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  1. A firm selling call blocking devices has itself been fined for making unsolicited calls to those who have opted out of receiving them. Cold Call Eliminations, based in Chichester, made calls to the elderly, including cancer sufferers. One was said to have been left "badly shaken". They were registered on the Telephone Preference Service (TPS), so should have been exempt from such calls. The company, which has been fined £75,000, refused to comment. BBC Oops
  2. Over the past few months a large number of Facebook pages have been set up (mainly by Sovereign Citizen/Freeman on the Land activists). A common feature of these pages is the use of highly dubious methods of 'beating the bailiff'. The most common feature, and one that is sadly costing debtors dearly is the advice to refuse to speak or correspond with the enforcement agent and instead, to pay the amount of the actual 'debt' (Liability Order, parking penalty notice, court fine) direct to the creditor (minus bailiff fees of course). From further reading it would appear that the reason for refusing to 'engage' with the enforcement company is that by 'engaging' the debtor becomes a 'joinder' and therefore is agreeing to a 'contract' being entered into (a daft Freeman on the Land theory and one that has no basis in law whatsoever). A rather worrying suggestion that I have seen on quite a few of these sites recently is the advice to debtors to make a complaint about bailiff fees to the Magistrate's Court under the provision of Regulation 1 of the Magistrates Courts Act 1980. This is novel idea and one that again is being sold by 'Guru's' and has no basis whatsoever in law. Of course as with all such scams, there is no evidence whatsoever of any court 'successes'. This is despite the highly inaccurate 'claims' on these Facebook pages that once the summons is laid before the Justice of the Peace that the Justice will either issue a summons directed to the bailiff requiring him to appear before the magistrates' court to answer the information or more ludicrously; that a warrant would be issued ordering the bailiff to be arrested and brought to court to answer the charges. A copy of a recent 'template' is provided in the following post.
  3. My friend's mother and brother received two tickets on the same day for parking in his private car park. They were delivering items to help him move in. They parked on a single yellow line within the private car park, not in allocated spaces. The car park belongs to the residents including my friend. Rather than respond directly, the tickets have been dealt with by my fried who has written to them to say that they had his permission and were only making a delivery. They seem to treat this as appeals made by his mother and brother and keep writing back, each time with a more discounted amount to pay. It has gone from £160 per ticket down to £15 each. Should my friend pay this? Failure to pay up, they say, will result in the demand going back to £160 and possible court claim. Thoughts
  4. So I just spent the better part of the last year healing a dislocated shoulder and two days ago I decided to go cycling, and so I cut through an old disused golf course, which as far as I can see is open to the public. It's in Scotland so there are freedom to roam rights and stuff. There were no No Entry signs and plenty of people use it for walking. There was some carpetty turf on the path which is old and rotten, and so I went to cycle down a slope not realising it had no grip whatsoever and was like an ice rink. It looked like it would have grip, however as soon as I went to cycle down it, not going very fast at all and I applied my brakes my front wheel gave way and I came down hard on my side, the same side I recently dislocated my shoulder. This has left me with bruising on my shoulder and my hip, however my shoulder did not dislocate. The point is though it could have since I'm now 30-50% likely to sustain the same injury in my life now. I COULD have seriously injured myself! Nonetheless, I still did sustain an injury and I am not happy about it one bit. So I am raising this with the local authorities, not sure who is in charge of this land however, whoever it is I am going to argue a case for negligence. This surface should have been lifted, as it is evidently a serious hazard to walkers or cyclists. Am I wasting my time then? In any case I am still going to have whoever own the land address this. If I was to put in a claim though do I need witnesses and doctors and all that? Is it worth using any of these no win no fee companies if the land is privately owned?
