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  1. had two loans that I paid for 3 and 4 years respectively and like so many more discovered a big chunk of my payments had been going on PPI , one had been miss-sold because I was self employed and could never have claimed under the terms of the policy and the other I had refused but they added on anyhow. Calculated what my position would have been had all my payments been coming off the capital and concluded that one was definitely cleared and the other had possibly a few hundred outstanding. contacted the companies and got into wrangles with them that went nowhere. Then lost my job and couldn't have paid anyhow. I did at that point try claiming on the policies just to see and sure enough neither would pay a penny. told both companies to clear off unless they could provide me a calculation proving that I owed them money. Then the crash happened and these banks were sold and resold and then the loans were sold and resold. Now I have Mickey mouse Kapital and Road runner Kapital claiming to own these loans and with even bigger balances and have registered defaults for these big sums. They hire a new debt collector each month or so and sell on the data every two or three months to "some other Kapital" 1. Should I just keep ignoring them till it is statute barred in another few years? 2.Should I challenge them to prove the debt or remove the defaults and sod off 3. Should get back the PPI give them half it as a final offer and draw a line under it? Any suggestions?
  2. Hello All, Over the last few years i have received many letters from different credit agencies chasing me for an old debt owed to Lloyds credit card. All dealt with by filing in the bin. I have never contacted any of them or admitted the debt. Wrong, I know but that was how I decided to do it after reading some of the advice here. Thank you for all your reassurance. However, Lowells have now sent a county court claim form. I have read some of the posts here and again am grateful for the advice but would like to know how to deal with the specifics of this case. I believe the debt is over 6 years old as I think the last time I used the card was November 2007. I have checked my Experian credit history and there is no default registered (In fact my credit rating is good!) there are many address checks from Lowells and Lloyds and several others. The details of the claim Form are as follows: Issue date: 12/2/14 (I delayed posting this until now as i had to wait for my Experian pin number to check my credit rating) from: BW Legal Leeds 1.The claimants claim is for the sum of 397.41 being the monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a credit/store card agreement regulated by the CCA 1974 between the defendant and Lloyds TSB bank PLC under the account ref *********. 2.And assigned to the claimant on 30/06/13 notice of which has been given to the defendant. 3.The defendant failed to maintain the contractual payment under the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served and not complied with. 4.The claim also includes statutory interest pursuant to section 69 of the county courts act 1984 a a rate of 8% per annum from the date of the assignment of the agreement to the date of issues (10/2/14) being an amount of 15.82 I would like to ask the best way to proceed with this? Should I register a defence straight away citing the statue of limitations? As I said, I am not 100% sure of the date I last used the card or when it was registered as a default. I was living abroad at the time so don't have ay of the documents. Or should I send the CCA letter to Lowells and ask for a delay of the court proceedings whilst I do this? Will this be dealt with in time? My concern is that this is a new tactic by Lowells to get you to confirm your address and/or the debt. Many thanks in advance for your advice TMTF
  3. needed some parts for my car saw on line add reviewed prices of the above company were very reasonable so ordered them using debit card, they stated after money paid/approved 24hr despatch , not likely they are despite their name and contact number they are german and delivery is up in the air at moment ..... beware
  4. was talking about this with a mate before about different experiences in shops , so i was just wondering in your experience what has been the best and worst places for customer services?
  5. briefly explain , we bought a new suite over 12 months ago the leather failed considerably on all the seperate pieces , we managed after writing a review on trustpilot to be contacted by an scs agent . the agreed to give us a swap for any suite within the same price range , we have waited 4 months for it to arrive , only to get the suite with one of the parts wrong even though the order sheet has the correct part ordered . I am struggling to cope with anything atm , in the last month i have been diagnosed with epilepsy ,then only one week ago i had a massive heart attack at the ripe old age of 42 . how do scs operate ? could someone provide me with the contact details of someone in scs who will listen as the rotherham branch just fobbed my wife off with "its not our fault must have been the manufacturer" .
