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  1. Hi all - this is a split off from a more general thread where following your Cash Cow advice I have sent off many CCA's This is a Natwest CC taken out in Mid 2004 - Balance around £2300 Currently paying £1 PCM Direct - Account in Default since 2010 The application was made online They have sent me 1) a covering letter telling me they can send me a copy agreement and "current" terms. 2) A current leaflet with the General Conditions 3) A letter regarding a replacement Credit card with no date 4) A signed credit agreement A6 size no mention of limits or APR's 5) A letter with a copy of the agreement with APR's on an Credit limit 6) A photocopy of some more terms with some minor variations in the Advances APR's 7) A copy of a current statement. I have no idea what most of this means and your guidance as to the next steps would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I had been with Natwest for 22 years and had a black account with the Gold Advantage Charge card. I was advised to become a company as I would be delivering a service through several agencies. Unfortunately, due to exceptional circumstances and include a bad personal relationship left me in debt and I am about £8 -9k in mortgage arrears on a house I rent out and a personal overdraft that was £12k. In 6 months that OD was cleared and both business and personal accounts were in the black. The difficulty in meeting the mortgage department for an arrangement to be put in place was mainly because this period was over the summer, they would meet with me after 5pm and if I called at 4.45 they would not deal with me. I sent in 2 income/expenditure spreadsheets but they clearly didnt see them but I managed to set up a DD for the mortgage online and I met the deadline. That evening all three of my accounts were closed. I called the callcentre and they said they didnt have me on record. I tried to log a complaint and they were too busy on the Friday but promised they would be in touch the next day. They never did. As a prelude they stopped my access to online banking even though there was no way of spending money or transferring out into other accounts so it made knowing where I was financially and who had paid me and hadnt. The worst thing is that I couldnt operate, I need supplies, sundries and I was without any money to buy food or even some milk. I told Natwest this but they told me all my funds were transferred into the mortgage. It took a further 3 months to work out what had happened and the cause was not offered to me by the bank whose level of investigation was looking at the screen in front of them whilst on the phone. They hadnt cancelled the previous direct debit so every month the original arrangement would draw funds then the older previously arranged dd would be rejected. This was recorded as a default. I tried to make it clear to them there was an arrangement in place, it utilised a payment system set up and approved by the bank and it was their job to find out where the money was disappearing to every month for three months instead they left it to me. I complained about being oushed further into hardship by continued charges I had no way of keeping track of as the online facility had been taken away four months before they closed me down, failed to log 6 out of 8 attempts to complain and didnt care that I had not a penny for two weeks. They tried to issue a repossesion order and I wrote in to the lawyer to say that was illegal as the account was under dispute. In the meantime, I asked for SAR to get all the account information and after three months all I have is mortgage account copies. The lawyers are now calling me and I am sure its about instructing me to pay the arrears within the week or they would issue a repossession order on the house. They cancelled the direct debit that existed so I was conscious to keep puttting funds in every month but trying to function without a bank account lost me more money and irretrievably lost more clients. I am expecting a lump sum of money that will clear the arrears but the knock on effect meant that I was late paying my suppliers and one has taken a county court judgement out against me and bankruptcy is where I am at if I dont have some means of a reprieve. Yes, they said that if i didnt have an arrangement in place my account woud be closed and they talked about recovery. Sounded to me it was going to get better! The arrears werent as much as my overdraft which i cleared in less than 6 months and they had said the the charge card was a different legal entity and when I called the credit card company customer services before they closed my accounts they said that there wasnt any money owed and that it would be fully operational once the mortgage arrangement was in place. That wasn't true and I also lost my 36,000 reward points as I had no online access and frankly more serious things to worry about. i cant really afford a litigation lawyer at the moment and have little faith in the FSA from what I am reading. The banks replies to my complaints are to issues that weren't raised and they have not taken notice of my plea to allow me access to funds I had to eat and drink. I was not notified clearly that every account would be closed down and as far as I am concerned there was an arrangement in place that obviously isnt integrated into the RBS network as they couldn't see that the money had been taken from the holding account and HSBC provided a fast pay reference number. You cannot open another bank account if you have mortgage arrears is what every other bank told me but once I called the Business Debtline they advised me to walk into a bank and ask to open an account. Why didnt the other banks suggest this to me? A week after submitting an application form for a Cashminder account with the coop was i able to restart rebuiding what Natwest pulled down.