  5. Can anyone tell me what the law is on planning application time limits are? Do the council have to place a notice on the building that is the subject of the planning application and if so do they have to allow a certain amount of time between posting the notice and actually making a planning decision? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, I bought a lamb leg of ASDA a few months ago and after my wife cooked it I went to carve it and found out the meat was bad the product was in date so I took it to the adsa I purchased it from they said they will send it to asda house for investigation and I will get feedback I filled out my personal details in the logging book after 5 weeks I didn't hear anything so I called asda house and found out it was not sent in for investigation. this concerned me as it looks like they hiding something my kids could of eaten this they told me to contact asda store where I took it too I did that but no answer called asda house they told me I will get a call back this has been on going for 3 months now now they just offered me a tenner I feel they just want to hide the fact that they messed up I refused as this could of harmed my kids/family and how they going to fix there errors by just saying heres a tenner? so now I want to get legal advise and not sure how to proceed so if anyone can help it would be appreciated.
  7. I brought a car from honda in may 2004, it was a a ex show room car, and I was offered £1000 off the price of the car . How ever Honda finance increased their interest rate from 11.9% to 12.9% to get the cash back from the £1000 discount from the car. Also the copy of the consumer credit agreement I was given is unsigned by honda finance , so would i be correct in that its a unenforcable CCA cheekyone
  8. Hi, I'd appreciate some advice if possible? I work 2 days per week in a shop. Although I've been there for 12 years I only signed a contract last year when the owner put the business up for sale. My contract states that i am employed for 2 days per week. I told the owner yesterday that I am only able to do 1 day going forward. (Since she has had no luck selling the business and keeps suggesting she may just close up I have found other work which is now more important to me). I don't want to make life any harder for her and have offered for that one days work to be flexible and on a day of her choosing. By saying i can no longer do the contracted 2 days have I breached the contract? Have I effectively handed in my notice? Can anyone clarify my position please and suggest where i may stand depending on what she offers (or not) ? Thank you...hope I've not made this too muddled?
  9. Hi All I really can't believe this crook of a company. In the past I have tried a balance transfer from another card to pay off my debt that I owe to vanquis and it was rejected as vanquis do not accept balance transfers. Yesterday I made a payment with my partner's card to basically pay off majority of the debt, as the interest rate as we all know is incredibly high. After a few days the payment was authorised from my partners bank and is now showing on the statement, however Vanquis has blocked my card and the account online. I rang vanquis and they said I need to send a photocopy of the front and the back of the card, which my partner does not want to do, end of the day his bank have not had a problem, so does not really see why vanquis should. Furthermore it's his card and has nothing to do with vanquis. I have informed vanquis that I am will not be sending the photocopy and they can leave the account blocked. Vanquis advised that I will not be able to make debit card payments anymore, so I will need to pay by bank transfer, which is fine, but just a pain as I am not able to view my statements online as everything is paperless. I have never come across a bank like this, it's like they want to keep you tied to a debt to generate the huge interest every month. Has anyone come across this or can share any experience? I also want to close the account after the debt is paid off as I am quite fed up of them, will I be able to do this if the account is blocked? Thanks
  10. I have been unfortunate enough having to sign on due to lack of work in my industry (niche IT-related). Most work I have been offered recently tends to be ad hoc, short-term temp bookings. I have taken most of these bookings because I'm keen to keep my skills up to date. Also, sometimes short-term bookings may lead to something longer-term, though not quite as often as in the past. Unfortunately, the JobcentrePlus (or the Social as it's still sometimes referred to) seems to be doing everything to discourage this. They now have those Universal Credit posters, saying "making work pay". Certainly the JSA (which I'm on) doesn't. Say, you have a few hours of ad hoc work paying £70. You wouldn't pay any tax or employee's national insurance on that one, so far so good. However, your weekly JSA is £73.10. Now you go to work for a few hours and earn £70. The first five pounds is disregarded so you end up earning just a couple of quid more. Moreover, unless you are working from home you'd have some travel expenses. In a nutshell you are instantly worse off. As I said before, I'd still be happy to take even a couple of hours booking in the hope it could result in more, longer-term booking. Now, the main reason why this is almost impossible to do is how the current system works. If you work less than 16 hours per week you can still keep your claim open. You simply declare your hours and