  6. I have an issue with Direct Line at the moment. I think I'm dealing with correctly but would appreciate any advice. In July I placed an advert to sell my old Celica on the Autotrader website. The ad included photos where the number plate wasn't obscured. I also ticked the box to allow potential buyers to email me. I received lots of Paypal [problem] emails and I told a number of them where to go. I eventually sold the car three weeks ago. A few days after the sale I received a phone call from my insurer stating that they believed that I had been involved in an accident on 3 August and they they had a claim from a third party that included personal injury. I asked where the accident had taken place and I was told that it was in Bradford. It suffices to say that I've never been to Bradford, the car hasn't been to Bradford in the time I had it, it was sitting on my drive in Surrey on 3 August and both I and my wife can prove where we were that day. The Direct Line person said that they thought that the claim was probably mistaken but they would send an insurance assessor around to interview me. I'm a little annoyed by this and also because, having sold the car, I would like to be able to cancel the insurance. Direct Line have told me that the policy has been cancelled but I will not receive any premium refund until the matter is resolved. I would like to think that this is simply a mistake and it will resolve itself without much fuss. However, I've heard some horror stories from friends and family. I also have a lingering concern that this is some sort of [problem]. It seems a bit coincidental that a car which has been sold is alleged to have been involved in an accident. I am writing to Direct Line setting out the facts as I understand them and stating firmly that neither my vehice, I nor my wife were involved in any accident. If I do eventually reach the conclusion that this is a [problem] rather than a mistake, I will take the matter to police as I suspect the insurance companies will sweep it under the carpet.
  7. neighbour has a 21yrs old son he got caught last year driving alone on provi licence. [one off silly mistake whilst parents were away] got 6 points for no ins/£200 fine. all done paid ended he has now passed his test they want to allow him to drive their second [wifes] car she has her own full comp insurance on it. she is the owner/keeper can he be put on her insurance as named driver? can he get his own full comp insurance to drive the same car? if he does do they have to tell the wifes insurance provider? can you have two separate policies on the same car? sorry not my game
  8. Hi All, I am new to the site but have been looking around the various forums to try and gather some info. back in 2007 we bought a new house then around 2008/2009 I had to take a reduce salary in order to keep my current position. With the increase in mortgage payments and reduced salary this meant that I was unable to keep up with my credit agreements. Originally I owed around £35k however after a round 4-5 years I am down to £13k. I have agreements with all my creditors and have met the payments every month since the problem occurred. I will list the details below: Lloyds Load £4569 Pay Lloyds direct Defaulted 15/06/10 Pay £185 per month Lloyds Credit Card £880 Pay Lloyds direct Defaulted 29/11/2010 Pay £80 per month HBOS Credit Card £3324 DCA Blair, Oliver Scott Defaulted 14/04/2009 Pay £65 per month Esure Loan £2150 DCA Blair, Oliver Scott Defaulted 30/01/2009 Pay £45 per month MBNA Card £1000 DCA Idem Servicing No Default Pay £50 per month MBNA Card £1000 DCA Idem Servicing No Default Pay £50 per month I am currently paying £500 per month to try and clear my debts and should be clear in around 26 months. my first question is would it be worth sending a CCA request to any of these companies? Secondly some of the defaults are due to be removed early 2015. Will this remove the payment history along with the default account or will it still remain an open account (minus the default) as debt will still be owed. Thanks in advance DJ
  9. Which bank offers the best customer service these days?
  10. have decided that I am sueing my LL and the choice I have are MCOL for £795 (deposit) which he put in a scheme 10 months after i gave it to him (gave in jan 13, he paid it in dec 13) MCOL for £795 (deposit) + damage to my property from the damp in the house, plus stress and harressment as he refuses to fix any thing in the house N1 claim form for everything I am not happy with and let judge decided which do you think would be best way am not bothered about him evicting me cheers
  11. Hi all i need to get a bank account just a very basic one just to have wages paid into via bacs and a cash point card to draw money out i dont need a debit card or anything like that....so does any body Know the best place to get a very very basic account preferably with no credit checks Regards Casper
  12. Read more : http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/best-worst-car-insurers-092605067.html
  13. Need a credit card for about £1000 but have bad credit history. Only need the card temporarily and would be looking at paying it off over six months then cutting it up. Can anyone recommend a 'good' one to get? x
  14. Hi, my partner is a sole trader and recently took another business (a limited company) to court via the small claims track. The court awarded in his favour; with costs the amount this business owes him is £550. I would be grateful for any advice as to the best way to enforce this judgement please as the other company appear to have no intention of paying. Thank you.
  15. Anyone have any links to threads on reclaiming PPI from Santander/GE store card taken out in 199x please? I have a read a few posts where the responses from Santander have been negative, but cannot find any ongoing cases or helpful information. Thanks t
  16. Hi guys..I'm 24 and so fat I weight 12.5 stones. i've tried diets, cutting chocs, fizzy drinks etc out my diet completely. Exercises everything and its all failed. I've started now thinking it's my form/technique when exercising and that i'm joining a gym. I've bought a few supplements from holland and barrett and once again cut out all choc/fizzy drinks from my diet. starting drinking or trying to drink i should say 8 glasses of water too a day. Now my diet consists of meats, fruit, activia, pasta sauces, pasta, (brown), brown bread, ham, veg- lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes. Eggs+ cheese. Mayo+ tuna. Is joining a gym the best thing for me to do? Its my belly mainly I want to lose but i've been to experts who say am kidding myself if i'll lose it in 6 months.