  3. Hi, I took a loan from Natwest in 2007 for 5years but couldn't keep up payments from Feb 2009. I entered a debt management plan with all my creditors in August 2009. In May 2012, Natwest passed it to Shoosmiths Solictors who filed for CCJ which was granted in May 2012 (but I came to know about it 10months later). I am still making payments as part of debt management plan which is expected to last for another few years. On my credit file, Natwest Loan is still showing and it is not in default. It shows as I am missing payments each month. I contacted Credit Reference Agency who contacted Natwest but they were told that it is correct information so it should not be removed. I contacted Natwest by phone who said they never issued a Default so they cannot remove it from my file. They also said that they do not remove it until it is fully paid (which sounds very strange). I read somewhere (not sure where) that if there is a CCJ then creditor has to issue a default before CCJ date. I am not sure where to start and who to contact and what to write. I was expecting default to be issued when 3-6 consecutive payments were missed but don't know why it is still there. I will really appreciate if someone can guide me. Many Thanks
  4. My question that I do not seem to get an answer for is this... Is my debt with Natwest time barred or do the inhibition and intimation affect it? I have worked to pay off/clear all my debts totalling about £20k but there is one I just cannot seem to be rid of. An overdraft of £600 that turned into a debt of £8k due to their charges and interests! Here's a brief timeline. . 2006 Default occurred. . 13.9.2011 an inhibition was granted by the Sheriff's court . At this point we had paid back much more than the original £600 and refused to pay any more. writing to them got us no where. From this point on we made token payments, which despite our income and expenditure they said they refused yet still banked. . 10/1/12 last token payment made . We have not acknowledged the debt since or written to them ourselves since January 2012. . 8/10/12 In an effort to sort out our situation we went to the CAB who put an intimation in place. We never actually used the plan proposed by CAB as it really didn't help us beyond what we were already doing to remedy our full financial situation. . 9/10/2012 Anderson Strathern send an earnings arrestment to the local authority assuming I was working for them. They disclosed my debt and personal details in a huge breach of data protection. . 15/10/16 We tried to apply to remortgage our home to clean up the last of our debt but the matter of the inhibition came up. I was told they expire after 2 years, now I am told it is 5. So it possibly hadn't expired when we applied for the remortgage. This was the only block to our application. There are dates and interest rates missing from the court paperwork completely, and we have letters that give different figures of what we owe (one month £8k then 3 months later £14!) the discrepancies are multiple. The debt has been passed to various other collection agencies although I'm not sure it's been sold.
  5. Hi Hopefully someone can give me some advice concerning the above. My husband had an account with the Natwest even before we were married in 1981. When we married he added my name to the account. Over the years my husband has used this account himself and I have my own bank account. My husband unfortunately passed away suddenly on the 19th of January this year which has been really traumatic. My husband had a £2,800 overdraft with them but I have been told that because the account is in joint names the account will go into my name and someone will write to me (basically debt collector) to work out how much to pay them. I know they are well within their rights to do this but as I have hardly used the account it is annoying and I cannot afford to be making payments to pay off the overdraft. My husband died relatively young at 63. Has anyone advice or been through this situation before? Do you think that we take a one off payment and how much would it normally be do you think. My Dad might be able to give me £1,000 which is good of him because he also paid for the funeral. Many thanks in advance. There is a lot I have had to deal with recently and I could do with some help. My husband was the mainstay of our family and now he has gone its like I am on the edge of a cliff waiting to fall.