show your payslip and that should be it. The main problem is that the system assumes that you will be earning the same amount from thereon every week, hence your claim will be affected even when you are no longer working because your booking was just for a few hours in the first place. Once you try to deal with this, most Jobcentre staff don't seem to know what to do. You are then asked to provide more payslips. However, most agencies don't issue you with a zero payslip when they don't have any work for you. Ironically, my current one actually does but we'll see if that is going to make a difference. Once you know that your claim has been stuffed up you are likely to call the call centre. You'll be none the wiser in most cases. After more calls and some statements your benefits are finally reinstated. Universal Credit is said to be designed to deal with these issues. But is it? To start with, you can now earn £700 per annum before losing your full benefit. After that they deduct 65p in every pound you earn until your benefit stops altogether. From a financial point of view, this is hardly an improvement. £700 per annum equals to less than £15 per week. Of course, if this is calculated on an annual basis it will certainly make a huge difference to those who are lucky enough to find a job quickly and only do a couple of temp bookings. We'll have to wait and see whether the Universal Credit implementation is going to make a real difference and cut bureaucracy. Idea of Universal Credit is good but I feel that it's not going to make that much difference. If the Government really wants to make work pay, there should not be any deductions until you earn £40-50 a week, and deductions should be gentle to start with. They should also upgrade the system so that the Jobcentre staff, their computers and DWP management understand that people's circumstances may vary from one week to another. At the moment, for the reasons above, work doesn't pay for many claimants. My biggest frustration is the fact that short-term (less than 16 hours) temp bookings just mess up your claim!
  11. Hi everyone I have a friend who has an EU based business that trades with the UK and other EU states. They sent 2000 Euros worth of products to a business in the UK in Nov 2014 after discussions about building a relationship for the long term, so my friend sent them the goods as a starter. Unfortunately after repeated requests for payment, the UK buyer hasn't paid up what he owes. They either ignore all attempts of communication or lately pretend that they will pay shortly, but never do. My friend has sent them a final notice letter requesting payment by 31/3/15, which obviously hasn't happened. My friend would like to know what's the best and quickest course of legal action for him to take to recover the goods and/or the money owed to him. Any advice/help would be very much appreciated. Thanks radmm0
  12. Hi guys. I am hoping for advice on claiming on my credit card for a recent problem I have had. The story is: A few months ago we purchased airline tickets, online for a return trip to New York from Heathrow and a one way flight from Heathrow to Oslo. This was a set price deal, hence why the 3rd flight was one way. As we were leaving New York to return to Heathrow we decided not to visit Oslo. Out of courtesy we let the airline (Virgin) staff know. They said there would be a small fee in order to remove our bags from the plane at Heathrow. I appreciate this although, other people on the plane who were not booked would have had their bags removed as normal, but still, I appreciate they are running a business and expected them to charge a handling fee, maybe £30 a person or something like that. We were sent to a different desk. Here we were told the charge would not be for the baggage removal, but a new ticket as we were not taking the extra flight. I was not happy with this - less flights should cost less money if anything surely! We were charged £150 per person, which I had to use the credit card for (putting me over my credit limit but had no choice as they refused to let us on the plane if we didn't pay there and then). One of the staff who was stood next to the rude guy who charged us this managed to whisper to us whilst he was printing off some forms. She said complain when we get home and “I’m sure they will just refund you”. Upon returning to UK we have complained to Virgin customer service. This was a waste of time and resulted in a very basic email response apologising that we were not happy with our experience. I then escalated it through their complaints department. Again it was a completely pointless exercise. They fobbed us off with what seemed like a very generic response. I have been in touch with my credit card company (Tesco) who have suggested I claim for the original transaction as well as the second, as I do not have a very good case to claim on the latter, since I agreed and signed for the transaction. It's worth me mentioning, in the terms and condition when we purchased the original flights there was no mention of any further charges being incurred if we did not go on the flights. All we were told was 'no refunds for no show'. I would appreciate any help or advice, please remember I am asking for this in regards to making a claim on a credit card transaction, not with making further complaints to Virgin Airways at this stage. I have never done this before and I really feel like this is my last chance and last resort to get back some of the money that I feel we were unfairly charged. Thanks, Damon.