  17. Would anyone be able to advise me what dongle (or mobile broadband) is best for business in the West Sussex area. I have an O2 3G but it will not let me connect to a work vpn in Chichester or Midhurst. The company will get me another but I don't know which would work. Be grateful if anyone can help, have tried to search the internet but can't find the answers. Many thanks.
  18. Could anyone advise me which credit card gives the best cash back rate? I currently use Capital One
  19. Hi Folks, My wife has been part carer for her elderly father who has severe MS for the past year. It is mainly to give her mother some respite, help around the house and always be there driver as they don't drive and can't get shopping or do doctors trips etc. She has been making sure she does 35hrs a week whilst also looking after our two kids while I work long hours often away from home. The issue is she is beginning to struggle to maintain the 35 hrs a week and although she will continue to help out when she can she wants to reduce the hours to below 35. We realise this will mean stopping the carers allowance and are happy to do so. We just want to know when is the best time to do this to avoid being overpaid etc. Also what is the best number to ring. We are currently paid it every 4 weeks. This is the only benefit we receive as we lost CHB recently due to my wage, unfair indeed but hey ho. Thanks, Mark
  20. Does anyone know the best saving account to open for a 12 and 14 year old girls. I want to open one for a christmas present for them as opposed to purchasing christmas present that they my not want and also I do not want to give them cash.
  21. I have debts totalling in the region of 4,000 approx. I am not currently working, and I do not claim benefits as my husband works full time. The debts are non priority debts, mainly catalogues. I fell behind with the repayments following redundancy, the minimum payments kept increasing and it spiralled. The debts are solely in my name and were accrued before I met my husband. Is bankruptcy the most suitable course of action? I am getting increasingly threatening letters from Westcot et al and I am starting to panic. I can't afford the repayments they are insisting on. ETA: I am in Scotland.
  22. Hi Caggers, I want to find a new phone to put my old (big) sim card into that is cheap, is able to record calls as they come in and then transfer them onto my PC. Dose anyone have any suggestions?
  23. Hi All. This morning I got my final decision from the Ombudsman after the file was passed beyond a case worker. The FOS have rejected my claim which I feel is a no brainer and has left me a bit confused about the whole FOS purpose, as the company are recorded giving false and inaccurate information. I have all recorded calls which proves beyond doubt a loan I had was sold to me with features which do not exist and also using expressions which lead me to believe the loan was fixed rather than variable. ie them using words like "remainder" and "thereafter" in relation to monthly payment amounts. The FOS have said as I have signed the agreement, the fact the advisor failed to mention in EVERY call the loan was variable and did not point out payments could go up or down was okay. The FOS seem to think they did not need to mention this. The FOS have failed to comment on why the adviser told me I could over pay each month when this is not a feature of the loan. Almost as if they have not read my complaint and listened to the actual recordings. It seems they are just relying on the signed agreement. I can imagine its easy to sound hard done by here, but the recordings are so clear in what was said and what was omitted I need to know what the next best step is in order to ensure the recordings are listened to and justice is done. Does anyone know if am I best employing a solicitor or just going down the court proceeding route myself as it is so black and white the incorrect information sold to me and the numerous breaches of the CCA and OFT rules. This really is not just my imagination but the FOS rejecting my claim has left me confused. Thanks in advance for any help and pointers. RP
  24. Hi Looking for help to find the best credit card to go for. I have a Natwest credit card. This is the first one I have had so not too familiar with them. Time is up now for the first year interest free. So am needing to look for another card to transfer the balance to. I owe 2k on it, actually 1800 as I paid £200 today. I am self employed & have done quite well this month so managed to make a good payment. But in about 7 or 8 months time my income is going to go down quite considerably. Even by about May time I am estimating that the balance will only be down to about £1500. This is the only debt I have. I don't owe anyone else. At the moment I have a good credit rating. That will all change next year when my income goes down. Possibly by as much as £400 per month unless I win the lottery or meet someone & settle down & share living expenses! So am thinking by new year I need to get this credit card changed. Any advice gratefully received. p.s, it's unlikely if nothing changes by May I will be able to pay any back!
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