  6. Hi I defaulted on a Natwest credit card in 2013. I haven't made any payments to Natwest or any DCA since this. I've had Moorcroft, Wescot, Cabot and now Robinson Way on my back. Natwest have defaulted me on my credit file and I notice that Cabot have also done (using the same default date that Natwest did). I've now recieved a letter from Robinson Way saying that Cabot have passed them the debt. What does this mean and should I send the CCA request? Is there any hope in getting the Cabot default removed as I have never acknowledged the debt in writing to them - the only communication I have had was a couple of loose conversations about a F&F offer (about 35%) which they clearly didn't accept. I also don't want Robinson Way putting a third default (albeit with the same date) for the same debt!! Would appreciate anyones help as how to proceed as it's hard to keep up with. I was prepared to make a full and final offer to Cabot, so am not opposed to making one to this new lot, but am confused why Cabot have defaulted me and then passed the debt on. Thanks
  7. Not entirely sure if this should be in the banking forum, the benefits forum, or the debt forum, as it touches on all three. Site Team, m’dears, please move it to where you deem it best suited. Merci. My sister has a credit card debt with NatWest. Some time ago, they stopped her method of online payments which was her only way of getting money to them. Consequently the debt built up as it wasn’t being serviced. At about this time she had little or no income, eventually having to enter the benefits system. She has, I understand, been harassed by debt collectors regarding this debt. Whilst she has anxiety problems, amongst other issues, she is also the primary carer for her disabled son. Consequently, carer’s allowance and his PIP payments are made into her account. S ome of which is transferred into a savings account, her son is in need of alternative accommodation which would be more suited to his needs. The accrued sum is to pay a deposit and rent in advance whilst a housing benefit application is made. They are not currently in receipt of HB as it’s unnecessary for the current property. Without any notification, a couple of days ago, NatWest removed all the funds from her savings account and used it to pay the credit card debt. It is a four figure sum, the loss of which has been most devastating to her. A quick look through the process – it’s not my forte – and I’m assuming they are doing what is called ‘setting off’. This, apparently is something they are legally allowed to do, taking funds from one account to pay a debt on another. However, the guidelines for setting off appear to be quite clear that DWP benefits should not be taken and extreme caution must be used when dealing with financially vulnerable people. Not to mention that this is her son’s money and not hers. She has emailed NatWest to that extent, requesting the funds be returned asap. She is not in a fit state to talk to anybody on the phone and, as you may appreciate, is neither eating nor sleeping with the anxiety this has caused. Regarding the debt collectors, I’m assuming they shouldn’t be bothering vulnerable people at all. In the possible likelihood that NatWest refuse to return the funds, what would be the next sensible move?
  8. I had a natwest loan which I defaulted on, I missed the first payment Nov 2009, it's now stating settled on my credit file and no debt collectors are chasing me. It took Natwest 24 months from Nov 2009 to issue the default notice and therefore, the account that should now be removed from Equifax, but because of the delayed DN, it's not due to be removed until Nov 2017. I sent a CCA request nearly three weeks ago and have yet to have a response. What action could I take in order to have the default date changed and the account deleted from my file?
  9. I had a student bank account wIth natwest which has an over draft and a credit card. The overdraft is owing and the credit card is within its limit but natwest wanted to whole payment. A lot of the balance is charges! My graduate account was automatically changed into a graduate account even though I hadn't graduated (my studies took longer as I was ill) At the start of 2011 I went to natwest inquiring about a graduate loan. I wanted 10k to pay for rent, buy furniture and a car. I'd been living in Kent with my partner and we were relocating to my home town. The guy at the bank said this doesn't sound like enough and I should consider 15k. He also told me that paying back a larger amount looks better if apply for a mortgage. I stupidly was excited by this prospect and took the 15k loan. I had a conditional offer of employment that they took as evidence of income to pay it back. I eventually got this good job and was paying back the full amount every month. Until I fell really ill with a long term condition and heart condition etc. I entered into a payment plan which I was paying. Then for NO reason at all my account was mistakenly sent their collections department. Natwest admitted it was mistakenly sent there but while it was there I couldn't make a payment. It took them months to get it back from collections. During which they counted the late payments and my payment plan ticked away. They wouldn't let me enter another plan as I'd had one for 12 months. They harassed me, sent me 4 or 5 letters a day and called me all the time. I eventually had a seizure the day they sent me letters about lawyers etc. I have entered a debt management plan with step change and the most of my £150 payment goes to the loan They send me letters regarding my secured mortgage. Which is loan obviously isn't. I had nothing to secure it against! I have loads of defaults on my credit file because of this, which was immaculate before this loan. What can I do?! I really feel like they messed up but don't know where to start. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
  10. I made a successful claim on a Natwest credit card some years ago. Today I received a letter from RBS advising that my claim had been investigated and I was due more redress. What is the connection between RBS and Natwest?