  13. I was quite disturbed this morning when I wondered whether certain Insurance Companies are [problem]ming the public via computer systems which ask you to pay more money than you should be. I am a landlord and insured my first house in early July via Bedford Insurance and a company 'e-unlimited'. I paid £315.13 for the whole year. I was told that when occupied this would fall to £178.13. Due to extensive renovation, a tenant walked into my house on Wednesday ie. exactly 5 months from the date of insurance cover. I contacted 'Bedford Insurance' and after having done some basic sums beforehand was surprised to discover that the money due back to me was less than I expected. I spoke to two insurance brokers who immediately got defensive when I questioned this figure stating they were simply doing what the computer had told them. Given there was a discrepancy of £7.28 in my favour, I asked whether I could speak to a manager. Credit to the manager, he did phone me back this morning, much to my surprise, and he bothered to go through the sums in detail with me. He suggested that insurance quotes go up and down and therefore wondered whether the £178.13 quoted to me in early July was now higher. On checking, and much to his embarrassment, it was a little lower! He agreed with my sums and then, almost flippantly, said he would offer an additional £10 on to the quote the computer gave me the previous day. This leads to a disturbing question: How many people are paying more than they should be because the computer has got the sums wrong? Or more conspiratorially, are some companies purposefully manipulating the computer system to achieve financial figures very much more in their favour?
  14. Hi all. I am really hoping I can get some help and advice here. I really don't know where to turn and CAB havnt been that much help. I received a fine back in April for nonpayment of TV License. I was utterly stupid to stop paying it but I can't go back in time now. I was paying off £20 a fortnight but ended up not paying one time due to financial problems and thinking I would pay double the next fortnight. The time came and I couldn't. I received a letter from Swift saying if I didn't pay or make an arrangement, they would send people out. I made the arrangements with them to pay £20 a fortnight again but due to my mental health problems, I defaulted, again stupid. Last Friday, I had a letter pushed through my door at 6:40am saying if I don't pay £412 they would be back with a locksmith. I went to the CAB and they said the only thing I could do was to get a health letter from my doctor but they want to charge £25 for it and I simply do not have that kind of money. I can't even afford to buy a cheap pair of trainers to replace the ones I have now that the sole is practically hanging off of. My heads all over the place, I am scared every time the phone rings or there's a knock on my door. I have been diagnosed with Severe Clinical Depression amd Severe Anxiety even though its bordering more on Bipolar. I have 2 young daughter aged 5 and 2 and I am married. Most of the stuff I have here doesn't belong to me I.e on HP as we couldn't afford to buy our cooker and washing machine outright when our old ones eventually broke. My husband is claiming JSA for us as I got refused ESA even though I have mental health issues, a gap in my spine and other back problems. What do I do? I know not to let them in but I can't physically cope with them knocking on the door and any threatening behavior that I know will happen. I know it will make my suicidal thoughts even worse. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get everything in. Also, if there are any spelling mistakes, blame my silly phone
  15. I once had a 3G dongle, which persistly crashed and i had many wasted hours having to redo things, so much so i had to either go out with it, or wait for a passing satelite to be favourable to me. I repeatedly complained to 3G, and I asked what happens if I want to end this. In reply I was told if i dont pay £15 at end of the month it would automatically be switched off. This was desperate after months battling with it. It was on a plan, sold to me rather hastily in a car phone shop. So 3G was well aware of the problem, and that i intended to end the use of it. All was going well, that was back in 2008. Now in 2014, I get a letter from lowells, saying i owe £239 !! Following advise I got off reading sites, I asked them to prove it, asking for full statements, contract which they stated I had signed, Notice of assignment etc. All for something I didnt know i owed! Well they sent me notice of assignment, supposedly sent to me in 2012, in place of a full statement i have got a bill dated for the following may, for £39, the other £200 being early disconnection fee, which hadnt made it on to a bill for 3G even though their bill was dated 6 months later. I never received the first bill, much less any notice of anything until 2014. I know i have moved once, but I'm not hard to find. First I knew was actually an ex partner writing to tell me Lowells had discussed with him a bill I had for 3G, I wasnt impressed as this person is not allowed to contact me under any circumstances. This week it has been handed to Red. I should add I made classic mistake of phoning them, and giving my date of birth, tel number etc in the first instance. Phone number has now been changed due to their never ending calls
