and these 'trivial' matters get dealt with then forgotten! Me? I know every penny I pay out!! The next 'odd' thing is they have my personal details, mainly correct, except it says current employment status: employed 16+ hrs/wk. Wrong! I have been self-employed for 35+ years! That, in itself, means I was mis-sold since I could never claim. Sure, it says, if self-employed, that the business must 'fail' or 'voluntarily cease trading'. I've argued that one every time, since the business is 'me'.....what am I supposed to do??!! I have a feeling we could tackle them from various angles but would love to hear from anyone else who might have been in a similar situation? I think this is a mis-selling mis-selling!!...and they have walked right into a trap. I'm hoping my husband can find the relevant paperwork, otherwise we'll have to request it.
  7. Hi, About 13 years ago, we took out a Foundations Mortgage with Natwest (Thats an intrerest only cheque book type mortgage). 6 Years ago, when my business got into difficulties, I got behind on monthly interest payments, and (because my eye was not on that particular ball), went into default on the mortgage. Since then, our payment history has been eratic due to customers not paying us. Natwest has on two occassions applied to the courts for repossession, and on each occassion I have managed to clear the arrears completely before the hearing. upon which Natwest applied for and was granted a stay with 'indefinite leave to restore'. My questions for you caggers are: a) Six years on, the mortgage remains 'In Default', there is nothing in the mortgage agreement that covers coming 'Out of Default', if i'm making my regular payments now, will NatWest EVER be forced to accept the mortgage is nolonger in default? Is there law that covers this? b) 'Indefinate leave to restore' seems harsh (on the courts part) is there anything I can do about that? c) During the 6 years, though we have never been to court (2 stayed hearings), Natwest I estimate have tagged on about £4000 of legal fees without detail or justification. I've asked them to provide that detail verbally, they have failed to do so. I'm going to ask them in writing, and if they still fail, demand they remove them altogether (under banking code of conduct), does anyone have experience of fighting these kind of charges? Many thanks in advance for your help...
  8. 11 years ago I was taken seriously ill and due to the illness I lost my job and ended up in a financial mess resulting in my house being repossessed. Thankfully my health has stabalised and I'm now starting to get to grips with my financial mess. Having checked my credit reports I noticed Natwest were reporting missed payments each month on two mortgages and a loan and hadn't recorded any of the defaults or CCJ's. I lodged a complaint with Natwest which they upheld due to inaccurate reporting of my credit file when one mortgage and loan had been paid off with a full a final settlement and the other mortgage had resulted in a repossession. To compensate me for inaccurate reporting over the past 8 years they've sent a cheque for £125 which I don't believe is adequate. However, whats more worrying is that they have now listed the mortgage shortfall as an outstanding mortgage even though the property was repossessed over 7 years ago. While I don't dispute the amount is outstanding I didn't think they could report the outstanding balance once the account had been defaulted and subsequently repossessed. Am I correct or are Natwest allowed to register the mortgage shortfall in this way on my credit file ? Thanks
  9. Hi There, I am new to this site and need some advice please. I have recently submitted a PPI claim to Natwest in respect of PPI. I sent them a copy bank statement (dated 1998) depicting 'Credit Card Repayment Protector' being deducted at GBP30.67 per month on a balance of GBP4151 per month. I rang them and they have stated that this is CPP and not PPI. I know that this is not the case and have told them that. Any advice at all please and thanks? I have been informed that a rough calculation is that the PPI would have cost 77p for ever GBP100 outstanding on my credit card balance each month. Therefore the monthly payment of £30.67 on a balance of circa £4151 seems to suggest I was indeed paying the above insurance premium. Whereas NatWest CCP Credit Card Plus cost £36.99 a year
  10. I have recently located quite a few old statements with credit card payment protector amounts in respect of an old Natwest Access card that I previously cleared and closed in 2001. The issue now is that I am trying to locate any sort of credit agreement and I will keep looking but in the meantime, I was going to submit a CCA request. Could someone kindly advise what address I send it to and to whom is the cheque for £1 payable to ? I have had prior dealings with NatWest / RBS but for some reason their seems to be various addresses ? Thank-you for your help.