  11. Hello all, I did some bank charge reclaim back in the day and recently some Credit card CCA (excellent) My wife has produced all the original paper work for a NatWest loan from late 2008 for quite a lot of money, I've read a few threads but so far they're all five or more years old and I'm worried things might have changed since then. But the letter from the bank asking for the paperwork to be signed and returned also includes the PPI offer along with their advice to consider what she would do if she was out of work etc? There's a tickbox to indicate agreement that Nat West is not recommending PPI and 'it is my responsibility to check it is right for my needs' etc It has the a few codes bottom left corner and the date 26/06/2008 if that matters. What's the procedure/advice from here, the spreadsheet calculator and fos questionnaire or a SAR? (she thinks at some point they paid a claim on it, does that matter?) Thanks Micky She was self employed at the time and the loan (84 months originally) is still alive, at some point they merged it into a business loan I suspect I'm going to be told to SAR ...
  12. Hi Everyone, i have requested a SAR on Natwest Bank and also Barclays, so far Natwest have replied back with their first letter. The objective of my SARS is to attain my old statement, fees, transactions and charges to claim back on and also for PPI. I know I have had a lot of bank charges as I used my Natwest account when i was a student and really bad with my money! I have attached the letter which Natwest have sent back, i was hoping someone could shed some light on what I could reply via email with? They have mentioned statements now can i say I just want ALL the information and statements available or I remember reading somewhere to specifically state i want all bank charges and fees? I typed up the below to send them, unsure if it is any good? Thank you for your letter of acknowledgment to my SARS request. As my letter states, I require ALL relevant documentation linked to my name, therefore I would like all statements including bank charges and fees to be provided to me, from the date my account was opened till it was closed. If you are concerned about the environment I will consider having it emailed over to me from an official source along with a written letter confirming what has been or will be provided via email to me, this is to ensure its authenticity, it is also proof for me should matters escalate due to any data violations and unlawful SARS violations. I should be informed of any documentation that cannot be provided to me via writing or email correspondence.
  13. I normally get a pension payment from Belgium the day before the end of each month. Nothing today (I realise it's a Bank Holiday) - It's a BAC payment so why did it not happen today and I am likely to get it tomorrow
  14. Hi I apologise in advance if I do anything wrong. I have never posted or written a post before. On the 13th April 2016 shopping with my children, I used a Natwest Cash machine to withdraw money. I checked the receipt as I was paid a redundancy payment and was due to pay the majority for a deposit on a new property I was in the process of purchasing. I had been very careful not to spend much money as the deposit was due on the Friday. I was horrified when I looked at the receipt, the balance available was almost £6000 lower than it should of been. I immediately returned home and called the bank. I discussed my query with a Customer Service Advisor then onto the Fraud Department, Online Bankng and Complaints. I spent over two hours passed around. The fraud team told me a refund would be in my bank within 5 days, Online Banking Fraud team informed me that they had identified that someone had been trying to log into my account from an unknown device several times over the previous 48 hours and also confirmed that my money would be refunded as it was clear I was a victim of fraud. After speaking the various departments over the phone I still felt really concerned and distressed as I didn't feel confident that my money would be refunded in time to pay the deposit and this would result in losing a house I had my heart set on. The information from all the Natwest Staff was inconsistent and now I realise it was also inaccurate. I decided to go into my local Branch and speak to the Manager as I had been advised that the bank should of refunded the £6000 immediately whilst they investigate. I sat with the Branch Manger and explained my situation, The Branch Manager seemed very understanding spent over an hour ringing various departments, looking at my account and trying to find out why the bank had told me a refund would take 5 days and not an immediate refund. I was so upset and distressed as I had taken redundancy from my previous employer and this was to secure the purchase of my first home for my family and I felt that this was not going to be refunded in time and not one of the advisors seemed to care. The Branch Manager had experienced poor customer service herself from the various departments. Eventually the Branch Manager informed me that I had not been refunded as the transactions were still pending and that these had to clear before a refund could be issued. The manager did inform me that the transactions were to a company abroad and it was evident that I had been a victim of fraud. The Manager offered to put a temporary credit in my account but could not cover the full amount for the deposit. I was given a letter from the Branch Manager sympathising with my situation, confirming that I had been a victim of fraud and CLEARLY stating that £6000 would be refunded into my account in 5 days time. I declined the offer of a temp credit and I advised that I would request an extension for my deposit as I could use the letter to prove that I would have the money in 5 days and that I had been a victim of fraud. I went to the solicitor and provided the letter as proof and an extension was agreed among the parties involved as my