  16. Hi guys, hope someone can help with this. I was previously on a mobile contract with Orange, got into arrears and arranged a payment plan to clear those arrears over six months. The plan was agreed to in December (2013) and I have been paying as agreed. Viewing the details with Noddle, I found that Orange had not updated my credit score to show I was paying the money back. I have been given two different email addresses to contact their credit file queries team: creditfilequery@ee.co.uk and creditfilequeries@ee.co.uk, I sent emails on 21st Feb and 7th March respectively and had no reply about it. My new updated credit report now shows a default, despite having made payments as agreed. Is there any way to contact Orange besides email? A few minutes chat would sort all this out and I can carry on making the last few payments.
  17. Not sure if this is the correct thread to post this question. A relative took money out at the bank, which was put in an envelope but forgot to take from the bank tiller's draw as they exited the bank. Realising their mistake a short while later returned to the bank spoke to the original till person, who could only say that it should be reported to the police. This is now a police matter, as the money might have been taken by another customer. Police have said that the CCTV footage viewed could be better. I am interested in additional footage of where the bank teller does their transactions which would give a better view. Would there be any way of finding out this information as a consumer? As when the police was asked they stated due to data protection they could not reveal this information. Thank you.
  18. I work for a company that is making false claims to its clients. These claims are also posted on their website. I have worked for the company for 4 years, I know the claims are false and can prove it. The staff are encouraged to repeat those false statements to clients. I had to visit a client recently and was questioned about one of the claims, I had to lie in order to protect the company I work for, in fact I was advised by my line manager to repeat those claims, as that is what the client was told in order to secure them as a client in the first place. What would be the implications be if i was to go public and name the company and its false statements. Aside from the impact it would have on my position at the company, what are the legal implications? What would be the implications if I went to the clients and told them the statements made were false? Recently I have been feeling bullied by the management, the moral within the employees is low and I am looking for an alternative job anyhow so I am not concerned about my position at the company, I would just welcome advice on the legal implications please. The company I work for is an SME with less than 20 employees and is a LTD company. I would be very grateful to anyone who could advise. Thank you
  19. hi today my manager told me that someone that we both know has told her that i called her a b*****d. as much as i dont get on with this person, as do none of the staff that work under her, b*****d is not a word i use and not one i would use to describe her. i had stood up to her previously and i feel that she has made up this story to try to create a negative situation that might cost me my place at work...or to force my resignation. she has been working at our place of employment 1 week and already 2 people have left due to her pushy superior corporate attitude. when she told me what had been said to her i denied it of course and having felt bullied by her previously i walked out of my job. my head office have already said that they are happy to transfer me to another branch but i will miss my workmates and would resent myself for leaving with this person. we all feel we are being pressured and bullied and forced to meet unrealistic expectations so that she may please her superiors and climb the career ladder. i really would love my job back but i dont know what my rights are or how i might go about approaching this person again.