  11. Hi, Looking for some advice if possible My partner and i recently went through the process of trying to get a mortgage. After providing all our financial details to the Mortgage advisor his view was we would only qualify for a Mortgage with a high risk lender such as Kensington which I will not entertain. Reasons are: - My partner is in a debt management plan with Step Change, any reputable lender will be put off by this. - All but one of the debts in the plan are over 6 years old so do not show on her credit file - The only debt that is less than 6 years happens to be the largest a £7.8k balance from an old Nat West loan now owned by Wescot - this debt is due to go over 6 years in January and then fall off my partners credit file. The advisor suggested a couple of options. i) Pay the £7.8k balance off and stop paying Stepchange then reapply with 3 months clear bank statements not showing any payments to Stepchange. ii) pay nothing and wait until January, then reapply for a mortgage and deal with debt after the mortgage is in place. Obviously paying the debt off impacts our deposit. My partner has written to Wescot for a reduced settlement and they rejected this. She's resigned to paying the full amount, however i wanted to check on here if anyone has any advice on how we could reduce or prolong the process? There is no PPI on the original loan or anything. Just looking for some help! thanks
  12. I had a NatWest Mastercard and I also had a NatWest Mortgage. I want to obtain details, so propose going down thw Subject Access Route. Should I send in separate SAR's (if so, will the addresses be different?) or should I just send in the one SAR whilst including the account numbers for both Mortgage and Credit Card? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Hi all, I need to remortgage my house and don't have sufficient means. My son earns more than me and I tried with my sons help to remortgage only to be told my son has a bad credit score? we did a credit check and we found out hed closed a Natwest account in 2005 to open a new Natwest current account and according to the credit check there was still £400 owing on the closed account, there was fraudulent activity on the account, he went through the NatWest fraud team and they cant do anything as the account is more than 9yrs old. He complained and paid the amount owing june 2017 and Natwest said they would remove it from his file. We did another credit check and they've only marked it as satisfied April 2018, we spoke to Natwest who had the account arrears as written off! on their system and he could not have a mortgage or account with Natwest, the account was paid in full and hes had a Natwest account for 7rs?? is there anything else we can do please.
  14. Hi Folks, This is my first post on this site so I apologise if I haven't posted in the right place or if I don't use the correct terminology! I will do my best. Also I a big thank you for all the great advice! I have two issues I'd like some advice on but I will deal with them separately. 1. In January 2013 I received CC papers issued by a solicitor acting on behalf of Nat West Bank claiming I owed a total circa £7000 including legal fees and costs . I had defaulted on a personal loan (£1500 outstanding) and I had become unable to service my overdraft (£5000). After taking advice from National Dept Help line I acknowledged the dept and am now the unhappy owner of a CCJ. The judge ruled that I should repay at a rate of £20 per month based on my income. I am making regular payments. It seems that NW haven't as yet applied for a CO despite the fact they said they we're going to. I was aggrieved at the time of the Judgment because I had been in contact with Nat West as was attempting to reach an agreement with them and had actually offered them slightly more than the Judge agreed. I was waiting for a reply from NW solicitor when the court papers arrived! I had not been advised by NDH to request the CCA or SAR or consider defending part or all of the claim. I am not aware if there were unfair charges applied to both accounts and weather or not those charges have been added to the total owed. Don't even know if there is any PPI! After judgement I receive a letter from NW solicitor stating that I am not within my right to obtain the CCA despite the fact that I never requested it in the first place..most odd! So should I send a SAR request to NW and the Solicitor and should this include a request for all break down of all charges applied to the accounts and the CCA? Will they have to comply with my request or am I waisting my time and should I just continue to pay the CCJ. Not sure where to start with this or if I'm in a position to fight! Thanks.
  15. Hi, I had an account with Natwest, which was shut down about 6 years ago. At the time, I had my Overdraft of £1800 (all owed), a loan for £1000 (£897 remaining), and one for £5000 (£3976 remaining). Due to my financial issues due to illness, I'd had to live off what little credit I had, and after a few months of being unable to keep above the maximum 1800 Overdraft (frequently going to £2000 when bills hit) my account was closed Following this, I was taken to court and something (I forget the technical term now, sorry) was put on my house so that when sold, my outstanding debt to Natwest would be paid out of any monies I received. We have since sold the house to a housing agency (again, lost it due to ill health and financial issues) and NAtwest received nothing because the mortgage was not fully paid off. Following this, Natwest sent debt collectors. MY wife was had by Shoosmiths (for similar level of debt) I think mine were Cabot financial (They currently take £2 a month from me, but I'm sure they said it was passed on however I've received no new paperwork) the debt is now with a debt collector. This morning I got a letter from RBS, regarding my Natwest loan, to tell me that I'm due over £800 in refunds Which will be paid into my account if it is still active, otherwise I will receive a cheque. MY account was closed, I do still get statements every 6 months about what is still outstanding. Will my refund get paid to these account, despite being closed, or will I get it? As if I receive it, I'm quite happy with my current £2/month arrangement and don't wish to just send them nearly a grand, when I've got other bills that are slightly behind now (council tax, water, TV, gas) that I would like to clear off, and I could do that with the payout, and still have a little bit over to help at christmas. As I paid these bills at a time when I owed them nothing, and I was not given a real option of not paying (I was flat out told I had to have it or I'd be refused). To me, they took money they should not have had. it should definitely all be paid back to me, for me to do with as I please. I realise they won't see it that way though, but just wondered if anyone else in a similar situation has had this happen, and received the cheque? As they only send me updates every 6 months, I wont find out now until March, as I got my update 3 weeks ago. :\ So I'm hoping someone here can help me a little sooner.