Solicitor had confirmed that he had seen an official letter. I waited the 5 days and checked my account and no refund, I left it till the following day and rang the bank to query why the money was not in my bank. I spoke to a rude, arrogant man who abruptly stated 'your not having a refund' I was mortified and just assumed he had made a mistake. He told me the bank had made a decision not to refund, a letter was in the post and that my account was going to be closed. I was so upset and informed him that the Branch Manager had confirmed the refund, the advisors I had spoken to has also told me a refund would be paid in 5 days. The advisors words to me where 'the letter means nothing you may as well put it in the bin' He went on to tell me that a Branch Manager has no authority to make this decision and only the fraud team could make these decisions. I was under the assumption that a Branch Manager was a person of authority and was someone who could deal with issues such as mine. I told him that the letter was an official letter and that my Solicitor had accepted it as evidence for an extension on the sale of my new home. 'put it in the bin' I had worked myself into such a state crying and totally powerless. I couldn't believe it. From there on I have contacted the complaints team, made a formal complaint, a spokesman said wrote an article about my situation and also contacted the bank on my behalf but still no refund. I have complained to the CEO and the Executive Team Manger responded and advised one of his team would be looking into my case. I rang the Exec Manager and discussed my issue. He appeared to be really sympathetic and genuinely sounded as if he knew it was the Banks mistake. I felt optimistic but within a few days I received a final response letter from the exec team identical to the response from the Complaints team and advising that the decision would not be overturned and they agreed with the Complaint Handler. I had sent a response picking out all the mistakes they had made. They had identified transactions made several months prior that appeared to be a similar merchant. The amount was completely different and nowhere near the large amounts that had been made during this fraud. I had been in hospital with Sepsis for 10 weeks throughout Novemeber and all through Christimas and it was not until I returned home I recognised unauthorised transactions on my account. I queried these but did not request a refund as I had concerns that a 17 year old male I had fostered for a year may have been involved. I could not prove this so felt very restricted to confronting him. I also did not want to involve the Police as it might have had nothing to do with him. I explained this to the Complaints Handler and also informed her that I had not asked for the previous 'fraud concerns' to be refunded. I had queried it as fraud but when the transaction details were provided I left it as that. This had no similarities to the transactions made on this occasion the current fraud was £6000 over 24 hour period. The complaint team response clearly states that 'I had been either involved in authorising the transactions or had been careless with my details' They refused to provide any evidence or details of how they made this decision and told me they were not required to as it was part of the NatWest fraud , security AND INVESTIGATION procedures which they did not have to disclose. As explained their decision was clearly due to other transactions on my account, not identical and in the complaint response the information was incorrect. It was evident that this was what the handler had based her assumption on. The letter then stated that the Branch Manager had acted in good faith when writing the letter and this was written based on information I had provided. I almost choked. Are you being serious. If I went into a branch and told the Manager I had just won a million would she write a letter and confirm this information? NO. The Branch Manager is paid to make responsible and accurate decisions and as a senior member of staff are we really supposed to believe they would provide confirmation of a refund simply because a customer says so. The complaint letter provided no evidence to back up this statement but is clearly stating that I am lying and the Managers word is what they accept as true. There was no other information in the complaint response and the points I had made in my complaint had not been addressed such as the FCA principles and the lending standards board guidelines they had failed to adhere to. All Ignored and the excuse they provided for not being able to provide any factual evidence or hard copies of anything related was due to the fraud and security processes they could not breech this and these processes could not be discussed with customers. I feel I have exhausted all avenues with the Bank and the Bank has won. They are just refusing with no proof, not even a reason but I feel powerless. I contacted the FSA who advised that the bank had not followed various principles and guidelines and that I should take this to the Ombudsman. I am aware that the Ombudsman is a length process and from the information I have read on your site and several others the ombudsman seem to side with the Banks and are not required to follow the FSA guidelines. I had considered just going to the Small Claims Court. To be honest it is not as important to me now, I have lost the house I had been in the process of purchasing and as the Branch Managers Letter appeared sincere and I trusted the Banks Branch Manager I went ahead with land searches and now solicitors fees I have paid and all for nothing. I am angry upset and feeling really low at the moment. I have lost money and the house and feel devastated that over half of the money I received as redundancy has just been stolen and there is nothing I can do, Its heart breaking. If anyone has any advice or ideas that they think may help I would be very grateful as at the moment I have given up.