  20. Hi everyone Apologies for starting a new thread on my first outing to the forum, but I would really appreciate some sound (and hopefully steeped in legal) advice for a problem I'm having at work. First a little background: I'm a temporary contractor working for a large financial organisation in the UK. I've worked at the same company since July last year. All workers in my field (temporary and permanent) have to log in to two systems; one a stand-alone system, the other software on the computer. Unfortunately, the two systems aren't married up in any way, meaning if we forget to log in to the stand-alone, we accrue time that has to be paid back to the employer, even though there is other evidentiary proof we were sat at our desks working; for instance, time and date logs on cases we work, the computer software package we also have to log in on (late logging on this system carries no penalties). Today I received notification that I accrued nearly two hours in January for logging in late to the stand-alone system. Without going to check for cases I had worked that day, or having access to the computer software system, I cannot prove it. During the course of the day, I had a 'running conversation' with my manager, who informed me that 'the system has never had any reports of errors before'. My reply that I have a history of logging onto both systems successfully each day was ignored, as was the suggestion that the agency I'm contracted with didn't send an email notifying me that I had flagged on the report (this is part of the notification process that other employees have received at times). I'm contracted to work for 35 hours per week, which I have never been late for, and never returned late from breaks/lunches more than a minute. I am supposed to make the time after work this week. If there is sufficient other evidence that I've logged in on time to work my contracted hours, in the hours set, can my employer legally demand I work outside of these hours for no pay? Pretty long winded, but hope you can follow it (and advise!)
  21. Cabot currently own a few of my debts which were passed to them via my bank. I am making very small monthly payments to cover the outstanding monies - I am sure Cabot would like me to pay more but I can't. However, thanks to a family member I have been offered a bit of financial assistance in the way of an interest free loan to get the debt collectors off my back. I wish to offer Cabot a settlement figure for the 2 outstanding debts (credit card & current account) so that I can bring this matter to a close. I would like to know what is the best approach and is there a recognised minimum % that can be offered by myself which they would have to accept, also are there any templates that would be suitable here on CAG that I could use. Thank you
  22. Not sure whether this the right board (perhaps someone will redirect if not) I've been making payments in accordance with the terms of a court order and the debt will be cleared in 13 years. The (new) DCA says my arrangement is due for review and wants me to complete income and expenditure together with an outline of my circumstances and where I expect to be in 12 months! Should I do this? I thought once a court order had been set only the court could vary it and then only if one side made a suitable application. I recall the CCCS telling me that as an unsecured debt the DCA wasn't entitled to such info as they are now requesting. Is that correct? What should I do? Thanks
  23. Hi guys I am new here so please don't bite! I will cut a very long saga very short. In a nutshell I have a non secured loan taken our with a large high street bank for £15k. Shortly after taking out said loan in 2008 - for which they did no checks to verify my declared income - I became ill with cancer and was unable to pay them or anyone else. I have been paying £1 a month for 3 years. I asked the bank to write off the debt as the stress and worry of this debt was making me even more ill, but the said NO. They have however given me a glimmer of hope and asked me to make a formal offer to settle the debt. Having never been in this position before, I don't know what to offer them, but it will mean selling my car in order to raise any money but I would rather do that if this debt can go away. 2 questions. Is the bank in any way at fault for lending me the money without asking for any proof of income? (I was self employed at the time and just had to guess what I might earn that year) Lastly, of an outstanding debt of £13k still, what would a bank deem acceptable by way of a settlement figure to clear. I was hoping to offer them £3k as that is what my car is worth, but I don't want to do that if they just say no again. Many thanks for any help in advance. Very depressed and recovering from cancer still.
  24. Hi, I was wondering if any one can tell me how I go about asking for a reduction in a deduction of benefit. I have been put on income related esa and my husband is on a state pension but has a deduction out of it at £47.00 per week before I was getting contribution esa so the deduction was not so bad. Now I am income related esa I receive £75.00 per week so we have lost another £30.0 per week what we gat together now is 173.00 per week to pay £100 in rent and then food and bills have to come out of the rest it is impossible to do. Do we write to the deduction place and ask them to lower it or do we just struggle and get deeper and deeper in debt , Any advice would be brilliant
  25. Peter and Judith Lewis were left humiliated when they tried to switch to a better current account deal as Nationwide turned them down, due to a bad debt, despite the pair never having had any money troubles. I rang the credit reference company and said: “You’ve libelled me.” We were so angry with them. Read More
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