  16. Hi all, I am new to this and I hope the good people out there can help me. I used to be in terrible debt problems in the second half of the 00's and beginning of the 10's - with many credit cards and unsecured loans. All of which I was paying large amounts of penalties and interest. This was with Lloyds, Natwest, Egg, Virgin and MBNA. A few weeks ago I received a letter from MBNA (relating to a Virgin credit card account) saying the when my credit card account was in arrears they should have sent me a notice of sums in arrears on 21st September 2009 but as a result of an error they didn't. Therefore they have refunded any interest and default fees that were added from the date and the date of this letter (9th Jan 2018). The total (to my amazement) was a £9k refund in the form of an attached cheque. I did not believe it until the cheque cleared which it now has. I have some questions: 1) Should MBNA pay me interest on top of this for keeping this money over the period of time. I think I am right in saying that if this was resolved in court then I would be due 8% straight interest on the refunded amounts. 2) How do I check if I am due refunds from Natwest, LLoyds, Egg? I did not receive anything regarding a sum of notice in arrears at the time as far as I am aware. - What criteria do they need to send the notices of sum in arrears? I have read on line that many of the top institutions failed to do this but could not get any real details. - Does this apply to credit cards and unsecured loans? - Can I do anything to chase this with them or is it a case of wait and see? I have found the odd article on this on line but am struggling to see if I have a case and if so what I need to do. I have rung Natwest and LLoyds and also went into the branch - but all useless and they had no information on NOSIA refunds or investigations. Anyway - it would be fantastic if anyone out there can help me on this. Many thanks and appreciation in advance Charles
  17. 3 months ago, I hired a plumber to fit my new bathroom. We agreed it would cost £2000 for the labour. I wanted to pay a deposit on my credit card to get s75 consumer credit act protection, but he told me he did not have the credit card machine with him and he would bring it another day. During the work, problems arose, but was assured by the plumber he would deal with it- but he never did. The tiling was not flat and the shower door hadn’t been fixed correctly. He finally brought his credit card machine the day before he finished and I paid £100 on my card. On his last day the plumber demanded that he be paid as he would come back on Monday to fix the problems, but he never turned up and he has since closed down the company. I contacted my credit card provider, Natwest, to make a s75 claim and they declined it. They said that the three-party relationship with Natwest, me and the plumber, had not been established before the work began and that because I had known about the defects before I made a payment on my credit card, that to would invalidate s75 claim! However, my understanding is that if I pay for any part of a bill (for a service or goods) with my credit card, I would be covered. The legislation does not state when the payment needs to be paid, only that it can be for any part of the bill. But the point is I wanted to pay for the builder on day one of the works to get s75 protection, but because he was so slow in bringing his credit card machine to me, it was significantly delayed. Also, how would this be different to say another person in the same situation agreeing to only pay after all the work had been done and on the last day the plumber demands to be paid and promises to come back the following day to rectify the mistakes, and he doesn’t as he goes bust? Surely there would still be s75 protection? I think this is really unfair. Does anyone have any advice on this? Many thanks
  18. Hi, I have read quite a few stories on here which has helped me in writing a formal complaint letter to the CEO Les Matheson and also CC'd to Customer Complaints but i have a funny feeling I am going to have to take my case to court. My story is below.. (I can email my letter that i have already sent to the bank to anyone who is willing to give me some advice or post the contents on the board if needed.) Story: In 2014 3 different cheques of £4,000 odd were paid into my NatWest account. They all was sent back to me at my home address where the bank had let me know that the cheques had bounced and were fraudulent. At the time i received the letters i immediately called the bank and let them know i didn't pay these into my account and that they should check the CCTV at the branch the cheques were paid into my account. As per usual, NatWest wasn't any help and closed my account and put a 1st party fraud marker against my name. I have tried on several occasions to contact the bank explain i am a victim of fraud but there has been no success i have been sent automated responses about how they won't be providing me banking facilities when the subject has always been about the CIFAS marker i how i would never want to bank with such a bank again!!! I contacted the FOS which was a long hefty process they upheld the fact that NatWest was right in filing the CIFAS marker what does confuse me is the lack of evidence to show that i was compliant with the fraud on my account. I then took it to the MET Police who couldn't get the CCTV from NatWest as it had magically gone missing . The FOS had made me aware that there was standing orders set up on my account for the money to go into other accounts that weren't mine when