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  1. I did request a full statement of account. Bearing in mind they had told me on the phone that my last payment was november 2008, I was kind of expecting a full breakdown of all payments made, and how they reached the astronomical bill of £239. What I actually received was an invoice from 3 for £39, dated may following year, and explanation from DCA that at that point the additional charges for early cancellation hadnt been added. What six months later????
  2. I know they are not supposed to phone you, if you contact them and forbid them to do so. I instructed them to contact only in writing, took a while for them to get the message, but at least everything now is in writing, which helps sort matters. On each of the account they hold I would instruct them that contact should be in writing to and give them the address you want to receive your mail. I am in similar battle with lowells over a dongle, not to the extent of yours, but just as annoying
  3. that just seems so wrong, that an item which would cost £20 in the shop, and could have been returned when it refused to function, should be worth £200 as an unuseable item, and that is being polite. I honestly cant see me having signed up for that, unless it was 'hidden'
  4. That may be a worth a try thanks Brigadier. Fletch it was 3. Surely whether or not it is a credit or service agreement, they should have to provide a copy if they are claiming you signed up for something, and if the damn thing is useless, then there should be some way to end this, which I had assumed had happened 6 years ago, especially as i havent heard anything until now. If 3 claim it is well covered in my area, then foolishly I expect that to be the case. As for a £200 early disconnection, you can buy the things for £20, and just use pay as you go, so how can they justify that? I never knew this could happen, and it certainly wasnt brought to my attention by the pushy salesman.
  5. It was the DCA who informed me that I signed a contract, and it is so long ago, I certainly dont have a copy (5yrs and 9mths since last contact with 3G). It just strikes me as a tactic to get money before the 6 years is up. It is certainly not what I was told when the dongle repeatedly failed. I object to paying £10, for something I dont believe I owe.
  6. My problem is I do worry, this in turn exasperates my rheumatoid arthritis. Kind of a vicious circle. I thought they had to supply a copy of the agreement which they claimed I signed, but they said not. I also thought they had to provide a copy of accounts, so i could prove that their dates was well off too. A bill for just £39 isnt a statement of accounts, but they insist they have provided all they have to. I also believed they had to send a notice of assignment, this would have tipped me off that something was happening 2 years ago, instead of being blissfully unaware of the existance of said bill. Bit late sending a copy now. But most of all I believed they could not discuss a supposed debt with a 3rd party, and they picked the worst possible person to do this with. Just feel I'm hitting head against a brick wall, and all I believed doesnt seem to be correct?? I dont want a CCJ against me, I cant afford to pay them, even if I thought i owed it, which I dont, and I detest their would may, could letters threatening me. How the hell can I get proper info from them please
  7. I once had a 3G dongle, which persistly crashed and i had many wasted hours having to redo things, so much so i had to either go out with it, or wait for a passing satelite to be favourable to me. I repeatedly complained to 3G, and I asked what happens if I want to end this. In reply I was told if i dont pay £15 at end of the month it would automatically be switched off. This was desperate after months battling with it. It was on a plan, sold to me rather hastily in a car phone shop. So 3G was well aware of the problem, and that i intended to end the use of it. All was going well, that was back in 2008. Now in 2014, I get a letter from lowells, saying i owe £239 !! Following advise I got off reading sites, I asked them to prove it, asking for full statements, contract which they stated I had signed, Notice of assignment etc. All for something I didnt know i owed! Well they sent me notice of assignment, supposedly sent to me in 2012, in place of a full statement i have got a bill dated for the following may, for £39, the other £200 being early disconnection fee, which hadnt made it on to a bill for 3G even though their bill was dated 6 months later. I never received the first bill, much less any notice of anything until 2014. I know i have moved once, but I'm not hard to find. First I knew was actually an ex partner writing to tell me Lowells had discussed with him a bill I had for 3G, I wasnt impressed as this person is not allowed to contact me under any circumstances. This week it has been handed to Red. I should add I made classic mistake of phoning them, and giving my date of birth, tel number etc in the first instance. Phone number has now been changed due to their never ending calls
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