  15. Hi there We have a mortgage with Natwest and have fallen in arrears of £9K and they have issued Repossession proceedings with a hearing date next week. Ascent Legal are their solicitors and have written to say that they are willing to do a payment plan with a suspended order. We have been trying to arrange the arrears to try and avoid the court route but has not been possible. We are planning to call Natwest tomorrow to put a payment plan in place, any advice before we call them would be highly appreciated. Also, we haven't responded to the court claim as yet, do we need to if we are planning to come to an arrangement with Natwest? What is the maximum period that this order will allow us to spread the arrears? Many thanks IM
  16. Hi All, Need some advice, I'm contesting a Cat 6 CIFAS marker on my file by NatWest History In 2012, i was the victim of fraud, which involved fraudulent cheques being paid into my account, then cashed out. I contested this fraud to Natwest, however they rejected my appeal; I escalated this to the Financial Ombudsman, however they sided with Natwest. Now I tried apply for a credit card with my bank (Barclays) but was turned down; this prompted me to investigate (currently have a Credit Expert score of 991 and earn £50k+) as I should have met the criteria. Upon investigating, I found out that NatWest have placed a Cat 6 - Third Party Fraud marker on my file. I've contested this with Natwest, however they believe this marker 'is a true reflection of my credit file'. I'm currently in discussions with the Obudsman regarding this; I either want this marker removed or changed to 'Facility Takeover'. I would love any tips or advice from anyone on how I can deal with this or how I can get the FO to side with me. (p.s. I'm not contesting the fraud as I can't contest this again, this matter wasn't in my original complaint in 2012 as I wasn't aware of it) This marker is casuing me major issues as I'm unable to apply for credit or open new accounts, so the mortgage I wanted to apply for this year is offer the table. Thank you in advance for your help
  17. Not to be confused with another case I have ongoing at the moment. Been trawling my Credit Reports regularly for some time now (only because they are 'free') and the only outstanding issue showing on them is an older Natwest account that Defaulted in late 2010. The default came about as I bailed out of the account with an O/D of about £2200 and the monthly charges were something like £28 + Interest. This was taking a significant chunk of my monthly earnings at the time and the Unfair Charges thing was ongoing. Now, the account is still shown as being with Natwest and I was expecting it to go Statute Barred before the end of 2016. However, as a result of fighting Cabot/Restons/Black Horse on a Statute Barred case I have been paying some more attention to the details. What I have seen is that at some time on 2013 the outstanding balance of the account went down by £39. I know I didnt make a payment to them or anybody else and not did I authorise anybody to do so on my behalf so where has this come from and what does it mean? Could this be an internal adjustment/refund/correction or would this be the value of the account that they sold? I 1/2 expect that they sold the debt for £39 (1.5%). Question is though, do I SAR them for a full copy of their records on me now or not? They dont know my most recent address which is important because the other case I am fighting has an element of 'address discrepancy' in it but as I dont recall receiving much on the account once it defaulted I dont really know how this one is being played yet. Chances are it is with a DCA already but they havent adjusted the account details with the CRAs yet so I have no idea if anybody is actively searching for me or not. I know Hillesden and Cabot have been nosing in my files but thats related to my other claim. If they have this account as well though then they do know where I am. What really bothers me though is that reduction of £39 and is this another 'Phantom Payment' or not? I guess a SAR should show that but does it then wake NatWest up to take another look at this account bearing in mind it is close to going Statute Barred (subject to where this £39 came from). As Cabot/Restons have already got one CCJ against me by using knowingly incorrect address details I would like a chance to try and kill that path off from them. Mind you, I dont see too many Cabot/Reston cases coming from NatWest so do their debts go elsewhere?