investigated by the police, they wrote an official letter stating that they have investigated haven't found any connections between me and the IP address i thought this would be helpful - it turns out the FOS think they're a higher authority then the police!! I have filed a complaint to the CIFAS in regards to the fact that there no evidence that would be upheld within a court of law against me for these cheques being paid into my account as NatWest didn't make sufficient checks. CIFAS has upheld the listing and have told me that there was enough checks for the listing to withstand which really does confused me as there is no way in hell they have any incriminating evidence that shows I have agreed to these cheques being paid into my account neither have I physically gone into the bank myself. What advice i am asking for is after my final formal complaint letter i have sent, would you suggest i wait for a response? I did say that I will wait 10 working days before taking further legal action against the bank. How would i go about the county court process and do you think my complaint will be dismissed within court or is there grounds for me to win this case? I'm so stressed out i have been dealing with this for years upon years and I haven't had any luck and after coming across this board via a google search I was given a sense of hope! I look forward to hearing from someone!
  19. Hello Caggers, Hope I am posting in the right area - I would appreciate some advice please on text messages I am receiving from NatWest regarding 'getting their mobile App'. We are at a slatemate as I perceive them to be marketing texts, which I am opted out of, but NatWest are insistent that these are service texts and is a communication which can be relevant to the maintenance of my account. I would like some advice as to whether I should be persuing this further and if so, how. I'll give you the back story, apologies if this is lengthy: In November 2016, after finally having had enough of the numerous text messages I was receiving from NatWest, I made a formal complaint and asked for the messages to stop. In December 2016, NatWest sent their response saying that they did not uphold my complaint as I had been opted out of marketing information on all platforms since 2011 and that these messages were service texts which I agreed to receive as per their terms and conditions. Whilst I was prepared to concede that messages informing me of how much I could put into my ISA account would be "relevant to the operation and maintenance of my account", I did not feel that text messages asking me to sign up to a Rewards account for a monthly fee, engaging in Twitter discussions and messages encouraging me to download their App (complete with web link) were relevant and sought assistance from the Financial Ombudsman. In February 2017, the Financial Ombudsman upheld my complaint, stating that some of the messages would be deemed marketing texts, albeit they did not specify which messages they were or how many. NatWest agreed and I was offered a small amount of compensation. Though I was not entirely happy that they could not guarantee I would not receive any more text messages, I accepted the findings and offered that my mobile number should be removed from their databases should I not be happy going forwards. This resolution was agreed by all parties. Since then, I have had monthly text messages from NatWest relating to new/improved features on their mobile App, all ending in "Get yours today at natwest.com/gettheapp". I am quite 'old school' and don't need the App in order to do my banking and felt that these would still come under marketing texts. Last month, I sent a letter to NatWest's complaint department, asking them to invoke the agreement to remove my mobile number from their databases, explaining why. Today, I have received a final response from NatWest. They have agreed to remove my mobile number from their databases, but do not uphold my overall complaint as "the texts to which you refer to are service texts in that they are advising you of a service we provide that you could benefit from." This statement, to me, is contradictory as the whole point of marketing information is to advise people of a service that they could benefit from. Service information should be updates or changes to services they already use. The clause in the terms and conditions that NatWest refer to is as follows: 1.9 Communications about your account 1.9.1 We will contact you with information relevant to the operation and maintenance of your account by a variety of means including via online banking, mobile banking, email, text message, post and/or telephone. If at any point in the future you change your contact details you should tell us promptly about those changes. I see nothing in the above about what would be deemed as "relevant to the operation and maintenance to my account." By NatWest's own admission when the case went to the FOS that some of the text messages I was being sent would be deemed marketing, it would appear that there is a fine line between what is deemed marketing and what is deemed a service text. I would love to take this up further, even if it was just to get some clarification as to whether this was an acceptable type of service text, but would like some thoughts as to whether I would have a case and how to go about it. It seems such a shame that I have to put myself at risk of fraud as NatWest will no longer be able to reach me promptly, but this appears to be the only way I can stop the text messages. Look forward to hearing from some of you in due course, GS.
