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  1. No they just take every avoiding action I sent them a final account last year demnanding payment because I just wanted an end to it and would be willing to let them off a fair chunk and move on, but they just dont respond. I really thik it is less bloddy mindedness than sheer confusion and inadequacy. E
  2. I proved that BG had overbilled for six years and I believe the documentation establishes proof that they accpeted this. When finally pushed in a corner, they refunded one year of overbilling ayaing that they were not required to go back more than one year. Can this be correct? Eam
  3. Not all. When I discovered the problem and they were not paying up, I demanded copies. They only had two years of records. What they had ex just cottons of Sap screens. I'm in the It world and I know this is not what I used but estimates. All records had been lost when that system was j stalled. My view was and is that they are sending the bills it is down to them to prove it rather than me
  4. Thanks for your reply. Both were unsecured: one about 12k originally this was a credit card who took my money monthly and used it for insurance I never agreed to instead of reducing the balance. I wrote to them showing that by now they owed me money based on my repayments They responded a few times then went quiet. I tried claiming when I lost my business, but was told I was not entitled as I was considered self-employed and should never have had the policy. After a long silence the "debt" was sold, then re-sold over again. All any of these "Kapitals" have ias a name, address and figure. They are in no position for example to deal with the PPI of I chose to demand it back. The original lender more than likely has no paperwork anymore either. The other loan was totally online , later they tried to make me sign a new contract, but I refused. I suspect the original one was probably useless. I refused several times to buy insurance even when they said I'd be refused if I didn't buy t. Then after two years paying I discovered the insurance existed. I asked for recalculation etc. Got nowhere, then lost my business and tried to claim form the insurance. Same story-not covered. I just got fed up with and stopped responding. Never paid either a penny since 2010 or admitted to anything At this point you could not sort the mess out even if you were determined in my view. Both lenders have fully written off the original debts and accepted a tiny fee probably 1/2% OF The inflated paper value for passing it to a gangster who will be in profit if he gets any payment at all, doesn't now or care what was borrowed or what is really owned of anything. I just wondered if holding out till six years is up is the best approach or taking them on and demanding a. proof and B PPI refund and then offering a few percent of anything that's left? Is that even possible I wonder? As tax payers we have all paid to bail them out, several times over and they us a fortune. These gangsters should all be in prison not out trying to get paid a second time The other 20k.
  5. In principal, I agree with all of that, but in practice, I cant see them caving in so easily. My gut feeling is that before demanding payment, just like me, they should have to provide a detailed invoice and be able to justify it. In reality, they have already duped a magistrates court and got away with that in order to send heavies around. Now they employ debt collection firms to write threatening letters. If I want to move supplier, I wont be able to, or so it seems. Surely there must be a simpler way to stop them behaving like this and ideally without shelling out to lawyers?
  6. had two loans that I paid for 3 and 4 years respectively and like so many more discovered a big chunk of my payments had been going on PPI , one had been miss-sold because I was self employed and could never have claimed under the terms of the policy and the other I had refused but they added on anyhow. Calculated what my position would have been had all my payments been coming off the capital and concluded that one was definitely cleared and the other had possibly a few hundred outstanding. contacted the companies and got into wrangles with them that went nowhere. Then lost my job and couldn't have paid anyhow. I did at that point try claiming on the policies just to see and sure enough neither would pay a penny. told both companies to clear off unless they could provide me a calculation proving that I owed them money. Then the crash happened and these banks were sold and resold and then the loans were sold and resold. Now I have Mickey mouse Kapital and Road runner Kapital claiming to own these loans and with even bigger balances and have registered defaults for these big sums. They hire a new debt collector each month or so and sell on the data every two or three months to "some other Kapital" 1. Should I just keep ignoring them till it is statute barred in another few years? 2.Should I challenge them to prove the debt or remove the defaults and sod off 3. Should get back the PPI give them half it as a final offer and draw a line under it? Any suggestions?
  7. I discovered two years ago that for 6 years I had been paying day time rates for my E7. They admitted and promised to refund within 7 days. A tear later they were denying it and saying there had been no error. By this time the records had been destroyed forever after a system upgrade. I had calculated around 2000 in overcharges in the 6 years and stopped paying them until they sorted it out and refund me whatever I had not gotten back that way. After a few months I sent details to the ombudsman who acknowledged my complaint, but then lost it and never acted. I then became suspicious when I was turned down for a job and found that BG had defaulted my credit record every month and had me down as heavily in arrears. They used that false information to illegally get a warrant rubber stamped by magistrates and turned up one Saturday morning and began drilling my door lock to break in and fit a coin meter. (This pushes the cost up considerably apart form the inconvenience) I had to pay them most of what they demanded there and then to get these heavies to clear off. The following Monday I received their letter threatening to break in if I didn't pay. I then got the ombudsmen involved again and they apologised did noting and eventually sais they found in favour of BG, but gave no grounds for that decision. I am determined not to be bullied but they continue threatening and sending make believe debts to debt collector firms.. I am paying 2000 a year to heat a two bedroom flat and I cant switch because they claim I owe them money. I find it hard to believe they could be given such power to ignore normal law. I simply said, send me a statement proving what fuel I used and how much you charged me for it and if that is correct I will not argue. They are unable and unwilling to do this and seem to be able to use to the system to simply make up a sum and demand it with the backing of the state. Does anyone know the true position? I cant afford to employ lawyers, but at this point the principal is as important to me as the money. Any suggestions? I eventually got them to clear my creit file
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