  18. :-)Hi Have 2 NatWest credit cards taken out about 1995/1996 - on which I have been making token payments of £2 per month which just jogs along. £1400 outstanding on one card - £2200 on the other card. Token payments commenced about 2 years ago as lost job due to illness and have not worked since. I am 65 and now have heart failure problems - so trying to sort out affairs in case of further problems. I know I should CCA them - but what then. Do they write off debts? My GP can confirm my health position. It's crazy really - we all bailed out NatWest during banking crisis to the tune of some £20K+ each - so in effect they owe us! Your advices how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Would it help to go through Citizens Advice or similar? Let me know what you think.
  19. On 14th March, I received a letter from Nat West Fraud department asking me to check the recent transactions on my credit card. I hadn't used the card for the best part of a year so I was immediately concerned by the letter and sure enough I logged into my account and found two transactions (19th Feb & 26th Feb) which I didn't recognise and which totaled just over £3600. There was also a £12 charge added by Natwest as an over limit fee since the transactions took the total above my credit limit. I immediately contacted the Fraud Dept using the information on the letter, and confirmed both the transactions as fraudulent, at that point I was also told of another attempted transaction on 3rd March which they had blocked and which had triggered them sending the letter, I hadn't made that one either. They then confirmed that they now had all of the details that they needed and that the transactions would be refunded within 5 days, they also mentioned sending a letter to me to sign in order to confirm the details. As of typing this, I haven't had a refund, nor had the letter which they wanted me to sign and return. On 18th March, a Direct Debit was taken out of my Bank Account to cover the £3600+ balance on my Natwest Credit Card, despite them being reported as Fraudulent 4 days earlier. I found an article online which said that although investigating the actual card fraud may take a "reasonable" amount of time, interest shouldn't be charged and payment shouldn't be requested by the card issuer until proof of liability was determined and provided. However Natwest decided to cheerfully take their payment, clearing the balance on 18th March, before any conclusion has been reached and whilst the investigation is clearly still ongoing. I contacted the Executive Office stating that it was two weeks since the fraud was reported and making an official complaint regarding the balance on the card being settled prior to any investigation being concluded, and telling them that I wanted the £3600 restoring to my Bank Account whilst the matter is still under investigation. This was met with a reply from the Executive Office, stating that my complaint had been received, apologising for me being mislead in relation to the amount of time I was told that it would take to investigate and refund the transactions and stating that it would probably take a further ten days for them to now investigate my complaint. Needless to say, the £3600 hasn't been refunded to my Bank Account, and that point has been entirely ignored. So my first question, is it ok for them to collect payment for Fraudulent Transactions from me after they have been reported and before any investigation has been concluded?, advice from other sources suggest that it isn't and that I should continue to pursue the refund, but where can I go to with the complaint next?, i've already complained to the Exec Office and I believe that the Ombudsman won't investigate until Natwest address my official complaint, and reply to it, which they effectively have eight weeks to do. I don't really care how long it takes them to investigate the transactions, provided they remain just a balance on the card statement, its the fact that i'm now £3600 out of pocket for card payments which I didn't make whilst Natwest drag their heels investigating the fraud, and now, also address my complaint. I've also reported it to Action Fraud and passed on the Crime Number to Natwest on my complaint to the Exec Office.
  20. My father recently passed away, he had a will and deeds to the house stored in one of two safety deposit boxes at NatWest Bank. I made an appointment to view the contents, when I arrived the bank told me they didn't have the safety deposit boxes and I needed to go to another branch, and gave me the address. I soon realised the branch no longer existed. So I went back to the original branch, who gave me another address. I finally got both boxes, but realised one wasn't my fathers. It belonged to someone else (actually turned out be his brothers). After speaking to NatWest, they said there had been a mistake. There was actually only one deposit box in my fathers name. I know this is untrue as he specifically told me there was a will and deeds to the house in a box at NatWest. The first box has some other unrelated paperwork. What can I do? I have no proof of the contents. The only evidence I have of the existance of the second box is history of two payments of £25 a year.