  20. nowlo everyone, I was hoping you'd be able to give me some advice on my current situation. I really want to keep on top of things. Natwest Loan £2,505.78 Natwest Credit Card £1,686.25 Natwest Overdraft £500.00 for my credit card, or shall I say Triton debt management. At the time I was awaiting confirmation of JSA, housing benefit etc and had no income. They accepted a monthly £1 token payment. End of last month they constantly kept calling me, I answered to shut them up. They told me the first agreement wasn't valid as I had no income and therefore it shouldn't of been made. Said the person that called me was 'new' (like that's MY problem) . I was forced into doing an income/expenditure there and then. Somehow they figured I could afford £7.99 a month . I couldn't, but felt really forced. I agreed. Since then I did a proper inc/exp for myself, and down to bear minimums for outgoings I'm still -£8.99 minus a month. I wrote a letter, which I sent recorded with an enclosed copy of my inc/exp saying I cannot afford the repayment agreed, and as of 5th Sept I will be making a £1 token payment, via postal order for the next 3 months (on 5th of every month), when I will review my financial situation (and could freeze interest). what I'd like to know is, was this right thing to do? What are the chances of them freezing my interest? They would have received my letter a long time before that payment was applied for. I'm worried they can keep applying for this amount. How can I stop them? What rights do I now have? Can they take me to court? I'm using my PPI for the Natwest loan. So that's covered. Any help appreciated.
  21. Hi I sold a phone via fb marketplace and he paid into my account. I sent the phone and I assume he has received it as he has now reported me as a [EDIT] to Natwest saying he has received nothing. I have no proof of post. The bank has blocked my access to online banking and use of my card I have no access to my monies. I spoke to them and they said that I am being investigated by the team I am outraged as obviously the person saying I am doing him over is in fact trying to do me over Any how. How will I get my account back and my monies? Also I hear fraud and think of the police. Is this guys games going to get me in trouble? Thanks
  22. I have a default of £2,976 with Natwest. £1,176 of which is made from fee's from when I went over my overdraft limit and then couldn't afford to pay enough money back to the bank to be able to get myself back under the limit. I accrued the overdraft while at Uni. This was a student account to start of with. The first time I went over the limit was in May 2011. My owed balance went up from £1767 to over £3000 in the space of 8 months. Even though I complained to the bank that this was spiralling out of control and I didn't know what to do. They just said you need to pay it back now to get under your overdraft limit. I couldn't afford this, I was only just breaking even at the end of every month anyway. I am now finally in a place financially where I can actually start paying something back. However, I am unsure as to how to go about this. I have already had debt collectors (Robinson Way) trying to contact me. This was about 2 years ago. Can anyone advise me on what to do? What about the fee's of approx. 140 a month will I need to pay all this back? This has been troubling me for a long time and I want it sorted as I really want to try getting my credit record in order to enable me to get a mortgage. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Hi Can someone tell me if Natwest still charge you to have mobile phone, travel insurance and breakdown cover on their Select Platinum Natwest Account for new customers? I've been a customer for years (formerly Advantage Gold) and I'm still paying £16 for these insurance and breakdown cover. I've never wanted the mobile phone insurance as my phones aren't that expensive. I've used the travel insurance once in about 20 yrs but I have used the breakdown cover a few times. I use online banking and I cannot see any information on how much the package will be or does it mean you will get these benefits for free if you open this account? I don't want to be paying for these benefits if new customers don't have to. Thank you in anticipation.
  24. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could advise me. A few weeks back I requested from Natwest the CCA for a credit card issued in 2006, they duly obliged with the following response. “Your Written request for information was made under sector 78(1) of the consumer credit act (CCA) we are obliged to provide you with a “true” copy of the credit agreement and a statement of financial information relating to the account namely, the state of the account , amount currently due with amounts and due dates of future payments that are still required to be made. In terms of CCA copy document regulation the “true” copy requirement can be satisfied by providing a copy agreement at the date the card agreement was made and providing a copy of the current terms of the card agreement” Is the above correct? The cca agreement is a copy of my application form with a reference that the credit limit would be set at a later date, it contains payment terms, it does seem to contain “T&C” for which it seems genuine It does however contain only my signature but not the bank’s responsible person? Does the above sound as if it is a genuine CCA copy or they just sent an application form type of agreement? If someone could advise. Thanks
  25. Hi all, I have had a letter from wescot today chasing a debt from Natwest Retail. The balance is £318.99 Im guessing it was a joint bank account my ex and I had some years ago, possibly 4 or 5 years. If it is a bank account should I do a CCA request to wescot and maybe a SAR to Natwest? Please help
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