  21. First post, so hoping I've followed all the recommendations. Would appreciate some advice following a recent SAR request I sent to NatWest. Used the template from the CAG library to send a SAR to NatWest and they've called today to ask exactly what I was looking for. Not very good at being forceful on the phone, so rather than saying "everything I asked for in writing", I explained I needed transactions and credit agreements. They are supposed to send me a list of transactions for all of my accounts that I will then comb through for any reclaimable charges and supply me details of the department that may be able to locate my agreements. They are also sending back the £10 fee. I have the following defaulted from Natwest (all have fallen off my credit report in the last 2 years). Fell into problems in 2009 and have been making token payements on and off since: a non SB unsecured loan (post April 2007) - £16k outstanding Overdraft - £304 outstanding Credit Card (pre April 2007) - £3k outstanding Just wondering if I should have demanded more or if transactions and an attempt to find my agreements is a good start. Have just started to tidy up the mess from numerous debts. Natwest is the most complicated, largest amount I owe and surprisingly haven't chased, just send statements. They have used DCA in the past but seem to still own the debts Can anyone advise. Thanks
  22. Hi! I was just wondering whether I can still claim for mis-sold PPI from NatWest. I have had a loan with NatWest that has been extended several times over the years. In 2004 I had a stroke and I am since disabled on benefits. In 2005 I defaulted on NatWest loan repayments after running out of my savings. Many Thanks
  23. Hi there. after deliberating for months as I thought my potential claim would be too old, I decided to call NatWest recently to enquire about a PPI claim relating to a loan I had taken in 1998 which I knew had PPI attached to it. To my surprise they found the details and I have now been sent a letter and claim form. The letter states that my policy start date was 29/6/1998 and the close date was 18/01/2000. The insurance premium was £127. If I am honest I have limited recollection of the loan, other than I remember it was to buy my first car and I think it was for around £2000. I don't know the APR or anything like that. I remember I was told I had to have PPI or I wouldn’t be given the loan. Before I complete the claim form do you think that I ought to have any further information, such as a copy of the loan agreement (if I can even get this now) or shall I just fill it in and send it back and see? I know we are not talking big money here, but at the end of the day NatWest have had plenty of money from me for many years, so why not try to get some back for once. Any advice/help gratefully received.
  24. Just wondered if someone could give me some advice about maybe looking into claiming some of my bank charges back - interest back which my bank takes off me each month. - (If I can or cannot do it) I have had a overdraft on my account now since being at university some 20 years ago, it started as a student overdraft at £200, and I fell into the trap of Natwest putting up year after year after year without my consent via a letter until now its £2500. ..At the moment im always at the limit of my overdraft come payday and I dont earn enough to pay the overdraft off.... I have current charges of about £33 month and a £6 admin fee (Its a arranged overdraft). Im now come to the point where I want live with my long term partner and pay the debt off and close my account down... Just wondered if I can claim any of these charges back. ie, they have given me a overdraft and ive not being able to pay it off complaint or they gave me a overdraft and they have increased it year on year with out my consent complaint. Ive read that you can put a complaint in for financial hardship but the £40 fees thats been coming out of my account I have been budgeting for the last 5/10 years, ive just never had the money in my account to cover paying the debt off.. Any advice greatly appreciated....
  25. Last Sunday night I paid online my mail order shopping bill. When I then tried to pay my BT phone bill my payment was declined by the bank. This morning I called into my branch to try and sort this mess out and they wanted me to ring the bank's fraud number. When I asked for help off the bank staff with this phone call I was told that they're not allowed. Although I'm not deaf I do suffer hearing problems and I walked out. How do I sort this so called 'fraud' out without using a telephone? I haven't had any letters regarding this matter. All this fuss is because I tried paying my phone bill late at night! Sheila
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